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Понедельник, 15 Мая 2023 г. 23:36 + в цитатник




PARAGRAPH 142. Among the many options for persecution of me was an attempt to use punitive psychiatry in Uzbekistan in 1997, and in the United States after 2010. The initial reason for the attempt to use punitive psychiatry against me is connected with some events in Uzbekistan in 1989-2008.

PARAGRAPH 143. In Uzbekistan, the opposition People's Movement "Birlik" ("Unity") was founded on November 11, 1988. I participated in "Birlik" from the end of November 1988 to November 1990 as the first deputy chairman of the Tashkent city organization. Together with my associates, I organized many interesting events on human rights and democracy in the capital city of Tashkent. They caused a lot of trouble for the leadership of the Soviet State Security Committee (SSC) in 1988-1990.

PARAGRAPH 144. Dictator Islam Karimov (1938-2016) was appointed leader of Uzbekistan in June 1989. I participated in the opposition Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (DPU) “Erk” (“Freedom”) from August 1, 1991 to October 1993 as the second secretary of the Tashkent city organization DPU “Erk”. Together with my associates, I organized many interesting events on human rights and democracy in Tashkent. They caused a lot of trouble for the leadership of the SSC and its heir, the National Security Service (NSS) of Uzbekistan in 1991-1993.

PARAGRAPH 145. Since October 1993, with a group of like-minded people, I have been working on the creation of the youth Republican Party of Uzbekistan (RPU). The founding congress of the RPU, with the permission of the Tashkent city khokimiyat (mayor's office), was scheduled for November 12, 1994. Police officers arrested me on October 30, 1994, near the Chkalovskaya metro station in Tashkent, when I was handing out an Appeal to fellow citizens with a request to join the RPU. On October 31, 1994, in the office and at the head of the deputy prosecutor of the Khamza district, Mr. Karaketov: he and six other officials from the National Security Service and the Tashkent city Ministry of Internal Affairs interrogated me for 40 minutes. They accused me of violating article 188-1 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan (creating a banned political party) and wrote a protocol. They planned to imprison me for at least 15 days. By doing so, they wanted to disrupt the founding congress of the RPU. I was escorted to the Khamza district court. The judge of the Khamza district fined me 1200 sums, which is approximately 40 US dollars.

I wrote a complaint to President Islam Karimov and several leaders of Uzbekistan about the illegal actions of the leaders of the Khamza prosecutor's office and the illegal fine. My complaint was sent from the Office of the President to the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan. This case was considered by the Prosecutor General's Office.

On November 12, 1994, the founding congress of the RPU was held, where I was elected chairman of the RPU. Bailiffs about payment of the fine came before the beginning of 1996. I got fed up with this and threatened them that I would file a complaint with the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations (UN) in the event of further persecution. After such a written warning, the bailiffs stopped coming to my house and I did not pay the illegal fine.

PARAGRAPH 146. In 1995, about one thousand citizens of Uzbekistan were members of the RPU, of which 80 percent were young people. At that time, at least 3,000 applications from citizens of Uzbekistan were enough to register a political party with the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan. The National Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan strongly persecuted the leadership of the RPU. Presidential and parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan were scheduled for the end of 1999. The leadership of the NSS in 1997 attempted to use punitive psychiatry against me in order to eliminate the possible registration of the Republican Party and its participation in the 1999 elections. A detailed account of these persecutions in Uzbekistan would take many pages. I will write briefly for general information.

PARAGRAPH 147. I wrote in paragraph 141 that in 1984-1991 a one-thousand-page work in four parts entitled “On the new agricultural technology of agricultural plants (on the example of cotton) based on an agricultural plant and rope (bridge) agricultural machines - Semurg”. In this work, he also wrote about the use of the latest agricultural practices. One of them is the use of magnetized water in saline soils. Soil salinity decreases and the yield of cotton and other plants increases sharply. On November 23, 1996, I wrote a long letter addressed to the President of Uzbekistan, Mr. Islam Karimov, and asked them to give me half a hectare of land for an experiment in the Kibrai region. My passport has been registered since 1989 in a hostel in the village council named after Matkabulov, Kibray district, Tashkent region. Somewhere in 1995-1996, this hostel was converted into a store. There, the residents were provided with land plots for building a house. I lived in the city of Tashkent in a rented apartment. I was not informed, and I was discharged.

On December 1, 1996, the younger brother Rashidjon (1963-1996) died due to illness in Jizzakh. During the commemoration, my older brothers persuaded me to move from Tashkent to Jizzakh to my parents' house. I was a long-term human rights activist and actively participated in the democratic movement for the independence of Uzbekistan. I understood that I was discharged from the Kibray region and it was unlikely that I would be given half a hectare of land for the experiment. I decided to agree with the proposal of the brothers to move to Jizzakh in the parental home.

My letter from the presidential apparatus was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture. On January 7, 1997, a discussion of my proposal took place in Tashkent with the participation of the First Deputy Minister, Mr. Uzokov, and ten leading experts. They agreed to my proposal. I told them that I decided to move to Jizzakh. Mr. Uzokov said that in Jizzakh they would support me in the regional khokimiyat (governorship).

PARAGRAPH 148. On January 25, 1997, I moved from Tashkent to Jizzakh to my parents' house (Jizzakh, Ural Shokirov Street, house 26). Rayhon - my older sister (1957) lived in this house with her husband and five children since 1994.

Many of our relatives live on the territory of the former collective farm named after Alisher Navoi. I registered my passport at the house of a relative of Mr. Nishonboy Khoshimov (1956. Address; 25 Tinchlik Street, Kulama village council, Jizzakh (now Sharaf Rashidov) district). Together with him, they applied for half a hectare of land to organize an agricultural company. We were not given this piece of land. On March 17, 1997, I wrote a charter and registered a small enterprise "Turon Shuhrati" in the Khokimiyat (mayor's office) of Jizzakh, opened a bank account and received a seal.

PARAGRAPH 149. My younger sister Gulnora (1959) is married to Mr. Olim Kasimov (1954). He divorced his first wife and married my sister. He worked in the regional police and had the rank of lieutenant colonel of the police. He was building a new house in the Kutarma mahalla (neighborhood) in Jizzakh. An underground workshop for alcoholic beverages (wine) was organized in this house and it was sold in the homes of citizens, including those from our parental home. All night drunks came and knocked on the window. Rayhona's older sister and her children sold wine to alcoholics. The two nephews said they had been bottling wine all night at Mr. Olim Kasymov's house.

As a human rights activist, I understood the danger of such illegal business. I wrote about this to the President of Uzbekistan, Mr. Islam Karimov, and on February 11, 1997, I myself took it to Tashkent to the President's office. The Tashkent commission found in the house of lieutenant colonel Olim Kasymov three barrels of wine, many boxes of bottles filled with wine and accessories for bottling alcoholic beverages.

PARAGRAPH 150. Mr. Olim Kasymov is the youngest of the four Kasymov brothers. The eldest of them, Mr. Tulkin Kasymov (1941), in 1997 had the rank of lieutenant general. In 1997, on the president's desk was his documents for appointment to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of Uzbekistan for combat training. My post suspended his appointment. These powerful high-ranking officials jointly began to carry out a plan of reprisal through the use of punitive psychiatry against me.

PARAGRAPH 151. Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasymov, with the help of his influential brothers and acquaintances, held on to his position. The security forces tried hard to use some brothers and sisters against me. During these difficult days, some brothers took and gave my seven folders of papers to the National Security Service.

Organized a conflict situation in our family. Gulnora's younger sister especially tried to do this. I do not like to conflict with people, especially with brothers and sisters. All four of Gulnora's brothers and sisters had their own homes and lived normally with their families. I asked me to allocate half of the parental home. They didn't agree. I told them that I would apply to the court with a request to give me one room in the six-room parental home.

PARAGRAPH 152. On April 19, 1997, Eid al-Adha and in the house held a commemoration in memory of Rashidjon. After the wake, the relatives began to go home. Aunt Habiba came out of the house with tears in her eyes. I realized that trouble could happen. I took my briefcase and left with quick steps. My brother Farkhod Ahmedjanov (1952-2015) ran after me. I was at a distance of three hundred meters from the house. He began to persuade me to return to the house and peacefully agree with the older brothers on the division of the house while they are here. The older brothers Rustam (1946-2003) and Ismail (1948) lived in Samarkand and were about to leave. Unfortunately, I agreed and together with Farhad returned to my parents' house.

Ismail Ahmedjanov was a Doctor of Medical Sciences and worked as a pediatric surgeon at the Samarkand Republican Hospital. He is a big drinker. He took out vodka in a teapot and poured it into bowls. He proposed a toast to a peaceful solution, and we drank. The older brother Rustam did not drink, and he told me: “Shuhrat, you drank it in vain.” Later it became known that a beating was planned for that day in order to create the appearance of a family conflict situation. (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Samarkand State University Rustam Ahmedjanov died in a car accident in January 2003.)

At this time lieutenant colonel Olim Kasymov comes and starts beating me. I wanted to go outside. But it turned out that they had previously locked the iron gate. After some time, Rustam aka said: “Stop beating him.” Gulnora's sister said: "Because of him, SNB officers come to our house every day." She meant her house, where she lived with her husband Olim Kasymov and children (NSS - National Security Service).

I fell into the asphalt near the kitchen door. Alim Kasymov started kicking mercilessly. I crouched down and suddenly I see the face of twelve-year-old Yulduz, Rayhon's eldest daughter. She put her face to the window on the inside of the kitchen and looked in my direction. The thought flashed through my mind: she might not be forgiven for such testimony (see paragraph 155).

Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasymov and the SNB officers planned so that adult children would not witness such a beating: thirteen-year-old Mukhiddin, the eldest son of Raykhon, was previously sent to relatives under some pretext. But they did not take into account the twelve-year-old Yulduz.

After a severe beating, I was taken to a sobering-up station.

PARAGRAPH 153. Later it became known to me that they had drawn up the papers in the following way: allegedly, after drinking, I got into a fight with my brother Farhod. I also became aware that on that day - April 19, 1997, someone broke Gulnor's little finger. In my opinion, Olim Kasymov did this on purpose in order to accuse me. I didn't even touch it with my finger. Naturally, Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasymov and his supporters issued some papers to protect themselves by blaming me.

As a result, Olim Kasymov remained in his former position with the rank of lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is, first of all. Secondly, on May 1, 1997, his older brother, Lieutenant General Kasymov Tulkun Yuldashevich, was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense for combat training, which was established by the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan ([67]). I read this order on the page of the Vatanparvar (Patriot) newspaper in those days.

PARAGRAPH 154. In June 1997, a district inspector came to our house in the morning and escorted me to the psychiatric dispensary in Jizzakh. Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasymov was there and led. I was forcibly sent from Jizzakh to Tashkent to the Republican Psychiatric Hospital. I didn't take any medication and didn't give me any injections. I was kept there for nineteen days and diagnosed with “Акцентуация личности” (“Accentuation of personality”).

“Accentuation, character accentuation, personality accentuation, accentuated personality trait (from the Latin accentus - stress) - a character trait (in other sources - personality) that is within the clinical norm, in which its individual features are excessively enhanced, as a result of which selective vulnerability is revealed in relation to some psychogenic influences while maintaining good resistance to others. Accentuations are not mental disorders, but in a number of their properties they are similar to personality disorders, which allows us to make assumptions about the existence of a connection between them.” [68]

I am sure that many famous people can be diagnosed with such characteristics as “Personality Accentuation”. Without a feature of character, in which some of its features are excessively enhanced, they would hardly have achieved more or less significant success.

The absence of the concept of “Personality Accentuation” in the English Wikipedia is explained by the following words.

“At the moment, with the transition of Russian psychiatry to the ICD-10, the classification of Gannushkin’s psychopathies is morally outdated, and accentuations, for convenience of work, are often classified based on the international typology of personality disorders or psychoanalytic typologies of personality disorders, although this approach is not strict or recognized scientific community (ICD-10 - International Classification of Diseases-10, A.Sh.).

Accentuation in the ICD-10 is classified as one of the problems associated with the difficulty of maintaining a normal lifestyle (Z73). In this classification, the diagnosis of "accentuation of personality traits" (Z73.1) includes a behavioral pattern characterized by unbridled ambition, striving for high achievements, as well as impatience with a sense of urgency.” [68]

From the International Classification of Diseases-10 I will give data Z73.1 from section Z73.

«Z73. Problems related to life-management difficulty

Z73.1. Accentuation of personality traits
Type A behaviour pattern (characterized by unbridled ambition, a need for high achievement, impatience, competitiveness, and a sense of urgency) » [69]

Please note: here in section Z73 they write about "PROBLEM related to life-management difficulty", and not about "DISEASE".

I left the Tashkent Republican Psychiatric Hospital in July 1997 and moved my belongings from Jizzakh to Tashkent. Later he lived in Tashkent and was engaged in the human rights of compatriots and published many articles, also wrote books.

PARAGRAPH 155. Briefly about the further fate of the niece Yulduz Okhunova (1985-2003). She was born on February 20, 1985 in Jizzakh. In the spring of 2003б she graduated from secondary school No. 3 in Jizzakh. In the same year, she entered the Medical College in Jizzakh with a degree in Obstetrics. On December 15, 2003, she was found dead inside a four-story college. It was announced that she had fallen from the fourth floor.

I learned about the Yulduz tragedy in the summer of 2007. I asked, and Raykhon wrote a four-page Explanatory Note in Uzbek about the tragedy of her daughter Yulduz. Below I give all the pages of her Explanatory.

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Photo 39. First page of Explanatory Raykhon.

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Photo 40. The second page of the Explanatory Raykhon.

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Photo 41. The third page of the Explanatory Raykhon.

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Photo 42. Fourth page of the Explanatory Raykhon.

Below I have given two paragraphs from the Explanatory Note in Uzbek and translated it into English.

“... Туш вақтида дугонаси менга “Юлдуз 4-қаватдан тушиб кетди” деб хабар берди. Чамаси соат иккилар эди. Мен касалхонага бордим. Анча йиғлаб ёлворганимдан кейин қизимни моргга (ўликхонага, А.Ш.) ўтқазишганини айтишди. У ерга бориб Юлдузни кўрдим. У ухлагандай ётарди. Унга ҳеч нарса қилмаганди. Наҳотки 4-қаватдан тушиб кетган одамнинг бирон жойи кўкармаса, қонамаса. Кийимларини кўрганимда ҳам ҳеч қандай доғ йўқ эди. Ўша вақти «Прокуратурадан одам чақирганмиз», дейишгандилар. На ўша воқеа тўғрисида расм кўрсатишди, на ўша воқеани кўрган одамни. Улар айтган жойга ҳаттоки тентак одам ҳам ўтмайди. Чунки ўша жойга бўлим бошлиғининг хонаси ҳам, ўқиш хонаси ҳам яқин. Улар менга «Ҳожатга чиқаман деб тушиб кетди» дейишди. Тентак одам ҳам кўчага қараган жойга чиқмайди ...»

“... At noon, her friend informed me that Yulduz had fallen from the 4th floor. It was about two o'clock. I went to the hospital. After I cried and begged for a long time, I was told that my daughter had been transferred to the morgue. I went there and saw Yulduz. She lay as if asleep and nothing happened to her. Does the person who fell from the 4th floor not have a single bruise, does he bleed? Even when I saw her clothes, there were no stains on them. At that time, they said: "We called a man from the prosecutor's office." They did not show any photograph of the event, nor the person who saw the event. Even a fool won't go where they say. Because the room of the head of the department and the classroom is located next to this place. They told me, "She fell down because she wanted to go to the toilet." Not even a fool goes out to a place that faces the street..."

«2003 йил 15 декабр, 16 декабр кунлари Жиззах телевидениеси орқали қизим Охунова Юлдуз ҳожатга чиқаман деб 4-қаватдан тушиб кетди, деб хабар берилган. Неъмат деган одам, ТВ журналисти олиб борган. Хабарни Ўрол ака берган, деб Таъзияга келган дадасининг ишхонадагилари, қўни-қўшнилар айтишди. Ўша вақти Бегалиев Ўрол ака коллеж директори эди.
Юсупова Р. А. 13/VI 2007 й.”

“On December 15 and 16, 2003, Jizzakh TV reported that my daughter Okhunova Yulduz fell from the 4th floor to use the toilet. It was led by a man named Nemat, a TV journalist. Father's colleagues and neighbors who came to the wake said that the news had been passed on by Urol Begaliyev. At that time, the director of the college was Urol Begaliev.
Yusupova R. A. 13/VI 2007”

This is an absurd accusation of Yulduz. Our family is one of the authoritative intelligent families of Jizzakh. Yulduz's grandfather Akhmadjon Yusupov (1920-1977) and grandmother Fagima Yusupova (1925-1976) worked as teachers at the school for over 30 years. Her father Nizomjon Okhunov worked as a teacher at the Jizzakh technical school for many years, her mother Raykhon Yusupova (1957) worked as a teacher at the institute for many years. Yulduz Okhunova was brought up in such an intelligent environment.

PARAGRAPH 156. In June 2007, I went to college and watched the scene of the tragedy. Long corridor and on both sides of the audience and service rooms. In the middle of the corridor there is a hall (room) 7-8 meters long. The door to the room was closed. I looked inside through the glass part of the door and the railing-wall. A semicircle is made inside the room, from where you can see the space down, possibly to the first floor. I can guess: such a room is made for observing students standing in a semicircle on the upper floors, as they perform an operation below, and so on. For some reason, the semi-circular railing was missing and there were many different posters on the floor.

I believe that the killers planned on December 15, 2003 to call Yulduz and go into that room with her. From there they will push her and thereby kill her. But Yulduz did not go into such a room with a stranger. Then the killers made a fatal injection or gave poison as part of the food. And the dead body was laid on the floor of the first floor. In any case, it was a pre-planned operation to kill an 18-year-old student.

In the summer of 2007, at the Medical College, I transcribed the list of students in her group and their home addresses. Went home to three students. They were unable to add new information regarding Yulduz's death.

I went with Raikhon to the Jizzakh city prosecutor's office and said: "Please show the case to Yulduz Okhunova." The employees of the prosecutor's office spoke rudely to us and we were kicked out into the street. As a result, we were not shown the Yulduz case. They knew that I was a human rights activist and, having familiarized myself with the case, I would reveal their incompetence and lies. In short, they did everything to cover up the murder of 18-year-old Yulduz.

The question arises: for what reason was Yulduz killed? As I wrote above, they framed the beating of me on April 19, 1997 as a fight between me and my brother Farkhod. And Yulduz was a living witness to the beating of me by police lieutenant colonel Olim Kasymov. If this truth becomes known sooner or later, then Olim Kasymov could be removed from his post and fired from his job. For issuing false documents, a criminal case could be opened and some of this criminal group, including the main defendant Olim Kasymov, could receive a prison sentence under the article abuse of official position. To prevent this from happening, they liquidated an 18-year-old innocent student, my niece Yulduz Okhunova.

PARAGRAPH 157. One of the Kasimov brothers worked as a head of the Visa and Registration Department (OVIR) in Tashkent. His only son was a drug addict. One night he killed his father and mother. The court sentenced him to fifteen years. I think it happened in 2003. In the same 2003, Colonel-General Tulkun Kasimov was retired for health reasons ([67]). I wrote about these events in my article “1999 йилги Тошкент портлашлари: Кимлар ва қандай қилиб уюштирди? (3-мақола) (Tashkent explosions of 1999: Who and how organized (Article 3))” ([70]). In 2003, the well-known human rights activist Surat Ikramov (1945-2021) wrote an article about how a drug addict son led a wild life and how he killed his parents. He published an article on the site www.centrasia.ru I read this article several times. A few years later, the Kasymov clan managed to get this article removed from the site www.centrasia.ru

Colonel Olim Kasymov has worked in recent years as the head of the Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism in the Jizzakh Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan. The dictatorial regime of Islam Karimov relied on such a ruthless and vicious lawbreaker whose relative killed his parents. Colonel Olim Kasymov remains in leadership positions even during the presidency of Shavkat Mirziyaev ...

One more fact. In the summer of 2012, I saw Olim Kasymov in the USA, at the Washington Central Mosque (Islamic Center of Washington DC. 2551 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008). I have been going to this mosque for Friday prayer (Jumuah prayer) since March 2012.

I suppose: the leadership and agents of the FBI needed to draw up some documents accusing me, discrediting me and get a court decision for constant monitoring of me. It is even possible to accuse me of a psychiatric illness. For this, I needed documents discrediting me from Uzbekistan. Lieutenant Colonel Olim Kasimov brought with him those Jizzakh documents that were concocted in 1997. Usually, the judge asks the person if he knows the face of the accused, that is, me. In order not to be mistaken, the FBI agents decided to first show me to Olim Kasymov. The best place to show is the mosque. There you can calmly examine the accused for a long time. He was sitting two steps away from me. He is my age and was born in 1954. His head is bald on top. I only saw this person once in a US mosque during 2012-2023.

PARAGRAPH 158. Having tested the use of punitive psychiatry on me in 1997, the leadership of the National Security Service (NSS) used it against many human rights activists, journalists, democrats and businessmen in Uzbekistan. I will list some of them: Elena Urlaeva (1957), Shukhrat Rustamov (1952-2020), Jamshid Karimov (1967, nephew of former president Islam Karimov), Nafosat (Shabnam) Olloshkurova (1987) and others.

Elena Mikhailovna Urlaeva (1957), graduated from Kharkov Hydrometeorological College in 1980. From 1980 to April 1999, she worked as a technical lighting engineer at the Tashkent TV Center. She was fired from there on April 12, 1999. At the end of April 1999, Elena Urlaeva came to the office of the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan (HRSU), that is, to the apartment of Mr. Tolib Yakubov (15.05.1941-27.11.2019). This often happens: a person comes in search of protection to a human rights organization. Here they find understanding and like-minded people. And they themselves become good and well-known human rights activists. This is exactly what happened to Elena Urlaeva, who began her human rights activities sometime in May 1999.

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Photo 43. Yelena Urlaeva near the Mirza Ulugbek District Court for Criminal Cases in Tashkent. 2006 (photo by the author).

April 6, 2001, when Yelena Urlaeva was on her way to the picket. She was detained on the street and taken to the Tashkent City Psychiatric Hospital. There she was diagnosed with "paranoid schizophrenia" and for about three months (!) she was subjected to compulsory treatment, using special pills and injections.

On August 18, 2002, during a picket in front of the building of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Elena Urlaeva was again detained by security forces, again imprisoned in the Tashkent City Psychiatric Hospital, and for more than four months (!) she was forcibly treated for dissent.

During her four-month confinement in a psychiatric hospital, Elena Urlaeva was greatly assisted by the chairman of the human rights organization "Committee for Social Monitoring", Ms. Olga Krasnova. She contacted the All-Russian public organization "Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia" and received their consent to receive. Kind people were found who paid the fare for Ms. Olga Krasnova and Ms. Elena Urlaeva to and from Moscow. They stayed in Moscow for three days and stayed with an acquaintance, Mrs. Olga Krasnova. On March 18, 2003, Elena Urlaeva passed a psychiatric commission headed by a psychiatrist of the highest category, Yu.S. Savenko, and they gave a positive conclusion about her health. I reproduce this conclusion verbatim below.

"All-Russian public organization
Russian Research Center for Human Rights.

Tel.: (095) 291-9081
E-mail: ipar@aha.ru
Moscow - 103982, Luchnikov per., 4
Fax: (095) 291-8469

March 18, 2003

URLAEVA Elena Mikhailovna, born in 1957, living at the address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, North-East-2, house 56, apt. 53, examined by a commission by specialists of the NPA of Russia in connection with a court case on declaring her incompetent.

From the words of E.M. Urlaeva, her confidant Olga Krasnova and from the submitted documents, it is known that E.M. Urlaeva has been actively engaged in human rights activities since 1999, she is the chairman of the Tashkent branch of the Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan.

In 2001 and 2002, she was involuntarily hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital in Tashkent, where she received treatment for three and four months, respectively. At present, the prosecutor has applied to the court with an application to recognize E.M. Urlaeva as legally incompetent, but no signs of incapacity are described in the application. In itself, the presence of a mental illness, to which the prosecutor refers, cannot serve as a basis for recognizing a person as incompetent.

During the examination, the behavior is correct, understands the purpose of the study, keeps adequately to the situation. In a conversation, she is friendly, fairly frank, answers questions to the point, does not reveal violations of thinking. The background of the mood is somewhat reduced, she is concerned about the current situation. Intelligence corresponds to the received education and lifestyle. There were no productive psychotic symptoms.

CONCLUSION. Urlaeva E.M. understands the meaning and significance of their actions and can manage them. There are no grounds for depriving her of legal capacity. Currently, she does not need psychiatric treatment.

Chairman of the commission, psychiatrist of the highest category signature Ph.D. Yu.S.Savenko
Commission members:
Psychiatrist signature N.V. Spiridonova
Psychiatrist signed G.M. Kotikov
Medical psychologist signature L.N. Vinogradov
With the participation of a lawyer, signature candidate of legal sciences Yu.N. Argunova"
(The round seal of the LLC "Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia" was placed) [71]

Let me remind you that the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia was organized in March 1989 and has a website www.npar.ru/ob-associacii

In 2005, 2016 and 2017, Ms. Elena Urlaeva was imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital in Tashkent and forcibly treated for dissent and a desire to protect people's rights.

The US Embassy in Uzbekistan supports human rights defenders, in particular Ms. Elena Urlaeva, in their efforts to build an active and independent civil society (see photo 44).

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Photo 44. Pamela Spratlen, US Ambassador to Uzbekistan (2015-2018, right) and Yelena Urlaeva, Chairperson of the Human Rights Alliance of Uzbekistan (left). Tashkent. June 14, 2015. [72]

PARAGRAPH 159. In 2009, a non-governmental organization, the Uzbek Forum for Human Rights (Uzbek Forum), was organized in Berlin under the leadership of Umida Niyazova, a well-known Uzbek human rights activist. Uzbek Forum in September 2021 presented a report “Punitive Psychiatry in Uzbekistan – Silencing the Voices of Activists”. It mentions seven cases of forcibly placing activists critical of the authorities in a psychiatric clinic in Uzbekistan. In fact, there are many such cases. However, many people who experienced similar situations did not want to divulge their names. Therefore, they included only seven cases in the report. [73]

In the future, I will write a separate large article about punitive psychiatry in the USA and Uzbekistan, if the Lord God (Allah) gives me the opportunity.



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