

 - e-mail



: 06.02.2012
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( 11) 2021-2023 - -:

, 21 2022 . 02:34 +

( 11) 2021-2023 - -:

5.5. -

190. Street Sense 2012 . 2012 . 100-150 . Street Sense .

191. - , Street Sense 2012-2022 . .

192. 2013 (Brandon Caudill) Street Sense .
CAUDILLfoto1 (138x185, 5Kb)
50. (Brandon Caudill) - Street Sense. [87]


Brandon Caudill, Sales Manager - Brandon joined the Street Sense staff in the spring of 2013 after volunteering for the organization for over a year. Prior to moving to the District in 2011, Brandon lived in his native state of California where he began his professional career working in customer service management and sports management. He has previously served as a volunteer with the Prado Day Center in San Luis Obispo, California [87]

, . Street Sense 2013 , . 2011 , , . () --, [87]

2012 . 2013 Street Sense. Street Sense . 5 2013 Street Sense . .

193. 5 2013 .


To: Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov, vendor # 457
From: Brandon Caudill, Sales Manager
Subject: Written Warning
Date: July 3, 2013

Dear Mr. Ahmadjonov,

Please consider this a formal warning that your actions reported on 6/21/13 by other vendors were in violation of the Street Sense territorial policy.

At around 4 PM on 6/21/13, a vendor # 133 Jeffery McNeil called the Street Sense offices to report that you were violating the vendor territorial policy while distributing newspapers near Farragut North Metro Station. Mr. McNeil claims you first were distributing newspapers too close to vendor # 458 Rashawn Bowser, then began distributing newspapers too close to Mr. McNeil. Ms. Bowser has made a similar such claim.

This action is in violation of the vendor Code of Conduct, which all vendors must obey when distributing newspapers. The Code of Conduct states I will abide by the Street Sense vendor territorial policy at all times and will resolve any related disputes I have with other vendors in a professional manner. The vendor territorial policy states that all vendors must distribute newspapers at least one (1) block away from each other unless they can come to a specific agreement to do otherwise.

You may refute this warning if you wish, but if further reports are received regarding behavior such as this, Street Sense may take disciplinary action, including temporary suspension from Street Sense.

Thank you,

Brandon Caudill
Sales Manager
Street Sense




: , 457
: ,
: 3 2013 .


, , , 21.06.13 , Street Sense.

133 Street Sense 16:00 21 2013 , , Farragut North. , 458 , . - .

, . : Street Sense , . , , .

, , , Street Sense , Street Sense.


Street Sense

194. 9 2013 Street Sense (Brian Carome) - . , 2013 , - 2022 .

Street Sense
(Brian Carome)

(, 20.01.1954 )
2700 , SE (Sourse-East -)
, 20032
: (202) 423-7578



(Brandon Caudill), Street Sense, 5 () 2013 ( 1, . 187).

, . .

(Farragut North) 2012 . (Rashawn Bowser, 458) 2012 . (Farragut Square), K-. , . , .

(Jeffery NcNeil, 133) - - 2013 .
133-Jeffery-McNeil-Photo-155x155 (155x155, 25Kb)
51. (Jeffery NcNeil, 133). (www.streetsensemedia.org/staff_members/jeffery-mcneil/#.Y7t2Cv7MJpk) [88]

22 2013 16 . 18:30 - Street Sense. , . . , . 20 . , . , .

28 2013 . Street Sense 28 16:34 . . . . .

4 2013 ( ) Street Sense. ( ) (Eastern Market ). , - .

, 4 Street Sense . .

. . , . . .

21 () 2013 . 21 15 . 30 2-3 . . 7-8 - . - Street Sense. .

Rashawn Bowser , . , , . .

K-Street. . Street Sense. , Street Sense ( ). , . : . - , . , . : .


3 2013 .

(Farragut North) 3 2013 14:50 . . , . , . 30 . : I am hungry ( !) 14:54 . .

. 15:30 (James Davis, 20) ( 133).

15:50 , , K- .

16:45 - . 16:50 , 16:45 .

55 . . : ? 457. Street Sense . CVC-Pharmacy 17:40 .

17:45 . 18:00 K- . K- . . , .

, ().

3 18:20 . . Street Sense. . .

. . (. 4).

3 (. 5). 2-6. .

18:30 . 18:35 .

, .

. Street Sense 27 () 2013 80 . . , . 1 2013 .

27 28 . 7.

. 10 . 8 (. 3).

: , , . . , .

. .

. .

Street Sense 1 () . . . .

Street Sense 3 () . ( www.translate.google.com ).

I have been told by vendor # 133 Jeffery McNeil that you violated the vendor territorial police on Friday 21 June. May we discuss this in our office? I would like to listen to your version of this story?

# 133 , 21 . ? ?

: . , . . . 5 .

Street Sense 5 () 2013 , . (Written Warning, 1, 9).

, . , . .

, .


, , Street Sense

195. қ қ ( ) 19 2013 , (. [89]).

196. 2016 . , Street Sense, 30 2016 (. 116-118). .

. : Street Sense . , . , .

-, 5 2016 . .
Mr.DavidDenny1 (700x677, 76Kb)
52. (David Denny). Street Sense. 2016 .

Street Sense 2013 2014 (Eastern Market, 225 7th Street, SE Washington, DC 20003. Phone: 202-698-5253). 2014 . . . , 26 2014 . , . 2014 . 19 2014 .

196.1. . 2014 . - 7- - (Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and 7th Street, SE) 9:00 Street Sense. - 12:00 Street Sense. . - Street Sense. Street Sense Street Sense. Street Sense. - (Ms. Aida Basnight). . . Street Sense. . Street Sense. . . 7-8 .

196.2. . . Street Sense . - . .

196.3. . 19 2014 9:00 Street Sense - 7- - (Pennsylvania Avenue, SE and 7th Street, SE). . - 12:30 . . , Street Sense.

Street Sense (Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy), 4 .

4. Vendors are permitted to vacate a distribution point for up to 20 minutes for a meal/bathroom break without losing their claim on that distribution point. If a vendor vacates a distribution point for more than 20 minutes, the distribution point they occupied becomes available to any other vendor on a first come, first serve basis for all vendors, regardless of length of tenure with the organization. [60]


4. 20 / , () . 20 , , ( ) , , . [60]

: Street Sense 9:00 . . , Donation Homeless ( ... ..., ). , . Donation Homeless . . . . CVS Pharmasy (661 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003). Donation Homeless . . . CVS Pharmasy. Donation Homeless. . , .

. Safeway ( Safeway: 1855 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20007).

196.4. . 2015 . 2015 .

30 2015 . . 2015 . (, , . .., 11.05.2016, 08.11.2021)

2015 Street Sense (Farragut North). . . 30 . 5-6 , . , Street Sense . Street Sense. Street Sense.

, . Street Sense . . , , 2015 .

10-15 Street Sense . 5 () 2015 . , . Street Sense . . : . , . . . , . .

196.5. . 5 2016 . , . 12 () 2016 . .

12 () 2016 14:00 Street Sense. 15 . 15:40 , . 17-, 17- . : ? , 40 , . . . -: 14 , . , 60 . , . 12 2016 .

196.6. - . , , 19 () 2016 . 111.

: 2020-2021 . .

197. 30 2016 .

: ?

: , . , . . . , . . , 2015 67 [90] (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reporters_Without_Borders ), . ...

198. 111 19 2016 . 27 2016 , Street Sense. - 31 2016 .


March 31, 2016

Mr. Ahmadjonov:

Upon reviewing your complaint, the administrative office followed up with the vendor whom you filed the complaint against. Given the evidence that you included with your complaint in the form of a picture, the disciplinary action was taken against said vendor. If there are any more incidents wits this vendor, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


Joshua Maxey
Vendor Manager, Street Sense
202-347-2006 ext. 10


31 2016

- ,

() (), . , (), . - , , . .


, Street Sense

: - . . -.

-, Disciplinary Procedures ( ) Street Sense (Street Sense Vendor Territorial Policy) .

Criminal Offenses
- Stealing money, newspapers, or property from Street Sense, volunteers, staff, vendors, or customers.

First offense: Minimum six month suspention [60, . 10]


- , , Street Sense, , , .

: [60, . 10]

, - 19 2016 Street Sense , 31 30 2016 . , - - .

: Mr. Josh Maxey Street Sense, . , , , .

199. , 23 2016 - Street Sense. 19 2016 .


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