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: 06.02.2012
: 469
: 9
: 510


( 3)

, 11 2012 . 10:11 +
The United States President Barack Obama
The Vice-President, Chairman of the United States Senate, Joe Biden
The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres
The United Nations Human Rights Committee
The Chairpercon-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Audronius Ažubalis
The Executive Director Feedom House David J.Kramer
The Secretary General of CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation Ingrid Srinath
The Executive Director of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth
The supervisor Front Line
The Secretary General of Amnesty International Salil Shetty
The President of International Rescue Committee (IRC), Eric George Rupp
The Director of Experience Works (USA)
The Director of Experience Works (USA) California / Idaho Stephanie Cabral
The mayor of Boise, David H. Bieter
The Senator from Idaho Elliot Werk
The Representative from Idaho Bill Killen
The Representative from Idaho Sue Chew
Uzbek editorial office of Radio "Ozodlik" of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Uzbek editorial office of Radio "Bi-bi-si"
Uzbek editorial office of Radio Amerika ovozi
copy at the Internet site

The human rights activist, freelance journalist and refugee Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov (Uzbek, born in 1954)
585 S. Curtis Rd., Apt. # 8
Boise, Idaho 83705
E-mail: shus54@safe-mail.net shboysi54@yahoo.com tohir1953@mail.ru


13. In last paragraph Mardi Kline writes: Shuhratjon returned, it was right before lunch time. I asked him to come in my office and asked him, if he spoke to John Jackson (EW). He replied, yes, but he said he didnt understand. So I proceeded to explain, I even used a translation program, through GOOGLE. At one point I even asked our in house translator if he could help me out. I was getting very frustrated, but I was trying to be patient. One and half hours later, I called John Jackson (EW), and asked what I should do; he proceeded to tell me, if Shuhratjon didnt leave, I could call the police. I asked Shuhratjon one more time to leave, and then I asked for an escort. Finally, Shuhratjon left. I called John and let him know what occurred.

I on July 12, 2011 about 12.00 hours have returned for work. Mardi Kline stood near a door and waited for me. Having seen me at once has invited in the office.

Mardi Kline in office quickly began to speak in English. I listened for a bit and said, "Sorry, I you will do not understand. Please write, what you said." Mardi Kline in the computer has written two offers. I have reminded her of the program translate www.translate.google. She on the computer have installed the program www.translate.google. . The program became automatically translates into Russian.

In the middle of our discussion, that is through 30 minutes, I have asked to print on the printer of her record. She gave a command to print. But the text, or rather her records and translation no was printed on the printer (I think who controlled this computer from the outside, has not given an opportunity to make a printout). Therefore, recording the first part of the discussion I have no. Her words quoted, as I memorized.

Mardi Kline beginning discussion so: she is responsible for safety and another (she briefly enumerated her duties). She has written further: "The pass, where you work is passageway on the emergency door. In emergency case workers and buyers should leave shop through this passageway. Therefore this passageway should be free.

She has written further: You on the workplace have put repaired things, devices and by that have broken safety conditions.

I have answered in English with some words: I about it the first time hear. You often spoke to me orally. I have understood you.

She went on to say, and then writes: "I told you about this some times".

Mardi Kline for these 7 months many times came and addressed to me with various questions. I often spoke to her: To me oral speech is difficult for understanding. Because words are said together and I understand a little. Therefore, I it is often asked to write their words on a scrap or a piece of paper. She is sometimes wrote, sometimes not wrote.

About it I have written in 3-paragraph of the given letter: Mardi Kline for 7 months many times approached to our workplace. From them two times - in the middle and the end of the working day approached and talked about the passageway. Among her words there was also a word cleaning. Therefore I then have understood so: "The planned cleaning the passageway. After working with the passageway remove all repaired things, including a working stool and to release passageway.

In those days when she begs: I in the end of the working day on passageway have left nothing, even a stool have lifted and have put on my desktop.

I will continue tell of our discussion. I briefly answered in English. Mardi Kline her own the words almost identical second times written on the computer. I have asked permission to write my answer in Russian and translated into English. She has agreed and in the program www.translate.google.com has changed words English on the word Russian. I told her: It is necessary to introduce the alphabet Cyrillics. She looked and found the Cyrillic alphabet. On search and installation Cyrillic went somewhere ten minutes.

Mardi Kline permit. I have written approximately following four sentences: I about it the first time hear. You spoke orally earlier and I your words to the end didn't understand. I at that time have understood so: It is necessary for cleaning passageway. Today, after the translation of your words on the computer I understood: liberation of passageway was associated with safety."

On the computer to translate these sentences into English it was not possible (probably again someone interfered). I on the computer have opened one more window with www.translate.google.com and there have translated mine 4 sentence on English. She having read has understood my answer. I on the computer have copied my Russian text and its translation into English, and then set after Mardi Kline's written sentences.

The interesting fact: during discussion were three phone calls. She listened more, than answered. Possibly to her something advised or ordered. Perhaps: it is those people who haven't given the opportunity to print the text of the first part of the discussion. Mardi Kline spoke by phone not John Jackson. Since she is not to time hasn't said his name (she to in my presence before several times was on the phone with John Jackson, and at the beginning of the conversation to pronounce his name - John.)

Mardi Kline offered to go along with it at my workplace. I have asked to print this text on a paper. She gave the command to the computer. But for some reason the text on a paper was not printed. Apparently someone did not give again to print. This is moment about which I wrote at the beginning of the 13-paragraph.

She has insisted that I have gone with her. I took its bag and have followed her. She came on my workplace, pointed to three things stood at the edge of the passageway - two floor lamps and one a small portable sewing machine. Possibility to pass was and consequently employees, including me often passed on this passageway.

Mardi Kline has started to repeat words about safety, about necessity to keep a free passage to the emergency door, told by her in an office. I'm on my English orally answered: "I have understood today, when you wrote. In the future things on passageway will not put".

Mardi Kline has asked to approach to a lattice, located to the side (about this lattice I wrote in 5-paragraph). She pointed to the iron bars on the concrete floor and said something. But I haven't understood: she that wants from me. I have asked her to write about it on a paper. She hasn't writen and has asked to follow it.

I and she have returned in her office. She again spoke and blamed me. I understood very little and consequently have asked to write on the computer. She has written approximately so: I some times spoke to you. You have not fulfilled my requirements regarding freedom of passageway. In the future you will not be working here".

I have orally answered so: I worked in the big automobile factory as an engineer-constructor (design engineer). Therefore I know importance of requirements under safety precautions. That the given pass is connected with safety I didn't know. Usually requirements under safety precautions acquaint in the first days of work. Moreover, by providing in writing form. But every time you spoke only in oral form. And in oral speech is difficult to separate each word and to understand. Therefore I at you many times asked to write on a paper. Yours words about passageway safety I today for the first time have heard and have understood.

Mardi Kline has continued to speak English quickly. I have asked to write on the computer. She wrote. I read the translation and realized what she was saying.

A printout of this part of the discussion, more precisely written only of a word of Mardi Kline, she at the end of the discussion gave me. Therefore, from this print-out consisting of two pages, I could give her words and opinions (look Appendix 13).

Mardi Kline wrote: How can I help you better? Right now, I am taking way too much of my time to translate to you, I need to be helping other people in the warehouse, and I need to eat lunch. I have been here more than an hour.

So this is what I need to tell you, I want to help you, but I have helped you a lot. You have told me in the past that you understand, when I tell you things, but now you are telling me that you dont. I need you to understand and to not cause any more problems.

I have orally told: For 7 months of work you the first time talk to me within one hour. I ask you further orders to give in written form. Then I'm using the dictionary can translate and understand. If for you it is necessary my urgent the signature it would be good to give and short computer translation of your request, order.

Mardi Kline: When you have asked me to write things down in the past, you have to take the paper home to translate it. I need to understand now.

Probably, Mardi Kline has in mind here the document on the Individual plan. I about it wrote in point 9 (look point 9 and Appendices 3, 4 and 5).

In my opinion, I have answered so: If you mean the Individual plan: after discussion with John Jackson, the new Individual plan with my signature has been sent you by fax. You have transferred to me this fax in the end of May. There there was and also your signature.

Mardi Kline: When I have problems with you I go and tell you, if other people have problems with you, I have told you and every time, you have said you understand. I am taking your word.

I have answered: I difficultly understand oral speech. If employees have to me any questions, claims, let they will write on a paper.

Mardi Kline: I apologize, I am getting frustrated. John at Experience Works and I have decided that you are no longer employed at St.Vincent de Paul. I have tried to tell you and you are still not understand, I am ending the contract here at St.Vincent de Paul.

I said: "Please, give me a copy of records from your computer. I on your questions will bring tomorrow written answers in English.

Mardi Kline to speak and then writes on the computer: I need to get your vest and your name badge back from you and you need to please leave and not to return, if you do not leave I will have to call the police.

In January 2011 me have given out a sleeveless jacket of dark blue color and badge (iron) with the inscription of my name - "SHUHRATJON". Badge was attached to the left side of the sleeveless jacket.

I have told: "Please", and has removed from itself this sleeveless jacket, together with nominal badge and has transferred to Mardi Kline.

I repeated my request: give me a printout of our discussion. Probably, she hasn't understood my words and has written so: I asked Shuhratjon to leave four times now and he insists on stayins, and he still argues".

I am a finger pointing at the computer, again asked the printout. And she gave the computer a command to print and has given to me.

I looked at the printout and have seen: on the second page of the last sentences of Mardi Kline in English were not. That, who controlled our discussion via computer, well knew English language and Mardi Klines last sentences has deleted. This "stranger" (probably the employee of special services) didn't know Russian and consequently the translation of this offer into Russian remained.

I have shown the text to Mardi Kline and have told that her last words aren't present and have asked the permission to re-write with the computer. She took the second sheet and re-write on sheet from the computer absent offers (look the Appendix 13, page 2). However, she does not rewrite the last words - "and he still argues". But these words - " " there is in translation into Russian. Therefore today - on December 3, 2011 these sentences I translate into English and have added in Mardi Kline's text.

Our discussion has ended and I decided to leave. The more so Mardi Kline provocative threatened to call police.

I came out of the room, went into the dining room and began to pack their belongings in a bag. Mardi Kline behind me came into the dining room and began to demand: "Faster, faster! . Then I have approached to the cupboard with the dishes and took bocal and spoon. But my plate in the cupboard was not. Probably someone from colleagues during a dinner used a plate.

And Mardi Kline commanding voice demanded: Faster, faster! . She hasn't given possibility to me search plate in cupboard or on the tables. I was forced leave my plate and leave.

Then I went into the working hall: I there in subsidiary a room put the bicycle. I took the bike, said goodbye to colleagues and went home.

I describes with the purpose of show: me haven't simply dismissed, and during half of day have expelled from work. After all on Monday on July, 11th, 2011 I worked as usual and no problems, conversations about dismissal were not. And on July, 12th me have expelled from work.

Please note: in the Appendix 13 my written answers no. Mardi Kline has not given the chance to write on the computer my answers in Russian and to translate into English (I so written answered during time discussion with John Jackson, look the Appendix 12).

I with the big difficulty orally answered Mardi Kline in English. Even during the discussion, she has violated my rights in the field of language: she did not give me equal opportunity to respond in writing to her accusations.

Now some general conclusions.

So much deception and lies 2.5 page letter Mardi Kline.

An interesting comparison: Mardi Kline before the work beginning in a dining room collects every morning workers of shop and was reading to endurances from the Bible, showing that she trusts in the Lord of God.

I'm did not know before John Jackson and Mardi Kline, and against them not done anything wrong.

A question arisen: if I bad didn't do to John Jackson and Mardi Kline, they why are doing bad against me?

I have the only answer and the assumption: behind the persecutions and provocations against me there stand up employees of special services. After all me have dismissed from work on July, 28th, 2010 and on July, 12th, 2011. That is within one year me without the essential reasons during half of day second time have dismissed from work.

In the end want once again to underline my assumption: all it are coordinated by special service, they round me trying to creates a conflict situation and by that continue to collect compromising material against me. This is a separate big topic.

All it is very no good.

But this circumstance at all doesn't justify Mardi Kline and John Jackson, which illegally pursued me and have dismissed from work by hidden conspiracy.

How to me resist against this conspiracy?

I yet do not know, and I try to pay to this the attention of corresponding officials, including the Idaho Human Rights Commission.

I am a Muslim and more than 50 years, I believe in the Lord of God (Allah).

When in the path of life the I meet people of similar John Jackson and Mardi Kline, who on his own initiative or under compulsion of others, including the special services are doing bad against me, I address to the Allah (to the Lord to God): Let the Allah (the Lord to God) them will retribute behind deception, lies and provocations.

And the Allah (the Lord to God) all sees and knows!

Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov,
human rights activist, freelance journalist, refugee

December 4, 2011.

The U.S., Boise.



Idaho Human Rights Commission

The refugee from Uzbekistan (Uzbek, born 01.20.1954)
585 S. Curtis Rd., Apt. # 8
Boise, Idaho 83705
E-mail: maqsadsh54@gmail.com shus54@safe-mail.net
Shuhratjon Ahmadjonov

17 2011 Idaho Human Rights Commission. 25 2011 -.


1. : Shuhratjon started job training at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul on 11/23/10; this training was made possible through the Experience Works Program. His dutiesconsisted of testing and recycling small electronics. When participant first started, he was given a tour and shown where the emergency exits were and was also told of safety zones and the rules

(Shuhratjon 23.11.2011; Experience Works. . , , , ).

18 2010 (John Jackson, Employment and Training Coordinator Experience Works (EW)) the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (: 6464 State St., Boise, Idaho 83714. Phone: (208) 853-4921. www.svdpid.org ). .

. (Dusko, 1952 , , 2000 ). . , . , .

: 1979-1983 . . ( ) . Okay .

. ( ) : 5 4 4 . : 4 5 .

: 525 . 20- . 40 . : .

, 23 () 2010 .

23 2010 . . . , (Gail), .


-, 18 23 2010 () , .

-, 2010 2011 . . - .

-, , .

-, .

-, 18 2010 ( Experience Works) . . .

2. : Participant was fitting in well; he worked right next to another gentleman from the Experience Work Program, which also spoke Shuhratjons native language. It was nice to know that if Shuhratjon had any questions, we could communicate through an in house translator and Shuhratjons Russian dictionary ( ( , ..); Experience Works, . , - , (, ..) ).

! (Dusko). . .

: () . , . . , .

. . .

: . - , .

3. : There were a few times that a question would arise or Shuhratjon needed a little extra guidance, and we were able to work through these times with ease. I would always ask Shuhratjon if he understood, and he would always reply he understood, and if he didnt, he would look it up in his dictionary ( , . , , , (), ).

7 , . : . () (). , . , , ." . , .

. 2011 . , . , , , . . . . . .

- . . . 2-3 : . : quick. : . : . O'kay , .

. . , . : Quick! Quick! (! !) : . , .

, . .

, , . .

, . , . . , .

4. : Time passed and things were going well and around 3/8/2011, we brought in another volunteer to help in the electronics area, this volunteer was from Shuhratjons country, Shuhratjon was excited and very helpful to this volunteer ( , , 3/8/2011, , Shuhratjon, Shuhratjon ).

(1955 , , 2009 , , 2009 (), ).

, . .

7 2008 . 7 2008 . , : , . 14 2008 90-100 .

21 2010 23.00 . , ( ) Robiou Manzo (Resettlement Program Specialist ( ), Tel. 208-344-1792; Fax: 208-344-1795. Rabiou.Manzo@theIRC.org ; - International Rescue Committee IRC).

. . .

- 21 2010 . .

- 27 2010 IRC. Robiou Manzo . ( (), 5 . IRC .)

. .

Robiou Manzo 26 2010 . 17 , 35 . 26 . Robiou Manzo 26 , IRC - 1 2010 .

8 2011 . . . : .

8-11 . 14-18 2010 ( , ).

. .

12.00 5-10 - : . , .

12.00 . : ? : . . . . , . : : , .

. 23 2010 . 1980 , , 1982 . .

: ? ? . .

: , - . , - 2011 .

, : -, ; -, .

: , . . .

5. : When setting up the station for the new volunteer, I noticed that the area was not safe and that things needed to be moved, to make a safe path. I them gave Shuhratjons a warning, because this was a very important safety matter that needed to be followed ( ( , ..) (), , , , . , , .)

. 5-6 . . . , 3-3,5 ( ).

4: , 21 2011 . 4 , . : 12 2011 .

: 22 2010 Please follow the procedures below, when coming across bed bugs! (, , () ()). 1.

3- 8 2011 .
21 2011 2-.

21 2011 : . : I noticed that the area was not safe and that things needed to be moved, to make a safe path. I them gave Shuhratjons a warning, because this was a very important safety matter that needed to be followed ( , , , . , , ).

4 .

7 . ( ). : cleans () have to free passage ( ). : . , , .

, . -, .

, . , , .

- , : cleans () have to free passage ( ). : Okay (). , . . - . : . , . . : Good ("") . . . , . , .

, : , .

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, 12 2011 , .

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2 2011 -. 12 2011 . , , .

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-, , - . - - . 2011 Idaho Department of Labor ( ). : - , , - .

: 12 2011 24 2011 . 525 . 4 2011 1450 .

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: 2011 , Idaho Power ( ) 151 . 26 2011 38,23, 2011 .


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