
- .
: 12185 : 0
: 30 : 0
: 19 : 0
: 30 : 0
: 1075 : 0


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 - e-mail



: 15.01.2012
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: (149), (423), (4), (27), (4), (396), 2(114), (5), (29), (4), ,, (258), (23), (125), (2), (490), (2), (5), (136), (17), (753), 2(79), (163), (83), (29), (199), (6), (276), (90), (5), (5), (27), (45), (4), (54), (984), , (10408), (4), (4), (57), _(83), (11), 1(332), (23), (24), (5), (36), - (7), ,,,, (422), (16), (9), (17), -(98), (322), ,, (276), (117), (27), (82), (2), (62), (11), (1382), (629), (21), (2469), (399), (76), (462), , (2446), (174), (1), (83), (1), (52), (276), (106), (60), (28), (26), (319), (312), (26), ,(397), (34), (32), (11), (10), (101), (4), (3), (18), (177), (29), , ,,(398), (7), (79), (176), (89), (150), (230), - (33), (58), (12), (320), -(22), (31), (79), (24), (23), (16), (172), (22), (12), (244), (3), (36), (4), (7), + (741), (216), (18), (83), (201), (38), (49), (65), (4), (509), (27), (39), (11), (3), (22), (17), (3), (6), (22), (88), , (16), (8), (20), (8), (84), (45), (73), (1180), (63), (66), (19), (1), (61), (180), (17), (339), (153), (83), (389), (99), (665), (108), (5), (39), (2), (47), (15), (99), (26), (80), (22), (152), - (34), (67), (211), (170), (75), (80), (40), (52), (159), (1), (23), (183), (691), , (2158), (36), (39), (181), (8), (110), (25), (91), (22), (133), (10), (19), (36), (47), (17), (43), (109), (196), (177), (118), (1380), + (617), (1270), (5), (42), (9), (262), (86), (45), (9), (59), (677), (30), (14), (9), (17), (23), (23), ,,,(55), (48), (9), (7), (134), , (162), (6), (79), (15), (2), (22), (98), (522), + (391), (18), (33)

, 26 2020 . 18:07 +
TATIANA_36 [ + !]




, 27 2019 . 20:45 +
Desert_Man [ + !]


, . , . !
 (700x525, 301Kb)




, 08 2015 . 23:24 +



 , , . .

, ,   , ,   , . , , .

- «» .   .   . .

, — .




, 21 2014 . 12:10 +
Litizija [ + !]

4360286_104206435_3166706_101379583_3166706_3h7WQvlP69 (150x153, 14Kb)


(Leonardslee Gardens)

, 02 2014 . 15:28 +
valniko77 [ + !]

(Leonardslee Gardens)





, , . XIX , . . .

<b>Leonardslee Gardens: Landscape Garden and lake views</b>

For a few weeks in May of each year, Leonardslee Gardens in West Sussex, UK, erupt into a spectacular display of the most amazing color combinations of flowering rhododendrons and


-Leonardslee Gardens ()

, 28 2014 . 16:04 +
- [ + !]

-Leonardslee Gardens ()


Leonardslee Gardens (Horsham, West Sussex), . , , ... , . , , . . , , !


Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire,

, 27 2013 . 10:55 +
Rietta [ + !]

Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire,

Waddesdon Manor , - .
, 1874 . XIX ,
31 (700x490, 177Kb)
- , 1877 . , , ( , - 11 ), 1880 , 1883 .
82 (700x466, 208Kb)
75250653_1827016_50257817_1256367151_612c42d929cf (90x37, 3Kb)


., ,

, 24 2013 . 15:51 +
_ [ + !]

., ,

, - . , , . , ,, VIII, .

- .



, : -

, 17 2013 . 14:45 +
Diana52 [ + !]

, : -



, , . – « ».    , , , … .  ,  . –    .

1783 IV, 1786 – , . – III, . , 18 — 19 . . 



, 20 2013 . 10:26 +
EIVA26 [ + !]

11 (419x38, 4Kb)

Azalea Richmond

Hill Garden

Hill Garden



Regents Park Rose Garden.,

, 16 2013 . 17:28 +
_ [ + !]

Regents Park Rose Garden.,



., .

, 26 2013 . 15:15 +
MORE20 [ + !]

., .

, , . – « ».   , , , … .    . –    .




, 14 2013 . 17:35 +
Yarinka_ru [ + !]


? , !
dac8b81e4839 (700x525, 371Kb)
( ) – , . , , . , . , .

4080226_fleche_298 (64x24, 5Kb)



, 12 2013 . 23:42 +
kristina5204 [ + !]




,... . .



, 11 2013 . 23:47 +
lipa_fv [ + !]

, . , .

– , , , , , . , …

, . . , .

«» …

1 (700x521, 74Kb)

2 (700x496, 366Kb)

3 (700x525, 71Kb)

4 (700x423, 135Kb)

5 (700x459, 103Kb)

91847078_2627134_28 (100x44, 8Kb)


/ The gardens of Muncaster Castl / /

, 06 2013 . 01:33 +
teanika [ + !]

/ The gardens of Muncaster Castl / /



- 1258 . . 800 . . 70 000 . . . , . « », . . , « ? » , , . , . - . , , . , , . , . . , : , . , , . - .

, 1800 , , .




, 06 2013 . 12:18 +
__ [ + !]


— , . , , , .

3925073_1 (700x525, 216Kb)



, 30 2013 . 17:19 +
BestDay [ + !]


(Hampshire) – , . , – (New Forest). 1079 I . , .

, . , , , , !


   (700x514, 284Kb)


: ()

, 29 2013 . 00:43 +
Mishail_valdai [ + !]

: ()



, (Shell Grotto), . 1835 , .





, 29 2013 . 00:38 +


. , , , .

  . , , . 1835 . , 20 .

4 600 000 . .
James Newlove. .

, , Joshua. , , . . James , , .

, 3 . . .

, .



, 29 2013 . 00:15 +
anngol [ + !]

, .

1 (700x511, 366Kb)

2 (700x439, 224Kb)

3 (700x514, 284Kb)

4 (700x529, 266Kb)

4248238_79 (190x29, 6Kb)


, ,

, 26 2013 . 14:51 +
Rietta [ + !]

, ,

1 (700x463, 223Kb)

99924764_58 (700x491, 117Kb)
sv18 (195x163, 31Kb)


. , .

, 15 2013 . 16:51 +
Kandy_sweet [ + !]

. , .

(Canterbury) - , , 85 - , , . 2001 43,4 . .



Biddulph Grange Garden. ,

, 10 2013 . 00:48 +
Kandy_sweet [ + !]

Biddulph Grange Garden. ,

. , .
Biddulph Grange Garden , . - . , , .

, (1811-1897), , , . 1988 , .



. .

, 10 2013 . 23:11 +
ludnov [ + !]

. .


4943035_royalsandringham_2528493k_1_ (700x437, 116Kb)

, .

4943035_royalbuckingham_2528482k (700x437, 114Kb)

. .

4943035_royalpavilion_2528492k (700x437, 87Kb)

, .

4943035_eltham_2514917k (700x437, 144Kb)

, .

4943035_royalhampton_2528487k (700x437, 130Kb)

- , .

4943035_royalclarence_2528484k (700x437, 143Kb)

- , .

4943035_royalosborne_2528489k (700x437, 99Kb)

, .

4943035_royalbalmoral_2528481k (700x437, 101Kb)

, .

4943035_royalleeds_2528488k (700x437, 135Kb)

, .

4943035_holyrood_2528591k (437x536, 77Kb)

, Holeroodhouse.

"The  Telegraph".


La@Perla La_Perla



- !

, 08 2013 . 20:44 +
_ [ + !]

- !

4216969_DL5T19ppMco (604x390, 85Kb)

4216969_0_46b18_de2a647f_L (345x43, 91Kb)



(Mapperton gardens)-3. .

, 04 2013 . 23:11 +
IrinaUl [ + !]

(Mapperton gardens)-3. .


(Mapperton gardens)-3. .

, . - , , . .


(Mapperton gardens) - 2. .

, 04 2013 . 22:47 +
IrinaUl [ + !]

(Mapperton gardens) - 2. .


(Mapperton gardens) - 2. .

, . - , , . .


(Mapperton gardens) - 1. .

, 04 2013 . 22:29 +
IrinaUl [ + !]

(Mapperton gardens) - 1. .


(Mapperton gardens) - 1. .

, . - , , . .


: (Leeds Castle)

, 02 2013 . 00:25 +
valniko77 [ + !]

: (Leeds Castle)

134 (450x83, 59Kb) 


2- (River Len) 4 . - ,

, , . - . 857 . XI . , . ( - " ", "Domesday Book") - , 1085 1086 .

9c647137d7df (393x68, 39Kb)


, 30 2013 . 01:34 +
_ [ + !]

, , . , !

8mxTUNYaVh4 (700x439, 104Kb)

RYM3OeIh7LE (700x376, 130Kb)




, 14 2013 . 18:28 +
EIVA26 [ + !]



, , -. -.

, - , , , - , , . - . , - .



, 06 2013 . 20:36 +
Tatyana19 [ + !]


13511073906700257 (700x466, 107Kb)
- , , 1 068 , . . , , . , , XIVXVI .
135110719816007993 (700x466, 103Kb)
75415418_74478283_3511355_animashka14 (150x30, 21Kb)


(Warwick Castle), .

, 03 2013 . 13:21 +
oxymoron999 [ + !]

(Warwick Castle), .

0_6d4bc_d6f9f013_M (292x52, 6Kb)
(Warwick Castle)
1068 . , 1088 , , .
1 (640x481, 127Kb)

150 - , , , , . , .


: The Cotswolds ( )

, 29 2013 . 23:29 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

: The Cotswolds ( )

0 (700x525, 483Kb)

(The Cotswolds) — - - . , . « » (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) .. : . , 25 90 , . , , 17-18 .

5 (700x523, 384Kb) .


, , , . – , . , , . , 300 .
1 (700x523, 265Kb)




. .

, 22 2013 . 23:35 +
Tomash_Design [ + !]

. .




, 16 2013 . 00:11 +
Konstancia [ + !]

  , , .    ,  !



: -

, 13 2013 . 22:03 +
oxymoron999 [ + !]

: -

0_4a5d0_b96f1e9d_XXL (130x59, 13Kb)

1 (700x430, 254Kb)

, (), 857 .



, 10 2013 . 02:28 +
VinKen [ + !]


, , 3000 .
, .

- /. /


" - ":

" ":



, 08 2013 . 00:18 +
_ [ + !]


. , , , .   . . , , XVII .  , . !

, , , ))). , , ! , . Guardian.

1868538_Abundantiastatue (460x276, 35Kb)

1868538_58642768_1273009410_55616833_1266996710_a99909482790 (640x14, 11Kb)

, " ", . .   -, ,  , ! . 


Rousham Garden,,

, 06 2013 . 02:26 +
Rietta [ + !]

Rousham Garden,,

(Rousham Garden) , 1738 1741 , .
, Augustan Style ( )
, "". , , , , , . , .
3619849926_57bfae5dca_b (700x525, 131Kb)
" " XVII . , , "" . , "" .
3985141498_66b0727f2a_b (700x525, 179Kb)
62307511_68930dde1f69 (90x37, 3Kb)


Biddulph Grange Garden

, 15 2012 . 21:35 +
Tatyana19 [ + !]

Biddulph Grange Garden

Biddulph Grange Garden.
0_86b2e_bae50860_XL (700x525, 234Kb)
1840 . , . 1840 , , . .
0_86b44_f96fc84d_XL (700x519, 731Kb)



Four Seasons Garden,

, 14 2012 . 14:42 +
Rietta [ + !]

Four Seasons Garden,

IMG_6289 (187x280, 32Kb) , -, : , !
20 , . West Midlands : , . , - !
Four Seasons Garden
4048908895_8c9c0e39aa_o (700x466, 209Kb)

4053116910_ff61a07817_o (700x466, 191Kb)
four seasons plaque cream (180x121, 13Kb)



, 07 2012 . 18:57 +
lipa_fv [ + !]


. . , - . , - , , , …
, . , .
  , – , , . , . , …

1 (700x540, 110Kb)

2 (700x467, 354Kb)

3 (700x457, 163Kb)

4 (700x525, 178Kb)

5 (700x527, 138Kb)

6 (700x468, 89Kb)

7 (699x467, 252Kb)

8 (700x525, 257Kb)

9 (700x526, 105Kb)

10 (700x378, 84Kb)

11 (700x525, 134Kb)

12 (700x446, 100Kb)

14 (700x525, 257Kb)

14 (700x525, 257Kb)

15 (700x493, 122Kb)

16.1 (700x367, 282Kb)

16 (700x525, 77Kb)

17 (700x482, 160Kb)

20 (600x450, 247Kb)

18 (700x496, 109Kb)

19 (600x449, 286Kb)

  ,  ? ...


! ...

, 25 2012 . 21:56 +
[ + !]

! ...


Blackpool Tower Ballroom

, 15 2012 . 15:47 +
1961 [ + !]

Blackpool Tower Ballroom


118 Blackpool Tower Ballroom. . , , Ballroom. .
, 30 602 , , . , . 14 , 80 . , . , , 1894 .

1. 1920 , , . 650 . , .



. .

, 12 2012 . 01:39 +
_ [ + !]

. .

2- (River Len) 4 . - , , (Ledian), 857 .


. Stratford-Upon-Avon

, 07 2012 . 19:53 +
Kandy_sweet [ + !]

. Stratford-Upon-Avon

--, (Warwickshire) , , 23 1564 , , 23 1616 .
, .
, , , , 250 .

Shakespeare's Birthplace


, , . : , - , , !



, 04 2012 . 02:31 +


Four Seasons Garden / . Daily Mail « 2007. 2006″. 34 . 1982 , , -. 20 . 2006 . 2008 , BBC 2010 . .




, 04 2012 . 02:11 +
Greenali [ + !]


 , , , . . 400 .

"". , .   . 1,5 . . , !

"" .

- , . .

3 . 2012 .

, - , .

, ?:)

1259869_tolstayazhenshinavanglii (340x255, 23Kb)

1259869_vp (76x18, 0Kb)

. http://odessa.hh.ua/ . .

 : [2] 1