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: 17.03.2003
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, 22 2016 . 00:12 +



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GMelnikov   , 22 2016 . 01:26 ()
ResaearchGate Institute of Radio Astronomy NAS -
Vladimir R. Tuz
Is term 'nihility' the same as epsilon-near-zero and mu-near-zero states?
Akhlesh Lakhtakia introduced term nihility to determine a distinctive exotic state of a hypothetical lossless medium whose material parameters happen to be zero quantities [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2167091_A...ity_and_Negative_Permeability].
On the other hand the theory of epsilon-near-zero and mu-near-zero materials is now widely used which seems to be fundamentally identical with the conception of nihility media.
Is there any principal differences in these conceptions?
Other question is: Is it correct to use term 'nihility' when describing resonant states in surface waves?

, , .
GMelnikov   , 22 2016 . 01:44 ()
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堓Nihility Akhlesh Lakhtakia "" " "; . , 젓Nihility - .

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   , 23 2016 . 21:27 ()


GMelnikov, ( ) , ? ? :)
   , 23 2016 . 21:48 ()
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   , 23 2016 . 21:54 ()
GMelnikov, S . , .
GMelnikov   , 24 2016 . 00:22 ()
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(http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/gmelnikov/post242349019/page2.html ) :

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   , 24 2016 . 00:57 ()
GMelnikov, :) ... :)
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   , 24 2016 . 01:02 ()
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