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  •     - - . : Internet Explorer 6, Fire Fox 1.5, Opera 9.5, Safari 3.1.1 JavaScript.
  •      ^_^ Html-. ,
  •    Photoshop online Photoshop online . online photoshop =)

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 - e-mail




( : 1) __

1 - .
2 - ....
3 - ....
4 - ....
5 -
6 - ....
7 - ...
8 - .
9 - .
10 - ... .
11 - .
12 - . .
13 - 700 .


: (30), ...(2), (3), (6), (14), (1), , (3), (1), (8), (304), (27), (18), (2), (2), (65), (17), /(6), (2), (9), (2), (283), (7), (18), (19), (1), (9), (3), (83), (1), (1), (1), (46), , (2), (7), !(1), .(55), (0)


, 07 2014 . 21:28 +


It's fine. - .
It's a good idea. - .
I mean it. - .
Not bad. - .
Most likely. - .
By the way. - .
That's right. - .
Time after time. - .
It's not serious. .
In other words. - .
It's not important. - .
In short. - .
As soon as possible - .
May I ask you a question? - ?
That explains it. - .
As to... - ...
As for... - .
It's enough. - .
It's not worth it. - .
Same to you! - !
You wanna talk about it? - ?
I don't want to do this. - .
I figure it's the least I can do. - , , .
A drop in the bucket. - .
And so on and so forth - .. ..
I've got to go. - .
As I said before. - .



, 13 2014 . 15:41 +


. :

1. not ( ) - , to be .

2. no ( , )

3. nobody (no one) -

4. nothing -

5. never -

6. nowhere - ,

7. unless - ,

8. neither ... nor - ... ...


jShkNpHo9gY (385x231, 25Kb)



, 24 2014 . 22:43 +

qdfSq4Sui2A (700x354, 242Kb)



, 24 2014 . 22:46 +

. , .

nCBXAm_LUtI (543x315, 149Kb)


, 08 2014 . 20:04 +

. .

1. , wanna - , want to (). : 
What you wanna do now? – ( ) ? 
: What do you want to do now?
2. , , , .. . .
3. Gonna going to ( - ). – . : 
What you gonna do now? – ? 
: What are you going to do now?
4. Gotta, , got to (, ): 
I’ve gotta phone my mum right now. – () . 
: I have got to phone my mum right now.
5. , , - : 
em (‘em) = them – ,  
gimme = give me –  
lemme = let me – (-)  
whassup = what is up what’s up –  
kinda = kind of – , ,



, 19 2014 . 13:12 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Vocabulary on topic "Food"

beef [bi:f] -
berry ['berɪ] -
biscuit ['bɪskɪt] -
bread [bred] -
butter ['bʌtə] -
cake [keɪk] - , ,
candy ['kændɪ] - ,
cheese [tʃi:z] -
chicken ['tʃɪkən] -
chicken [ʹtʃıkın] -
chocolate ['tʃɒklɪt] -
coffee ['kɔ:fɪ] -
duck [dʌk] -
egg [eg] -
fish [fɪʃ] -
ham [hæm] -
honey ['hʌnɪ] -
ice cream ['aɪskri:m] -
jam [dʒæm] - ,
juice [dʒu:s] -
kebab [kıʹbæb] -
kefir ['kefə] -
ketchup ['ketʃəp] -
macaroni, pasta, spaghetti [mækə'rəʋnɪ], ['pæstə],[spə'getɪ] -
meat [mi:t] -
milk [mɪlk] -
mushroom ['mʌʃru:m] -
mustard ['mʌstərd] -
mutton [ˊmʌtn] -
nut [nʌt] -
oil [ɔɪl] -
pancakes ['pænkeɪks] -
pepper ['pepər] -
pizza ['pi:tsə] -
pork [ʹpɔ:k] -
porridge (cereal) ['sɪrɪəl] -
poultry [ˊpəυltrɪ] - ,
rice [raɪs] -
salad ['sæləd] -
salt [sɔ:lt] -
sandwich ['sændwɪtʃ] -
sausage ['sɔ:sɪdʒ] -
soup [su:p] -
sugar ['ʃʋgər] -
sweets [swi:t] -
tea [tiː] -
turkey [ʹtɜ:kı] -
veal [vi:l] -
water ['wɒtə] -
yoghurt ['jɒgərt] -
images (1) (259x194, 8Kb)



, 30 2014 . 21:57 +

2KwTHpP0h88 (604x540, 287Kb)



, 03 2015 . 13:24 +

How's it going? - ?
What’s up? - ? ( ?)
How are you? -  
You made your choice -
I didn’t mean to -
It was an accident -
Give me a chance. -
It doesn't matter. -  
It’s all so complicated. -
Don’t bother me. -
What'is the problem? -
Never mind. - ()
You make me mad. -
Talk to you later -  
Are you still here? - ?
Until we meet again -  
This is an outrage -
It's early (yet) - ! 
No, thanks - ,
No way! - !
I'm (so) sorry! -  
Not a bit! - !
I'm sorry, I can't - ,  
One minute, please - ,
Exactly so -  
Very well -
It can hardly be so -
What a good chance! - ! 
You are right -
Yes, sure - ,  
Maybe -
Don't mind it, please. -  
Attention! - !
Don't be late, please - ,  
Are you OK? - ?
I can't believe it! - !
Bye! - ! 
Bye-Bye! - -!
See you later -  
Have a nice a day! - !
See you tomorrow -  
See you soon -
Till next time -
Good luck! - ! 
See ya - ()
Farewell -  
ake care - ()



, 03 2015 . 14:26 +

, :

2moro - Tomorrow.
2nite - Tonight.
BRB - Be Right Back.
BTW - By The Way.
B4N - Bye For Now. , .



... .

, 06 2015 . 21:55 +

. Negative feelings

Anger. , .
Annoyance. .
Irritation. , .
Anxiety. .
Despair. , .
Humiliation. .
Tension. .
Envy. .
Jealousy. .
Fear. .
Shame. .
Guilt. .
Rage. , .
Terror. , .



, 19 2016 . 07:28 +
5819 [ + !]

,  . ,   .


  ,     .





. .

, 04 2016 . 21:23 +
koko_shik [ + !]



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, . Skype.





700 .

, 12 2018 . 10:49 +





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