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=Andrea Bocelli - , = - (0)

=Andrea Bocelli - , = Andrea Bocelli - . ,...

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Jose Escofet | 82. 2005 .(-IV)

, 29 2012 . 16:53 +
Alexandra-Victoria [ + !]

Jose Escofet | 82. 2005 .(-IV)



" , - , ." - Jose Escofet 

.. - " "

67337405_2d7a71139545 (32x32, 1Kb)

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67337405_2d7a71139545 (32x32, 1Kb)

morphings . , , , , , . , .

67337405_2d7a71139545 (32x32, 1Kb)

67337405_2d7a71139545 (32x32, 1Kb)

, - , .
. , , , .

Jose Escofet 



Dima Dmitriev

, 29 2012 . 17:13 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Dima Dmitriev

4ak (640x536, 152Kb)



Pascal Chove

, 29 2012 . 17:15 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Pascal Chove

4ak (436x700, 53Kb)




, , !

, 29 2012 . 17:24 +
[ + !]

, - . , ..., ; , . . , !



Antonietta Brandeis .

, 29 2012 . 17:28 +
Litizija [ + !]

Antonietta Brandeis .


A pair Palazzo Ca d’Oro, Venice and a Venetian

4360286_62307511_68930dde1f69 (90x37, 3Kb)



Francois Lassere.

, 29 2012 . 18:15 +
[ + !]




. -

, 29 2012 . 18:38 +
_ [ + !]

. -


, , .
, . 1792 1795 . 1796 1830 . , , 1805 1836 . [ ] . . . ( . . ). * 32 . [ . ] - , ** - , .




Raffaello Santi. -

, 30 2012 . 18:11 +
_ [ + !]

Raffaello Santi. -

raffaello00 (232x320, 17Kb)
( , Raffaello Santi, Sanzio) (26 28 1483, 6 1520, ), .

, , . 1500-1504 , , .

1504 , , .
. .


Fernando Artal

, 30 2012 . 18:12 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Fernando Artal

4ak (494x700, 313Kb)



William-Adolphe Bouguereau

, 30 2012 . 18:44 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

William-Adolphe Bouguereau

The Secret

6ak (347x550, 52Kb)




Ramon Casas i Carbo

, 30 2012 . 18:45 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Ramon Casas i Carbo

La Parisiense (1900)

6ak (500x627, 117Kb)



Daniel F. Gerhartz

, 30 2012 . 18:48 +
Litizija [ + !]

Daniel F. Gerhartz

 (458x600, 55Kb)
4360286_0_90e9a_77214618_orig (170x96, 19Kb)




, 01 2012 . 14:20 +
[ + !]


- , . . , . , . . , , , . , ... , . 1991 , .



Lady in Yellow - 11

, 01 2012 . 14:47 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Lady in Yellow - 11

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 10

Frank Cadogan Cowper 

Frank Cadogan Cowper ak (477x700, 28Kb)


Lilla Cabot Perry 

Lilla Cabot Perry ak (505x700, 302Kb)



Lady in Yellow - 10

, 01 2012 . 14:48 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Lady in Yellow - 10

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

Emilio Jacinto Mauri 

Emilio Jacinto Mauri  ak (512x599, 113Kb) 



Lady in Yellow - 9

, 01 2012 . 14:49 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Lady in Yellow - 9

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Flameng Francois 

  (543x699, 128Kb)



Lady in Yellow - 8

, 01 2012 . 14:50 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Lady in Yellow - 8

  -  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7

 Charlemont Eduard  

 (369x699, 85Kb)



Lady in Yellow - 7

, 01 2012 . 14:52 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

Lady in Yellow - 7

- 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6

Manuel Benedito Vives 

 (427x600, 34Kb)




, 01 2012 . 14:54 +
Litizija [ + !]


Rayyan - Omar Rayyan Sheila Rayyan.
- , .

4360286_0_8f022_52ac37f3_M (300x68, 29Kb)



Alfred Mainzer | - , , ,

, 01 2012 . 17:14 +
Alexandra-Victoria [ + !]

Alfred Mainzer | - , , ,


67337405_2d7a71139545 (32x32, 1Kb)

- .
, , :




67337405_2d7a71139545 (32x32, 1Kb)

67337405_2d7a71139545 (32x32, 1Kb)

, !

- ...
, !

67337405_2d7a71139545 (32x32, 1Kb)

( Hurtong) (1897-1973), "Mainzer ".


 : 4 3 [2] 1