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=Andrea Bocelli - , = Andrea Bocelli - . ,...

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 - e-mail



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, 01 2012 . 19:30 +




, 01 2012 . 19:46 +
smart50 [ + !]





1827016_79146599_forwardicon (64x64, 1Kb)


...( ).

, 02 2012 . 16:23 +
smart50 [ + !]

...( )





1827016_79146599_forwardicon (64x64, 1Kb)


- * *

, 03 2012 . 14:19 +
klassika [ + !]

- * *....


60189cbb9b74 (414x97, 29Kb)

65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)

Frederic Francois (Francesco Barracato) 3 June 1950 is a Belgian Italian singer, born in Sicily, near Palermo.

Frederic Francois - Fanny Fanny

 (220x40, 4Kb)

36342516_i193312838_75774_3 (244x296, 9Kb)

" ":

1 - - * *....
2 - * *....



* *....Henri Salvador

, 04 2012 . 18:11 +
klassika [ + !]

* *....Henri Salvador


60189cbb9b74 (414x97, 29Kb)

65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)

(18 July 1917 13 February 2008)

Petit Fleur

 (220x40, 4Kb)

36342516_i193312838_75774_3 (244x296, 9Kb)

" ":

1 - - * *....
2 - * *....
3 - * *....Henri Salvador
4 - * *....Joe Dollan



* *....Marie Laforet

, 05 2012 . 19:44 +
klassika [ + !]

* *....Marie Laforet


60189cbb9b74 (414x97, 29Kb)

65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)

Ivan, Boris & Moi


Ton Coeur Sauvage

En Plus De L'amour

defne6 (163x103, 10Kb)

 (220x40, 4Kb)

36342516_i193312838_75774_3 (244x296, 9Kb)

" ":

1 - - * *....
2 - * *....
3 - * *....Henri Salvador
4 - * *....Joe Dollan
5 - * *....Marie Laforet



- .

, 07 2012 . 18:59 +
Dmitry_Shvarts [ + !]

- .



, , 1939 , - , . , – , " ", – 1940 , " ". . , , , . , . , . : , . "" , , , .



- .

, 08 2012 . 21:26 +
Taisia800 [ + !]




"Joe Cocker"

, 10 2012 . 16:28 +
[ + !]

= "Joe Cocker"=

0306063a6383 (500x500, 18Kb)
 (464x14, 1Kb)
(. Joe Cocker; , . John Robert Cocker; 20 1944, , ) , . . My Fathers Son, Unchain My Heart, You Can Leave Your Hat On, Now That The Magic Has Gone, N`oubliez jamais. .



: , .

, 12 2012 . 16:56 +
Alexandra-Victoria [ + !]

: , .


 8  21

60- . 50-70 . . , , - "" , "", "". .


20 30, , , , 20 30 60- , , , . , , , — . , , , 5 . . 18 . , , , . 50- . , « », 1971 . . 200- , «-», -, 180 . … . . , .






, 13 2012 . 16:03 +
[ + !]



, 13 2012 . 18:47 +
EIVA26 [ + !]



, , .

, 13 2012 . 19:05 +
smart50 [ + !]

, , ...



1827016_68983954_1294565186_6369459 (110x35, 1Kb)


, ..

, 13 2012 . 19:22 +
smart50 [ + !]

, ...



4360286_leticiya1 (57x21, 1Kb)

1827016_50257817_1256367151_612c42d929cf_1_ (90x37, 3Kb)



, 14 2012 . 17:52 +
man-yak [ + !]


RnRaniDanrsJbox (224x252, 19Kb) , ?! , World Rock-n-roll Day - . !
, -- . ... ! , 12 13 .
, "" (Bill Haley and the Comets) "(We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock" ( , " " - , ). 12 , - 13 .
: 12 1954 - - Pythian Temple , 3 . 3 - . ...

, - 13 , 12, ! Long Live Rock-n-Roll!
- , Mr. Rock & Roll... )))




, 15 2012 . 17:26 +
smart50 [ + !]




1827016_50257817_1256367151_612c42d929cf (90x37, 3Kb)


*....Oscar Benton

, 17 2012 . 15:51 +
klassika [ + !]

* *....Oscar Benton


60189cbb9b74 (414x97, 29Kb)

65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)

Bensonhurst Blues

If You Go Away

I Feel So Good

Wooly Booly Boogie

The Long And Winding Road

I Believe In Love

 (220x40, 4Kb)

36342516_i193312838_75774_3 (244x296, 9Kb)

" ":

1 - - * *....
2 - * *....
6 - * *....Joe Dassin
7 - * *....Gianni Morandi
8 - * *....Oscar Benton



, 18 2012 . 17:23 +
_ [ + !]

If you go away. Patricia Kaas.

If you go away on this summer day 
Then you might as well take the sun away 
All the birds that flew In the summer sky 
When our love was new and our heart was high 
When the day was young and the night was long 
And the moon stood still for the night bird's sang

If you go away 
If you go away
If you go away

But if you stay I'll make you a day 
Like no day has been or will be again 
We'll sail the sun we'll ride on the rain 
We'll talk to the trees we'll worship the wind 
And if you go I'll understand 
Leave me just enough love to hold in my hand

If you go away 
If you go away
If you go away

If you go away 
As I'm the real must there'll be nothing left 
In the world to trust just an empty room 
Full of empty space like the empty look 
I see on your face I'll be the shadow 
Of your shadow I fell you might have kept me be your side

If you go away 
If you go away
If you go away

But if You stay I'll make you a day 
Like no day has been or will be again 
We'll sail the sun we'll ride on the rain 
We'll talk to the trees we'll worship the wind 
And if you go I'll understand, 
Leave me just enough love to hold in my hand

If you go away 
If you go away 
If you go away

Patricia Kaas

1868538_1316115980gDWzH6i (511x700, 45Kb)



. ..

, 21 2012 . 17:48 +
LAT [ + !]

. ...





* *.

, 21 2012 . 18:46 +
klassika [ + !]

* *....Gombay Dance Band


60189cbb9b74 (414x97, 29Kb)

65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)65400637_1287285197_1ceb14652e82 (37x44, 7Kb)

1979 "Boney'M" "Eruption", "" "". "Goombay Dance Band" (Oliver Bendt, 29. 10. 1946 . .), ( , "Hello, " "Hair". , . , , 70- "Goombay Dance Band". "Goombay" . , , Danny Yasmin , , , (Dorothy Hellings) (Wendy Doorsen) (Mario Silijngaard). . , , . "Zauber Der Karibik" (" "), - , Columbia "Sun of Jamaica" (1980). 1980 "Sun of Jamaica" 41 1 , 3 TOP10 .

Ave Maria No Morro

66372533_Strelka_blue (57x70, 25Kb)

0_b5ed5_f4688200_S (68x150, 16Kb)

36342516_i193312838_75774_3 (244x296, 9Kb)

" ":

1 - - * *....
2 - * *....
8 - * *....Oscar Benton
9 - * *....Barry White
10 - * *....Gombay Dance Band


 : [3] 2 1