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=Andrea Bocelli - , = Andrea Bocelli - . ,...

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 - e-mail



: 25.10.2011
: 15069
: 1061
: 17635


1 - (Steve Hanks)
2 - - , .
3 - Ernst Hader
4 - - Simon Mendez
5 - ...
6 - .
7 - . .
8 - Nicola Vietti.
9 - ...| Maria Szantho
10 - John Seerey-Lester.
11 - Asako Eguchi \ ..
12 - ! James Christensen,
13 - .
14 - - Lisi Martin
15 - Wai Ming. ....
17 - . .
18 - - Lisi Martin.
19 - Harold Anderson (1894 -1973)
20 - Francis Coates Jones (1857-1932)
21 - Winterhalter Francois Xavier.
22 - !
23 - ... Franz Bohumil Doubek
24 - Hans Zatzka...
25 - ..
26 - (Daniel Ridgway Knight) .
27 - Charles Robert Leslie (1794-1859).
28 - Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel (1839-1929).
29 - Charles Joshua Chaplin (1825-1891).( ).
30 - Alfred Stevens (18231906).
31 - ( Thomas Faed ; 1826 -1900).
32 - Thomas Faed (1826 - 1900).
33 - William Powell Frith (1819-1909) / .
34 - Adriano Cecchi (1850-1936).
35 - Eugenio Eduardo Zampighi (1859-1944)
36 - Myles Birket Foster (1825-1899).
37 - Arthur Saron Sarnoff ( ).
38 - . .
39 - Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910).
40 - Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823-1900).
41 -
42 - Fritz Zuber-Buhler (18221896).
43 - Thomas Blinks (1853 -1910) / .
44 - Cesare Auguste Detti (1847-1914).
45 - .. .
46 - Gunnar Berndtson (1854 - 1895).
47 - - 2.
48 - /
49 - Guy Cambier (1923-2008)..
50 - Bonnie Marris..


: 4(42), 3(57), 2(52), 1(54), (73), 3(50), 2(56), 1(52), (50), (48), (42), 9(73), 8(53), 7(47), 6(65), 5(59), 4(45), 3(50), 2(50), 10(50), 1(60), (136), (17), (65), 1(18), (46), (44), (9), 2(19), 1(51), (55), 9(106), 8(61), 7(82), 6(69), 5(47), 4(50), 3(51), 2(53), 11(15), 10(48), 1(53), (402), (17), (11), (34), 1(11), (54), 8(49), 7(59), 6(50), 5(51), 4(74), 3(55), 2(46), 1(51), (94), 2(14), 1(53), (66), 1(40), (50), 3(39), 2(44), 1(86), (81), 5(51), 4(49), 3(49), 2(53), 1(51), (121), 6(45), 5(52), 4(48), 3(51), 2(51), 1(50), (90), 3(17), 2(46), 1(54), (51), (31), 1(14), (51), 1(27), (49), 1(50), (80), 1(50), 7(50), 6(68), 5(70), 4(57), 3(68), 2(57), 1(50), - (14), (45), (89), (30), (17), 1(50), (72), 3(31), 2(47), 1(50), (77), 5(45), 4(48), 3(50), 2(49), 1(49), (58), 2(50), 1(50), (54), 2 (51), 1(55), (58), (3), 1(46), (54), 3(52), 2(50), 1(60), (75), 8(41), 7(43), 6(21), 5(82), 4(64), 3(52), 2(50), 1(50), (97), (23), 3(50), 2(58), 1(59), (110), (44), 2(51), 1(59), (63), 9(51), 7(52), 6(53), 5(52), 45(58), 44(54), 43(57), 42(60), 41(43), 40(65), 4(52), 39(50), 38(48), 37(43), 36(74), 35(56), 34(137), 33(80), 32(37), 31(71), 30(9), 3(51), 29(113), 28(3), 27(105), 26(73), 25(51), 24(50), 23(66), 22(64), 21(58), 20(51), 2(51), 19(50), 18(67), 17(62), 16(59), 15(55), 14(52), 13(50), 12(50), 11(54), 10(51), 1(54), (1390), 3(51), 2(62), 1(65), (74), 2(50), 1(50), (67), 1(50), (55), (60), (60), 2(50), 1(50), (56), 1(45), (56), (45), 4(51), 3(58), 2(49), 1(57), (87), 2(17), 1(46), (60), (19), 3(45), 2(48), 1(47), (53), (5), 3(52), 2(52), 1(57), (91), 3(39), 2(50), 1(46), (73), 2(14), 1(47), (49), 3(50), 2(50), 1(50), (98), Video9(50), Video8(50), Video7(50), Video6(50), Video5(50), Video4(50), Video3(50), Video2(50), Video10(50), Video1(50), Video(65), (54)

Winterhalter Francois Xavier.

, 15 2012 . 14:33 +
A-delina [ + !]

Winterhalter Francois Xavier.

Countess Alexander Nikolaevitch Lamsdorff (née Maria Ivanovna Beck, 18351866) 1859



, 15 2012 . 16:23 +
Panter_Woman [ + !]



Louis de Schryver (1862 – 1942)

Ernesto Cortazar - Face of love



Gustave-Jean Jacquet (1846-1909)



... Franz Bohumil Doubek

, 15 2012 . 16:24 +
PKFNF [ + !]

... Franz Bohumil Doubek


Hans Zatzka...

, 15 2012 . 16:26 +
PKFNF [ + !]

Hans Zatzka...

-Hans Zatzka-




, 15 2012 . 19:37 +
PKFNF [ + !]


  Rachel Russell (1826-1898) by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer


(Daniel Ridgway Knight) .

, 15 2012 . 19:48 +
_ [ + !]

(Daniel Ridgway Knight) .

Daniel Ridgway Knight. Foto. 1908

 (250x303, 52Kb) (Daniel Ridgway Knight; 1839-1924) .
: , , . , .
, , . , , . , , . , .
15 1839 . . . . , . 1861 , , - --.

 (700x521, 525Kb)
Daniel Ridgway Knight - A Pensive Moment


Charles Robert Leslie (1794-1859).

, 15 2012 . 19:50 +
_ [ + !]

Charles Robert Leslie (1794-1859).

, 1814,

 (350x350, 70Kb)
Charles Robert Leslie, (1794-1859); .
- 1799 . , , 1811 . ( 1813 .) .
1826 . .
1833 , -, .
5 1859 .
, (1835-1921) . 

Robsart (1532-1560), 1833/1836,


Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel (1839-1929).

, 15 2012 . 19:52 +
_ [ + !]

Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel (1839-1929).

Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel Genet 19 1839 . 1885 . 25 1929 Genet.
, 17- . , , , , , . , .
A Musical Interlude. 1903


Charles Joshua Chaplin (1825-1891).( ).

, 15 2012 . 19:57 +
_ [ + !]

Charles Joshua Chaplin (1825-1891).

. Celestin Nanteuil

Fichier:Charles Chaplin (peintre) par Celestin Nanteuil.jpg (. Charles Joshua Chaplin; 8 1825 30 1891) . Les Andelys - -. , 1886. 1840 - . ( ) 18- . . 1847, .
. , , 1859, , . de Nieuwerkerke, III, .
. 1860- . . - .
, . 1878 .



Alfred Stevens (18231906).

, 15 2012 . 19:58 +
_ [ + !]

Alfred Stevens (18231906).

- (. Alfred Emile-Leopold Stevens, . 11 1823 . . 29 1906 . ) .
. - . 1844 , . , . , . , , . , ; , . (1855), (1878, 1889), (1880).
II. (1867). , , -.

. 1860-1867.


( Thomas Faed ; 1826 -1900).

, 15 2012 . 20:02 +
_ [ + !]

( Thomas Faed ; 1826 -1900).

Thomas Faed (Thomas Faed ; 8 1826 - 17 1900) - , , Kirkcudbrightshire, .

, 1849 .

1861 , 1864 , 1893 .

- "The Silken Gown "1863, "Faults on Both Sides"1861 " "1870 , " "1857 " Reaper"1863 - Aberdeen Art Gallery. " ", 1865 , , .
1900 .
Thomas Faed
Catherine Seyton, The Proposal, Sir Walter Scott's 'The Abbott'


Thomas Faed (1826 - 1900).

, 15 2012 . 20:04 +
_ [ + !]

Thomas Faed (1826 - 1900).

The Mitherless Bairn.


William Powell Frith (1819-1909) / .

, 15 2012 . 20:07 +
_ [ + !]

William Powell Frith (1819-1909) / .

(19 1819 9 1909 ) , , 1852 . .
Royal Princess
Royal Princess


Adriano Cecchi (1850-1936).

, 15 2012 . 20:09 +
_ [ + !]

Adriano Cecchi (1850-1936).



Eugenio Eduardo Zampighi (1859-1944)

, 15 2012 . 20:11 +
_ [ + !]

Eugenio Eduardo Zampighi (1859-1944)

Zampighi (1859 - 1944) , 17 1859 .
, .
1884 . Zampighi , . , .
Zampighi 1944 . .



Myles Birket Foster (1825-1899).

, 15 2012 . 20:13 +
_ [ + !]

Myles Birket Foster (1825-1899).

File:Myles Birket Foster - The Milk-maid.JPG


Arthur Saron Sarnoff ( ).

, 15 2012 . 20:15 +
_ [ + !]

Arthur Saron Sarnoff ( ).

( 1912 , - , 2000), . , -. , .
. , "The Hustler", 1950- . , .
, pin up, , , AS.



. .

, 15 2012 . 20:17 +
_ [ + !]

. .


1824 , . , , , , XIII XX . , , , , . . . , , . . ...


Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910).

, 15 2012 . 20:19 +
_ [ + !]

Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910).

(. Andreas Achenbach; 29 1815, 1 1910, ) -. . , .
1828 , , -, . , .
. .
, , , .
1832 , . 1835 , , , .

A Fishing Boat Caught In A Squall Off A Jetty/. 1865


Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823-1900).

, 15 2012 . 20:39 +
_ [ + !]

Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823-1900)

(18 1823 - 23 , 1900) - -, .

Promenade on Ring Rock. 1866

 : 3 [2] 1