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: 23.10.2011
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, 12 2019 . 11:06 +
/ .

Iris Bishop! / . .
, : 4, 4, 2, 6, 4, 8, 2, .."



, 12 2019 . 11:05 +
Magalina [ + !]


2- . 6 - , 24 :

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PASSAP E6000 ( , )

, 20 2018 . 17:59 +


Brother - ()

, 25 2017 . 21:44 +
ZdesIsechas [ + !]

Brother - ()




, 14 2017 . 22:56 +
_ [ + !]


, 14 2017 . 22:49 +
_ [ + !]



, 14 2017 . 22:42 +
Magalina [ + !]

, , . .



, . .

Machine Knitting Monthly 2008.



1 (700x393, 416Kb)

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2 (535x700, 414Kb)

2_а (605x454, 363Kb)

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, 14 2017 . 22:40 +
natali63 [ + !]

IMG_3131 (525x700, 47Kb)


strong> .

, 25 2016 . 20:25 +
[ + !]


I want to try this beautiful lace on the machine. It reminds me a little bit of Estonian lace.:


More beautiful machine knit lace:

Beautiful machine knit lace:


, 01 2013 . 20:30 +

DECO CARD 153 A (500x512, 74Kb)


Sandra Jager

, 08 2013 . 16:05 +
lelushik [ + !]


, 19 2013 . 19:20 +
[ + !]

, ( - ) , , "".

, !!!


 , , ,  ,



, 19 2013 . 19:13 +
Domnica [ + !]

. , . , . , , .

, :


, 19 2013 . 19:09 +
777 [ + !]





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, 24 2012 . 19:32 +
777 [ + !]

. .


, 17 2012 . 21:12 +
lelushik [ + !]

Through the ahe ages

00 (466x640, 110Kb) 



, 17 2012 . 21:11 +
lelushik [ + !]


  4 (100x120, 55Kb)


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 0141 (439x640, 70Kb) 0142 (428x640, 60Kb)


, 17 2012 . 09:59 +
_31 [ + !]


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, 17 2012 . 09:51 +
lelushik [ + !]

Japanese Pattern Design.

00 (345x500, 117Kb) 


, 17 2012 . 08:59 +
_31 [ + !]


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