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Ψ (Let the hope never die!)

, 19 2011 . 09:04 +
One day when our teacher asked us if we knew without what we could`t live, at first it seemed to us that the question was very simple. And we said at once that we cold`t live without food, water, sunlight.

But then when we had thought a little, we remembered that during the hungry years the people had their own gladness's, holidays, which helped them to cope with the difficulties. They lived and hoped for the best life.

So, what do the people need if they want their life not to be dull and senseless?

Of course the hope!

The rich and the poor person need it. It helps the man not only to realize dreams and aspirations, but also save from death.

Let`s remember, for example, Alexei Mares`Ev or Elena Berezhnaya. just the hope helped them to survive and achieved their object. And there are a lot of such examples!

So, the hope feels our life with sense and makes us stronger and be able to struggle for our dream!


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Ψ (How Do People`s Cruelty and Violence Cost?)

, 19 2011 . 09:02 +
To my profound belief the main vital value is our life itself, though it sounds paradoxically. We are endowed with certain inalienable rights by our Creator; among them are life and pursuit of happiness. I remember the prosaic poem by Turgenev, "Blue sky, light clouds look like down, scent of flowers, sweet sound of young voices, radiant beauty of the great creations of art, a smile of happiness on a charming woman's face and these magic eyes" The beauty of these words astounds me. I love you, life! I love you, people!

And suddenly, as a shock - the documentary latest news about suicides, about murders, wars.

Suicide. It means to kill oneself. What makes a person to do such a horrifying action? What makes a person to cut his veins or to throw himself out of the window of the tenth floor? I can't find answers to these questions. Our world is so cruel Perhaps, the person isn't able to cope with problems. And the only way is to commit a suicide. Over the centuries people have invented many forms of violence over life. I think the most agonizing and gruesome were wars. Our generation can't even imagine how cruel the Great Patriotic War was! But we can appreciate the consequences of one of the most senseless war in Chechen Republic: the headless bodies of Russian soldiers on the war fields, the disfigured bodies of twenty-years-old boys on beds in hospitals+

And full of tears mother's eyes+ Mothers, who lost their sons.I remember the American tragedy of the 11Th of September. This day changed not only the American lifestyle, but also it changed the way Americans think about life significantly. This lesson will give us a greater understanding of the value of a human life. Thousands of innocent people, gone mad with fright, pain and suffering couldn't understand what has happened. For what sins? Whose sins?

From the first century to the present people have believed that, in his sacrifice on the cross Jesus identified with our human need to live and died so that our sins could be forgiven. "Forgiveness" means to stop wishing harm or planning revenge toward someone who has hurt or wronged you.

What thoughts, emotions and actions could be stopped by forgiving someone? Is it really possible to forgive such sins?

Who has the right to dispose human life? But what about Christ's teaching, "Don't kill"? What about the primary basis for moral and spiritual values?

Something is wrong in our world.

Even nature rebels against people's cruelty and aggression by the environmental catastrophes. The last most horrifying tragedy is the earthquake in Haiti, which took away hundreds of thousands of innocent people, is the obvious evidence.

I want to shout, "Stop it! You must not do it! Never!" "Without inner desire of people to be brothers to each other the existence of mankind is unworthy and senseless " (by F. Dostoevsky).

And I whisper as a prayer the poem by M. Tomaeva,

"Fallen in action!

Rise from the dead and shout!

They don't want to listen to alive!

Fallen in action!

Rise from the dead! Don't keep silent!

Stop us, sinful! Save us from war, from misfortune!

Teach us to live and to love in peace."


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Ψ (Children`s happiness.)

, 19 2011 . 09:01 +
Childhood is the happiest time. We always remember our childhood as the happiest moments of our life. However, childhood made for us our parents.

Each child dreams about happy family, about loving parents. And parents dream to do only the best for their babies, give them that they had not. Parents are the nearest people in the child`s life. They are no substitute for anybody else. Parents do all for us and not only in childhood, we are the children for them for ever. Mummy from morning till evening is busy with her work, with house work. Daddy also is busy with his work. And for what is all this? All this for buying a finny bear, for continue"our Happy New Year" till March, for doing our birthday the best day and for doing your-the happiest.

But sometimes a child wants simple to hold for some time for a hand his mummy and daddy, to walk with them at the park and to listen to his favorite fairy tale.

When I was a small girl, in the bookshop, I saw a nice book. A small book was with child`s verses, with funny pictures. And there was a funny girl on a cover of this book. Mummy said that this book about me. She read me it every evening before going to sleep.

I am an adult now. One day when I found this book at the box. This book is already 13 years! At once I am in my childhood. I remembered how my mummy petted me on a head and read this book. I fell warm, light, pleasantly. There is a moment of childhood!

Childhood made child happy. It is a world where all is simple and easy. There are your house, school and friends, you haven`t no one free minute. The whole world is round you! While you are a child and because of that you don`t think about your happiness, gladness in the world which whole tears, disappointments, laughter, merriment. However, time, as you know, don`t stop, it is so fast! And you are adultand you will want to stop such wonderful minutes, you will want that they will lasted always, the happiest childhood turn and will be a child for ever.

"Where does childhood leave?
In what cities is it?
And where can we find a mean
That again turns us there?
It will go away unheard
While the whole city is sleeping,
And letters will not write,
And will call hardly"


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Ψ . (Mother`s love is always with you.)

, 19 2011 . 08:59 +
Mother This is the best, sacred and gentle word on the earth! I want very much to walk with her along the woods gathering mushrooms and admiring majestic Khibini Mountains or to bake pies together. I would tell her for a long time what interesting I had learnt, seen or heard. I would trust her my secrets and mum would listen, be surprised, laugh and give advice.

Mum! A baby who has not yet made a step on the earth knows that he has a mother. The first word he pronounces so diligently is "mum"! To whom I run to share my success and failure? To mum. When we make bad things, mum helps us to find the right way out, she regrets with us, suffers, waits, hopes. She will calm you, persuade that everything will get right, she herself will be sighing and crying the whole night. Mothers love their children! Whether they are good or bad, obedient or naughty.

Only those who knew the caress of mother since childhood are happy people, they grew in the warmth of her care. Children grow, also become adults, have their own families, but the whole life remember the lullaby song which there kind, loving mothers sang. They will never forget that mums gave them joy, happiness, a cloudless life. The hearts of all mothers are filled with love and tenderness. This is an inexhaustible source of all miracles on the earth. The parents` hearts are always with their children in a difficult minute.

The Great Patriotic War Afghanistan Beslan and Tskhinvali The most terrible torments fell to the mothers of lost children lot. It is difficult to appreciate the pain they live with, it is possible to wonder their courage! There is an episode in the remarkable film "Only the old go into battle" when a young fellow perishes, his friends tell a lot of good words about him. One of his friends remembers: "When we were seen off to the war Vitika noticed that our mothers grew old unexpectedly" Let`s try afflicting with our mothers less and taking more care of them. Let`s give them more attention and joy. Let there will be no grief in their eyes. Don`t hesitate telling them gentle words, show our love, admire their beauty!

It is not astonishing that the image of woman, mother, the icons with her face inspired poets, artists and musicians at all times. Maxim Gorkiy glorified the woman-mother: " Whose love does not know barriers, whose breast raised the whole world? Everything that is good in a person is from the sunbeams and milk which fill us with love to the life". Kind, careful, sensitive, wise, loving mums trust in us. Trust profoundly. Their belief does not know the verges.

I am absolutely assured that if it was necessary to choose the best mothers, each person would choose his mother. Mum Mummy! This is the dearest word to all of us. It is possible to speak about mothers infinitely, but it is necessary to say that there is nothing more dearest and important for me on earth than mother.


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