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 - e-mail



: 18.08.2011
: 3954



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, 28 2015 . 15:14 +
Nik2003 [ + !]



( )/


, 27 2014 . 15:35 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

News is bad for you and giving up reading it will make you happier

. , , . , , .

, , . . . .

Vocabulary In Context . , . , .
News_765x350px (700x320, 30Kb)

( )/



, 19 2013 . 17:32 +
[ + !]


- . . .  

“to vodka”  

1. -, , :  
1.1. (Indefinite), .. , ,  
1.2. (Continuous), .. ,  
1.3. (Perfect), .. , .  

2. -, :  
2.1. (Present) - ,  
2.2. (Past) - ,  
2.3. (Future) – , : , ..  

3. .  

3.1. Present:  
3.1.1. Present Indefinite ( ), . .  
I vodka every day. - .   
every day : usually, seldom, often,  
from time to time, from melkaya posuda, bolshimi glotkami…  
3.1.2. Present Continuous ( ):  
I am vodking now. – .  
He is constantly vodking! – !  
3.1.3. Present Perfect ( ):  
I have already vodked. - . (   
3.1.4. Present Perfect Continuous ( -):  
I have been vodking since childhood.  
- ( inclusive).  
- , ( exclusive).  

3.2. Past :  
3.2.1. Past Indefinite ( ):  
I vodked yesterday. - .  
( 3.1.3., ).  
3.2.2. Past Continuous ( ):  
- Unfortunately, I was vodking at the moment my wife came.  
- , , .  
3.2.3. Past Perfect ( ):  
, .  
- I had already vodked when my wife came.  
- , .  
3.2.4. Past Perfect Continuous ( -):  
- I had been vodking for about a month when my wife came.  
- , .  

3.3. Future :  
3.3.1. Future Indefinite ( ):  
I will vodka tomorrow. - .  
(.. )   
3.3.1. 3.1.1.:  
- If I vodka tomorrow I will be sick the day after tomorrow.  
- , .  
3.3.2. Future Continuous ( ):  
I will be vodking tomorrow at 5. -   
3.3.1. 3.3.2. :  
- Soon! Soon I will be vodking!  
- ! !  
3.3.3. Future Perfect ( ):  
- To morrow by 5 o’clock I will have vodked.  
- .  
3.3.4. Future Perfect Continuous ( -):  
- By to morrow morning I will have been vodking for a week.  
- .

( )/


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