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: 27.06.2011
: 288



, 24 2012 . 02:58 +
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pic.117873.4.396x400 (396x400, 77Kb)
, ()

1959 - . , - . , . . , .

. 1972 , . , , , , -

pic.883.0.338x450 (338x450, 68Kb)Blythe
. . , . , - .
- . , , - . , . , .

pic.883.1.338x450 (338x450, 60Kb)pic.883.3.416x450 (416x450, 62Kb)
. , . - . , .

pic.883.8.301x450 (301x450, 45Kb) Pullip
Pullip , , . -, . Pullip - , , . , Pullip . - Chunsang Chunha.

-, , . -, Pullip . , . , , , - .

- , - 27 . , : J-doll , . , , . , , .
pic.883.10.305x450 (305x450, 44Kb)pic.883.11.347x450 (347x450, 65Kb)pic.883.12.338x450 (338x450, 48Kb)pic.883.13.322x450 (322x450, 45Kb)
J-doll - . - . , - . : , , , street fashion . : Via Monte Napoleone, Esplanadi Katu...

Tonner doll
. Tonner doll - , . , , , , . Tonner doll - , , .
pic.883.15.338x450 (338x450, 36Kb)pic.883.17.459x450 (459x450, 53Kb)
Tonner doll - . , , . - . fashion- - , - - 15 .

Noel Cruz
- . , - . , , . , - . : , .
pic.883.19.394x450 (394x450, 47Kb)pic.883.20.321x450 (321x450, 44Kb)pic.883.22.340x450 (340x450, 47Kb)pic.883.23.316x450 (316x450, 63Kb)
Tonner, . , , , , .

Slinky neko
: , . , . - , . Slinky - , .
pic.883.24.338x450 (338x450, 52Kb)pic.883.25.338x450 (338x450, 54Kb)pic.883.26.300x450 (300x450, 35Kb)pic.883.27.294x450 (294x450, 44Kb)pic.883.29.406x450 (406x450, 59Kb)pic.883.30.300x450 (300x450, 33Kb)pic.883.31.348x450 (348x450, 60Kb)pic.883.32.300x450 (300x450, 42Kb)
, , - 25 60 . , , . - Slinky neko - , , , - , .

pic.117873.5.363x450 (363x450, 31Kb)Dream of Doll
Dream of Doll
, , , . Dream of Doll - - . , , , , .

- , . 100$, 100$ . , , 300$, , .

pic.883.33.375x450 (375x450, 45Kb)pic.883.34.375x450 (375x450, 30Kb)pic.883.35.372x450 (372x450, 40Kb)pic.883.36.345x450 (345x450, 47Kb)pic.883.38.393x450 (393x450, 37Kb)

Dream of Doll - Dollmore. , - . ( - , )
, . The Doll Master, - . : , . - , , , , .

Dream of Doll Dollmore - , . - , .

. , . , , , - . , . - .

, , . , . , , . , .

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