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 - e-mail



: 22.06.2011
: 2356
: 184
: 2768



: (132), (67), ,(77), (70), ,(106), (115), (57), (144), (122), (24), (86), (233), (195), (157), (9), (96), , (91), (58), (131), - (45), (115), (7), (119), (18), (92), (123), (80), (42), ,,(112), (46), (100)


, 16 2012 . 00:24 +
Mages_Queen [ + !]


1. some any.
, , : «Have you got some drugs?» (« - ?») , any. : «Do you have any drugs?»
(« - , ?»)


: magic of Emerald Isle

, 07 2012 . 22:48 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

: magic of Emerald Isle

, ? , , , , , - Emerald Isle ( ).   , , .


(Ireland[ˈaɪrlənd]) – (island),   - . , (the Irish Sea).


– . – (the Republic of Ireland), 5/6 (Northern Ireland), -. 6,4 . 4,6 1,8   - .


(oceanic climate), (low mountains) (temperature drops) (lush vegetation) . 17 (thick forests) , , , (deforested).


(famous symbols)


, , (the Celtic cross)   - (Shamrock) . (leprechaun) — .


(majority) (Catholics)   - 88%.


(Dublin) (was founded) 988 .. - Dubh Linn (  dubh  - , linn - , )


– (bilingual) . – (English) and (Irish).   (Gaelic). , , .   1922 . , , .. , - (ommonly used) . the Gaeltacht , (in everyday use). 1995 , 5 % 2% (native tongue). 30% , .


(Irish accent)

– , - , , . , . – (Irish).

native speakers , th [ θ, ð]. , t ( ) d ( ). , «So do you see the thirty trees over there? That’s right!»   «So do ya see the tirty trees over dere? Datsright

, (vowels). ,   , film, , fill-um, Colm .

(Peculiarities of Irish English)

, .

, , - , . , ,  “I speak Irish” ( -), “I have Irish”.

, “to have just done” “to be after doing”. : I’m after finding a euro on the road! = I’ve just found a euro on the road.

, (yes) (no). . (Can you swim? - I can! Do you like tomato juice? -  I don’t).


(Irish Proverbs)

. .

Man is incomplete until he marries. After that, he is finished.– , . .

What butter and whiskey will not cure, there is no cure for.–  , , .

Three things come without asking: fear, jealousy, and love. – – , .

It is sweet to drink but bitter to pay for.–  , . ()

Idleness is a fool's desire.–  – .

A diplomat must always think twice before he says nothing. – , .

A change of work is as good as a rest.– , .

Cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom.– – .

Listen to the sound of the river and you will get a trout.– .


(Fun facts about Ireland)

, , :


  • Muckanaghederdauhaulia, CountyGalway.
  • – ,   , . .
  • (hangover cure) -: . (I’ll just take the hangover, thanks)
  • . () "the gentleman who pays the rent."(, ).
  • (St. Patrick) , ,   .
  • (James Joyce) Guinness« ».
  • .
  • , , . 2010 8 . , , - J
ireland (564x450, 74Kb)



, 24 2012 . 11:33 +
_ [ + !]


? ,   , , .     - . ""   , , .. , . ? , , , , --  .  ,   .    . .

  . . -  "" -  , .


, .


(22 )

, 24 2012 . 23:33 +
[ + !]

(22 )


, . , dalwen, , , . , - :) !

      (22 )

      (22 )


, 22 2012 . 19:08 +
Happy__baby [ + !]

« – » – . , , , - .

( ) . , .





, 02 2012 . 12:12 +
LediLana [ + !]



1) , …. — Thank you very much for your email.

2) , . .- We will do our best to proceed with your request however for the best result the documents should reach us not later than tomorrow.

3) ? — You can find this information below.

4) !- Kind reminder



, 28 2012 . 17:58 +
Mages_Queen [ + !]

ʸ, 10 , , , ():



, 16 2012 . 23:49 +
elvirushka [ + !]

  (30 , )

! ! ! . , , 30- . , , , , . , . Pimsleur . , - , ..



2 - ( 30-60, )




, 14 2012 . 14:06 +
Ananta [ + !]


. , - :)

, ...

44_34 (472x480, 50Kb)



, 13 2012 . 11:53 +
hijo_de_la_luna [ + !]



, 10 2012 . 18:18 +
Seniorin [ + !]

1328797607_x_f7c57bda (375x480, 56Kb)

. : « ? ? , ?»
« », – … , . .
. .
. .
« », . .
, !..»



Somerset Maugham, "The man with a scar"

, 04 2012 . 01:09 +
reginana [ + !]

Somerset Maugham, "The man with a scar"

, . " ". Advanced. ! !

It was on account of the scar that I first noticed him, for it ran, broad and red, from his temple to his chin. This scar spoke of a terrible wound and I wondered whether it had been caused by a sabre or by a fragment of shell. It was unexpected on that round, fat and good-humoured face. He had small features and his face went oddly with his large and fat body. He was a powerful man of more than common height. I never saw him in anything, but a very shabby grey suit, a khaki shirt and an old sombrero. He was far from clean. He used to come into the Palace Hotel at Guatemala City every day at cocktail time and tried to sell lottery tickets. I never saw anyone buy, but now and then I saw him offered a drink. He never refused it. He walked among the tables, pausing at each table, with a little smile offered the lottery tickets and when no notice was taken of him with the same smile passed on. I think he was the most part a little drunk.



, 04 2012 . 23:45 +
_ [ + !]

. , Coca-Cola. "Dokonava tvar!". , - - " !". "Devki Zdarma" , . "Pozor, policie varuje!" ", !".

, - - .
: . "" "" - .



, 03 2012 . 23:35 +
virtoree-07 [ + !]

25 ,

, , , 2000-4000. , , , .

25 ,


 : [1]