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: 19.06.2011
: 2885


Interview to Brazilian TV Rio de Janeiro, January 1985!!!

, 27 2013 . 05:30 +
Amalir Interview to Brazilian TV Rio de Janeiro, January 1985

, , , . , - - , , , - "I want to break free" - ...

, - , - -.. .. -!!! " " - ...

... ,..
, :

Interview to Brazilian TV
Rio de Janeiro, January 1985

I: Hallo!

FM: Hallo!

I: Freddie, its true, that the song "I want to break free" is indedicated for the gay world?
/ , , ?

FM: No, not at all! Not at all. That song to start of with, that song was written by John Deacon, you know, who is a very happily-married man, with about four children! I dont think where youve got that message from. It has nothing to do with gay people at all! Its basically about everybody, its just somebody who has a very tough life, and he just wants to break free from whatever problems hes got. So it has nothing to do with the gay thing. Besides, its not my song anyway, John wrote it.
/ , ! , , , , , . , , , ... -. , , ".

I: E verdade que a musica "I want to break free" e dedicada ao mundo gay?
( , ).

FM: I told you about that. See? Im helping you out! Next question.
/ .. ? . !

I: Has been the leader of the band, its difficult
/ , ..

FM: Im not the leader of the band, by the way
/ , ..

I: No? / ?

FM: No. Everybody calls me the leader of the band, Im just a lead singer. And no, no, no, theres no such thing. Im not the general, or anything. Were all four equal people, four members. And they seem to call me the leader of the band, but Im just a lead vocalist.
/. . , - . , , , . , - . - , . , , , - .

I: Sendo o lider do Queen, voce tem problemas de relacionamento por ser o lider do grupo? ( ).

FM , : This time. Yes, I am the leader of the group! Ill mess all her questions up!! (laughs)
/ . , - ! !! ()

I: You have a surprise for the Brazilian people in the rockn roll festival?
/ --?

FM: The festival? Yeah, its me! I am the surprise!
/ ? ! - ! - !

I: (laughs) OK, one more: are you a demonstration? ( ) , . - ?

FM: Im a what? A demonstration? You want a demonstration? Are you mad? (laughs) You want me to give you a demonstration? Come me, I show you! See? Its much better in Portuguese. I can understand you, you see?
/ - ? ? ? ? ( ) , ? , !( , ). - . , ?

I: Yes? / ?

F: No, because I knew what you said before! (laughs)/ , , ( )

, "" . , : , , , . , . ( ?)

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