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: 13.06.2011
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Arin_Levindor -. 2

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Countess of Yarborough- ( II
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Trident; plumed helmet with raised laurel wreath design; necklet with Royal Coat of Arms centre; cuirass of silver disks; sash with Garter motto 'Honi soit qui mal y pense'; double layered skirt, embroidered with the thistle of Scotland and the rose of England; cloak and shield displaying the Union Jack.

 (508x699, 22Kb)

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1.Miss Keith Fraser-.

'...a beautifully embroidered robe of mauve crepe de Chine embroidered in Oriental colours, a gold sash encrusted with jewels, and scarlet drapery falling from the shoulders at the back; her headdress was of silver, with wings at the side.'

2.Hon. George Stanley- , XV
'...cuirass, buff-coloured leather, panelled with white leather, embroidered with gold mountings and gold lion's head in centre; brown leather skirt and sleeves, panelled with white leather, and mounted with crimson tabs, scalloped and embroidered with gold; crimson silk mantle; large gold Grecian helmet adornes with a lion's head and large crimson feather crest; silk buff-colour breeches.'

 (360x494, 40Kb) (400x549, 21Kb)

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1.Constance Russell-Bouquetiere, period Louis XV

2.Duchess of Roxburghe-
'...Elizabethan costume of black velvet gown with white satin front embroidered with pearls pointed bodice, jewelled girdle, and lace ruff, the big satin sleeves were inserted with white satin squares, edged with pearls, and the black velvet cap and tulle veil were bordered with the same.'

 (400x549, 21Kb) (400x549, 19Kb)

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Lord Rowton-
 (509x699, 32Kb)

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1.Lady Rodney-

2. - (1631-1709)
 (400x549, 22Kb) (360x494, 24Kb)

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Mrs Arthur Paget-
 (526x699, 93Kb)

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- I

Lord Charles Montagu - '... dress of Charles I, as seen in the picture by Van Dyck. White satin coat and red velvet breeches, cavalier boots, cloth-of-gold baldrick, the ribbon of the Garter, a white hat and plume, and high suede gloves.' (The Daily Telegraph, 3 July 1897, p 9g); Lady Chelsea - '...Robe of velvet, rose tendre et Dalmatique robe de chine, lined white silk underdress of silver tissue. The whole dress is trimmed with very old gold lace studded with rose pearls, turquoises, pearls, and silver. Cordeliere and couture entirely of white pearls.

 (508x699, 27Kb)

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- (1558-1605)

King George: '...Pourpoint and sleeves of Genoa velvet cisele, with small basques, embroidered gold all over, with bands of embroidery in front of pourpoint, and side seams of sleeves certis of jewels; trunks of bands of crimson velvet, embroidered gold, covering bouillonne of grey satin; gorget of steel damasquine gold, with ruff round; high felt hat, with brim turned up and three grey feathers; cordeliere glove fixed in front of hat, which this commander always wore, and which was given him by Queen Elizabeth; hauts de chausse, grey silk; high boots, grey Suede; Crispin gloves; mantle of Genoa velvet cisele, embroidered with band all round, embroidered and studded with jewels; sword-belt of grey velvet, with gold mounts; gold-hilted sword, grey velvet scabbard; ribbon of the Garter round neck, with Order. Made by Alias, 36, Soho-square.' (The Queen, The Lady's Newspaper, July 10, 1897, p. 653 Queen Mary: '...Pale blue satin, embroidered all over in pearls and silver, with seven large diamond stars down the front of the skirt; the satin bodice embroidered in bows and knots in diamonds on the stomacher, and the top ornamented with large pendant pearls. Medici collar of old lace embroidered with silver; sleeves to match, and deep cuffs encrusted with pearls and diamonds; and round the waist a silver fringe studded with diamonds.'

 (466x699, 55Kb)

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