
: . - (1)

: . : , ( ...

- (0)

    , ...

? . - (0)

? . ? ? ...

" ": + - - (0)

" ": + - ...

. / - (0)

. / : ...


  • (11)
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  • (114)
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  • - (19)
  • (4)


: 231 (1)





 - e-mail



: 30.05.2011
: 3325
: 423
: 3850



: (5), (3), (2), (14), (6), (75), (100), (8), (2), (15), , ,(4), (15), (2), (2), (5), (7), (31), (3), (7), (0), (4), (6), (2), , (1), , (0), (13), (6)

: (1151), (492), (1), (4), (11), (3), (35), ,(9), (1), -(1), (366), - (19), (2), (24), (114), (315), , (108), (13), (1), (10), .(2), (111), (2), (7), (38), (731), (47), (4), (10), (11)

, 13 2012 . 20:39 +
Lekac [ + !]


) - , .... - - ) 25 .... ............. ))))
0f06e84c8d7a (600x454, 143Kb)



, 12 2012 . 21:12 +
STanya707 [ + !]

, .

, "" , .


1. 'February Gold',

2. (Myosotis sylvatica),

3. (Primula veris),

4. (Bellis perennis),

5. (Viola cornuta) ,

6. ,

7. .

, .

, , , .

1. 'Blue Panda' (Corydatisflexuosa 'Blue Panda')
2. 'Anthea' (Achillea 'Anthea')
3. 'Princess Kay' (Prunus nigra 'Princess Kay')
4. 'Bressingham White' (Campanula carpatica 'Bressingham White')
5. 'Blue Clips' (Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips')
6. 'Bellamosum' (Delphinium 'Bellamosum')
7. (Baptisia australis)
8. 'Blue Moon' (Hosta 'Blue Moon')
9. 'True Blue' (Hosta 'True Blue')
10. 'Elegans' (Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans')
11. - 'Marie Ballard' (Aster novi-belgii 'Marie Ballard')
12. (Stachys byzantina)
13. (Convallaria majalis)
14. () 'Heavenly Blue' (Lithospermum diffusum 'Heavenly Blue')
15. 'The Blues' (Andropogon scoparius The Blues')
16. (Linum perenne)
17. 'Blue Danube' (Camassia leichtlinii 'Blue Danube')
18. 'Alba' (Camassia leichtlinii 'Alba')
19. 'Lemore' (Solidaster luteus 'Lemore')
20. (Mertensia virginica)
21. (Amsonia tabernaemontana)

- , .

. , . .

, . .

1 - ,
2 - ,
3 - ,
4 - ,
5 ,
6 - ,
7 - ,
8 - ,
9 ,
10 - ,
11 ,
12 - ,
13 - ,
14 ,
15 ,
16 ,
17 ,
18 -

, .

, : (2), (3), (4), (5), (19) (20).

(8 16) . (1), (6), (7). : (15), (17), (18).

, , -: - (9) (10) , (13) (14) - .

(11) (12).

1 - ,
2 - ,
3 - ,
4 - ,
5 - ,
6 - ,
7 ,
8 - ,
9 - - ,
10 ,
11 ,
12 - ,
13 - ,
14 - ,
15 - ,
16 - ,
17 - ,
18 ,
19 - ,
20 - .

, - .

, . - .

(1), . (2) (3).

(4), (5) (6). , .

, , . , , . (7) (8). (9) .

, (10) (11) (12).

1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
4 ,
5 ,
6 ,
7 ,
8 ,
9 ,
10 ,
11 ,
12 .


(3 1,5 ) : (1), (2), (3), (4), (5).

(6), (7), , (8), (9).

(10) (11) .

: , (12), (13), (14). - - (15).

1. (Geranium endressii) 4 .
2. (Alchemilla mollis) 3.
3. (Geranium magnificum) - 3 .
4. (Coreopsis verticillata) - 3 .
5. (Potentilla fruticosa) - 2 .
6. (Achillea ptarmica) - 3 .
7. (Allium) - 13 .
8. (Agastache foeniculum) - 3 .
9. (Verbena bonariensis) - 10 .
10. (Buxus) 1 .
11. (Artemisia) - 3 .
12. (Agastache rugosa) - 2 .
13. (Echinacea) - 8 .
14. (Lavatera) - 4 .
15. (Clematis)


, . , .

(1) (2), .

(3), - (4), (5) (6).

(7), , , (8), (9) (10).

, , (11) (12).



, , , , , .


(1), (2), , , (3) (4).

(5), (6) (7).

(8), , (9), (10) (11).



, , . , .

(1), (2), , (3), (4) (5).

, , (6), (7), (8) pa (9). (10).


(12) , .

- .

, , .

, .

, , .

. , - , .

. , , .

. , . , , , . , , .

1 - ().
2 - .
3 - .
4 - .
5 - .
6 - .
7 - .
8 - .
9 .
10 - .
11 .
12 .
13 - .

, .


1. - ,

2. ,

3. ,

4. (Teucrium chamaedrys).

, . , .


1. , (Hemerocallis).
2. (Kniphofia).
3. (Lythrum salicaria)
6. ()
7. (Calamagrostis acutiflora).
8. (Panicum virgatum).
9. (Pyrethrum parthenium).
10. (Veronica longifoiia)
11. (Crocosmia masoniorum).
12. , (Nepeta)


, , 1,5 2 . , .

- , (1). (2) 1,5 .

1,5 (3).

- , (4). (5).

(6) . (7).

- (8). (9).

1. (Aquilegia) 3 .
2. (Lavatera) 1 .
3. (Miscanthus sinensis) 1 .
4. (Hemerocallis) - 1 .
5. (Gaillardia) 2 .
6. 1 .
7. (Salvia) 2 .
8. (Helianthemum) 3 .
9. (Thymus) 2 .

1 '' (1)
2 , , (3)
3 ( ) (1)
4 , (2)
5 , , , (5)
6 , , -, (8)
7 , , , (9)
8 (7)
9 / , , (50/50)
10 (5)
11 / (7)

1 /, (6)
2 (6)
3 , (2)
4 (1)
5 , (2)
6 , , (20)

, -
4 ,

1 'Blue Horizon'
2 'Golden Sunshine'
3 'Harrington's Pink'
4 'Rehbraun'
5 'Karl Foerster'
6 'Summer Sun'
7 'Hillside'
8 'Graham Thomas'
9 'Polish Star'


1 -
2 - 2
34 -
35 - .
36 -
37 -
38 - - -
40 - ""
41 -
42 - " "



, 11 2012 . 20:29 +
STanya707 [ + !]


(30 .) . , . . , . - . , , , - , - . , - . , - ( ), . . , .

1. (Armeria maritima).2. (Festuca glauca).3. - (Dianthus grantianopolitanus).4. (Artemisia stelleriana)5. (Nepeta x faassenii).6. (Thymus serpyllum).7. (Lychnis coronaria).8. (Buddleia davidii).

, , . , . , . . . . -, , , , . . . - , , - . , , . . , , - . , . , . , . : - , , , -, . . , . . , , .

1. (Aster dumosus).2. (Bergenia cordifolia)3. (Begonia semperflorens) 4. (Colchicum autumnale)5. - (Geranium sanguineum) 6. (Gypsophila paniculata)7. (Iris graminea)8. (Allium giganteum)9. (Allium ostrowskianum)10. (Monarda didyma)11. (Festuca glauca)12. (Artemisia ludoviciana)13. (Pulsatilla vulgaris)14. (Sedum spectabile)15. (Eryngium planum)16. (Stachys lanata)17. (Thymus serpyllum)18. (Tulipa kaufmannii)19. (Phlox subulata)20. (Echinacea purpurea)21. (Cerastium tomentosum)

, . , , . -, - , . . , . , , . . .
812 . 56 , , . . 10 . . . .

1. (Pinus mugo Mops) 2. (Juniperus communis Hibernica) .3. (Juniperus chinensis Spartan)4. (Juniperus squamata Holger) 5. (Juniperus x media)6. (Astrantia major)7. - (Geranium sanguineum Nana)8. (Gypsophila paniculata)9. (Campanula portenschlagiana) 10. (Euphorbia polychroma)11. (Festuca glauca Blue Glow)12. (Sempervivum hybridum) 13. (Liatris spicata)14. () (Platycodon grandiflorus)15. (Pulsatilla vulgaris)16. (Sagina subulata)17. (Sedum spectabile)18. (Thymus serpyllum)19. (Salvia nemorosa)20. (Scabiosa caucasica) 21. (Calamagrostis acutiflora Karl Forster)22. (Panicum virgatum Rehbraum Rubrum)

23. (Stipa gigantea)
24. (Deschampsia caespitosa)


1. : 8 .

2. 'Marla' 'Blissy' 'Polka': ; 30 .

3. (Helenium) 'Kanaria': - 11,2 ; 20 .

4. Rovada': ; - ; 2 .

5. (Leucanthemum maximum) 'Gruppenstolz':- 60 -; 35 .

6. (Malva moschata): - ; 5060 ; 50 .

7. Rubinette': ; ; 610 ; 1 .

8. (Aster novi-beign) Le Heve: 1,5 , ; 25 .

9. (Rudbeckia fulgida) 'Goldsturm': 6080 ; 16 .

10. (Iris x barbata-media) 'Arctic Fancy: - ; 60 ; 90 .

11. (BuxuS sempervirens) 'Blauer Heinz": , ; 150 .

12. (Lathyrus latifoiius) 'Rote Perie': 1,52 ; 6 .

13. (Paeonia lactiflora) 'Bunker Hill': 80 ; ;

2. .

. .
1. (Hydrangea macronhvlla) 'Bouquet Rose': - 1,5 ; 10 .

2. (Molinia arundinacea) 'Karl Foerster': , ; 0,71 , 6 .

3. (Echinacea purpurea) 'Rosenelfe': 70 ; 12 .

4. (Veronica longifolia) 'Blauriesin': ; 0,81 : 20 .

5. (Geranium macrorrhizum) 'Spessarf: - , 30 ; 40 .

6. (Anemone x japonica) 'Honorine Jobert': 1 -; 20 .

7. (Nepeta x faassenii) 'Six Hills Giant: - ; 80 ; 50 .

8. 'Gaertnerfreude': - ; 50 ; 12 .

9. (Cotinus coggygria) 'Royal Purple": 23 ; - ; ; 1 .

10. (Hemerocallis) "Bed of Roses': - ; 60 , ; 25 .

11. (Robinia pseudoacacia) Umbraculifera': ; 2 .

12. (Berberis thunbergii) 'Atropurpurea Nana' ; - ; ; - ; 3040 ; 50 .

13 , : 2 .


1 -
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - 5
6 - 6
7 - 7
40 - ""
41 -
42 - " "



, 11 2012 . 20:19 +
[ + !]

, , , ,
- ,
1 (550x550, 145Kb)
, ,- ,,,,. , , , , ....



, 11 2012 . 20:13 +

74377413_kalendar_thumb (370x245, 56Kb) -. , , .

, , , , , . , , .

, .





, 11 2012 . 20:10 +
Lina333 [ + !]


, , , , 10 2. , .  , , 1-2 .

, , , , .

, ,  : . (Abeliophyllum) (Corylopsis), . ,    , . , , .



, 11 2012 . 19:49 +
nataliya40 [ + !]

http://g1.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photo24EE/20330706323-0/large.jpg#20330706323/1351695023_1 (370x336, 83Kb)  – , -. . 

– 42 .


– , 

– , 

– , 
– .
http://g1.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photoC7D7/20553779172-0/large.jpg#20553779172/1351695047_2 (700x363, 99Kb)

( )

1. (20) 
2. (5) 
3. (8) 
4. (8) 
5. (10) 
6. (8) 
7. (10) 
8. (10) 
9. (10) 
10. (6) 
11. ‘Eden Rose’ (1) 
12. ‘Superba’ (1) 
13. - ‘Herbstfreude’ (6) 
14. (6) 
15. (6) 
16. ‘Variegata’ (4) 
17. (6) 
18. (12) 
19. (3) 
20. - (3) 
21. (3) 
22. (3) 
23. (6) 
24. (6) 
25. ‘Armleuchter’


http://g2.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photo9CD8/20776852021-0/large.jpg#20776852021/1351695075_3 (699x369, 96Kb)
. – , . .

, (1). – (2) (3). 

– , (4) (5). – (9). , – (8) (7). 

(6) (10) – . – (11) (12).

http://g1.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photoF7CF/20446070568-0/large.jpg#20446070568/1351695109_4 (700x438, 121Kb)

, (, , ).

- (20) (22). - - (11), . “” (21). 

(18), . (17) – . – , . (12) – .

- . (14), - (13), (16). (19). (15).

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photo8253/20222997719-0/large.jpg#20222997719/1351695159_5 (700x353, 112Kb)
– . - (13) (23). 

(24) (25). (17). (22), (11) (12), . 

(14) , , (19) (16).

http://g3.s3.forblabla.com/u38/photo36D9/20999924870-0/large.jpg#20999924870/1351695179_6 (700x360, 93Kb)
( 6°) (10). 

- (13) (14) , . (16) – - . 

– (11) (12) - . . . . 

– , .

http://g2.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photo76C9/20561434813-0/large.jpg#20561434813/1351695202_7 (310x310, 90Kb) 

http://g3.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photo4519/20892216266-0/large.jpg#20892216266/1351695222_8 (310x310, 89Kb) 

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photoEC1A/20115289115-0/large.jpg#20115289115/1351695241_9 (310x310, 104Kb) 

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photo777E/20338361964-0/large.jpg#20338361964/1351695267_10 (310x310, 80Kb) 

http://g3.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photoDBF4/20784507662-0/large.jpg#20784507662/1351695285_11 (310x310, 62Kb) 

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photo0D0B/20669143417-0/large.jpg#20669143417/1351695304_12 (310x310, 77Kb) 

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photo9FCB/20007580511-0/large.jpg#20007580511/1351695322_13 (310x310, 72Kb)  (Narcissus) 

http://g1.s3.forblabla.com/u38/photo8BAB/20453726209-0/large.jpg#20453726209/1351695341_14 (310x310, 88Kb)   

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photoF6BB/20230653360-0/large.jpg#20230653360/1351695360_15 (310x310, 78Kb) 

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photo8BF1/20899871907-0/large.jpg#20899871907/1351695383_16 (310x310, 82Kb)   

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photoC363/20122944756-0/large.jpg#20122944756/1351695401_17 (310x310, 101Kb)  

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u38/photo53CE/20676799058-0/large.jpg#20676799058/1351695420_18 (310x310, 106Kb) -

http://g4.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photoD9D6/20461381850-0/large.jpg#20461381850/1351695445_19 (310x310, 121Kb)   

http://g2.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photoF61C/20569090454-0/large.jpg#20569090454/1351695467_20 (310x310, 78Kb)   

http://g1.s3.forblabla.com/u37/photo858D/20015236152-0/large.jpg#20015236152/1351695488_21 (310x310, 118Kb) 

http://g3.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photoD664/20238309001-0/large.jpg#20238309001/1351695506_22 (310x310, 77Kb)   

http://g2.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photo9C84/20346017605-0/large.jpg#20346017605/1351695555_23 (310x310, 79Kb) 

http://g2.s3.forblabla.com/u38/photoD4CC/20792163303-0/large.jpg#20792163303/1351695600_24 (310x310, 99Kb)   

http://g3.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photo2FB7/20907527548-0/large.jpg#20907527548/1351695624_25 (310x310, 94Kb) -

http://g3.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photo8479/20799818944-0/large.jpg#20799818944/1351695688_26 (310x310, 99Kb) 

http://g3.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photoCEFB/20130600397-0/large.jpg#20130600397/1351695714_27 (310x310, 139Kb) 

http://g1.s3.forblabla.com/u36/photo28C6/20353673246-0/large.jpg#20353673246/1351695735_28 (310x310, 123Kb) 

http://g1.s3.forblabla.com/u38/photo2524/20684454699-0/large.jpg#20684454699/1351695752_29 (310x310, 70Kb) 

" ":
1 - -
2 -
36 -
37 - :
38 -


, 11 2012 . 19:25 +
nataliya40 [ + !]


4236847_000000000000000000001 (497x600, 172Kb)

. , , . , .

, . . , .

4236847_1 (550x462, 81Kb)1 – , 2 – , 3 – , 4 – , 5 – , 6 – , 7 – , 8 – , 9 – , 10 – , 11 – , 12 – .






, . 'Blue Haze' - 5 , 60




. (A. tomentosa) - 15 , ­ 30 ,




'Warley Rose' . 15 , 30




, , . (A. beesianum). 30 , 10 ,



. - (. ) 10 10 , -



. (A. blanda) . (A. apennina) . 62. . (A. nemorosa), , 20


( )


, . 10 , 45 , -




, ., . (A. flabellata), - . 15 , 15




. (A. ferdinandi-coburgii) 'Variegata' . 10 , 30 ,




, . 20 , 30



- . . (A. smidtiana) 'Nana' ­ . 15 , 30



. (A. gussonii) - 10 , 30 ,




. (A. alpinus) , . 15 , 45




. (A. chinensis) pumila 22,5 , 30 . -



. (. carpatica), ­ . 22,5 , 30




. (. obtusa), , 'Nana' (-­, ), - 'Boulevard' . (. pisifera)



, ­ .



. , , ., 'Cloth of Gold'



. . (. hederifolium)



, . ­ , ., . (. decumbens), 15 , . (. ardoinii), 20




. . (D. alpi­nus), 10 , . (D. deltoides), 20 .



. . (D. cuccularia) - ­ . 15



. .


  4236847_kamnelomka_met (600x449, 64Kb)  


4236847_anaflis (481x361, 85Kb)                                              


4236847_ochistok (600x449, 62Kb)


4236847_acena_novoz (448x336, 103Kb)                                                        



4236847_antennariya (448x336, 55Kb)  


4236847_molochai (652x489, 104Kb)



4236847_barvinok_mal (600x449, 58Kb)  


4236847_gorechavka (600x449, 59Kb)


4236847_1111111 (652x489, 99Kb)



4236847_timiyan_prij(1) (488x366, 117Kb)                     



4236847_yasnotka (488x366, 129Kb)  


4236847_yasnotka1 (600x450, 65Kb)



4236847_gipsofila (448x338, 46Kb)  


4236847_gravilat (488x366, 79Kb)



  4236847_gvozd_alp (448x336, 98Kb)


4236847_gvozd_alpiisk (448x336, 108Kb)                           



  4236847_gvozd_trav (640x480, 223Kb)  


4236847_geihera_kolor (448x336, 105Kb)

   « »


4236847_kamnel_gibrid (448x336, 125Kb) 


4236847_kamnelomka_travyanaya (488x366, 125Kb)



  4236847_flok_prel (468x366, 134Kb)


4236847_floks_stol (488x366, 91Kb)       



  4236847_floks_shilov (488x366, 98Kb)


          4236847_chistec (488x366, 110Kb)



  4236847_polin_stella (652x489, 94Kb)


  4236847_sinegolovik (488x366, 134Kb)



  4236847_astra_alp (488x366, 86Kb)


4236847_polin_shmid (315x366, 73Kb)               



  4236847_sedym (337x450, 52Kb)  


4236847_armeniya (366x488, 91Kb)




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