(Baile de Sociedad) (La Condesa) (El Galan del Sarao)
(La desnuda inclinada)
(Tea Time) (Lost in thought)- (The masked ball) (Joven con vestido rosa) (lady in front of a mirror) (Dama con flores) (Peasant girls harvesting in a field) (A portrait of a Spanish lady with a fan) (Picking Wildflowerss)
(Die Tanzvorfuhrung) (El Baile)
(Elegante au bord de la mer) (Dressed for the Ball) (An elegant young beauty) (Retoques finales)
(The Model’s Repose) (The Reader) (La belle guitariste) (Farandole du ballet de l’Opera de Marseille) (Young girl with a fan) https://my.mail.ru/community/ickycctvo-2015./4C1EABA32BCDC5E8.html