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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 12.01.2011
Записей: 124
Комментариев: 17
Написано: 181



Суббота, 14 Января 2012 г. 23:58 + в цитатник

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Рубрики:  Шерлок


Гифки с новым Шерлоком!


Вторник, 03 Января 2012 г. 23:50 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Шерлок




Понедельник, 18 Июля 2011 г. 17:24 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Шерлок


Гифки по теме Шерлок


Воскресенье, 24 Апреля 2011 г. 18:09 + в цитатник
Как обычно, нагло спёрто с других сайтов.
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Рубрики:  Шерлок


Мартин в новом фильме "Tim nice but Swing"


Воскресенье, 24 Апреля 2011 г. 18:01 + в цитатник
трейлер тут

"Чтобы разнообразить свою интимную жизнь, пара решает попробовать свинг, и в поисках партнеров они встречают большое количество всяких чудаков. Премьера - 17 июня."
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Рубрики:  Шерлок
Обзор кинематографии
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Озвучка игры Nightjar


Воскресенье, 24 Апреля 2011 г. 17:55 + в цитатник
Официальный трейлер игры

Настроение сейчас - никакое

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Рубрики:  Шерлок
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You know you are a Sherlockian when...


Вторник, 12 Апреля 2011 г. 15:34 + в цитатник
You know that you are a sherlockian when:
1. …you are bored (BORED. Bored!!).
2. …you are on FIRE!
3. …you ponder the best way to destroy all self-check machines for the sake of your sanity and mankind.
4. …you hate those bloody self check out machines.
5. …body parts in your fridge, microwave or other kitchen appliances is just de rigueur.
6. …the idea of body parts in the fridge/microwave doesn't seem like a deal-breaker for a flatmate.
7. …you do experimentation's using your microwave and your fridge as part of the methodology.
8. …flogging a corpse with a riding crop just seems the thing to do.
9. …you scour the net/high street looking for a riding crop.
10. …safety Orange trauma blankets have become the new "black".
11. …your text message notification is Sherlock saying "What now? I'm in shock - look I've got a blanket."
12. …you don't see anything wrong with hacking your flatmate's laptop just because you can't be bothered to get your own out of the bedroom.
13. …you start hacking cell phones just to tell people how "Wrong" the police are.
14. …you have a housekeeper, not a landlady.
15. …oatmeal colored jumpers become hotter to you than "Lesbian Asian Triplets" night on the Playboy Network.
16. …you have the urge to aquire a blue scarf and wear it everywhere.
17. …you've got out your long wool coat and keep wearing it *in the middle of summer*. *With a scarf*. *And gloves*.
18. …you are wishing away the summer with one eye on your long wool coat.
19. …you're filled with the sudden, irrational desire to buy and then wear thick, woolly sweaters. In the middle of a hot Californian summer.
20. …you're filled with the sudden, irrational desire to buy and then wear tailored, dashing suits. Even if you're just sitting around at home.
21. …you want nothing more than have certain roomates rip the aforementioned sweaters and suits off of each other.
22. …you start ripping off your friend's clothes in a darkened swimming pool.
23. …you crash your housemate's date without realising how awkward it might be.
24. ...you tell your flatmate to "Come at once, if convenient" and it starts to mean something altogether different.
25. …"Asexual" starts to mean "John!sexual".
26. …"get my phone, it's in my pocket" means "I want to have your babies”.
27. …you constantly correct everyone's grammar. Out loud.
28. …you call it an aeroplane, not an airplane.
29. …you begin to use British vernacular even though you live smack dab in the middle of the States (hooray for jumpers, mobiles and aeroplanes).
30. …Taxis > Rooftops > Walking.
31. …you start winking at people whilst making that 'click' sound.
32. …you try to look pompous and serious while Tweeting something silly from your mobile.
33. …you vehemently deny that you are a psychopath and would prefer to be known as a highly-functioning sociopath.
34. …you see anyone who looks like Anderson you tell them to stop thinking since they're lowering the IQ of the whole street.
35. …other people’s stupidity really annoys you.
36. …you refer to your sibling as your 'arch enemy'.
37. …you see a man with a long umbrella and immedietely think he may be dangerous.
38. …you buy an umbrella and you are never seen using it; just twirling it.
39. …Browning Service revolvers become the favorite creative tool of your inner tortured genius/artist.
40. ...eating becomes that thing that "other" people do.
41. …you're a true musical savant and yet your violin playing STILL sounds like an agonizingly dying cat.
42. …when you tell people you know that you'll "Catch. Them. Later."
43. …postmortem spit coagulation becomes more germane to your daily life than Earth's place in the larger solar system.
44. …the very first thing you buy with your very first paycheck is a thick hardbound copy of The Complete Sherlock Holmes.
45. …you spend your day off having a Sherlock day, going to the big bookshop to see what Sherlock books they have, then on to baker street and the Sherlock museum, speedys cafe, and then to see the Sherlock play currently in the westend.
46. …you acquire a comely sidekick and a crazy arch nemesis (other than your brother) all in one week.
47. …you're walking down the street/in the mall/anywhere public & you start eyeing people, trying to deduce who they are & how they live their lives.
48. …you want to kill everyone for a cigarette!
49. …you start loading up your arms with nicotine patches claiming "this is a three patch problem".
50. …you want to get nicotine patches (whether you smoke or not).
51. …you have a mug of tea at work because something is "a two brew problem".
52. …you can't seem to watch the shows, fanvids and clips on youtube without craving Chinese take out.
53. …crime reports come on the news and you have to tell yourself "Do not Giggle! It's a crime scene!"
54. …end your texts with your initials.
55. …you miss your skull from osteology class and seriously start looking around to buy a new one.
56. …you start finding criminal activities more interesting than bad.
57. …you think the best skin colour is milky white.
58. …you learn to swordfight.
59. …you forget irrelevant information.
60. …you start imagining special effects every time you look at a text or make an observation.
61. …you steeple your hands when you think or give great explanations.
62. …in a cafe you transfixedly stare at the space around you with your hands put together, barely paying attention to your friend talking.
63. …you say "obvious" to any fact, obvious or otherwise.
64. ...you tell someone to turn around because they're putting you off.
65. ...you tell people to come anyway, even if inconvenient.
66. ...your favourite body part of your friend is the fact they're shorter than you.
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Рубрики:  Шерлок
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Вторник, 12 Апреля 2011 г. 15:22 + в цитатник

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Рубрики:  Шерлок


Какая прическа!


Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 22:18 + в цитатник
в постановке пьесы Шекспира "Как вам это понравится" в Риджентс Парке, 2002 год.
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Рубрики:  Шерлок
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Роковая овсянка доктора Ватсона


Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 22:09 + в цитатник
"Шерлок Холмс": роковая овсянка доктора Ватсона
Актер Мартин Фриман, как и его герой Джон Ватсон, встретил свою любимую на работе.

В сериале. Доктор Ватсон в начале истории хромает - последствие травмы, полученной на войне.
В жизни. "Я, как Ватсон, получил травму на службе - на третий день съемок "Шерлока", - говорит Мартин Фриман. - И не к какой-нибудь боевое сцене, а выходя из трейлера. Поскользнулся с миской овсяной каши в руках, рухнул, как тонна кирпичей, и повредил запястье. Пришлось обратиться в больницу, и мы потеряли день" .

В сериале. Ватсон носит простую одежду: брюки, рубашка, свитер, одна и та же черная куртка.
В жизни. Мартин Фриман очень следит за тем, как он выглядит за кадром: "Это Джуд Лоу в любом виде красавчик, а мне надо быть внимательным. Да, меня можно назвать стиляго, но с маленькой буквы "с". Вообще, считаю, в школе должны проводитьт занятия на тему "Почему я это ношу и что я хочу этим сказать". Мне очень нравятся костюмы-тройки с галстуками. А еще мой любимый образ: ситцевая рубашка, куртка, джинсы, лоферы (туфли вроде мокасин. - Прим. "Антенны") и, возможно, небольшая милая шляпа".

В сериале. Ватсон ведет блог.
В жизни. Фриман редко пользуется компьютером и просит присылать ему сценарии по обычной, а не по электронной почте. У него есть официальный сайт в Интернете, который ведет его брат.

В сериале. Ватсон знакомится с врачом Сарой, когда устраивается на работу в поликлинику. У них начинается роман.
В жизни. Мартин познакомилс с будущей женой, актрисой Амандой Аббингтон, в 2000 году на кастинге телефильма "Только мужчины". "Там я сыграл, наверное, самую мрачную свою роль - бандита-насильника, но я благодарен этой работе, где встретил любимую женщину", - говорит актер. У пары растут 5-летний сын Джо и годовалая дочь Грейс.

В сериале. Холмс - социопат. Ватсон же вежлив и мил с окружающими и принимает своего друга таким, какой он есть.
В жизни. "Я совсем не так мил, каким кажусь, - говорит актер. - Люди очень удивились бы, если б узнали, сколько гнева внутри меня. не представляю, как можно прожить без выражения негативных эмоций! Я, черт возьми, не лучший друг всем окружающим. Меня "гасит" моя жена. Ее способ называется любовью.

Оксана Трухан

родился: 8 сентября 1971 года в г. Альдершот (графство Хэмпшир, Великобритания)
карьера: снялся более чем в 45 фильмах и сериалах, в том числе "Чисто английское убийство", "Офис", "Автостопом по галактике", "Реальная любовь"
семейное положение: женат на актрисе Аменде Аббингтон, двое детей
рост: 170 см
хобби: коллекционирует записи на виниловых пластинках
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Рубрики:  Шерлок
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Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 21:57 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Шерлок




Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 21:53 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Шерлок


И еще)


Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 21:46 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Шерлок
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Журнал GO.Список 100 самых стильных мужчин


Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 21:41 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Шерлок


Клад) Фотки


Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 21:26 + в цитатник
Лысый мужик мне не нравится, поэтому с ним фотки не добавляю.
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Рубрики:  Шерлок
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Цитаты из Шерлока(Слепой банкир)(на англ)


Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 21:16 + в цитатник
"I'm the great Sherlock Holmes, I work alone 'cause no one can compete with my massive intellect!"

Sherlock: "I need to get some air, we're going out tonight."
John: "Actually, I've uh, got a date."
Sherlock: "What?"
John: "It's where two people who like each other go out and have fun."
Sherlock: "That's what I was suggesting."
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Рубрики:  Шерлок
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Цитаты из Шерлока(Большая игра)(на англ)


Суббота, 26 Марта 2011 г. 21:11 + в цитатник
Sherlock: "Just tell me what happened from the beginning."
Barry: "We've been to a bar, a nice place, and I was chattin' with one of the waitresses and Karen weren't happy with that, so we got back to the hotel and ended up having a bit of a ding dong, didn't we? She was gettin' at me, saying I weren’t a real man-- "
Sherlock: "Wasn’t."
Barry: "What?"
Sherlock: "It’s not weren’t, it’s wasn’t."
Barry: "Oh..."
Sherlock: "Go on."
Barry: "Well, then I don’t know how it happened but suddenly there's a knife in my hands. And you know, my old man was a butcher so I know how to handle knives. He learned us how to cut up a piece-- "
Sherlock: "Taught."
Barry: "What?"
Sherlock: "Taught you how to cut up a piece."
Barry: "Yeah, well, then I done it."
Sherlock: "Did it."
Barry: "I stabbed her over and over and over and I looked at her and she weren’t-- ... wasn't movin' no more. Any more."

Barry: "Hey, you gotta help me, Mr. Holmes! Everyone says you're the best. Without you... I'll get hung for this."
Sherlock: "No, no, Mr. Bewick, not at all. Hanged, yes."

John: "There's a head in the fridge. A bloody head!"
Sherlock: "Where else was I supposed to put it?"

John: "A severed head!"
Sherlock: "Just tea for me, thanks."

John: "What the hell are you doing?!"
Sherlock: "Bored."
John: "...what?"
Sherlock: "Bored!"
He shoots the wall.
Sherlock: "Bored!"
And again.
Sherlock: "Bored! I don't know what's gotten into the criminal classes, good job I'm not one of them."
John: "So you take it out on the wall?"
Sherlock: "Oh, the wall had it coming."

"Oh hell, what does it matter?! So we go round the sun - if we went round the moon or... round and round the garden like a teddy bear, it wouldn't make any difference."

Sherlock: "Look at that, Mrs. Hudson. Quiet, calm, peaceful... isn't it hateful?"
Mrs. Hudson: "Oh, I'm sure something will turn up, Sherlock. A nice murder, that'll cheer you up."

Sherlock: "You read his blog?"
Lestrade: "'Course I read his blog, we all do! Do you really not know that the earth goes around the sun?"

Lestrade: "But what's this got to do with that painting? I don't see-- "
Sherlock: "You do see, you just don't observe!"
John: "Alright! Alright, girls, calm down."

John: "Fantastic."
Sherlock: "Meretricious."
Lestrade: "And happy new year."

"Oh, so you meant spectacularly ignorant in a nice way."

John: "So why is he doing this then? Playing this game with you? Do you think he wants to be caught?"
Sherlock: "I think he wants to be distracted."
John: "Well, I hope you'll be very happy together."
Sherlock: "...sorry, what?"
John: "There are lives at stake, Sherlock! Actual human lives! Just so I know, do you care about that at all?"
Sherlock: "Would caring about them help to save them?"
John: "No."
Sherlock: "Then I'll continue not to make that mistake."
John: "And you find that easy, do you?"
Sherlock: "Yes, very. Is that news to you?"
John: "No... no."
Sherlock: "... I've disappointed you."
John: "It's good. It's a good deduction, yes."
Sherlock: "Don't make people into heroes, John: heroes don't exist, and if they did I wouldn't be one of them."

"Let him go or I will kill you."
(с)John (to the Golem)

"Why does anyone do anything? Because I'm bored. We were made for each other, Sherlock."
(с)Jim Moriarty (through victim #2)

Jim Moriarty: "I will burn the heart out of you."
Sherlock: "I have been reliably informed that I don't have one."
Jim Moriarty: "Oh, but we both know that's not quite true."

Sherlock: "People have died."
Jim Moriarty: "That's what people do!"

John: "You, ripping off my clothes in a darkened swimming pool. People might talk."
Sherlock: "People do little else."
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Рубрики:  Шерлок
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Про меня)


Понедельник, 21 Марта 2011 г. 11:51 + в цитатник

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Рубрики:  Шерлок




Понедельник, 21 Марта 2011 г. 11:49 + в цитатник

Настроение сейчас - каникулы!!!!

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В колонках играет - Jelly Roll Morton and his Red Hot Peppers - Boogie Woogie Blues
Рубрики:  Шерлок


Benedict Cumberbatch(продолжение)


Среда, 16 Марта 2011 г. 17:55 + в цитатник
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Рубрики:  Шерлок


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