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todo-mail .¿Delicioso Pan Sin Azúcar Ni Gluten? Es Posible...

, 19 2018 . 19:24 +

¿Delicioso Pan Sin Azúcar Ni Gluten? Es Posible...

No creíamos que era posible hacer un pan sin carbohidratos, ni gluten ni azúcar hasta que descubrimos esta receta. Conocido como el pan nube, este suave pan es esponjoso y tan delicioso que se deshace en tu boca. Es una gran alternativa al pan tradicional y es alto en proteínas.


¿De qué está hecho este pan? Tan sólo necesitamos tres ingredientes: huevos, queso crema y crema de tártaro. La receta que te presentamos a continuación incluye romero para darle un toque más sabroso. Este es el resultado:

80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/Learn Spanish
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
80th Anniversary/Polyglot 80 diary
80th Anniversary/Slow conversation .Website for pensioners.


Baba-Mail .10 Places No One is Allowed to Visit.

, 15 2018 . 14:04 +

Polyglot 80 

أنا أبحث في منتدى Polyglot 80 ، وأرى أنه لا يوجد أحد يكتب التعليقات ، ولا أحد ، على الأرجح ، ولا يقرأ المواد التي ننشرها في المنتدى. أضع هذه المواد والمقالات على فيسبوك ، وهناك أيضا لا أحد يكتب التعليقات. ما يصل إلى 80 عامًا ، أريد المشاركة في دراسة أشياء كثيرة ... اتضح أن منتدى Polyglot 80 هو جامعتي الشخصية لدراسة اللغات الأجنبية ، والطب ، والسياسة ، وشؤون فلاديمير بوتين ، ومشكلات الحفاظ على كامل الحياة ، الطهي ، "الرياضة" ، الفكاهة ، مشاكل الدماغ ، الذاكرة ... وما لا نكتبه ... لا أحد يمنعنا من وضع سجلاتنا ... يضع بابا-ماين المواد باللغة الإنجليزية والإسبانية والعبرية . من الممكن تعلم اللغات الأجنبية بنفسك. إنه بفضل الإنترنت ، ولكن من المرغوب فيه أن يكون الرفاق مهتمين بتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية والعربية والعبرية والأوكرانية والإسبانية والألمانية واليديش وفرنسا والإيطالية ... يمكنك أن تتعلم الكثير من بعضها البعض. يعيش التواصل البشري. طوال الوقت نسأل أنفسنا - أو نحن أغبياء جدا ، والجميع من حولنا أذكياء ، أو ربما العكس.
Https: //translate.google.com/#en/en/
80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
80th Anniversary/Slow conversation .Website for pensioners.


-__ (!) Galia (Rishon Le Zion)

, 15 2018 . 11:53 +

rozovyy-narciss (600x600, 91Kb)

I'm looking at the Forum Polyglot 80, and I see that no one writes comments, no one, probably, and does not read the materials that we post on the Forum. I put these materials, articles on Facebook, and there too nobody writes comments. Up to 80 years, I want to engage in the study of many things ... It turns out that Forum Polyglot 80 is my personal university for studying foreign languages, medicine, politics, the affairs of Vladimir Putin, the problems of maintaining a full life, cooking, "sports", humor , brain problems, memory ... And what we just do not write .... Nobody prevents us from putting our records ... Baba-Mail puts the materials in English, Spanish, Hebrew. It is possible to learn foreign languages by yourself. It is thanks to the Internet, but it is desirable to have comrades interested in learning English, Arabic, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Spanish, German, Yidish, France, Italian, ... You can learn a lot from each other. Live Human Communication. All the time we ask ourselves - or we are so stupid, and everyone around us is smart, or maybe the other way around.

Https: //translate.google.com/#en/en/

80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
80th Anniversary/Polyglot 80 diary
80th Anniversary/Slow conversation .Website for pensioners.



, 24 2018 . 09:18 +



Monday, January 22, 2018 18:32 + in the quote book 

In the first edition of his Great Book Think and Grow Rich (1937), the American writer Napoleon Hill mentioned that at the disposal of any person there is an entire Army of universal soldiers that can help achieve any set goal . Napoleon Hill called her the most powerful army in the world, always ready to fulfill any orders of its master-commander. And this Army can become your personal Guard, if you have the courage to take control of this army by yourself.

This army is not faceless. Each of her soldiers has a name. The basic warriors are: Purposefulness, Thrift, Imagination, Initiative, Leadership, Enthusiasm, Self-control, Gratitude, Individuality, Foresight, Focus, Co-operation, Perseverance, Patience, Temperance and Wisdom . Of course, in addition to these soldiers in your Guard, there may be others. But these are the most important. This is the general of your personal Guard . These are the ones without whom you will not achieve real Victory in any battle (be it business, war, struggle, sport, creativity, love or any other form of human competition)!

80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
80th Anniversary/Polyglot 80 diary
80th Anniversary/Slow conversation .Website for pensioners.



, 20 2018 . 21:15 +





1) Ignoring brain prompts

If you constantly create a mess in your room, though you hate it with all your heart, then it means that somewhere in the subconscious you are shouting about yourself a very important unfulfilled business, more important than the one you are currently occupied with. Your laziness in the unwillingness to get away at this moment is not even laziness, but rather a signal about the energy potential that you can get by doing your work.This signal is sent in order to get as much inspiration as is necessary to cope with all your pressing questions, when you ignore it, you start to postpone the matter for later (especially if you do not believe in doing it at all) - the blind subconscious mind decides that you are dealing already as it
were done (spiritual discomfort, however, will remain, he will also eat his own) and slowly begin to eat this energy as a hungry stomach eats himself. Energy is eaten just as much as it should have been, as a result - a broken limp person, you yourself.As a result, the pleasure from the neglected business is not obtained for a second, you are in the space of a "lonely guilty time" - you do not want to do anything, but not the slightest pleasure from razdolbaystva not work.

All energy is hidden in the action itself, and this is the most difficult to understand. Where do you get the energy to start acting? And just take and begin to roll on this hill, filled with and to those that you so need. If you ever looked to / p "People in Black", then you should remember the scene where the protagonists open the skull of one of the tiny aliens that controls the man in his head. So imagine yourself as such an alien being, relax and just mechanically watch how you perform the actions, allow yourself the luxury of making a mistake, you just learn, you train the muscle of willpower, so let it work in a mode convenient for it, but do not deny it it is her pleasure to become strong, as she can do it.
80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
80th Anniversary/Slow conversation .Website for pensioners.



, 19 2018 . 14:47 +



Whether we like it or not, but in our mature age the word "health" comes first. And where to get away from it? It's a mature age (we just do not need insinuations! Without a prefix "re-"!) - we are all almost young, almost energetic and almost healthy! Well, I myself already quite insolent - I call myself absolutely healthy! Why?Because I just do not know about my illnesses! I invented such a positive formula for myself: I do not know what it is, there is no such thing! Do not rush to throw stones - I'm not an absolute nihilist, and I understand that this formula does not fit everyone (there are diseases that can not be cured by our own hands and can not be cured by folk remedies, but only harm).

Alas, but life has changed so that physicians by vocation and doctors "from God" have sunk into oblivion. The generation of doctors of our age is gradually being retired by young, energetic, arrogant and ... almost uneducated. My friend has been teaching at the medical institute for many years, and she does not cease to scare herself of what comes to them and what they release. That's right - WHAT, since entry and study for money (commercial offices) is not study (see picture).



80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
80th Anniversary/Polyglot 80 diary
80th Anniversary/Slow conversation .Website for pensioners.
"Anti-aging medicine."
Health & Lifestyle > Health

 : [1]