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1.английский язык.2. полиглотство.3. живое человеч


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Baba-Mail .These 10 Battles Changed the World.


Суббота, 24 Февраля 2018 г. 14:58 + в цитатник

These 10 Battles Changed the World

History has always been one of my favorite topics at school, but we were rarely ever taught about the battles that changed the world. In fact, we would probably be living in a completely different world had these battles not taken place. 
1. The Battle Of Tours, 732
battles that changed the world
In the sixth century, the Muslim armies were a strong force, toppling great armies and claiming huge swaths of land. In the early sixth century, Berbers from Libya sailed into Spain claiming land for the Ummayad Dynasty. They took most of southern Spain, moving towards France. This was a serious attempt by the Muslims to take Western Europe and hadn't it been for Charles Martel, they would have likely succeeded.
Martel had led his armies to meet the Muslims. At first, they didn't get off to a good start and suffered several defeats. But when the Muslims got lazy, abandoning their posts, and started looting and pillaging local villages, Martel staged a last attempt and was able to turn the Muslims back to southern Spain. Had Martel's army been defeated, there would have been no other to stop the Muslims from entering Western Europe.
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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Baba-Mail .13 Moments that Changed America.


Четверг, 08 Февраля 2018 г. 14:03 + в цитатник
Рубрики:  Welcome to Baba-Mail / Going Viral > Baba Recommends
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Welcome to Baba-Mail .Wishing You a Truly Wonderful Spring.


Вторник, 21 Марта 2017 г. 18:10 + в цитатник

 Ирина ! Завтра 22 марта у тебя День рождения.  Поздравляем тебя с Днем рождения ! Поздравляем тебя и всю твою семью и с наступающей Весной 2017 года.Эд.Cilia

DSCF3865 (525x700, 72Kb)                                                                                                  

Wishing You a Truly Wonderful Spring

Spring is a time of rebirth and re-growth, not to mention a time that allows us to escape from the gloom of a seemingly never-ending winter. Nevertheless, the day is finally upon us! If you happen to be in a celebratory mood and want to share it with your nearest and dearest, take a look at these four stunning greeting cards that I've made just for you! Have yourself a wonderful Spring.
Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
Welcome to Baba-Mail / Going Viral > Baba Recommends
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Welcome to Baba-Mail .Today's World News Headlines


Вторник, 21 Марта 2017 г. 15:16 + в цитатник
Main >  Going Viral Baba Recommends                                                                          

Today's World News Headlines

March 20th, 2017: Today's world news headlines

•  Fierce fighting in northern Damascus 
•  North Korea holds successful rocket test 
•  Norway is the world’s happiest country 
•  Battle for the soul of the French Left 
•  Beauty and the Beast’s $350 million opening weeken

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Рубрики:  Welcome to Baba-Mail / Going Viral > Baba Recommends

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