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From Yosef Leitus (Beer-Sheva). Man and woman: what's the difference ...


Среда, 15 Ноября 2017 г. 19:05 + в цитатник



Sunday, October 08, 2017 12:50 + in the quote book 



Man and woman: what's the difference ...



Most do not even guess how fundamental the differences between men and women are. Gender features are at the level of behavioral reactions, at the physiological and even neuronal level.




The Danish scientist Bert Pakkenberg found that in the male brain cells are more than four million, but according to the tests, women show results 3% better than men. It turns out that this is caused by the so-called corpus callosum, which serves as a kind of "cable" between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. In women this body is thicker than that of men, and the connections in it are 30% larger. The brain of men is specialized and divided into specific departments. Because of the smaller number of connections between the hemispheres, a man can do only one thing qualitatively, completely concentrating on it. Recall: he is a warrior and a hunter. He pursues game or fights. A woman at home can do many things, such as cooking, watching children, caring for relatives and knitting.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .These Benefits Will Sway Your Opinion on Dog Ownership


Среда, 22 Июня 2016 г. 04:58 + в цитатник
Many like to say that a dog is a man's best friend, but it is far more accurate to say that a dog is a child's best friend. If your children or grandchildren are begging you to get a dog, you may want to consider what an amazing impact it will have on their lives. It is my personal opinion that every parent needs to know these facts, and even if you don’t have children, it's still wonderful to see the positive effect these lovable creatures have on us.
1. Babies who live with dogs get sick less.
A recent study at Kuopio University Hospital in Finland shows that babies who lived with dogs during the first year of their lives were less likely to have respiratory illnesses than their non-dog-owning counterparts. Many consider this fact to be a result of dogs causing more exposure to a mild amount of germs, increasing the abilities of the babies' immune systems to prevent sickness as they grow up.
2. Dogs help young readers gain confidence.
Children who are just learning to read often get self-conscious about reading aloud around other people. By having a dog around, they don't have any of those anxiety issues as they are actually "reading to the dog". Since dogs will be happy just to be around the child, the resulting feeling of confidence will do wonders for their reading ability.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .15 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong & Long


Вторник, 31 Мая 2016 г. 13:16 + в цитатник


My marriage is the most important possession I have, but even though I feel this way, I'm acutely aware of the fact that 40-50% of marriages end in divorce. I wanted to know how to avoid this saddening fate, and I was so relieved to find this wonderful advice here. Now I want to share these 15 simple and effective pieces of relationship wisdom with you, to enable you to keep your relationship to be the flower of your life too:  

Living with other people presents difficulties for most of us. Families can be unrelentingly hard, and many people relish being single and free. But at some point, we see that this freedom isn't what it appears to be, and decide to marry, or we simply fall in love. At the beginning we are so courteous with each other, but over time, familiarity diminishes the niceties, then we start to annoy each other with careless words and actions. In many cases, familiarity indeed breeds contempt. To avoid this disaster, why don't you: 

Marriage Advice
If it's not possible to spend much of every day together, you can make sure you share the same room at night. That way, however you think of your day, it will always be contextualized by your relationship, giving your life structure and support.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Ultimate Guide to Being a Cool Grandparent


Четверг, 21 Апреля 2016 г. 07:45 + в цитатник


Views:If you’re a grandparent, you know that you’re one of the most important figures in your grandchild’s life.  As a result, you must also know that there are numerous boundaries that can’t be overstepped, together with certain things you must do for the benefit of your grandchild. Here are 30 things that awesome grandparents always do:



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1. They always take heed of social media etiquette.

You might happen to be one of the few tech-savvy grandparents out there, but there are some unwritten social media rules that you should be aware of. First off, it’s not your place to post unflattering or inappropriate photos of your grandchildren, nor is every post written by one of them an opportunity for starting a conversation. Furthermore, don’t post any statuses or other content that can be misinterpreted negatively.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .7 Ways to Encourage Your Children to Do Chores.


Вторник, 12 Апреля 2016 г. 13:00 + в цитатник



Getting your children to help out with the chores at home is no easy task. They usually come up with some creative excuse such as, "I'm allergic to rubber gloves", or a not so creative excuse like " I have homework." However, instilling a good work ethic in your kids from an early age is important, so that down the line they will know how to wash a dish or mop the floor.

The following tips will help you encourage your children to help out around the house and teach them the importance of teamwork.


1. Switch Up Routines
If you really want to get your kids excited about chores, make a fun schedule for them with different chores they need to carry out each week. Kids will begin to look forward to the feeling of fulfillment after they complete the chore, and as long as they are varied, they will get excited. For example, if you want your children to help out making dinner one night a week, ask them to think up a meal that they would like. To make it even more exciting for them, tell them that the same meal cannot be repeated twice. They will love the sense of responsibility and will look for ways to pitch in.

2. Let the Kids Pick
There is a huge difference between the chores that you would choose for your child to carry out and the ones that he or she is more willing and excited to do. Make sure that your child picks the chores that they would like to do, be it feeding the pets, watering the plants, or clearing up toys. Forcing them to do chores that they aren't excited about causes them to see the chores as menial tasks to avoid. Instead, actively ask your child how they would like to contribute around the house and guide their answer with your own suggestions about what needs to get done.


chores and children

3. Make Chores Fun
Although this may seem like a lot of extra work on your part, it's actually very simple. Many of us have their own ways of looking at chores in a positive light, or things that we do to make the time pass by faster during the chore. One way to encourage children to participate is to make the chore into a game or competition with a time limit. This will encourage them to step up to the plate and deliver. You could also put on some of their favorite music and have them dance while doing the chore. There are so many great ways to make doing the chore enjoyable for your child that all involve you thinking outside of the box.


4. Make a Deal
While there are some parents that believe it is wrong to 'bribe' your children with a reward for the chore, this is actually one of the best ways to get them to participate. If you promise to do a fun activity together after they help out to clean the house, the child will be more motivated to get working. You can also promise them a special treat after, but try and keep the rewards to things that involve interaction and aren't outright gifts. That way, you know that the child appreciates the time with you, and it is even better for building their teamwork skills.


5. Chores Shouldn't Be a Punishment

Try not to use chores as a punishment for something the child has done wrong. If your child misbehaves, explain to them what they've done, but don't threaten them with a chore to do. The only chore they should have to do after misbehaving is to apologize, and sincerely. Trying to teach your child a lesson by throwing out a task will only further get them thinking negatively about chores, and interfere with their motivation in the future. As mentioned above, make chores as enjoyable as possible!


chores and children





6. Create a Timing System

Kids are motivated by competition, by setting time goals for your children you are encouraging them to complete the task within a certain framework. If you tell your child that the dishes need to be done in 20 minutes, they will usually put down what they are doing and get to the task. You can also create incentives around the time limit like a later bedtime or a favorite sweet snack for completing the task in a timely fashion. If the child does not immediately comply, show them that the time limit you set is important by giving them an earlier bed time, for example, or forbidding sweet treats for the next week.


7. Don't be Bossy!
This is the most important and most difficult tip. It is so easy to end up in bossy mode when you are trying to get your kids to participate in chores, but steer clear of a negative tone at all costs! Remind your children of their chores kindly, or list it as part of their activities when they ask what's planned for the day. Try not to use words like 'must', 'need' or 'now!' because these will drive your kids in the other direction. Instead, remind them, "Hey kids, it's 5 o'clock. Please don't forget to feed the dog!"

Hopefully, with these helpful tips, you will be able to encourage your children to actively help out around the house and nurture their sense of autonomy. And the last thing to remember - it's never too early or too late to start!

Рубрики:  Health & Lifestyle > Health/Health & Lifestyle > Family and parenting
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