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7 Art Secrets That Have Finally Been Cracked.


Суббота, 25 Ноября 2017 г. 16:47 + в цитатник

Я  заглянул , что пишут "мои друзья " на http://www.liveinternet.ru/. Никто не пишет комментариев , на то , что мы публикуем. Никто не хочет быть Полиглотом. Вот замечательная статья из  Welcome to Baba-Mail .Art & Stage > Art .Мы на Forum Polyglot 80  хотим проделать большую работу. Составляем таблицу на 3 языках .Думаем о создании словаря на разных языках ..

Вчера мы поместили небольшую с переводом с английского языка на арабский язык , о событиях - взрыве на Синае в Египте.  

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Welcome to Baba-Mail . 10 Breathtaking Leonardo da Vinci Masterpieces


Понедельник, 01 Мая 2017 г. 15:07 + в цитатник

10 Breathtaking Leonardo da Vinci Masterpieces


Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist - and painter! A man of so many fine accomplishments was rare even during the heady days of humanist renaissance. We've selected what we believe to be his 10 most famous artworks. Which of his stunning masterpieces do you think will be ranked number 1? Read on to find out!
Click on images to enlarge
10. Portrait of Ginerva de Benci
Owned by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, this enigmatic portrait is actually the only painting by Leonardo that currently resides in the United States. The sulky Ginerva strikes a rather haughty pose in this beautiful example of Leonardo's portraiture skills.
9. Lady with an Ermine
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20.04.17. 8 days of my life.Famous Paintings from the Renaissance.


Среда, 19 Апреля 2017 г. 03:56 + в цитатник



Famous Paintings from the Renaissance

The Renaissance was a cultural movement that occurred roughly from the 14th century all the way up to the 17th. This period saw some of the greatest artists in the history of mankind, including Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Below are ten of the most famous paintings from this extremely significant period of human artistic development.
10. The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli - Year: 1486
The "Birth of Venus" depicts the classical myth of Venus rising from the sea. In this painting, Venus, the goddess of love, born out of a seashell as a fully mature woman, is arriving at the seashore. Art scholars have given many interpretations of the painting, with the most prominent one being that Botticelli represented the Neoplatonic idea of divine love in the form of a nude Venus. This painting, to this day, remains one of the most treasured artworks of the Renaissance.
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Alina Semukha(USA) .Stunning Underwater Sculptures Help Marine Life .


Понедельник, 06 Февраля 2017 г. 07:36 + в цитатник

Stunning Underwater Sculptures Help Marine Life (PHOTOS)

By Euna Park
Dec 23 2016 12:00 AM EST


(Jason deCaires Taylor)


Artist Jason deCaires Taylor works under the sea to create long-lasting works to help marine life breathe.

“How can we live within the natural environment and not always oppose it?” Taylor told weather.com. He hopes to create art that can facilitate interactions between people and underwater habitats, to raise awareness on how much change is happening underwater.


(Jason deCaires Taylor)



(Jason deCaires Taylor)


“I’m only 40-years-old, but 20 years ago, [the environment] was vastly different,” Taylor said. “And that’s such a tiny, little [time frame], yet we’ve had such dramatic impact. Some of the places I went to when I was young are completely desolated.”

Though Taylor studied sculpture in art college, he ended up working as a scuba diving instructor. Whilst spending time teaching in waters, Taylor studied marine ecology. He always envisioned his work in an outdoor space, so it was natural for Taylor to consider creating art in the ocean.

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Yosef Leitus (Beer-Sheva).С Новым 2017 годом !Мариус ван Доккум и Александр Иванов.


Понедельник, 16 Января 2017 г. 21:04 + в цитатник


Мариус ван Доккум и Александр Иванов

  • Mar. 8th, 2014 at 9:49 AM

Ван Доккум + Иванов

Два художника-юмориста. Один рисует голландцев, другой - украинцев. Один особо любит голландских стариков, другой - украинских женщин:)  Оба художника современные, один живет в Голландии, другой в Харькове. Картины смешные и какие-то добрые, что сближает двух авторов. Ниже небольшая подборка их творчества.

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Понедельник, 02 Января 2017 г. 19:05 + в цитатник


Why do the feet of some girls and women, hundreds and thousands of fans who will do anything that they would be ordered. And at the same time, other members of the fairer sex are no admirers at all? In what lies the attractiveness of women, especially physical. After all, despite the fact that the main thing - the soul, the primary, we still estimate a person's appearance.

So, we present you the 6 physical characteristics of women who attract men instantly and attracts attention.

1. Wide waist and hip ratio


women beauty-1


Men love it when a woman's slender waist and broad hips. The ratio of 7:10. Hips - measure of the ability of women to bear and give birth to a child and a small waist - an indicator of femininity.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Up Close and Personal with Michelangelo's David Statue


Вторник, 06 Декабря 2016 г. 16:17 + в цитатник

Up Close and Personal with Michelangelo's David Statue

Michelangelo is one of art history’s most celebrated geniuses, and his remarkable statue of the Israelite King David is probably the single most famous sculpture in the world. It’s an amazing piece of work that everybody recognizes and knows something about. Yet, when you look even closer, the amazing skill and patience employed by Michelangelo in his creation becomes startlingly apparent. 
Click on images to enlarge
Over his left shoulder, David is holding a sling, and his right holds a rock. With these unsophisticated weapons, David is ready to make his attack on the giant Philistine champion, Goliath, from which he will emerge victorious – his first major act before becoming Israel’s most famous king.
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Girl, sea, ocean, beauty!


Среда, 02 Ноября 2016 г. 19:49 + в цитатник



  Google translate 


The real men are different from normal? From the usual headache, and from these spinning ...


Girls and the sea - 2


Girl, sea, ocean, beauty!


Source →

Posted 01/11/2016 at 11:52
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Здоровье и красота мужчины



Суббота, 22 Октября 2016 г. 14:18 + в цитатник
By Evgeny ( klonik69 ) wrote, 


This song was very fond of my father. But neither he nor many others who knew and loved this beautiful song, so in tune with a certain period of Soviet history, did not know that she is a native of the United States that its author did not live in the Soviet Union in the first half of the 20-ies of the last century, yes, and it was established only in the early 30s. 

it is considered by the author Herman Yablokov, winner of the Dutch-German name and the Russian-Slavic names, which actually was Chaim Yablonik, a native of West Belarusian city of Grodno.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .24 Paintings from Renaissance Grand-master, Raphael


Воскресенье, 28 Августа 2016 г. 12:07 + в цитатник
24 Paintings from Renaissance Grand-master, Raphael

Raphael (1483-1520) is one of the Renaissance art names synonymous with refined genius. With that being said, his lofty status in global art history can put off many people from actually sitting down and appreciating his works. Raphael was a humanist and a Christian. He wanted everyone to enjoy the works he created, so he painted scenes that were important to the normal people in his day. It’s such a wonderful thing that we can still see these magnificent paintings today. Here are 24 of his most spectacular:
Click on images to enlarge
1. Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Beautiful Paintings of Pino Daeni


Пятница, 05 Августа 2016 г. 08:50 + в цитатник
I can’t believe I’ve only just discovered the luscious, romantic paintings of Italian-American, Pino Daeni! These works of art are so gorgeous, and full of soft, delicate and beautiful images of youthful women and children against natural backdrops or homely surroundings. If you love the work of the impressionists, you’ll really appreciate these exquisite paintings.
The sensuous women Pino usually paints on beaches and in boudoirs appear confident and beautiful. They often seem to be daydreaming, perhaps thinking of absent lovers.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .A Collection of Old Black and White Photographs.


Воскресенье, 24 Июля 2016 г. 09:26 + в цитатник



These black and white or faded shots were collecting dust in someone’s attic or basement, until luckily they were dug out, to reveal some amazing scenes. What might have looked ordinary in its own day is now rare and fascinating history. Here are some seldom seen photos from decades gone by that show you how far mankind has progressed.
Selfies, 1920s style
1960s Venice: Coca-Cola advertisement, using pigeons
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Mother & Son Make Lively & Lovely Art Together.


Вторник, 12 Июля 2016 г. 14:05 + в цитатник


I have to say, this art I am about to share with you is funny, uplifting, profound and extraordinarily beautiful. These clever photographs are the combined work of Candian-Italian Tony Luciano and his 91 year old mother, Mrs. Luciano.
Tony does the camera work, the technical stuff. But his mother, a sufferer from dementia, is the one that brings everything to life. She is the one that provides the zip, the energy, the humor and the pathos of the artwork. She turns her son's talent into little masterpieces that provoke all kinds of responses from our souls. Have a deep look at these wonderful images of age and youth, and just see what reactions strike you.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The National Geographic Photo Contest of 2016


Суббота, 09 Июля 2016 г. 07:44 + в цитатник



The National Geographic has always been a showcase for the world's best photography. Each year it holds prestigious competitions, attracting the most talented photographers from around the world, and this year is no exception. The 2016 Travel Photographer of the Year has been named, and both the winner and runners-up have captured spectacular and memorable photos. The photos were selected from more than 10,000 entries. Check out their breathtaking photos below, along with the photographer's brief explanation on how the photo was take:

Click on the images to view them in their full size.


1. Winter Horseman, Inner Mongolia

national geographic

"The winter in Inner Mongolia is very unforgiving. At a freezing temperature of minus twenty and lower, with constant snowy winds from all directions, it was pretty hard to convince myself to get out of the car and take photos. When I saw Inner Mongolian horsemen showing off their skills and commanding the steed from a distance, I quickly grabbed my lens and captured a moment, when one of the horseman charged out from morning mist." Photographer: Anthony Lau, Grand Prize Winner

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Modern-Day Master: Emanuele Dascanio’s Hyperrealistic Drawings


Четверг, 07 Июля 2016 г. 20:51 + в цитатник



Have you ever wondered how the old Renaissance masters would have painted had they been alive today? What would Leonardo’s subjects have looked like? What new techniques would Raphael adopt? Most importantly, how would the results look? Well, today we have finally been given a wonderful clue, thanks to the amazing work of Italian artist Emanuele Dascanio. 

Painting realistic old man

This supremely talented young man has been schooled in the ways of the old Renaissance greats and has adapted those techniques with his own modern interests to create the most stunning portraits the modern world has ever seen. Using charcoal and graphite, a single source of light is enough to make these pieces practically come to life. And this stunning achievement is the result of both incredible talent, and patient devotion: Emanuele is said to spend up to 780 hours of work per piece.

An Old Man Tied Up

Old Man, arms crossed, renaissance style
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .9 Famous Paintings Celebrating Love.


Среда, 06 Июля 2016 г. 08:06 + в цитатник



These paintings are beloved around the world. Each one conveys a striking story that resonates with millions because of their universal themes of love and beauty. The passion and dedication by each painter is evident with each brushstroke. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have!

The Kiss by Gustav Klimt, 1909
Most romantic paintings

This Art Nouveau painting beautifully depicts an intimate moment in shimmering yellows and golds. It's one of the most purchased posters on the internet, making it hard to believe that, when this artwork was first exhibited, it caused a scandal and was regarded as pornographic.

Chez le père Lathuille by Édouard Manet, 1879
Most romantic paintings

An Impressionist work by Manet, lovingly showing the city of love's quiet neighborhood of Batignolles. This gentle setting presents a young man courting a woman in the famous restaurant and cabaret,Chez le Pere Lathuille.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Watch these great movies and let love flow.


Среда, 06 Июля 2016 г. 08:00 + в цитатник



Did you know that just watching the right movie with your partner can make your relationship a little bit better than it was before? I’ve actually tried this seemingly-bizarre theory out myself, and it really works! All you need to do is watch a movie together and discuss the impact it had on you both on an individual level. Now, you must be wondering which movie to watch. Here at 10 of the best movies you can watch to strengthen your relationship:

1. Husbands and Wives (1992)


This powerful drama is about two middle-aged couples experiencing tough times in their respective relationships. As a result of entering various mid-life crises, the characters go through several difficult moments, such as marriages coming and ending and scandals erupting. The result of all this is that they have to go through a great deal of introspection. In fact, the movie tries to answer whether it’s humanly possible for marriages and love to always be harmonious.


2. Blue Valentine (2010)


Principle characters Dean and Cindy fell in love many years ago, but recently their feelings for each other have diminished. This movie’s plot is played out through highlighting all the little details of the characters’ daily lives, with the ultimate lesson being that it is the little things that remind us all why we fell in love in the first place.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Beautiful Paintings of Arsen Kurbanov


Понедельник, 04 Июля 2016 г. 16:32 + в цитатник



Asen Kurbanov is a Russian painter who strives to combine the techniques of the old

painting masters with a modern, personal style of imagery. His works contain many biblical and historical references, often introucing an atmosphere of mystery. He especially

loves portraits, and they always seem to hint that there is an interesting story behind

the person in the painting. Here are some of my favorite paintings by this talented artist.

Click on any of the images to see them in full size

Arsen Kurbanov paintings
Arsen Kurbanov paintings
Arsen Kurbanov paintings
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .16 of the Greatest Cello Works in Musical History.


Понедельник, 04 Июля 2016 г. 13:31 + в цитатник



When I wish to unwind after an exhausting day, nothing soothes me better than listening

to a selection of sonorous cello classics. To show you how effective a remedy for a weary

spirit, I have put together 16 fantastic cello classics into one riveting music box. There

are plenty of famous pieces, and I daresay, one or two delightful surprises as well. 

You've enjoyed our piano selection, so now why not run a hot bath, close your eyes and

let your ears receive a melodious treat with Baba-Mail’s ultimate cello compilation?


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Welcome to Baba-Mail .16 Rock & Roll Songs From the '50s.


Пятница, 24 Июня 2016 г. 15:26 + в цитатник


There is no era of pop music that I don't love, but the '50s is the only decade that gets me jumping and bopping at the very mention of the name. Whether it's Elvis, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly or Jerry Lee Lewis playing, I can always rely on a hit rock 'n' roll tune to get me in the mood to dance. Join me, and shake, rattle and roll away yoursummertime blues with these classic billboard chart toppers from the 1950s. 


Chuck Berry
Elvis Presley
Bill Haley & His Comets
Little Richard
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .This Artist Paints in Incredible and Beautiful Detail.


Пятница, 17 Июня 2016 г. 09:10 + в цитатник


Canadian artist Danielle Richard paints a world of beauty. The Quebec City resident is a mother of five and focuses on the feminine; often painting women or girls by lakes, next to rivers or surrounded by nature. She switches between acrylic, oil and pastel paints and gives her magnificent, realistic art a magical touch of poetry. She says that the driving force behind her artwork is an endless quest for beauty.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .This Performance Is One of the Best Things I've Ever Seen!


Четверг, 16 Июня 2016 г. 20:29 + в цитатник
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This Performance Is One of the Best Things I've Ever Seen!

Physical strength can be used for many things. It can be used for labor and heavy lifting. It can be used in anger, for violence and bullying. It can be used to defend those that need defending. It can also be used, as this video will show you, for some great acts of beauty. Here, a pair of acrobats do just that in this gem of a performance.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The 10 hottest design trends of 2016 explained


Четверг, 16 Июня 2016 г. 19:57 + в цитатник


Ever since I furnished my home all those years ago, I never felt the need to do any redecorating - until now. Throughout my extensive research into what's currently trending in the world of interior design, two buzzwords kept appearing: "relaxed" and "playful". The 10 hottest interior design trends of this year incorporate one or the other, or even both at the same time. Get inspired and up to date with these fabulous home looks: 
1. Nude Leather Furniture 
While many of us think of leather in the context of cozier, heavier furnishings, it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. Consider a simple chair frame dressed in thin,
nude-colored leather to bring a fine texture and pastel palette into any room in your
2. Ombre Wall Art 
One of the biggest hair trends of the past few years has made it onto the walls of
people's homes. The graduated colors of ombre wall art will bring a calming vibe into
your home, as well as adding a wonderful splash of color.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Time to take a photographic walk back in time...


Пятница, 10 Июня 2016 г. 05:19 + в цитатник
Since its inception back in 1888, National Geographic magazine has graced the world with many a stunning image. Despite such a long publication run to date, the magazine has only been able to publish a small fraction of the images it has in its archives. That all changed in 2013, which was the year that marked the 125th anniversary since the magazine was launched. As part of the celebrations, the "Found" project resulted in the release of many photos that would have otherwise remained unseen. We've cherry-picked some of the best photos to emerge from the project just for you: 
Irish guards stand to attention in spite of a comrade falling unconscious, London, England, 1966
American bison make their way through a blizzard in Yellowstone National Park, USA, 1967
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .I Was Blown Away by This Fascinating Magical Illusion


Пятница, 10 Июня 2016 г. 04:54 + в цитатник
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I Was Blown Away by This Fascinating Magical Illusion

Algerian born Dani Lary is an incredible magician and illusionist. And, as you're about to see, his magic tricks never cease to amaze. This particular performance will leave you wondering just how he managed to pull off such an unbelievable illusion. I, for one, was certainly blown away and thoroughly enjoyed watching this fantastic performance. Take a look and see what tricks this magician has got up his sleeves:

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Artist Octavio Ocampo: The Skilled Master of Illusions.


Пятница, 10 Июня 2016 г. 04:23 + в цитатник



Octavio Ocampo is one of Mexico's most prolific surreal artists who, in my opinion,

creates paintings that greatly stand out from other surreal works of art. His skills,

probably inspired by his artistic family, were initially expressed through papier-mache

figures and murals. Eventually, his art developed into his well-known intricate,

"metamorphic-style" paintings. What is so striking and unique about his paintings is the

illustrative detail they contain - it is practically up to the viewer's own curiosity

to interpret them, which is a lot harder than it sounds. Some contain optical illusions,

while others are made up of various tiny images, that can easily play tricks on your eyes.

Enjoy this collection of the best works by Ocampo, and expect a visual surprise with 

each one! See more of this artist's work here

Octavio Ocampo
Mona Lisa's Chair
Octavio Ocampo
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Paintings of Robert Gonsalves.


Пятница, 10 Июня 2016 г. 04:14 + в цитатник


Canadian artist Robert Gonsalves creates beautiful art. However, his paintings go a step further than beautiful, they each playfully mix the border between reality and the surreal. His work was greatly influenced by Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte, whom he even had the pleasure of meeting.
A quick glance at one of his paintings will never do, because there is always more than one image on each canvas, depending on how you look at it. This is among my favorite types of creative art, the kind that unfolds in both meaning and beauty. 
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .How Did They Build These Mad-Houses?


Суббота, 04 Июня 2016 г. 09:18 + в цитатник



I like to think of myself as something of an original, avoiding all the latest, boring trends, but I have never done anything like this! Just look at these weird, wild and frankly quite insane homes that some of the most eccentric people in the world have built for themselves. Which one is your favorite?

1. Swiss Underground Home
Who has ever had the feeling that the earth would swallow them up? Well I have, but I never envisioned this! It must be very cozy, though, to be sleeping underground, and to hear the pitter-patter of rain drops on the earth above. Having said that, it does make me think of a rather large coffin, what about you?
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .A Spectacular Celebration of the Changing of Seasons...


Воскресенье, 29 Мая 2016 г. 11:19 + в цитатник
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A Spectacular Celebration of the Changing of Seasons...

The Chinese Spring Festival, symbolizing the new year, is one of the most important celebrations in Eastern culture, and is celebrated on a date based on the lunar cycle. This spectacular martial arts show was broadcast during the 2015 celebrations, and depicts the changing of the seasons with a breathtaking performance of coordination and skill.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .These Majestic Palaces are a Sight to Behold.


Воскресенье, 29 Мая 2016 г. 11:03 + в цитатник


These incredible homes once belonged to kings and emperors, but have now become popular tourist attractions. Without a doubt, these splendid palaces are among the most famous monuments in the world. From Europe, to Asia, here are 10 astounding palaces that will captivate us with their majestic architectural styles.
1. The Forbidden City
The Forbidden City located in the center of Beijing, is the world's largest palace - it covers an incredible 72 hectares. Built over a 14-year period from 1406, the complex consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8707 rooms surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall. The distance between the Tiananmen Gate and the Gate of Divine Might is 960 meters. In total, 24 emperors reigned over the country, over a span of five centuries.  
2. The Potala Palace
The Potala Palace is situated on Marpo Ri hill, 130 meters above the Lhasa Valley in Tibet. Initially, this landmark was already occupied by a palace in the 7th century. The construction of the present palace began in 1645, during the reign of the fifth Dalai Lama. The palace is marked by two clear sections, the white palace which was completed in 1648, and the red palace which had been added between 1690 and 1694. The palace remained the residence of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India after the Chinese invasion of 1959.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Russian Boy does awesome acrobatics on a rope | Superkids


Суббота, 28 Мая 2016 г. 08:05 + в цитатник
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Have You Seen This Acrobatic Russian Boy Stun His Judges?

What a stupendous talent this sweet, Russian acrobat has! Frankly, my body is not capable of very much so I really appreciate such graceful athleticism as seen in this viral talent show video. But the Russians have always been superb acrobats and dancers, and even they were dumbfounded and felt moved to leap up in admiration at this wondrous, unprecedented performance of rope swinging from such a tender teenager. This kid will amaze you!

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Stunning 1890s Postcards from Rome.


Пятница, 27 Мая 2016 г. 21:18 + в цитатник


Rome is my favorite city in the world - the food is the tastiest, the people are the most handsome, the history is the richest, and the buildings, whether ruined or restored, simply blow me away. So I was very intrigued to see these fantastic Retronaut images of Rome circa 1890 A.D., which were made as postcards during that golden and exploratory age of photography.
Click on images to enlarge
The Acqua Felice Fountain
What makes these postcards so fascinating is that they were colored using an ingenious 'photocrom' process, a new invention of the time. Using photo negatives, the studio would create a mono-colored image of lithographic stone, and layer it with up to 15 different colored stone images to make a wonderfully life-like multi-colored postcard of Rome.
The Piazza Navona
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Wow, You Don't See This Every Day...


Вторник, 24 Мая 2016 г. 00:05 + в цитатник


There are a lot of incredible things in the world, and photography brings them closer to us. There are natural wonders, scientific innovations, beautiful pieces of art sourced from vivid imaginations and strange quirks that make life a little more interesting. This photo collection brings together some rare and unusual sights that you probably haven't seen before!
1. If you think this is a chameleon, look more closely. It's actually two painted people!
2. This is what a 1-liter (2-pint) bottle looks like before it is heated and molded into shape.
3. What a human sees vs. what a cat sees.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Did You Think You Can't Train Cats? Think Again!


Вторник, 24 Мая 2016 г. 15:26 + в цитатник
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Did You Think You Can't Train Cats? Think Again!

Another amazing performance from the French Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde, this time featuring trained Angora cats performing an assortment of tricks that would bring many dogs to shame.

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Вторник, 17 Мая 2016 г. 07:26 + в цитатник


Канадский художник Роберт Гонсалес, творчество которого определенно содержит отсыл к праучителям Сальвадору Дали и Рене Магритту, создает на своих полотнах потрясающие иллюзии. Невозможно бегло просмотреть его картины, а, зацепившись взглядом за одну деталь, находишь новую, и вот уже перед глазами соврешенно иная картина. Его произведения удивительны, и фантазия, мягкая, сказочная, поэтичная, вдохновляет на то, чтобы двухуровневый сюжет открылся зрителю с нового ракурса. Это по-настоящему сказочное путешествие, словно во сне, по волшебным мирам Роберта Гонсалеса, надеемся, и вам доставит огромное удовольствие!

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Watch This 9 Year Old Amaze the World With Her Dancing


Пятница, 13 Мая 2016 г. 23:41 + в цитатник
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Watch This 9 Year Old Amaze the World With Her Dancing

Some kids are incredibly talented. They seem to have mastered their talents at a very young age, such as this nine-year-old Ukrainian girl who is a natural when it comes to dancing. She is unbelievably flexible and undoubtedly strong too. I was blown away by her performance and the stupendous show she put on. Prepare to be astounded by all the moves she is able to pull off.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .15 Art Cars Featured at the Burning Man Festival.


Пятница, 13 Мая 2016 г. 12:26 + в цитатник


Each year tens of thousands of people gather in Nevada's Black Rock Desert to celebrate an unusual festival known as the Burning Man. This event brings together community, art, self-expression and self-reliance. The event encourages its participants to think outside the box and get creative. One of its main attractions is the art cars and each year, a theme is usually selected by the event's organizers. The art cars are generally weird (as you're about to see) but certainly fun to look out. The event was first held in 1986 in San Francisco and has since taken place each year in August. Let's take a look at some of the festival's craziest cars:
1. This car is inspired by one strange looking fish.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Put a smile back on your face with these feel-good hits


Четверг, 12 Мая 2016 г. 16:19 + в цитатник


The 1960s were a revolutionary decade for popular music. New sounds, artists and styles began to emerge, changing the pop world forever. Much of the music released during the decade had a very high feel-good factor, and I'd like to take the opportunity to remind you just how good it made you feel. So put on your dancing shoes, press play and enjoy 20 upbeat classics from the swinging sixties:
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .An unusual instrument surprises the Judges | Auditions 1 | Spain's Got Talent 2016


Вторник, 10 Мая 2016 г. 08:14 + в цитатник
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A Beautiful and Very Unusual Puccini Aria

This magical performance left me, four judges and an utterly amazed TV audience completely speechless. To start off, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the instrument the young Spanish musician, Adriano Fernandez, was about to play. Next, I couldn't believe my ears, when I heard Puccini's gorgeous aria, 'O mio babbino caro', played with such exquisite beauty. You don't want to miss this extraordinary video, which is a testament to the incredibly talented musicians we are lucky to share this world with. Enjoy!

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Learn These Tips and Take Amazing Travel Shots.


Четверг, 05 Мая 2016 г. 23:17 + в цитатник



Anyone can take a picture while on vacation, but how do you take a photo that's a cut above everyone else's? The truth is it can be tricky if you don't know what you're doing. There are various things to consider, such as the angle, subject matter, lighting conditions, and others. The pictures I took on my last vacation were on an entirely different level to any I've taken before - all thanks to the amazing tips I picked up in this guide. To know your shutter speeds from your apertures, read on and become the best travel photographer you know: 

1. Land and Seascapes
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