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Baba-Mail .14 Healthy Habits that’ll Improve Your Quality Of Life.


Суббота, 10 Марта 2018 г. 18:39 + в цитатник

14 Healthy Habits that’ll Improve Your Quality Of Life

Everyone knows that in order to live a healthy and happy life there is a very clear list of things that we are always told to do: eat healthier, disconnect from technology, sit with your back straight, meditate, organize your home and more... all of these suggestions are surely right and you may have even adopted some in the past. But even if you combine most of these habits and tips, a feeling that something is missing and that happiness is slipping through our fingers still looms over our heads.


This may be due to the fact that happiness is in the small things, and this is why today we want to present you with 14 simple tips and easy habits that don’t require special effort, but their contribution to your body and mind is tremendous. You don’t have to agree with all of them or keep them up all the time, as long as you adopt some of these things you’ll be giving yourself the quality of life that you deserve.

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"Anti-aging medicine."
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .These 12 Things Are for Living Happily Ever After...


Пятница, 07 Июля 2017 г. 02:34 + в цитатник

These 12 Things Are for Living Happily Ever After...

Finding a soul-mate that we can live happily ever after with is arguably one of life's ultimate dreams, however only a few of us ever get to realize this reality. Issues of incompatibility, infidelity or an unwillingness to compromise can arise at any time, however relationships also fail because of both of the parties involved refusing to do the groundwork to maintain them. Here are 12 steps for achieving a relationship you'll value for the rest of your life:
1. Fall asleep in each other's arms every night 
The physical bond between two people isn't perhaps spoken about as much as it should be. The reality is that the more time we spend in our lover's arms, the more attached we get.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Make These Little Changes and Improve Your Life.


Пятница, 30 Июня 2017 г. 09:54 + в цитатник

30.06.2017 .Очень плохо  писать на liveinternet.ru.Никто не пишет комментариев,Нет истинных друзей. Нет никакого интереса писать что-то ЗДЕСЬ . .............. 



Make These Little Changes and Improve Your Life

The hardest part of adopting a new habit is beginning a new routine to shape that habit. A new habit can take some 30 days to establish, but once it’s assimilated into your life, it’s extremely easy to keep up. Here are 16 changes that you can make to become a better person:


1. Use words that encourage happiness

A good example of this is to watch how you reply when someone asks how you are. Instead of replying in a neutral fashion by saying “I’m fine”, or “I’m okay”, try saying: “I’m fabulous!”, or “I’m great!” If life has blessed you with many things to be happy about, then you should acknowledge that through your choice of words. It’s a basic universal truth that positivity only serves to breed more positivity, so be conscious of that.

2. Try something new every day

The first time we do or experience something can impact us so profoundly that it stays with us for the rest of our lives. Obviously this isn’t true for every single new thing we do or experience, but trying something new can open doors to life-changing opportunities.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Priceless Life Advice.


Вторник, 21 Марта 2017 г. 15:25 + в цитатник
Main >  Inspirational Spirituality                                                                

Priceless Life Advice.


"Happiness is a journey, not a destination"

Ben Sweetland


Happiness is commonly thought of as an ideal, as something that's in the far distance, as something we earn by working hard. Yet, achieving happiness might not be as impossible as you may think - all you need to do is to live by the right principles. It doesn't make a difference whether you learn these from friends, parents, personal reflection, or this very web page - the following advice is true for everyone, whatever they might be going through.


So let this advice sink into your soul. Then take a moment to pass it on to someone who will appreciate it.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .16 Things We Should All Learn Early in Life.


Воскресенье, 22 Января 2017 г. 07:23 + в цитатник
Main >  Inspirational Spirituality                                                                           

16 Things We Should All Learn Early in Life


In our time, self-improvement classes at school were unheard of. Most of our practical life skills were learned through our own life experiences. With that being said, modern-day personal development classes at school seem like a good idea. In addition to being useful for students, they might also be quite helpful for society in general. Here are 16 things I would have liked to know about earlier on in life: 

Also known as the Pareto Principle, this rule states that 80 percent of the value you will receive will come from 20 percent of your activities. Therefore this implies that a lot of what we do is probably not as useful, or necessary, as we imagine it to be. So how can we go about managing our time during such activities? One way to do it is to decrease the time you spend on them. Doing so will allow you to dedicate more time and energy to the things that truly bring you value, happiness and fulfillment.

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Вторник, 10 Января 2017 г. 03:49 + в цитатник


To leave on time

More than 90 thousand (!) 
People have signed the petition of one of the residents of Rostov-on-Don with the requirement remove from future Christmas esters Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin at the same time and Philip Kirkorov. And it is not over yet - the petition went for a walk on the social networks. 
I love Alla Borisovna 70-80 years, maybe for someone like me, fans create a program in "retro" style and show it occasionally on the channel "Culture"? 
But on the other hand, I have always understood and not just talked about it: we must be able to leave on time. Again, I can not remember the Muslim Magomayev, who in 50 years has left a big scene because at one concert he felt voice "wrong". That's when he heard one, but the decision was made. He was offered huge fees for concerts, tours and evening. But he did not speak, only rarely sing for a narrow circle of friends. He wrote a book, became, among other things, an active blogger on the Internet. 
In time to leave - it's hard. This action is not for the weak person.But Well ashamed when viewers sign a petition, they do not want to see you again. Sad ...

Source →
Keywords: among other things , the new year , bad news , holidays , TV
Posted 10/01/2017 at 18:58


Ukrainian gay would like to represent the Russian Federation in Kiev "Eurovision-2017"?  Thank Kostya Ernst


This finalist V-season show "The Voice" finalist of the show "People's Artist" and "Popstars", winner of the "Song of Vilnius" 32-year-old  Alexander Panayotov . 

Talented (no doubt), the boy who calls himself "an absolute cosmopolitan", was born in Zaporozhye family Greek-hohlyatsky origin. A graduate of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, he wrote the first songs ( "Litniy dosch", for example), and received the first award in Ukraine. In 2009, almost did not go to Ukraine on "Eurovision", remained in second place in the selection. And quite a few years carefully spud music competitions, concert halls, producing office, secular parties, gay party in Russia. 
His idol believes Fil Kirkorov wants to settle in New York, the only way to relaxation shopping calls (see. The interview). For a long time, gently proudly exhibited to the public a gold earring, presented Northwind Moses.

Ukrainian gay would like to represent the Russian Federation in Kiev "Eurovision-2017"?  Thank Kostya Ernst

Panayotov in Kiev. Tomio awaiting the results of the semi-final Ukrainian qualifier competition "Eurovision-2009".

Ukrainian gay would like to represent the Russian Federation in Kiev "Eurovision-2017"?  Thank Kostya Ernst

Ukrainian gay would like to represent the Russian Federation in Kiev "Eurovision-2017"?  Thank Kostya Ernst
Ukrainian gay would like to represent the Russian Federation in Kiev "Eurovision-2017"?  Thank Kostya Ernst

Panayotov in Moscow. "Party King". 

Wikipedia reports that " Artist lives and works in Russian, tours in Russian regions, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Israel, the USA, Spain, Germany, France and other EU countries ." 
Thus, "living and working in Russia." Perfectly. But not a word about his citizenship. Meanwhile, the Panayotov said more recently that keeps the Ukrainian passport. And preserved to this day, I suppose? 

As a Ukrainian, I can say that if you go to the association's mission, reconciliation, with a song that would have melted the hearts of all ... it would magically " ( 
Alexander Panayotov ). 

Gracious permission from the junta actually received. Bold bugger Antonina Gerashchenko 
announced its verdict
 : " Problems can not see ." Adding that are not familiar with the work of the artist.

Ukrainian gay would like to represent the Russian Federation in Kiev "Eurovision-2017"?  Thank Kostya Ernst

... The participation of the Russian Federation (more precisely, ernstovskogo First Channel) in Kiev "Eurovision" - when banderofashisty killed Russian people in the Donbas - blasphemy, squalid filth, betrayal. It is an indisputable fact.
Source →
Posted 01/10/2017 at 23:03
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Tags: New Year
Posted 10/01/2017 at 13:11


I do not have a TV (not at all) for more than 10 years of Christmas lights and I have not look. But this does not mean that I can not resent heinous broadcasts on central TV. I am a citizen of the Russian Federation and the taxpayer, and the central TV (Channel 1, RTR, etc.) receives a subsidy from the budget (ie, my and your taxes) and I have every right to express dissatisfaction with the quality of service for which pay. Over here it's still crying, and me and you:


I do not like it - do not look at the New Year, TV New Year transfer


I do not like it - do not look at the New Year, TV New Year transfer
I do not like it - do not look at the New Year, TV New Year transfer


Federal spending on the media will increase in comparison with 2016 just 14% in 2017, to 102.2 billion rubles., Should be published by the Ministry of Finance of the basic directions of budgetary policy for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017.
Subsidies "Channel One" and RTR can increase to 7 billion rubles. Thus the company will receive an additional 3.5 billion rubles.


The amount of public funding RTR in 2015 will increase to 23.38 billion rubles.


Proof can be found here:  www.ach.gov.ru

Source →
Tags: New Year
Posted 10/01/2017 at 16:18
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .This is How You Can Cope With the Negativity in Your Life.


Понедельник, 26 Декабря 2016 г. 19:50 + в цитатник

This is How You Can Cope With the Negativity in Your Life


"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it."


You may interact with negative people daily, be they friends, family members, a partner, or a colleague. You love them, you care about them, you can't just cut them out of your life, but they are negative and their negativity is eating away at you. What can you do?


The best way of dealing with life's challenges is to take a good look at ourselves and take responsibility for what we think, feel and do.

Dealing - Negativity - People

1. Give up the need to complain

Make sure you are taking responsibility for your feelings and mood. Don't go complaining that other people's negativity is affecting you, because it will only create more negativity. Take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings and see what you can do to make yourself feel better and change the existing situation.

"Whoever has limited knowledge of human nature and seeks happiness by changing everything but his own attitude, will waste his life in futile efforts."

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .12 Tips My Grandmother Gave Me.


Суббота, 17 Декабря 2016 г. 16:03 + в цитатник
12 Tips My Grandmother Gave Me.
My beloved grandmother, may she rest in peace, used to carry an old notebook with her wherever she went. She would fill it with beautiful thoughts and advice she got from wise people. Throughout my childhood I would see her writing things down in that little notebook. 
I always thought they were her secrets, but when she was on her deathbed, she called me over and shared her old notebook with me. The pieces of advice I found in that notebook changed my life, which made me want to share them with you, hoping it would do the same. These are the things my grandmother taught me before she passed away…
Tips - Advice - Grandmother - Passed Away

1. Accept things with love and understanding

No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, always believe that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Never expect, assume, or demand. Do the best you can to control your circumstances, and learn to accept that you can’t always control everything. Once you’ve done all that is in your power, if it’s meant to happen – it will.

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Четверг, 17 Ноября 2016 г. 12:43 + в цитатник


16 ruthless illustrations that carry the nines policy Trump.


16 ruthless illustrations that carry the nines policy Trump.


Winning Donald Trump in the election is the final chord of neo-liberalism and democracy in the US. All in horror: to rule the freedom-loving peoples of America came to racist and homophobic. Like, in the political demonology is not even enough notation to describe this person.

Yeah, maybe Trump - a good actor, and his fascist beliefs - just acting, but somebody has voted for these antihumanistic slogans.

Fortunately, there are many conscious people who can not accept the fact that Donald Trump - their president. This silent protest of artists against Trump policy. We present to your attention a merciless 16 illustrations on this topic.

Good Morning America!

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Estos Son Los Beneficios De La Meditación y Sus Técnicas


Среда, 16 Ноября 2016 г. 21:48 + в цитатник

Estos Son Los Beneficios De La Meditación y Sus Técnicas

Vistas: 33036
Me gusta: 1631
Tamaño de texto:
A+ A-

Tal vez sientes que tu vida  está siendo muy difícil de manejar. Puede que te sientas en decadencia, estresado, ansioso y sin tiempo para descansar y relajarte. Seguramente estás preocupado y pensando constantemente en temas financieros, el trabajo, los niños y los problemas de salud. Como consecuencia sientes que tu mente es imposible de apagar. 

Una de las soluciones acertada para ti es la meditación, pues este hermoso viaje hacia el interior de uno mismo puede lograr cambios físicos y mentales, entre los cuales se encuentra la reducción de los niveles de estrés y una mejor calidad de sueño. La meditación puede cambiar literalmente tu cerebro. Veamos cómo: 


técnicas meditación
Una visión general: El cerebro en la meditación

El cerebro está dividido en varios segmentos, cada uno desempeña su propia función. El lóbulo frontal (situado en el extremo frontal del cerebro), nos ayuda a planificar, a razonar, y a ser conscientes de nosotros mismos. Las imágenes por resonancia magnética han demostrado que durante la meditación, el lóbulo frontal se ralentiza y se apaga.

La meditación también puede tener un impacto en el tálamo. Esta área del cerebro coordina nuestros sentidos y los canaliza desde diferentes partes del cuerpo al cerebro. Durante la meditación, este proceso se ralentiza.

La formación reticular también se ve afectada durante la meditación. Es responsable de mantener el cerebro alerta, en base a los estímulos que recibe.

técnicas meditación

7 Formas en que la meditación afecta al cerebro

1. La meditación promueve nuevas conexiones en el cerebro
La meditación estimula el crecimiento de nuevas células cerebrales, promoviendo más materia gris (la parte del cerebro mediante la cual las neuronas se conectan entre sí y se activa el proceso de aprendizaje de nuevas habilidades). A medida que envejecemos, naturalmente, comenzamos a perder parte de la materia gris. Sin embargo, la meditación puede ayudar a ralentizar el proceso.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Meditation Techniques and Neurological Effects


Среда, 16 Ноября 2016 г. 21:44 + в цитатник



Meditation Techniques and Neurological Effects


Views: 4309
Likes: 189


Perhaps your life has become too tough to handle. You may be feeling run-down, stressed and anxious and cannot wait to find some time to wind down and relax. Your mind could be preoccupied, thinking about financial worries, deadlines, work, kids and health issues. Consequently, you have found it impossible to switch off.



One of the solutions you may have come across is meditation, the benefits of which include reduced stress levels and better sleep. However, the benefits  do not just end there. Tuning inwards can actually make lasting physical changes, and not just in the way you feel. Meditation can literally change your brain. Let's take a look:

An overview: The brain on meditation
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От Wild_Katze.Main dignity of women. ГЛАВНОЕ ЖЕНСКОЕ ДОСТОИНСТВО.


Понедельник, 31 Октября 2016 г. 22:29 + в цитатник

Main dignity of women

Zhukov DA
( "HiZh", 2015, №3)

s20150338 dostoinstvo1.jpgWe love and appreciate for many women. If you ask, for what, at first, most men will point to some of the features of the female anatomy and physiology, which are thousands of years chanting poets and artists.However, and quite prosaic people, including biologists, knowing that all these "feminine charm" is nothing but as an adaptation to improve fertility - even these signs of the female body sometimes brought to ecstasy. But of course, most importantly the dignity of women is not in this. The main feature of the female body, distinguishes it from the male, - high plasticity, which is manifested at the level of physiological processes, and on the behavioral level.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Guide: 40 Tips to a Better Life.


Пятница, 28 Октября 2016 г. 22:25 + в цитатник

                                                     Guide: 40 Tips to a Better Life


Life is made up of good and bad lessons we accumulate along the way. In order to understand it, we must separate it into a few domains, each with their own lessons to teach us. This list of good advice was given by a group of people from all ages. So here are 40 great tips for a great life!
Improve your health:
healthy life tips

1. Drink a lot of water.

2. Eat your breakfast like kings, lunch like princes, and dinner like beggars.

3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat fewer foods made in factories.

4. Live your life according to the TEE principle: Truth, Empathy and Energy.

5. Make time for contemplation and/or prayer.

6. Involve more game playing in your life.

7. Read more books than you read last year.

8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes a day.

9. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

10. Take 10-30 minutes to walk somewhere each day. Smile while you walk.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Story of Another Woman.


Вторник, 25 Октября 2016 г. 22:19 + в цитатник

                                                         The Story of Another Woman


A little while ago I started seeing another woman. Actually, it was my wife’s idea.

“You know you love her,” she told me one day, completely out of the blue. “Life’s short, you should give her more of your time.”

“But I love you, dear,” I replied.

“I know, but you love her too!” she said.
mother, story, touching
The other woman whom my wife wanted me to see was my mother. She had been a widow for a few years now, and because of work and my kids, I didn’t get to see her very often. I called my mother that night and asked her to join me for a movie and some dinner.

“Did something happen? Is anything wrong?” she asked.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .9 Secrets for Living a Joy-Filled Life.


Понедельник, 24 Октября 2016 г. 17:06 + в цитатник

9 Secrets for Living a Joy-Filled Life


When we come into this world, we do not get an instruction manual on how to live a happy life. But if you think about it for a moment, you'll realize that we don’t really need one. Life can be much simpler than we think it is, and the only thing we need to do to be happy is to remember a few golden rules. These are my own guidelines to life, and they remind me each and every day how I should be looking at the world and at life.
Before you say something bad, think about those who can’t talk and say something back.
Before you complain about the taste or variety of your food, remember there are starving people in the world.
Before you yell at your partner, think of how lonely some people feel as they go to sleep in an empty bed.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Inspirational Story of an Old Man's Joy.


Пятница, 14 Октября 2016 г. 21:21 + в цитатник
Inspirational Story of an Old Man's Joy

Everyone has their own personal outlook on life. Many of us don't choose it - we just follow our feelings, shaped by circumstance and experience. Others decide to choose what their outlook will be, and follow their minds instead. The old man in this story shows us that it takes some wisdom to be able to live happily...

The presentation is accompanied by music - We recommend you turn on your speakers.
To start the music click on "play"

old man, wise, happiness
A 92-year-old man, short, very well-presented, who took great care of his appearance, was moving into an old people’s home one day. His wife of 70 years had recently died, and he was obliged to leave his home. After waiting several hours in the retirement home lobby, he gently smiled as I told him his room was ready.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .I Realize Why I Should Be Thankful for My Life.


Среда, 12 Октября 2016 г. 16:18 + в цитатник


I Realize Why I Should Be Thankful for My Life


Telling my creator that I amTHANKFULfor the things I have in my life is so empowering - I can actually see the effect of my gratitude manifesting itself in my everyday life. I have come to realize that each time I open my eyes on a new day, that is a gift in itself, and a new day represents a chance for a fresh start. Here is why you should say thank you every day too:
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5777 .The Pardon.G-d as the King of the whole world. This pleased G-d very much.


Суббота, 01 Октября 2016 г. 10:55 + в цитатник
The Pardon
A king went hunting in the forest. Chasing after a deer, he went deep into the woods, and when he looked around, he found himself alone. He began to look for a way out of the woods, and for the road which would lead him back to his city and palace.
In his search he met some country folk, but nobody recognized him, or wanted to have anything to do with him. When he began to speak to them, they did not even understand what he was saying, nor did they care.
Wandering about in the woods for a long time, the king heard a fine melody that someone was playing on a flute. Following the sound, the king came across a man and engaged him in conversation. The man recognized the king at once, and spoke to him with humility and respect.
The king saw that here was a man after his heart, and liked him at once. When he told the man that he was hoping to meet someone who would be able to lead him out of the woods and back to his palace and throne, the man was happy to do it and the king felt grateful to him. He invited him to his palace and gave him a place of honor among his royal counselors and advisers. Then he ordered costly garments for his friend, befitting his rank.
Some time later, the king's friend disobeyed the king. The king became very angry, and ordered him to appear before the royal court for trial.When the day of trial came, the king's friend took off his robes, and put on the simple clothes he wore on the day when he first met the king. He also took his flute with him, and appeared before the royal court very humble and repentant. Before passing judgment the king asked him if he had any request to make.
"Permit me, Your Majesty, to play a melody on my flute," the defendant asked, and his request was granted.
He played the beautiful melody that he had played on that day when he had met the king for the first time. The king remembered it well. At once that happy meeting came to his mind, when the stranger had made the king so happy, and led him out of the forest back to his palace. The king thereupon pardoned his friend and took him back into his grace and favor.
This story will help us understand a little better the meaning of the blowing of the shofar. For what happened to us is very similar to the story.
When G-d was about to give the Torah, he turned to various peoples, but no people on earth wanted to accept it. In the end G-d turned to our people, and we accepted Him and the Torah with the beautiful words of "naaseh v'nishma"-­we will Do and Obey-a promise to fulfill G-d’s commands without question. We took upon ourselves the Divine rule, and proclaimed G-d as the King of the whole world. This pleased G-d very much.
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Alina Semukha(USA) . Шана Това 5777!


Пятница, 30 Сентября 2016 г. 09:57 + в цитатник



Мы новогодний праздник выбрать вправе


Любой из двух, что есть в календаре,


И тост поднять за счастье и за здравье


Два раза – в okтябре и в декабре.


Без разницы, во что мы с вами верим,


Всем адресую добрые слова:


- Пусть сладким будет Новый Год, хаверим;


Короче говоря, Шана Това!

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The Coachman.


Пятница, 30 Сентября 2016 г. 05:48 + в цитатник

The Coachman


This is the strange but true story of a great scholar who turned coachman in his declining years, because . . . But let me tell you the whole story.

His name was Joseph, and he lived in a little town in White Russia called Beshenkovitch. Joseph had spent many years in ardent study of the Talmud, until he became known far beyond his own community. His wife ran a grocery store all by herself, so that her husband could devote all his time to study and have some time left for teaching youngsters. Needless to say, Joseph taught them all free of charge.

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Четверг, 29 Сентября 2016 г. 18:42 + в цитатник


Read Transcript

“All human life, all life, depends on plants,” says Jonathan Drori in hisTED talk about the Millenium Seed Bank. This project involves collecting seeds in an underground storage facility strong enough to withst and a nuclear attack. It holds over 2 billion seeds, which represent over 10% of the world’s variety of plants.

Drori points out that plants are important to humans for medicine, fuel, construction, clothing and, of course, food. The world’s oldest seed bank was created by Nikolai Vavilov to protect humanity’s food supply.

Vavilov was born in Moscow in 1887. He grew up in rural Russia in an area that faced crop failure, drought, and famine during his childhood. “According to one source, ‘he was obsessed from an early age with ending famine in both his native Russia and the world.’”

Vavilov determined that the biggest danger to food security was over dependence on single species of crops. If a disease or pest were to wipe out a species of plant, it could cause millions to starve. The solution to world hunger was genetic diversity. With enough seed diversity, scientists would be able to breed new varieties of plants that could with stand drought, pests, disease or whatever the danger might be.

Vavilov traveled the world visiting five continents collecting seeds and founded the world’s first seed bank in Leningrad. Vavilov fell out of favor with Stalin in 1941 and was arrested by the KGB. Vavilov only survived one year in prison due to a poor diet of frozen cabbage and moldy wheatIronically, the man who was obsessed with ending famine died of starvation.

Vavilov’s work did not end with his death. Not long after he was arrested, Leningrad was put under siege by the Nazis. It was a 2-and-a-half year siege under which over a million died, many due to starvation. It was under these conditions that the scientists who worked in Vavilov’s seed bank continued their work.

They guarded over 187,000 seeds while the city was being bombed. They didn’t only protect the seeds from being destroyed by bombs, but also from the citizens of Leningrad who were starving by the thousands. The scientists, too, were starving, so they made a rule that no scientist could be in a seed storage room alone for fear that he or she might eat the seeds. Over the course of the siege, nine scientists died of starvation to protect the future of millions of potential lives.

The Vavilov seed bank still continues its work today and is now one of hundreds of seed banks around the world that seek to secure the future of humanity.

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Alina Semukha(USA) .Good Friends.


Суббота, 03 Сентября 2016 г. 09:38 + в цитатник

This says it all...


 "Good friends are like good quilts,

they age with you,

yet never lose their warmth."

Click                                                          baby quilt for                                                          a closer

I am forwarding this to those on my Senior 's email list because it is so well written.

Please send back. (I did) It's neat. Don't delete this one, you'll laugh when you see the return message.

I have seen too many dear friends leave this world, too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.

the freakin'                                                          old people?

Whose business is it, if I choose to read, or play on the computer, until 4 AM, or sleep until noon?

I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 50s, 60s & 70s, and if I, at the same time,

wish to weep over a lost love, I will.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Science Behind Increased Happiness and Aging.


Вторник, 30 Августа 2016 г. 08:23 + в цитатник
The Science Behind Increased Happiness and Aging
As paradoxical as it may seem, people actually become happier as they get older. While many things in our lives are supposed to worsen as we age, the odd thing is that we actually start to feel better.



A study containing 1,500 participants was recently carried out in San Diego, California, USA. The participants were aged between 21 and 99 years old. The researchers conducting the study found that the most stressed out and depressed of all the age groups were participants in their twenties. In contrast, it was people in their nineties who were shown to be the happiest.

Researchers also observed a striking consistency in their findings. Participants in old age were shown to be happier, at peace with themselves and less depressed. They were also less anxious and less stressed.



The researchers theorized that their findings were the result of the wisdom people garner as they age and mature. This garnered wisdom includes empathy, compassion, self-knowledge, openness to new ideas, decisiveness, emotional regulation and increasingly doing things for others rather than just for oneself.

This study is just one of a number of other studies carried out recently that have shown a strong correlation between aging and increases in overall feelings of wellbeing.

Another reason why people are generally happier when they’re older is because they become more trusting. Two large-scale studies, conducted at Northwestern University and the University at Buffalo respectively, have shown concrete evidence for this.



Conducted over a 30-year period, the first study observed the association between trust and age, with an enormous sample of 200,000 people from 83 countries. The second observed a sample of 1,230 people representing different age groups, namely millennials, generation x and baby boomers.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Mistakes We All Make That Cause Aging to Speed Up


Понедельник, 22 Августа 2016 г. 09:52 + в цитатник


Mistakes We All Make That Cause Aging to Speed Up


Aging is inevitable, but, clearly, it happens at different rates depending on the person. Have you ever wondered why some people age at a later stage than others? Of course, everyone wants to prolong their youthful glow before it vanishes completely, but how is that possible? The secret lies in your habits - see whether what you are doing every day is actually making you feel, and look, older than your age. 

Age gracefully by avoiding these 10 daily mistakes:

1. Giving into cravings
aging, mistakes
It's easy to give into a tasty dessert, but if you're willing to keep your physique in shape
and look young, keep an eye on your sugar and fat intake. As we all know, the older you
get, the easier it is to develop conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, unfortunately, these are all linked to sugar consumption. Furthermore, sugar can also
result in wrinkles all over your body, making your skin look puffy and tired. 
2. Chronic under-sleeping
aging, mistakes
At night, adults should ideally sleep for 7-9 hours. When you get enough sleep, your body produces the sleep hormone, Melotonin, which in turn repairs your cells and DNA. Another
reason you should be getting enough bed-time rest is due to a human growth hormone, also produced at night - this hormone is responsible for muscle tone and vitality. Sleep has
a lot of benefits, and a lack of it can have a negative effect on a physical and psychological level, leaving you looking older than your actual age and craving more high-calorie foods.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .10 Vital Life Lessons We Can Learn from Children.


Четверг, 18 Августа 2016 г. 11:32 + в цитатник


10 Vital Life Lessons We Can Learn from Children

Children seem to know something that adults have forgotten. They appear more confident, more courageous and enjoy life more intensely than we adults do. I often look back at my childhood years and cannot help but think of them as the best years of my life. I was a carefree spirit; I lived in the present moment; I had no anxieties and I had no fears. I often wish that I could return to the innocence and zest for life I once had when I was a child. I believe that we can all learn something from our younger selves to bring more clarity and joy into adulthood. 
1. They see each day as a new beginning
children life lessons
When you are young, a day can feel like an eternity. Yet with each new day we are aware of the new prospects and new opportunities to make new friends, explore new adventures and learn new things. Every day is an opportunity to start afresh. And, unlike adults, children do not carry baggage from one day to the next.
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TsafiBE(Beer Sheva).מבחן האמת של סוקרטס - בדיחה עם מוסר השכל &#1


Вторник, 16 Августа 2016 г. 13:38 + в цитатник

 מבחן האמת של סוקרטס - בדיחה עם מוסר השכל וסוף מפתיע במיוחד...

נהוג לספר כי ביוון העתיקה רבבות אנשים היו פונים מדי יום לפילוסוף הידוע סוקרטס, כדי לשמוע את תובנותיו החכמות ולבקש את עצתו לגבי החיים. יום אחד, רץ אליו אחד ממכריו בהתרגשות ואמר: "סוקרטס אתה יודע מה שמעתי על דיוגנס?"


"חכה רגע", ענה לו סוקרטס, "לפני שאתה מספר לי, הייתי רוצה שתעבור מבחן קטן שנקרא מבחן המסנן המשולש".

"המסנן המשולש?" התפלא האיש.

"בדיוק", אמר סוקרטס "לפני שאתה מדבר איתי על דיוגנס בוא ניקח רגע כדי לסנן את מה שאתה עומד להגיד. המסנן הראשון הוא אמת. האם אתה בטוח לחלוטין כי מה שאתה רוצה לספר לי הוא אמת?"

מבחן סוקרטס



"ובכן לא לחלוטין", הודה האיש, "שמעתי על זה רק עכשיו ורצתי לספר לך!"


"בסדר", המשיך סוקרטס "אז אתה לא באמת יודע אם זה נכון או לא. עכשיו נעבור למסנן השני - המסנן של הטוב. האם מה שאתה עומד לספר לי על דיוגנס הוא טוב?"

"לא, למעשה זה אפילו קצת רע..." ענה האיש.


"אם כן..." אמר סוקרטס בטון כועס, "אתה רוצה לומר לי משהו על דיוגנס שעשוי להיות רע, למרות שאתה לא בטוח שהוא נכון?"


האיש משך בכתפיו במבוכה וסוקרטס המשיך: "אתה עדיין עשוי לעבור את המבחן אם תעבור את המסנן השלישי - שימושיות. האם מה שאתה רוצה לספר לי על דיוגנס הוא דבר שאוכל לעשות בו שימוש ממשי?"


"לא, לא ממש..." גמגם האיש.


"ובכן", סיכם סוקרטס, "אם מה שאתה רוצה לספר לי אינו בהכרח דבר אמת, הוא לא טוב ואפילו לא שימושי, למה לספר לי אותו או למישהו אחר?"


האיש נשאר חסר מילים והמשיך לעמוד נבוך ומבויש, עד שלבסוף סוקרטס סובב אליו את גבו והלך.

מבחן סוקרטס


מהסיפור הזה ניתן ללמוד 2 דברים:


1- כמה חכם היה סוקרטס, פילוסוף דגול שזכה אשר להערכה רבה אז וגם היום.

2- מדוע למרות כל חכמתו סוקרטס מעולם לא גילה שדיוגנס ניהל רומן עם אשתו...

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Aristotle Quotes: 15 Pearls of Wisdom from Antiquity.


Пятница, 12 Августа 2016 г. 12:21 + в цитатник

Aristotle Quotes: 15 Pearls of Wisdom from Antiquity

Aristotle is frequently considered the greatest philosopher not only of antiquity, but all human history. But to appreciate his wisdom you don’t need a degree, nor do you need to spend years analyzing his theories to understand the nature of his genius. These 15 quotes from the great man, who famously tutored Alexander the Great and was himself taught by Plato, range from the most instructional to the most inspiring of all the quotes I have ever read.
Knowledge of these pearls of wisdom will enlighten any dinner party! 
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .10 Great Truths About Growing Old.


Суббота, 23 Июля 2016 г. 17:02 + в цитатник


10 Great Truths About Growing Old

We don't get to choose whether we grow old or not, but we do get to choose how we think about it. Luckily, several inspirational figures have given us their take on this by leaving behind some wise words that are surely noting. Here are 10 of the best quotes about aging that will leave you feeling positive about it all!


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Welcome to Baba-Mail .Some Advice For You...


Понедельник, 18 Июля 2016 г. 07:23 + в цитатник

Some Advice For You...

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .These 9 Kids Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity.


Пятница, 15 Июля 2016 г. 11:05 + в цитатник
Only Good News                


While our televisions may predominantly feature bad news, it's easy to forget that positive things also happen around the world every single day. Here are nine inspiring kids who are determined to make the world a better place in their own special way. I hope that their inspiring stories will touch your heart. 

1. Never underestimate the power of brotherly love
8 year-old Noah completed a mini-triathlon with his disabled brother Lucas, who is confined to a wheelchair. Lucas was born with lissencephaly, a rare brain malformation, which literally means 'smooth brain'. Children with this disorder do not have the normal folds and wrinkles in the cerebral cortex and consequently, this can result in seizures, difficulty swallowing and other serious health problems. Lucas is unable to walk and talk but he loves being around people and gets especially excited when he sees his brother. When Noah heard about the YMCA youth triathlon, he decided to take part alongside Lucas.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail . Allow Yourself to Give Thanks for All Your Blessings...


Суббота, 09 Июля 2016 г. 03:43 + в цитатник



I have mixed feelings about life. Sometimes I adore it, sometimes I feel angry at it, sometimes it drives me crazy, and other times, it breaks my heart. But despite all these feelings, I feel thankful for having it, especially when I realize that all the unpleasant struggles and lows are also part of this beautiful, breathtaking journey. Today, take a moment to reflect on all the things life is blessing you with - both the good and the bad, the big and the small - because they are all gifts worth appreciating.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .A Cheerful Guide to Happiness, by the Dalai Lama.


Суббота, 09 Июля 2016 г. 03:27 + в цитатник
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A Cheerful Guide to Happiness, by the Dalai Lama

You don't need to be a Buddhist to appreciate the Dalai Lama as a wise, kind and cheerful man. He has given inspiration to may in their quest for inner peace and for kindness between human beings. This video will reveal nuggets of his philosophy for a happy life, with some refreshingly hilarious examples.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Beach Boys - God Only Knows


Понедельник, 04 Июля 2016 г. 13:51 + в цитатник



In 1965, an emotionally charged Brian Wilson isolated himself from the rest of The Beach

Boys and set about writing Pet Sounds, the album that was to become the band's most celebrated work. The centrepiece of the LP was the love song God Only Knows. Written

in collaboration with his friend Tony Asher, the song explores the complexity of human

love, acknowledging that while a relationship may not always be perfect (he agonized

over the song's opening line for a long time), when you have found that special person,

then it's impossible to contemplate life without him or her.

Extremely musically complex, and featuring the band's trademark multi-part harmonies,

the song is considered to be one of the greatest love songs of all time and remains

a favorite choice for both weddings and funerals to this day. Band member Al Jardine

has spoken of how a strong sense of spirituality informed much of the band's work and

it is never more evident that in God Only Knows. Please enjoy this classic song from

the 60s, and scroll down to follow the lyrics while viewing a beautiful series of photos.


Beach Boys - God Only Knows
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He Helped An Elderly Woman Change A Tire. And Only In The Evening To Understand What Actually Happened


Воскресенье, 03 Июля 2016 г. 14:51 + в цитатник

When in a car this old lady flat tire, she had no idea how to return home.

A man was driving down a country road and saw the car standing on the sidelines. There, hunched woman was sitting, who looked troubled. So the young man decided to stop and help her. 
1/dailynova.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/1-66-300x199.jpg" target="_blank">http://dailynova.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/1-66-300x199.jpg 300w, http://dailynova.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/1-66-700x465.jpg 700w, http://dailynova.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/1-66-320x212.jpg 320w, http://dailynova.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/1-66-160x106.jpg 160w" width="720" />

Photo: ladymotor

The woman began to worry when a stranger approaches her. What's on his mind? Is someone willing to come to her aid? 

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .These 12 things are for living happily ever after...


Суббота, 25 Июня 2016 г. 08:25 + в цитатник
Finding a soul-mate that we can live happily ever after with is arguably one of life's ultimate dreams, however only a few of us ever get to realize this reality. Issues of incompatibility, infidelity or an unwillingness to compromise can arise at any time, however relationships also fail because of both of the parties involved refusing to do the groundwork to maintain them. Here are 12 steps for achieving a relationship you'll value for the rest of your life:
1. Fall asleep in each other's arms every night 
The physical bond between two people isn't perhaps spoken about as much as it should be. The reality is that the more time we spend in our lovers arms, the more attached we get. 
2. Be attentive 
From time to time, either our significant others or ourselves need to give the other person their undivided attention. Whether it's through sickness or another vulnerability, we're obliged to be there to do what we can on their behalf.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .I changed my habits and doing so changed my life


Суббота, 25 Июня 2016 г. 07:55 + в цитатник


I'm in a slump, feeling stuck in the lowest of moods, afraid that I've got nothing more to offer, waiting for this period of unhappiness to subside. I remind myself to be patient, to keep in mind what past experiences have taught me. Despite this dwindling feeling I currently cannot shake off, I tell myself that that I will be on the upswing soon. Once I wrap my head around this ray of hope, and with a little soul searching, I dig deep into the issues that are contributing to my current state of unhappiness and the things that I could do to overcome it.

Through past experience, I have learnt that though certain circumstances can make my

life unhappy. A part of that, and more often than not, a big part, comes from my own

thinking, behavior and habits. I have learnt much from these six life-changing habits: 

1. Comparing your life and what you have to others

Comparing what others have in relation to what you have - cars, houses, jobs, clothes,

money... can really work a number on your self-esteem, creating a lot of negative feelings.

Change your habit by comparing yourself to yourself. Take a look at how far you've

come and how much you have grown and learned along the way. Look at what you've

achieved, at what you've managed to overcome and what progress you have made towards your goals.

Learn also to be kind to others as well as to yourself, noticing and analyzing your thoughts. If you often judge and criticize people, you'll likely end up being more judgmental and critical

towards yourself. 

How it works: By getting into this habit you create gratitude, appreciation and kindness

towards yourself and others. You learn to become okay with yourself and with the people

around you, as opposed to competing with them.

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Welcome to Baba-Mail .I'd love to be able to do something like this!


Среда, 22 Июня 2016 г. 05:03 + в цитатник


Have you ever fantasized about becoming a millionaire and being able to surprise all the people who were kind to you along the road to wealth? This Chinese man actually did it for real, turning his childhood community from a shanty town into a modern development for 90 families.
54-year-old Xiong Shuihua made his millions in the steel industry, and felt that giving back to his home community, the little village of Xiongkeng in southern China, was the right thing to do. 
He felt obliged to repay the kindness shown to him and his family by his fellow villagers when they were going through hard times. In the years since, he became a very successful businessman.
It was a recent visit back to his hometown that prompted him to go about revamping the entire place – he witnessed cramped, dirty huts and houses where the impoverished locals lived. There weren’t even any paved roads – the village’s dirt roads were filled in with mud, and heaps of old debris were lying everywhere.
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .5 Talks to Help Us Through the Grieving Process


Понедельник, 20 Июня 2016 г. 18:10 + в цитатник



I can still remember the bitter grief I suffered when my father died all those years ago; I didn’t know what I could do to get back to normal - everything seemed to change for the worse. Grief is unfortunately something we all go through. However, this means there are some great life lessons we can learn from those who have gone through the grieving process to enjoy full lives again, at peace with the world and able to reflect fondly on their loved ones. 


So here are some powerful TEDx talks from five brave women who have each suffered the loss of someone important. Listen to their stories and reflect, then you may have begun to sow the seeds of your own cure for grief.

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Рубрики:  Welcome to Baba-Mail /Inspirational > Spirituality
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Executive and the Old Man...


Суббота, 18 Июня 2016 г. 08:52 + в цитатник


Some say the following story is true. I don't know if it is, but the message and moral it teaches us are crystal clear, and very real in my opinion. We can all learn a lot from this story of a business man and the mysterious old man he met one day...
business man inspirational story
business man inspirational story
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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
Welcome to Baba-Mail /Inspirational > Spirituality
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

Welcome to Baba-Mail .The Dirty Laundry: A Moral


Суббота, 18 Июня 2016 г. 08:41 + в цитатник


This simple story carries a truth we all know in our hearts. In spite of this knowledge, we make the same mistake over and over again. Let's remember the moral here, and try to be better in our daily interactions with others: 
the dirty laundry moral story
the dirty laundry moral story
the dirty laundry moral story
the dirty laundry moral story
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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
Welcome to Baba-Mail /Inspirational > Spirituality
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

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