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Серия сообщений "HEALTH LIFESTYLE.":
Часть 1 - The Ultimate Guide To Drinking More Water: Day 1
Часть 3 - FITNESS HEALTH LIFESTYLE.Why Hitting the Sauna After A Grueling Workout Is A Good Idea
Часть 4 - HEALTH LIFESTYLE.7 habits that will actually get you laid.
Часть 5 - Get more tips on Lifehack or inspirations on Lifehack Quotes
Часть 6 - HEALTH LIFESTYLE. 5 Languages That Will Earn You The Most Money.
Часть 7 - Lifehack.
Часть 8 - HEALTH LIFESTYLE.1 Smoothie 7 surprising health benefits
Часть 9 - LIFESTYLE.Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up: 10 Tips To Help You De-Stress.
Часть 10 - Good figure in old age is dangerous for brain health..
Часть 12 - Lifestyle.Training for the rapid loss of calories.
Часть 13 - Welcome to Baba-Mail .17 Body Tricks that Will Make You Feel Better.
Часть 14 - Welcome to Baba-Mail.11 Things We Should Stop Doing to Prevent Aging.
Часть 15 - Welcome to Baba-Mail .10 Legitimate Reasons To Eat More Dark Chocolate
Часть 16 - The benefits of a morning cup of hot water..
Часть 17 - NYTimes.com Sleep Is the New Status Symbol.
Часть 18 - Physiotherapy.Physiotherapy exercises for the elderly.

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The Ultimate Guide To Drinking More Water: Day 1


Пятница, 01 Апреля 2016 г. 22:45 + в цитатник

The Ultimate Guide To Drinking More Water: Day 1




What if you’re not drinking enough water?

You’ll probably…

  • have dry mouth
  • have dry skin
  • have dry eyes
  • feel fatigued or have headache
  • experience digestive problems or constipation
  • experience reduced urination
  • experience hunger pangs
  • experience joint pain

What’re the benefits of drinking enough water?

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"Anti-aging medicine."
Health & Lifestyle > Health



Пятница, 01 Апреля 2016 г. 23:02 + в цитатник

This Is What Happens When You Drink Only Water For 30 Days



Startup Stock Photos


The body—each molecular cell, tissue, and organ—relies upon water to remain alive and workable. Water provides a kind of health therapy, along with sustaining your life. It greatly impacts specific body operations and the maintenance of good health.

When you only drink water as your primary beverage, outstanding things can happen. Undertaking a special water regimen is not easily achievable for some, but positive consequences are possible. Here’s what can happen when you drink only water for 30 days, without changing your diet or exercise routine.

Your mental creativity and performance will be boosted

When you drink only water for 30 days, your brain reacts faster, according to the Frontiers in Human NeuroscienceJournal. As the brain needs tons of oxygen to operate efficiently, and water is one of the great sources, your brainpower will be boosted. It helps you think and help you focus. Also it makes you keen, clever, and quick. Ingesting 8 to 10 cups of water per day can improve your cognitive performance by as much as 30%.

You’ll age more slowly than your peers

Drinking water helps decelerate the aging process by keeping your skin adequately hydrated. It moisturizes your skin, keeps it healthy, soft, plump, glowing, youthful, and wrinkle-free. It helps maintain muscle tone, also. To realize these benefits, you must drink pure water.

In an article published by the Daily Mail, a 42-year-old mother managed to make herself appear 10 years younger in 30 days by drinking only water. She started by drinking three liters of water a day to overcome her long-standing headaches and poor digestion dilemma. After only one month, she was absolutely stunned by the spectacular results. Both of her problems were resolved, and she fully recovered from the effects of chronic dehydration.

She announced, “I genuinely can’t believe the difference in my face. I look like a different woman. The dark shadows around my eyes have all but disappeared and the blotches have gone. My skin is almost as dewy as it was when I was a child. The transformation is nothing short of remarkable… I’m feeling leaner and fitter, too, which is amazing, since the only thing I’ve changed is the amount of water I drink.”

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение
Health & Lifestyle > Health

FITNESS HEALTH LIFESTYLE.Why Hitting the Sauna After A Grueling Workout Is A Good Idea


Вторник, 05 Апреля 2016 г. 05:44 + в цитатник

Why Hitting the Sauna After A Grueling Workout Is A Good Idea





Why Hitting the Sauna After A Grueling Workout Is A Good Idea

Typically a workout at the gym includes stretching, cardio, and/or weights. Though this regimen seems complete, it is missing something that could be vital—a visit to the sauna. Most gyms have one, but they are often overlooked because they are seen as a treat as opposed to something that will benefit one’s overall wellness. Many cultures include visits to a sauna as part of a routine to maintain their health thanks to the healing and cleansing properties of a sauna. These rooms will reach a temperature between 160 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit with low humidity.

How it Works

While working out does leave a person dripping with sweat, a sauna will provoke this same physical response without the effort of working out. When taking part in sweating in a sauna, the average person’s pulse will raise 30 percent as the blood flow works to cool the skin. While the circulatory system work on this, it is possible for a person to sweat out around 1 pint of fluid in as little as 20 minutes.

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Живое Человеческое Общение
Health & Lifestyle > Health

HEALTH LIFESTYLE.7 habits that will actually get you laid.


Вторник, 05 Апреля 2016 г. 05:50 + в цитатник

7 habits that will actually get you laid


If you expect to get advice like, “grow a five o’clock shadow” or “work out”, you’re wrong. That kind of advice doesn’t fix the real problem.

What you will learn are the mental and behavioral habits that will increase your likelihood of getting laid.

How do I know this?

In a period of 4 months, I transformed myself from someone who rarely got laid to someone who got laid by accident. That’s right. By accident.

I want you to let go and allow me to indulge your mind with an alternative reality of what it takes to become that guy that women want to have sex with.

So are you ready? Lets get started!

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Health & Lifestyle > Health

Get more tips on Lifehack or inspirations on Lifehack Quotes


Среда, 06 Апреля 2016 г. 08:53 + в цитатник

Why Hitting the Sauna After A Grueling Workout Is A Good Idea

Why Hitting the Sauna After A Grueling Workout Is A Good Idea

46 Shares | Sasha Brown

3 Ways Going Vegan Will Change Your Life

57 Shares | Paula L

7 habits that will actually get you laid

90 Shares | Alex Perez

10 Effective Ways To Stop Hiccups Instantly

51 Shares | Francesca Fortunato

Surprising, Money-Saving Ways To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

30 Shares | Rebecca Beris

5 Languages That Will Earn You The Most Money

67 Shares | Sean Kim


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Health & Lifestyle > Health

HEALTH LIFESTYLE. 5 Languages That Will Earn You The Most Money.


Среда, 06 Апреля 2016 г. 09:19 + в цитатник

5 Languages That Will Earn You The Most Money



International Business

Deciding to learn a new language is one thing.

Deciding which of the most useful languages to learn is another. This is the question we’re going to address today.

We’ve talked about the amazing benefits of learning a language, such as clearing our mind to improve our decision making skills.


But did you know that it can help you make more money?

You’ve probably heard the popular saying by Warren Buffet, “the more you learn, the more you earn.” It turns out this rule applies more than ever for learning a new language.

Even with the addition of over 295,000 jobs in the United States, there are millions of people struggling to find full-time work, or any work at all.

The good news is, learning a language has shown to not only increase your chances of finding amazing work opportunities, but it’s shown to increase your earnings.

CareerBuilder.com’s hiring forecast showed that 39 percent of U.S. employers said they plan to hire bilingual candidates, and half said that if they had two equally qualified candidates, they would be more inclined to hire the bilingual one.

Make more money

Learning a language has shown to add between 10–15% to your wage, according to language specialist recruitment agency, Euro London.

This only goes to show that learning a language is a wise investment for anyone, at any age, whether you’re preparing to enter the workforce, or looking to expand your opportunities.

Assuming an average salary of around $45,000, a 2% “language bonus” average over 40 years, and also a 1% raise annually, you’d have an extra $67,000 by the time you retire. Since you can learn a new language quickly with the right solution, that’s a pretty good investment of your time.

What’s more, salary bonuses vary depending on the exact language in which you’re proficient. Here’s a quick breakdown of a few different secondary languages and their annual bonuses as reported by The Economist:

  • Spanish — 1.5 percent bonus
  • French — 2.3 percent bonus
  • German — 3.8 percent bonus

This means that you can make an additional $50,000 to $125,000, just for knowing how to speak a foreign language!

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение
Память , зрение , слух



Пятница, 08 Апреля 2016 г. 08:57 + в цитатник

Top 12 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

22 Shares | Amy Johnson

How Being Multilingual Affects Our Personalities

740 Shares | Jenny Marchal

10 Reasons to Respect Our Elders


10 Reasons to Respect Our Elders


There are many ways which different cultures interact generationally. In traditional China, Confucian law encourages an utmost respect for the family unit, and innate value for its older members. And although times are changing, so too do Japan and Korea celebrate the ages of the old. Latin cultures have a similar respect traditionally with their elders, as do many native tribes. Western culture however, contemporary as it prides itself to be, holds a far more youth-centric outlook. This is a concern, as statistics are showing levels of depression and anxiety have skyrocketed due to a decrease in value once we reach a certain age.

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

HEALTH LIFESTYLE.1 Smoothie 7 surprising health benefits


Пятница, 08 Апреля 2016 г. 09:12 + в цитатник

Smoothies: Surprising Health Benefits

1 Smoothie 7 surprising health benefits


One green smoothie can surprisingly transform your overall health. Generally, people don’t get an adequate amount of leafy greens which are required for good health. By having a green smoothie, you can overcome this insufficiency. You can include lettuce, spinach, collard greens, and kale in your smoothie. You may even add dandelion greens, parsley, and watercress, depending on what suits your palate. If you want your smoothie to be more delicious, simply add mango, banana, apple, avocado, or pears to it.

Here is a list of some major health benefits that you can gain by having a green smoothie on a regular basis:

  • Weight loss
  • Presence of antioxidants that promote overall health and help fight diseases
  • Detox
  • Improved skin
  • Improved digestion
  • Boosting of brainpower
  • Building stronger bones

Let’s have a look at the above health benefits in somewhat detail.

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

LIFESTYLE.Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up: 10 Tips To Help You De-Stress.


Вторник, 19 Апреля 2016 г. 18:05 + в цитатник


Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up: 10 Tips To Help You De-Stress




The mind and the body feed one another continuously, so if you are challenged by stress, this can certainly affect your overall wellness. Long-term stress can bring about significant changes in your body, and even bursts of short-term stress can temporarily decrease your overall health.


Getting rid of all the stress completely from your life may be challenging, but in this fast-paced world, it is vital to develop coping skills that can help you avoid the serious health impacts that can arise from unmanaged stress. If your stress levels are overwhelming and debilitating, be brave enough to seek support from stress-management groups and practitioners.

Life is far too short and way too precious to share it with stress. Your wellness is priceless. You deserve to feel calm and at peace every single day.

These 10 tips are not only easy to incorporate into your day, they can help to relieve your stress and bring balance back into your body, mind, and spirit. There is no time like the present to break up with stress.

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Живое Человеческое Общение

Good figure in old age is dangerous for brain health..


Суббота, 10 Сентября 2016 г. 03:49 + в цитатник
Good figure in old age is dangerous for brain health


Many doctors say that slender body in old age to avoid diabetes and hypertension. But at the same time with this weight loss may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, writes The Daily Mail. Experts from the Massachusetts General Hospital have identified a link between low body mass index and accumulation of amyloid plaques in the brain (this is a characteristic feature of Alzheimer's disease).

Therefore, experts urge to abandon diets, focusing on training and a balanced diet. In fact, sometimes a little bit helpful for older people gain weight. In addition, weight loss in old age may have a negative impact on human mobility and result in a reduction in force. And all of these aspects are also associated with Alzheimer's disease.

By the way, the researchers also found the following pattern: the lower body mass index for an elderly person, the more the genetic variant APOE4. It is a major risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease.


Source: Meddaily.ru


Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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"Anti-aging medicine."



Среда, 28 Сентября 2016 г. 03:54 + в цитатник


Doctor Leo Bokeria made a revolution in nutrition.

Leo Bokeria - famous cardiologist, professor, chief cardiac surgeon of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the specialist to whom many dream to get an appointment. Taking care of patients, he studied the human body thoroughly and concluded that struck contemporary nutritionists!

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Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Google translate
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Здоровье и красота мужчины

Lifestyle.Training for the rapid loss of calories.


Среда, 02 Ноября 2016 г. 18:36 + в цитатник

Google translate 


Training for the rapid loss of calories

Training for the rapid loss of calories

This exercise will help you burn 350 calories in just 30 minutes. 

Fast and efficient burning of calories at home ... I think for that you need a lot of time? Not at all! Just half an hour of your time to exercise three times a week, and you will lose unwanted weight. Add to this workout 45 minute walk every day and you will spend an additional 250 calories. 

Exercise first - jump 

Jump 2 minutes, legs wide apart and hands in the air. 

Exercise the second - side lunge 

Take dumbbells weighing 2.5-3.5 kgs . Take a step the right foot to the side and bend the knee to 90 degrees, placing his hands with dumbbells at the bottom on both sides of the right leg. Then, pushing off the right foot, return to starting position. Then do the exercise for the left leg.Repeat 24 times, give the legs a rest and take a second run. 

Exercise third - squats 

Put your right foot forward, left hand holding a dumbbell weighing 2.5-3.5 kg. Do crouching, holding the balance of a raised right hand. Stand up, raise your left knee. Then return to the starting position. Do 24 repetitions, alternating legs, relax and repeat 24 more times.

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Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Google translate
80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Здоровье и красота мужчины

Welcome to Baba-Mail .17 Body Tricks that Will Make You Feel Better.


Среда, 02 Ноября 2016 г. 18:43 + в цитатник

There are quite a few irritating and annoying sensations your body experiences during the day, the kind that most of us would love to know how to get rid of. For instance, how does one deal with an itchy throat? How do you make a burn go away? And generally, how can you get rid of various pains? This list will teach you how to treat all of these issues with relative ease.
make yourself feel better body tricks

1. Itchy Throat? Scratch Your Ear

An itchy throat is a nuisance, and one that is difficult to get rid of unless you know this trick. When the inside of your throat feels itchy, it’s virtually impossible to scratch, and in many cases, a loud cough is not socially acceptable. Luckily, the throat and ears are part of the same system, and according to Dr. Schaffer, Head Otolaryngologist in Advocare, NJ, when you stimulate the nerves in the ear, you create a reflexive reaction in the throat, causing it to contract, relieving the itch.

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Рубрики:  Welcome to Baba-Mail / Health & Lifestyle > Health
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Здоровье и красота мужчины

Welcome to Baba-Mail.11 Things We Should Stop Doing to Prevent Aging.


Четверг, 03 Ноября 2016 г. 17:39 + в цитатник

11 Things We Should Stop Doing to Prevent Aging


1. You try to do too many things at once (Multitasking).

If your to-do list is longer than your arm and you are dealing with the stress of juggling many projects or tasks at once, you're doing yourself a disservice, says Raymond Casciari, Chief Medical Officer at St. Joseph Hospital. Several studies have shown that day-to-day stress triggers the release of free radicals in the body, which damage cells and quicken the aging process. The doctor suggests focusing on one task at a time.

2. You rarely pass on dessert.


Other than being an obviously unhealthy habit, having a sweet tooth may be adding years to your face, as sugar molecules attach themselves to protein fibers in our cells, a process known as glycation. This can lead to an ashen look, dark circles around the eyes, a loss of facial contours, wrinkles, puffiness and bigger pores. So if you want to hold on to that youthful glow, don't overdo the sugar.

3. You get less than 5-6 hours of sleep a night.

Not getting enough sleep doesn't only give you black bags under your eyes, but has been linked, through several studies, to a shorter life span. According to Dr. Casciari, the founder of a sleep lab at St. Joseph Hospital, getting about seven hours of sleep is optimal. So if you're nodding off, low on energy or finding it hard to focus, you're probably not sleeping enough, and it may age you faster than you'd like.

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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Welcome to Baba-Mail .10 Legitimate Reasons To Eat More Dark Chocolate


Воскресенье, 06 Ноября 2016 г. 09:52 + в цитатник

Finally some good news about your favorite treat! A lot of research has gone into chocolate consumption and it turns out its really good for your health. It seems daily doses of dark chocolate can keep the doctor far away.

Don’t go stuffing your face just yet, though. While dark chocolate has an abundance of benefits, experts warn that it's also highly fattening and can often be filled with lots of added sugars. Nonetheless, because this delicious food has so many advantages, you’d be crazy not to want to eat it.


1. Rich in nutrients

Dark chocolate is rich in many of the vitamins and minerals that are vital for your body's functioning. It has high concentrations of magnesium,IRON, potassium, and copper. Magnesium helps prevent high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other heart diseases, while iron protects against anemia.

Both potassium and copper prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease. Dark chocolate, with at least 70% cocoa, contains a fair amount of fiber, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and selenium, all daily required minerals from your diet.

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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The benefits of a morning cup of hot water..


Понедельник, 02 Января 2017 г. 16:13 + в цитатник
The benefits of a morning cup of hot water

The benefits of a morning cup of hot water

A glass of clean, warm water in the morning, prepare our digestive tract to work. Hot water helps our body to be cleansed of all superfluous. In addition, it enhances the morning laxative effect which promotes natural purifying.

Another major function of water is to speed up metabolism. It facilitates the rapid transfer of oxygen and nutrients. The procedure itself is simple as 2x2. A glass of hot water (typically 40-50 degrees) drink in small sips 20-30 minutes before breakfast. Add to this a teaspoon of honey, the result will only improve. Honey is known to have fantastic properties for the body, and together with the warm water, it is better absorbed. No wonder that the honey is almost the only one of the products, never spoils. Thereby, we help ourselves to clean the stomach , to rejuvenate the body, and slightly reduce extra inches, and of course easy to recharge and vivacity for the whole day.

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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NYTimes.com Sleep Is the New Status Symbol.


Пятница, 14 Апреля 2017 г. 11:25 + в цитатник



Sleep Is the New Status Symbol


Sleep today is a measure of success, a skill to be cultivated and nourished. CreditTim Robinson

At M.I.T.’s Media Lab, the digital futurist playground, David Rose is investigating swaddling, bedtime stories and hammocks, as well as lavender oil and cocoons. Mr. Rose, a researcher, an inventor-entrepreneur and the author of “Enchanted Objects: Design, Human Desire and the Internet of Things,” and his colleagues have been road-testing weighted blankets to induce a swaddling sensation and listening to recordings of Icelandic fairy tales — all research into an ideal sleep environment that may culminate in a nap pod, or, as he said, “some new furniture form.”

“For me, it’s a swinging bed on a screened porch in northwestern Wisconsin,” he said. “You can hear the loons and the wind through the fir trees, and there’s the weight of 10 blankets on top of me because it’s a cold night. We’re trying a bunch of interventions.”

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Рубрики:  Память , зрение , слух/Борьба с бессонницей..
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Physiotherapy.Physiotherapy exercises for the elderly.


Воскресенье, 16 Апреля 2017 г. 09:06 + в цитатник



Physiotherapy exercises for the elderly.

Exercises for the elderly.

Older people face social problems,

Problems of health,

Lack of attention from surrounding people.

Let's clarify the names of the age:

  • The elderly age is 60 to 70 years;
  • Old age - 70 - 80 years;
  • Longevity - over 80 years.
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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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"Anti-aging medicine."
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