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Baba-Mail .A Guide to Foods That Should Be Eaten On an Empty Stomach.


Среда, 21 Марта 2018 г. 15:00 + в цитатник

A Guide to Foods That Should Be Eaten On an Empty Stomach

For many of us, choosing yogurt, coffee or fruit juice may seem like a great start to a new day. However, few know that many products that we consume regularly on an empty stomach can actually damage our digestive system, burden it, cause swelling and stinging, and lead to a host of symptoms that’ll continue to bother us throughout the day. In the following article, we’ll lay out the 10 foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach, along with 10 foods that can help you start the day in a much better way.


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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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Alina Semukha (USA).Here's how to use purple onions to get rid of diabetes, cholesterol, flu, colds, constipation and strengthen the heart and blood


Понедельник, 19 Марта 2018 г. 15:45 + в цитатник
1.Here's how to use purple onions to get rid of diabetes, cholesterol, flu, colds, constipation and strengthen the heart and blood vessels! Violet onions are not the most used by humans.
2.The problem is that most of us do not know that this kind of onion offers a wide range of health benefits.
3.The first thing you need to know is that you must eat the onion always moist. Baking and heat destroy its advantages. We offer you seven good reasons to start eating purple onions and improve your health.
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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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Baba-Mil .The Delicious Shake That’ll Help You Sleep like a Baby.


Суббота, 17 Марта 2018 г. 19:20 + в цитатник

The Delicious Shake That’ll Help You Sleep like a Baby

As more and more studies point to stress as one of the main causes of insomnia, it makes sense that we try to do everything in our power to calm our nerves and provide ourselves with a little more peace and relaxation. However, the stresses and anxieties that accompany everyday life make this a real challenge, which sometimes may feel like a "lost battle" for us.


The good news is that often the secret to achieving a quiet soul and a good sleep depends not only on our control of the myriad of thoughts running through our heads but also on our diet. The even better news is that you can achieve this goal in tasty and nutritious ways such as the next health shake, which you can add to your daily menu and start waking up refreshed every morning.

The shake ingredients that will help you sleep well and continuously

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Baba-Mail .Forum Polyglot 80 мой личный университет ..High Red Meat Consumption Linked to Diverticulitis


Четверг, 15 Марта 2018 г. 11:33 + в цитатник
Я  заглядыванию на Форум Polyglot 80 , и вижу , что никто не пишет  комментариев, никто , наверно, и не читает материалы , которые мы помещаем на Форуме. Я помещаю эти материалы , статьи на Facebook ,и там тоже никто не пишет комментариев. До 80 лет я хочу наниматься изучением многих вещей ...Получается , что Forum Polyglot 80 мой личный университет по изучению иностранных языков , медицины ,политики , делами В.В.Путина ,  проблемами сохранения полноценной жизни,кулинарии, занятий "спортом ",юмором , проблемами мозга , памяти , ...И о чем мы только не пишем ....Никто нам не мешает помещать наши записи ...Baba-Mail помещает материалы на английском , испанском , иврите. Изучать иностранные языки самому это возможно, ..Это благодаря интернету , но  желательно иметь товарищей , заинтересованных в изучении English ,Arabic, Hebrew,Ukrainian , Spanish,German,Yidish,France,Italian ,...Друг от друга можно можно многому научиться. Живое Человеческое Общение. Все время мы спрашиваем самих себя -  или мы такие глупые , а вокруг нас все умные , или может быть наоборот.
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From Ilsa Sand."Remove the mask, in spite of fear ...": 27 healing citations.


Воскресенье, 11 Марта 2018 г. 16:36 + в цитатник

"Remove the mask, in spite of fear ...": 27 healing citations by the psychotherapist Ilsa Sand

03/02/2018 Great thoughts

"The most important thing in life is to find a balance. To do this, we need to develop the ability to get along with different emotions, get courage and accept ourselves as we are, with all our strengths and weaknesses, "says Ilsa Sand, a Danish writer and certified psychotherapist, the author of the bestsellers" Fear of intimacy. How to stop defending and start loving "and" Close to the heart. How to live if you are too sensitive. " We offer you 27 most valuable quotes from these books.

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Рубрики:  80th Anniversary/Natural Ways to Stay Young
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"Anti-aging medicine."
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Baba-Mail .14 Healthy Habits that’ll Improve Your Quality Of Life.


Суббота, 10 Марта 2018 г. 18:39 + в цитатник

14 Healthy Habits that’ll Improve Your Quality Of Life

Everyone knows that in order to live a healthy and happy life there is a very clear list of things that we are always told to do: eat healthier, disconnect from technology, sit with your back straight, meditate, organize your home and more... all of these suggestions are surely right and you may have even adopted some in the past. But even if you combine most of these habits and tips, a feeling that something is missing and that happiness is slipping through our fingers still looms over our heads.


This may be due to the fact that happiness is in the small things, and this is why today we want to present you with 14 simple tips and easy habits that don’t require special effort, but their contribution to your body and mind is tremendous. You don’t have to agree with all of them or keep them up all the time, as long as you adopt some of these things you’ll be giving yourself the quality of life that you deserve.

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Mirtesen.Scientists named five reasons for having sex.


Четверг, 08 Марта 2018 г. 22:20 + в цитатник

Scientists named five reasons for having sex

The researchers came to the conclusion that intimacy improves not only the mood, but also carries a number of positive functions for the body. They named five main reasons for having sex.

Mood Enhancement

Researchers have established a connection between sex and a sense of joy. As the New York Times notes, in a study of 1000 women, sex was rated as the No. 1 of all activities that brought them joy. In 2004, researchers equated the sensations of weekly sex with the feeling that you have 50 thousand dollars in the bank.

Coping with stress

Strengthening immunity

Researchers from the University of Wilkes from Pennsylvania asked students how often they had sex every week.After that, their level of immunoglobulin was studied. Those who had sex once or twice a week had the highest level of immunoglobulin: one-third higher than those who did not have it.

Protection of the brain

British researchers found that sexually active men aged 50 to 89 years received a better cognitive function of the brainWomen have benefited from sex in terms of memory.

Helping the Heart


Sex is considered a good cardio. Researchers have determined that sex is an aerobic exercise of medium intensity.

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"Anti-aging medicine."
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Baba-Mail .This is How Reading Benefits Your Health.


Понедельник, 05 Марта 2018 г. 21:17 + в цитатник

This is How Reading Benefits Your Health


Reading is actually a lot like dark chocolate. It feels delicious and decadent while you’re doing it, but you shouldn’t feel guilty for indulging. In fact, the more you delve into the perks of reading, the more blown away you’ll become. From helping you to de-stress to deciphering others’ emotions, here’s why reading is a must.
Reading Turns on Your Brain

Reading stimulates neurological regions in your brain as if you’re living the experience. For example, some researchers in Spain found that just reading the word “cinnamon” activates the olfactory brain regions responsible for smell. Furthermore, French researchers found that reading about actions stimulates the motor cortex, the movement section of the brain.

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"Anti-aging medicine."
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Baba-Mail .10 Simple Tricks to Help You Take Charge of Your Body.


Суббота, 24 Февраля 2018 г. 15:57 + в цитатник

10 Simple Tricks to Help You Take Charge of Your Body

There are various phenomena that tend to "attack" us at the most inappropriate time and make us feel uncomfortable, as if we can’t control our body; a sudden and unwanted laughter or cry that comes out of nowhere; pimples that suddenly appear on the skin; hiccups, heartburn, snoring, etc. - these are problems we always thought had no solution other than waiting for them to just go away. But no more! We have gathered for you the original, fast and most important scientific proven solutions that’ll help you overcome 10 troubling situations that you thought were uncontrollable.


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Baba-Mail .The Effects of Drinking Contaminated Water.


Суббота, 24 Февраля 2018 г. 11:57 + в цитатник

The Effects of Drinking Contaminated Water

We've all been told to avoid drinking dirty and/or contaminated water. But how well informed are we about the consequences of doing so? Water contamination can occur in city water supplies, well water supplies and fresh water sources, such as lakes, streams, and rivers. Read through this guide to discover more.
contaminated water

1. What could the water be contaminated with?

Bacteria or chemicals, such as nitrates can contaminate the water. When a water test shows the presence of bacteria, it is considered to be unsafe to drink. Total coliform organisms, a group of bacteria found in the environment, are an indicator of the safety of your water. If present, it indicates that disease-causing organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites, could potentially be present in your water supply.

In addition, if any amount of E.coli bacteria is found in a water sample (E. coli generally lives in the intestines of warm-blooded animals and humans) it is known that human sewage or animal feces have contaminated the water supply. The presence of nitrates in well water is usually the result of farming activities like fertilizing. Consequently, if nitrates are at levels above 10 milligrams per liter of water, an infant may suffer from a condition known as 'blue baby syndrome' - caused by nitrates interfering with the blood's ability to carry oxygen throughout the body.

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Baba-Mail .Tips to Maintain Good Posture and Stay Healthy


Суббота, 24 Февраля 2018 г. 10:38 + в цитатник

Tips to Maintain Good Posture and Stay Healthy

Good posture is much more important than most of us think. Having bad posture means that your joints and muscles don’t work right all the time, and this can cause serious issues such as chronic pain, joint injuries, muscle atrophy, and digestion and breathing issues. Moreover, bad posture makes you look less attractive.


Below you’ll find some advice to help you maintain good posture and stay healthy. These tips are really easy to follow!

1. Walk Barefoot and Wear Comfortable Shoes

Your feet are the foundation of your whole body, so the correct development of the joints and muscles in them is key to good posture. The most natural thing for people to do is walk barefoot, so you should do this as often as possible. When you need to wear shoes, high heels and thick soles are the first things you should avoid.

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Baba-Mail .Foods That Can be Microwaved!


Суббота, 24 Февраля 2018 г. 10:32 + в цитатник

Foods That Can be Microwaved!

Do you think that your microwave is only good for heating frozen dinners? If so, you’re sorely mistaken. Use the following microwave hacks to soften sugar, froth milk, whip up some French toast, and more!


1. Peel Garlic Quickly

Nuke your garlic bulbs for 15 seconds and the skin will slide off like magic. This is because the water in the garlic steams and breaks down the bonds that exist between the clove and the skin for fast removal.

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Суббота, 24 Февраля 2018 г. 10:10 + в цитатник



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 07:51 + in the quote book 


THAT HEALTHY FOOD DOES NOT EXISTIsraeli scientists have proved that there is no healthy diet


The Weizmann Institute in Israel carried out a very interesting study. For several years scientists have observed a group of volunteers of 40 people. The participants in the experiment were divided into two groups. The first ones ate only "healthy" food, and the second ones - ordinary products from the supermarket: semi-finished products, chips, carbonated drinks, frozen foods, etc.


The study was conducted by Dr. Evana Elinava with her colleagues .. They came to an unusual conclusion. The organism of the observed responded to food purely individually. Participants in both groups experienced both positive and negative changes, equally.


Evana Elinava stated that "healthy eating" is a fiction that dieticians should not use this concept in their practice.


The research team of the Institute Weizmann prepared a report in which they outlined their idea of a healthy diet based on the research data.

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"Anti-aging medicine."

Baba-Mail .12 Things to Do to Prevent a Heart Attack


Четверг, 22 Февраля 2018 г. 21:23 + в цитатник

12 Things to Do to Prevent a Heart Attack

It's easy to feel out of control when a heart attack strikes. So, how best should you handle this situation when you're recovering from a heart attack? Following these doctor-recommended tips will strengthen your heart and reclaim your health. 
heart attack

1. You have the power to improve

Patients have a great opportunity to take control of their cardiac health after a heart attack thanks to advancements in medications and technologies. By sticking to certain lifestyle changes and following the medicines prescribed by your doctor, you can significantly lower your chances of a second heart attack or stroke.

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Понедельник, 19 Февраля 2018 г. 14:47 + в цитатник


Читать на русском языке  !!!!!

Whether we like it or not, but in our mature age the word "health" comes first. And where to get away from it? It's a mature age (we just do not need insinuations! Without a prefix "re-"!) - we are all almost young, almost energetic and almost healthy! Well, I myself already quite insolent - I call myself absolutely healthy! Why?Because I just do not know about my illnesses! I invented such a positive formula for myself: I do not know what it is, there is no such thing! Do not rush to throw stones - I'm not an absolute nihilist, and I understand that this formula does not fit everyone (there are diseases that can not be cured by our own hands and can not be cured by folk remedies, but only harm).

Alas, but life has changed so that physicians by vocation and doctors "from God" have sunk into oblivion. The generation of doctors of our age is gradually being retired by young, energetic, arrogant and ... almost uneducated. My friend has been teaching at the medical institute for many years, and she does not cease to scare herself of what comes to them and what they release. That's right - WHAT, since entry and study for money (commercial offices) is not study (see picture).

Читать на русском языке  !!!!!


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80th Anniversary/Slow conversation .Website for pensioners.
"Anti-aging medicine."
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Понедельник, 19 Февраля 2018 г. 12:40 + в цитатник


Some simple rituals can improve health and prolong life. Check what good habits you have not had time to acquire.

1518172040_1 (700x350, 28Kb)

Brush your teeth


Do not forget to do this twice a day. Cleansing the teeth prevents heart problems and thereby prolongs life. The fact that gum disease can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease, known for a long time, but until the last moment no one could explain the reason for the connection of these two pathologies. Scientists have found that the main culprits in this case are the bacteria streptococci, which live in the mouth and often cause inflammation of the gums. If streptococci enter through the inflamed gums into the circulatory system, they begin to produce a special protein that promotes the clumping of platelets. The glueing of platelets, in turn, leads to the formation of blood clots that clog blood vessels, cause their inflammation and limit the delivery of blood to the heart and brain.

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Baba-Mail .10 Natural Teeth Whitening Foods.


Воскресенье, 18 Февраля 2018 г. 19:54 + в цитатник

10 Natural Teeth Whitening Foods

There is nothing like a smile filled with white teeth to express joy, contentment and sometimes even embarrassment. There are many products on the market that claim to turn your teeth "pearly white", but most contain harsh whitening chemicals that may also damage tooth enamel, the protective layer of your teeth.

These products aren’t suitable for everyone, as some people have more sensitive teeth than others, and long-term use of these whitening products can cause damage. For those who want to achieve a bright white smile, we recommend you try the following 10 foods, to whiten your teeth naturally, deliciously and without the need for chemicals.

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Mirtesen.11 correct foods that are harmful to health if eaten at the wrong time


Суббота, 17 Февраля 2018 г. 20:16 + в цитатник

11 correct foods that are harmful to health if eaten at the wrong time

Let's be honest: we do not always look at the clock, throwing another piece in our mouth. And there is nothing wrong with that. But sometimes after eating we feel discomfort, there is bloating, colic, and over time comes and overweight. It turns out that all this is not just for fun. Sometimes this or that food, eaten at the wrong time, can cause trouble. But do not worry, now you can correctly distribute the products in time, and your body will get the maximum benefit from them.

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Baba-Mail .8 Signs You're Drinking Too Much Water.


Понедельник, 12 Февраля 2018 г. 16:40 + в цитатник

8 Signs You're Drinking Too Much Water

We are constantly reminded that drinking enough water is vital for our bodies to function properly. And this true – unless you drink too much of it. Though most of us worry about getting dehydrated, overhydration is just as dangerous.


Drinking too much water can result in water intoxication, also known as hyponatremia, which causes the inside of cells to flood due to abnormally low sodium levels in your blood. In severe cases, this can lead to debilitating health problems such as comas, seizures, and even death.

Below are 8 signs that you’re drinking too much water.

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From Alina Semukha (USA). "Medications do in order to reduce the population of the Earth"!


Понедельник, 12 Февраля 2018 г. 10:59 + в цитатник

The scientist made a shocking statement: "Medications do in order to reduce the population of the Earth"!

 The statement of biochemist Shane Ellison that all "pharmacy goods" are produced with the sole purpose of reducing our population simply exploded the Internet! The article immediately scattered around the world, and many began to think that everything Shane said might turn out to be true! Therefore, we suggest that you read the verbatim statement of the scientist yourself and draw conclusions!

"I'm a chemist. I love the scientific approach, I always loved. And when I worked in the pharmaceutical industry - there was a complete rejection of science. In these pharmaceutical companies, they did not hesitate to say the following in an interview at the hiring: "Take into account that we are developing medicines for the removal of symptoms. We do not heal "

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Baba-Mail .5 Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss.


Понедельник, 12 Февраля 2018 г. 09:08 + в цитатник

5 Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss isn’t a condition that's reserved solely for the elderly. In fact, only around 35% of people with hearing loss are 65 or older. Below, you'll find 5 subtle signs of hearing loss that many people often overlook or misdiagnose. Make sure to visit a professional if you or someone you know is experiencing any of them.
1. You keep asking 'What?'
hearing loss
If you have trouble hearing when you're somewhere with lots of background noise, such as a bar or restaurant, don't blame it on the poor acoustics or loud chatter. Robert L. Pincus, MD, associate professor in the Department of Otolaryngology at New York Medical College, says that "a good functioning ear can pick up what you want to hear in a noisy room. If you can't, that could be one of the early signs of hearing loss in the upper ranges."
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Baba-Mail .8 Home Exercises to Strengthen the Hands.


Воскресенье, 11 Февраля 2018 г. 18:50 + в цитатник

8 Home Exercises to Strengthen the Hands


Don’t wait until the last minute and put these next 8 short, effective exercises on your agenda right now to make sure your hands stay strong for years to come.


1. Basic finger lift

Although it is a basic and fairly simple exercise, stretching the fingers has many health benefits that result from the fact that we don’t regularly stretch our hands. With a short and effective exercise, you can help increase your range of finger movements, improve the flexibility of your wrist joint and ease the pain that results, among other, from prolonged office work.

How to do the exercise:

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Mirtesen.How to cook delicious pancakes.


Суббота, 10 Февраля 2018 г. 20:37 + в цитатник

Shrovetide is coming! And here are the 5 most unusual recipes for pancakes, from which everyone will be delighted.

Shrovetide on the nose, it's time to think about what pancakes to cook. Of course, you can not deviate from the classics and cook ordinary, but why not experiment?

The editors of Semitsvetik offer you the 5 best recipes to cook unusual pancakes . Everyone will be delighted, we promise!

How to cook delicious pancakes


Shrovetide is coming!  And here are the 5 most unusual recipes for pancakes, from which everyone will be delighted.


Openwork pancakes


  • 200 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • flour
  • salt

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"Anti-aging medicine."



Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 22:03 + в цитатник


There are 11 different varieties of onions.  Here's how to use them correctly!


Perhaps, not a lot of vegetables can boast as many applications as onions.

It can be used in cooking, is raw, used as a decoration for sandwiches and a basis for soups . There are few recipes that do not require one or another kind of onions.

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Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 21:30 + в цитатник


Delicious buckwheat - new recipes

Compared to other types of cereals, buckwheat is a true "record holder" in the content of nutrients and trace elements ...

Compared to other types of cereals, buckwheat is a true "record holder" for the content of nutrients and microelements, which the human body needs. By the level of protein, this cereal can be safely equated with meat.

Delicious buckwheat - new recipes

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Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 20:51 + в цитатник


8 signs that you need to pay attention to!

Sugar is found in almost every packaged food you buy. Most likely, you consume more sugar unconsciously.Any form of refined sugar and its other alternatives are partly to blame for the increase in the number of different diseases.
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Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 20:46 + в цитатник


Sunflower oil and fish oil have been recognized as life-threatening

The product was recognized as harmful to health Photo: Vadim Akhmetov
The consumption of sunflower oil or fish oil in food threatens serious problems with the liver. This statement was made by scientists from the University of Granada.
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Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 20:43 + в цитатник


Simple and healthy breakfast


You will need:

3 tomatoes 
3 teaspoons of butter

3 eggs 
salt and pepper 
green onions.
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Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 18:48 + в цитатник


What comes to your mind at the word "porridge"? Oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina or millet ... We have compiled a list of "unpopular" cereals from A to Z, which can be used to diversify the domestic assortment of cereals.

Kasha - a dish, known since childhood. She was fed by our mothers and grandmothers. Now in her favor, we are trying to convince our children. But constantly there is rice, mango or oatmeal even bothers us ourselves. Fortunately, modern store shelves contain a much larger range of groats than in our childhood.And we just forgot about some cereals. We restore this gap together.

 14 useful groats, of which not everyone knows

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Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 18:40 + в цитатник


8 Ways to Make Eggs Tastier


Nutritious and healthy, eggs can compete with meat in terms of the number of essential amino acids. People ate eggs even when they were not actually people, but represented intermediate forms like Neanderthal or Australopithecus. But even when a person could not even make a fire, he liked to eat eggs. Over time, the kitchen has become more complicated, but the eggs have not gone anywhere. On one fringe variety of egg dishes does not stop - these recipes will help to understand that eggs can and should be eaten not only for breakfast and they can be turned into a real culinary masterpiece.

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Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 17:20 + в цитатник


Like any mono-diet, buckwheat makes you lose weight fast enough and at the same time cleanses the body.Diets on buckwheat are designed for one or two weeks and allow you to lose about 8-10 kg per week. It is very nourishing, so the diet goes without feeling hungry.

Buckwheat diet.  Is it harsh?


True, not very tasty, and those who do not like buckwheat, it is difficult. Due to the carbohydrates contained in it, weight loss usually does not occur immediately, but only after a few days. The higher the initial weight - the more weight loss.

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Baba-Mail .6 Juices that’ll Treat Anemia and Its Symptoms.


Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 11:44 + в цитатник
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Kiona-Julija.Если у вас осталось немного гречки..

Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 11:23 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Kiona-Julija [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

💕 Если у вас осталось немного гречки...💕

Если у Вас осталось немного гречки, добавьте сыр и еще пару ингредиентов и Вы богиня кулинарии!


Вареная гречка -1 стакан
яйцо — 2-3 шт
Сыр — 100 гр
Лук — 1 шт
Масло сливочное — 50 гр
Соль, перец


Обжариваем мелко нарезанный лук на сливочном масле. Сыр натираем на терке. Смешиваем вареную гречку, лук, сыр, яйца, солим, перчим.
Формируем из фарша котлеты, обваливаем аккуратно в муке, жарим с обеих сторон до золотистой корочки.

Чудесные гречневые котлетки...

127800415_0_13bed8_d8e87b15_S (97x100, 16Kb)

Серия сообщений "Кулинария":

Часть 1 - Салат с красной рыбой.
Часть 2 - Завертушки...
Часть 20 - 59 - Рецепты от шеф-поваров.
Часть 21 - Секретные добавки, о которых не рассказывают шеф-повара.
Часть 22 - 💕 Если у вас осталось немного гречки...💕

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Baba-Mail .El Melón Amargo y Sus Efectos Sobre El Cáncer y La Diabetes.


Пятница, 02 Февраля 2018 г. 20:56 + в цитатник



El Melón Amargo y Sus Efectos Sobre El Cáncer y La Diabetes


Muchos estudios médicos realizados en los últimos años se han centrado en encontrar remedios naturales para diversas enfermedades en lugar de medicamentos químicos que a menudo hacen más daño que bien. Tal estudio pionero se llevó a cabo recientemente en la Universidad de Colorado y sus resultados son sorprendentes: una planta especial llamada melón amargo inhibe los procesos cancerosos en el cuerpo y al mismo tiempo controla los niveles de azúcar diabético. Estas cualidades especiales del melón amargo pueden salvar la vida de millones de personas que tienen cáncer o diabetes, o al menos pueden mejorar su calidad de vida.



Los tratamientos actuales para el cáncer y el desarrollo de tumores a menudo son agresivos, por lo que muchos pacientes dudan en comenzarlos. La erradicación de la diabetes también es difícil, y los pacientes se ven obligados a inyectarse insulina a diario y administrar sus vidas en torno a las inyecciones y las pruebas de glucosa. La noticia del nuevo estudio sobre la planta es que es posible cambiar la situación existente, minimizar la necesidad de inhibidores del cáncer y controlar a los diabéticos diariamente. En el siguiente artículo, descubrirás qué es el melón amargo y cómo funciona su magia.


melón contra diabetes


¿Qué es el melón amargo?

El melón amargo es una especie de planta trepadora de la familia de las calabazas, y a pesar de su nombre, se parece más a un calabacín que a un melón. El origen de esta planta se encuentra en Asia, el Caribe y África y se han utilizado en estas áreas durante miles de años como un remedio popular y como ingrediente de cocina. Tiene un sabor amargo y, por lo tanto, se utiliza principalmente para condimentar sopas, carne y otros platos y no como ingrediente central en las comidas. A diferencia de otras frutas y verduras, el melón amargo debe consumirse antes de que madure o esté cerca de su período de maduración para poder disfrutar de todos sus beneficios.




Ahora se sabe que el melón amargo contiene muchos componentes, como la vitamina A, que mantiene la salud de los ojos y la piel, y la vitamina C, que fortalece el sistema inmunitario y previene la inflamación, así como el potasio esencial para la transmisión de información nerviosa en todo el cuerpo y procesos de metabolismo celular. También es rico en antioxidantes como la luteína y el betacaroteno, que preservan la integridad de las células y así previenen la enfermedad y la inflamación. Esta combinación de vitaminas y antioxidantes crea un compuesto fuerte que ayuda a combatir diversos tipos de cáncer e incluso diabetes.


melón contra diabetes


Noticias esperanzadoras para pacientes con cáncer

El estudio de la planta se realizó en la Universidad de Colorado de dos maneras: en tubos de ensayo y en animales. El objetivo de los experimentos fue examinar el efecto de esta planta única en el cáncer de páncreas, y los resultados de ambos tipos de investigación mostraron que la planta inhibe el aumento de la producción de células cancerosas, lo que significa que detiene la formación de tumores. ¡Además, comer la planta incluso causó el "suicidio" de las células cancerosas!


Los investigadores creen que la razón de esto es que el melón amargo detuvo el suministro de glucosa a las células cancerosas, y sin este componente vital no podrían continuar prosperando y multiplicándose. Este importante descubrimiento puede salvar la vida de innumerables personas en todo el mundo porque a menudo es imposible detectar la existencia de cáncer de páncreas hasta una etapa avanzada, que ya puede ser demasiado tarde.


Si las personas consumen el melón a diario, en realidad consumirán un medicamento natural contra el cáncer. Los investigadores descubrieron que el consumo de la planta también ayuda en el tratamiento de otros cánceres, como el cáncer de próstata y el cáncer de mama, uno de los tipos más difíciles de la enfermedad. Los estudios futuros examinarán los efectos del melón amargo en otros cánceres.






Горькая дыня и ее воздействие на рак и диабет



Многие медицинские исследования, проведенные в последние годы, были сосредоточены на поиске естественных лекарств для различных заболеваний вместо химических препаратов, которые часто приносят больше вреда, чем пользы. Такое новаторское исследование было недавно проведено в Университете Колорадо, и его результаты удивительны: специальное растение, называемое горькой дыней, ингибирует раковые процессы в организме и в то же время контролирует уровни сахарного диабета. Эти особые качества горькой дыни могут спасти жизни миллионов людей, страдающих раком или диабетом, или, по крайней мере, могут улучшить качество жизни.



Современные методы лечения рака и развития опухолей часто агрессивны, поэтому многие пациенты не решаются начать их. Эрадикация диабета также затруднена, и пациенты вынуждены ежедневно вводить инсулин и управлять своей жизнью вокруг инъекций и тестирования глюкозы. Новость о новом исследовании на заводе заключается в том, что можно изменить существующую ситуацию, свести к минимуму потребность в ингибиторах рака и ежедневно контролировать диабетиков. В следующей статье вы узнаете, что такое горькая дыня и как ее магия работает.


дыня против диабета

Мне это нравится

Что такое горькая дыня?

Горькая дыня - это вид восхождения на растение семейства тыкв, и, несмотря на его название, это больше похоже на цуккини, чем на дыню. Происхождение этого растения встречается в Азии, Карибском бассейне и Африке и используется в этих областях в течение тысяч лет как народное средство и как ингредиент для приготовления пищи. Он имеет горький вкус и, следовательно, в основном используется для ароматов супов, мяса и других блюд, а не как центральный ингредиент в еде. В отличие от других фруктов и овощей, горькая дыня должна потребляться до того, как она созреет или приближается к периоду ее созревания, чтобы пользоваться всеми ее преимуществами.




Теперь известно, что горькая дыня содержит много компонентов, таких как витамин А, который поддерживает здоровье глаз и кожи и витамин С, который укрепляет иммунную систему и предотвращает воспаление, а также калий, необходимый для передачи нервной информации по всему телу и процессов клеточного метаболизма. Он также богат антиоксидантами, такими как лютеин и бета-каротин, которые сохраняют целостность клеток и тем самым предотвращают заболевание и воспаление. Эта комбинация витаминов и антиоксидантов создает сильное соединение, которое помогает бороться с различными видами рака и даже с диабетом.


дыня против диабета


Надежные новости для больных раком

Исследование растения проводилось в Университете Колорадо двумя способами: в пробирках и у животных. Цель экспериментов состояла в том, чтобы исследовать влияние этого уникального растения на рак поджелудочной железы, и результаты обоих типов исследований показали, что растение ингибирует повышенное производство раковых клеток, а это означает, что он прекращает образование опухолей , Кроме того, употребление растения даже вызвало «самоубийство» раковых клеток!


Исследователи полагают, что причиной этого является то, что горькая дыня прекратила подачу глюкозы в раковые клетки, и без этого жизненно важного компонента они не могли продолжать процветать и размножаться. Это важное открытие может спасти жизни бесчисленных людей во всем мире, потому что часто невозможно обнаружить существование рака поджелудочной железы до поздней стадии, которая уже может быть слишком поздней.


Если люди потребляют дыню на ежедневной основе, они фактически потребляют естественные лекарства от рака. Исследователи обнаружили, что потребление растения также помогает в лечении других видов рака, таких как рак предстательной железы и рак молочной железы, один из самых сложных видов заболевания. В будущих исследованиях будет рассмотрено влияние горькой дыни на другие виды рака.




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Baba-Mail .Bad Eating Habits For Cholesterol.


Пятница, 02 Февраля 2018 г. 20:20 + в цитатник

Bad Eating Habits For Cholesterol

If your doctor tells you that you have high cholesterol, it means that your LDL reading (bad cholesterol) is building up and may cause blockages in your arteries. A healthy cholesterol reading from a blood test is less than 200 mg/dL.


Sarah-Jane Bedwell, RD, LDN, says that “while it used to be thought that eating cholesterol-rich foods would raise blood cholesterol levels, we now know that consuming too many saturated fats and not enough unsaturated, heart-healthy fats is what actually affects blood cholesterol levels the most.”

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Baba-Mail .The Bacteria and Fungi in Your Dishwasher.


Пятница, 02 Февраля 2018 г. 14:45 + в цитатник

The Bacteria and Fungi in Your Dishwasher


So, do we need to worry about getting sick from our dishwashers? No, said Erica Hartmann, an assistant professor at Northwestern University who was not involved in the study. In fact, she says that the risk is the same as being attacked by a shark. In other words, most of us face little to no risk, but there are a select group of people who are at a higher risk – people with conditions that weaken their immune systems.  [Dishwashers are an interesting case when it comes down to microbes because they’re an extreme habitat. Dishwashers create constantly fluctuating conditions – wet to dry, high heat to cooler temperatures, combined with low to high acidity. Furthermore, they also harbor mixtures of detergents and dinner scraps. As a result, only certain microbes will thrive.

This new study looked at which bacteria and fungi are lurking in dishwashers, and what factors seem to influence a microbial build-up. They took samples from the rubber seals of 24 household dishwashers and they found that the most common bacteria included Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Escherichia. These are normally harmless, but they can cause infections in people with a compromised immune system. The most common types of fungus were Candida, Cryptococcus, and Rhodotorula – which are also normally harmless.

Nina Gunde-Cimerman, a professor of microbiology who worked on the study, says that dishwashers are usually safe for healthy people, but sensitive people need to be a bit more cautious. Gunde-Cimerman and her colleagues suspect that dishwashers might play a role in fungal infections called mycoses in people with weakened immune systems. A fungus commonly found in those patients, she said, is known as Exophiala dermatitidis, or black yeast. This fungus is hard to find in nature, but it’s extremely easy to find in dishwashers. However, she stresses that this is just speculation – no one has proven a link between dishwasher microbes and mycoses infections.


So, how do fungus and bacteria get into the dishwasher? Well, the main entry point for fungi is the tap water that supplies the appliance, but food, pets, and people are other potential sources. As for the bacteria, the source isn’t clear, but it’s believed that contaminated food is the main entry route.

It’s possible for dishwasher microbes to break free from their home: They can escape via wastewater, or through the hot air produced at the end of the dishwasher cycle, Gunde-Cimerman said. Therefore, one way to keep the microbes contained is to avoid opening the dishwasher before it has cooled down. Wiping the rubber seal with a dry cloth at the end of a cycle can also help to limit microbe accumulation.

How to Clean Your Dishwasher

It’s recommended that you use 10% bleach solution to clean around the rim where the seal is. To make it, mix one part bleach with nine parts water. The same solution can be used to clean the bottom and sides of the dishwasher to prevent any build-up of debris. Do this once a week and you’ll be free of any major issues.

House-maintenance expert Bob Vila also recommends that you clean your dishwasher once a month with a three-step process that includes a vinegar wash to get rid of odors and grease. To do so, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Clear the Drain

Remove the bottom dish rack. Inspect the drain, removing any gunk or food that has accumulated there. This will help to improve drainage, increase efficiency, and prevents damage to the dishwasher.

Step 2: Vinegar Wash

Start with an empty dishwasher. Place a cup of white vinegar in a dishwasher-safe container on the upper rack of the machine. Run the dishwasher through a hot-water cycle. This will help to wash away any grime and remove musty odors.

Step 3: Baking Soda Rinse

Sprinkle a cup of baking soda across the bottom of your dishwasher. Run a short, hot water cycle. The dishwasher will now be smelling fresh and have a stain-free interior.

Source: webmdtoday
Images: depositphotos

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Воскресенье, 28 Января 2018 г. 03:17 + в цитатник

Let's fight the diseases 


4 glasses of water after waking up - a technique that does not have side effects

Today it is very popular in Japan - to drink water immediately after awakening every morning. 
In addition, scientific research has proven the value of this. Below is a list of diseases that can be cured or weaken their course by drinking water on an empty stomach.

The Japanese are recognized long-livers, their people are sincerely envious of the inhabitants of other countries. 

It turns out that spending time on envy is
stupid, because to touch the eastern wisdom and improve your health can each of us right now. 
All that is necessary to improve well-being and prevent many diseases - just every morning to drink water.
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Baba-Mail .The Harmful Effects of Common Sitting Positions.


Суббота, 27 Января 2018 г. 20:54 + в цитатник
Или  ПУБЛИКА не заинтересована в изучении иностранных языков ..
Я продолжаю писать на Полиглот 80.В восемьдесят лет надо изучать иностранные языки.Это полезно для наших мозгов. 
Мы помещаем  статьи на английском , арабском , украинском ,испанском  и других языках . Мы считаем , что наши материалы очень полезные. Здоровье. Похудение. Физкультура.Естественные методы оставаться молодым .Молодым душой и телом ,и с нашими  мозгами....Кухня для ЗДОРОВОГО ПИТАНИЯ, Пользование Google translate.
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Юмор. Сатира.Анекдоты. Политика. У нас важный раздел :Путин.Победа. Президент России.


The Harmful Effects of Common Sitting Positions.

Most of us spend a good deal of our time sitting in front of the computer at work, sitting at the table during lunch or sitting in front of the television in the living room at the end of the day. Although this is an act whose goal is to ease our body and make us feel better, many of the common sitting positions we choose don’t benefit us in the short term and cause long-term health damage. In the following sections, you can learn about the 6 common sitting positions that many of us choose throughout the day, the damage they can cause to our bodies, and how to prevent or treat them.


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Baba-Mail .10 Mood-Boosting Nutrients.


Суббота, 27 Января 2018 г. 17:30 + в цитатник
Доктор Cilia  помогла мне в чтении и переводе на русский язык  многих слов!
Или  ПУБЛИКА не заинтересована в изучении иностранных языков ..
Я продолжаю писать на Полиглот 80.В восемьдесят лет надо изучать иностранные языки.Это полезно для наших мозгов. 
Мы помещаем  статьи на английском , арабском , украинском , и других языках . Мы считаем , что наши материалы очень полезные. Здоровье. Похудение. Физкультура.Естественные методы оставаться молодым .Молодым душой и телом ,и с нашими  мозгами....Кухня для ЗДОРОВОГО ПИТАНИЯ, Пользование Google translate.
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10 Mood-Boosting(поднимающее настроение) Nutrients(питание)

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Baba-Mail .Weight Loss Strategies to Avoid.


Суббота, 27 Января 2018 г. 16:02 + в цитатник

Weight Loss Strategies to Avoid

1. Starvation, Fasting, or Very Low-Calorie Diets

This may lead to weight loss, but the lost weight includes precious muscle and lowers

metabolism. Drastic calorie restriction also causes a shift towards a higher percentage

of body fat, which increases the risk for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Unless medically supervised, don’t consume fewer than 1,200 calories per day.

Otherwise, you’ll struggle to get enough nutrients to fuel your daily activities and satisfy

your hunger. Keep in mind that when you lose weight quickly, you might be at risk of

packing it back on – with more fat and less muscle – especially if you’re older than 50.

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