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Welcome to Baba-Mail .50 of America's Most Historic Homes.


Пятница, 25 Марта 2016 г. 09:04 + в цитатник

America's most historic homes have an incredible story to tell. Let's take a look at the country's most recognizable homes. From gilded age mansions to humble farmsteads, these are the nation's most beloved historic homes in each of the country's 50 states.  


1. Alabama: Gaineswood

Houses in US

img: flickr.com

This spectacular home started out as a modest cabin. The owner, General Nathan Bryan Whitfield, expanded the property in the years between 1843 and 1861, making it one of Alabama's most spectacular Greek Revival homes.


2. Alaska: Russian Bishop's House

Houses in US

img: Library of Congress, via Wikimedia Commons, source

Imperial Russia played a big role in the development of Alaska. However, few buildings have survived in the state. The above photo shows the Russian Bishop's House, completed in 1842.


3. Arizona: The Wrigley Mansion

Houses in US

img: Wrigley Mansion Club, source

Chewing gum magnate, William Wrigley Jr., began building his Spanish colonial-style mansion in 1929. Unfortunately he died shortly after its completion. Today, tour packages of the home keep his spirit alive.


4. Arkansas: Johnny Cash's Childhood Home

Houses in US

img: Thomas Machnitzki, via Wikimedia Commons, source

Johnny Cash came from humble roots. His childhood home formed part of Dyess Colony - a project that was established to provide shelter and income for 500 poor farming families. This home was recently restored and furnished to what it would have looked like back in the 1930s, when his family first lived there.


5. California: San Francisco's Painted Ladies

Houses in US

img: King of Hearts, via Wikimedia Commons, source

This is probably the most photographed streetscape in California. This famous street was constructed by a single developer between 1892 and 1896. The seven sisters, however, may only be admired from the outside as the homes are all privately owned.


6. Colorado: The Molly Brown House

Houses in US

img: flickr.com

This home was the residence of one of history's most illustrious women, Margaret Brown (who became especially well known because she survived the 1912 sinking of the RMS Titanic, after the crew returned to the capsize site to look for survivors). The house perfectly showcases the wonderful architecture of the Victorian era.


7. Connecticut: Mark Twain House

Houses in US

img: flickr.com

The house was home to author Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and his wife Olivia in the years between 1874 and 1891, during which he published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and other works.

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Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
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Words and Their Stories.Don't Be Caught With Your Pants Down


Четверг, 02 Июля 2015 г. 08:33 + в цитатник
July 02, 2015 05:30 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Don't Be Caught With Your Pants Down

Who wears the pants in your family? These people wearing colorful pants may think they do. But maybe not. (AP PHOTO)
Who wears the pants in your family? These people wearing colorful pants may think they do. But maybe not. (AP PHOTO)


Don't Be Caught With Your Pants Down
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Now, the VOA Learning English programWords and Their Stories.

Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include wordsabout clothes? Let’s hear Faith Lapidus name a few off the cuff, or withoutany preparation.

People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies. We sometimes saythat people who are restless or nervous have ants in their pantsThey mightalso fly by the seat of their pantsThey use their natural sense to dosomething instead of their learned knowledgeSometimespeople may getcaught with their pants downThey are found doing something they shouldnot be doing. And, in every familyone person takes controlSometimes a wifetells her husband what to doThen we say she wears the pants in the family.

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Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Words and Their Stories.S.O.S. – In Other Words, Help!


Пятница, 08 Мая 2015 г. 17:32 + в цитатник
May 08, 2015 14:29 UTC

Words and Their Stories

S.O.S. – In Other Words, Help!

S.O.S. is the international call for help. These people in Cambodia write
S.O.S. is the international call for help. These people in Cambodia write "SOS" on a roof so that planes flying overhead will see it and send help. (Nov. 2014 PHOTO by Povleakhena/VOA Khmer)


S.O.S. – In Other Words, Help!
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Now, the VOA Learning English programWords and Their Stories.

Different people have different ways of saying things – their own specialexpressionsEach week we tell about some popular Americanexpressions.                                                                      

What you are listening to is a call for help. It is the Morse code distress signalS.O.S. For yearstelegraph operators used Morse code to communicateacross the country and around the world.

skilled operator could send and receive 30 or 40 words a minute. In thelanguage of Morse code, the letter “S” is three short dots and the letter “O” isthree longer dashesPut them together and you have S.O.S.

These sounds represent the international call for help because they are easyto recognizeNow, it is simply known as S.O.S.




The short video above was cut from an official United States Army instructional video.

But many people think that S.O.S. stands for “Save Our Ship” or “Save OurSouls.” It does not. S.O.S. has come to mean that because of how we use it –when we need to be saved, as when a ship is sinking.

S.O.S. is an example of a newif somewhat unofficialword in the Englishlanguage. We call it a backronym. A backronym is a combination of twowordsbackward and acronym.

An acronym is an abbreviation, a shorter version of a long word or expression. For example, the word “scuba” is an acronym. It stands for self-containedunderwater breathing apparatus. But scuba is so much easier to say!

Backronyms, on the other hand, are built in the opposite wayThey are madeby creating a phrase or expression for an already existing word or acronym.

For example, the United States Department of Justice recently gave newmeaning to its Amber Alert programNowAmber officially stands for "America's MissingBroadcast Emergency Response.” But the program wasoriginally named for Amber Hagerman, a nine-year-old girl who was kidnappedand murdered in Texas in 1996.

Sometimesbackronyms come from outdated languageWriting “CC” at theend of a document once meant "carbon copy.” Before computers and email,people would often make a carbon copy of a letter they sent on officialbusinessThese days we often send electronic copies of letters by email, notcarbon copiesSo, “CC” is now a backronym that means “courtesy copy” 

Americans often use backronyms as jokes. For exampleNASA, the U.S.space agencynamed a treadmill on the International Space Station after thetelevision personality Stephen Colbert. The agency created the nameCombined Operational Load-Bearing External Resistance Treadmill” to spellout the name COLBERT.

Who says scientists lack a sense of humor?

Do not worry if you have never heard of backronymsMany Americans havenot either. The earliest known use of "backronymappeared in TheWashington Post in 1983.

The newspaper asked readers to send in a new wordEditors picked MeredithG. Williams as the winner with her word, “backronym,” spelled with or withouta “k.” She defined backronym, as the "same as an acronymexcept that thewords were chosen to fit the letters."

And that brings us to the end of this Words and Their Stories program.

I’m Anna Matteo

Hmmm, “ANNA” could be a backronym for “Another Newscaster NamedAnna.”

Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Words and Their Stories.When It Comes to Money, Black Is Better Than Red


Воскресенье, 26 Апреля 2015 г. 06:19 + в цитатник
April 26, 2015 03:16 UTC

Words and Their Stories

When It Comes to Money, Black Is Better Than Red

You can often tell from their faces if traders working the floor of the New York Stock Exchange are in the black or in the red. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, 2010)
You can often tell from their faces if traders working the floor of the New York Stock Exchange are in the black or in the red. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, 2010)


NowWords and Their Stories, a VOA Special Englishprogram about American expressions. I’m Rich Kleinfeldt with some financialwords and expressions used in business and the stock market.

Our first expression is “in the red.” It is another way of saying that a businessis losing money. In the pastnumbers in the financial records of a companywere written in red ink to show a loss.

business magazine recently published a report about a television company. The report said the company was still in the red, but was able to cut its lossfrom the year before.

profit by a business is written in black numbersSo a company that is “in theblack” is making money. An international news service reported that a privatehealth insurer in Australia announced it was “back in the black with its firstprofit in three years.”

Another financial expression is “run on the bank.” That is what happens whenmany people try to withdraw all their money from a bank.  A “run on the bankusually happens when people believe there is danger a bank may fail or close.

Crowds gather in the Wall Street district of Manhattan in reaction to the heavy losses on the stock market on October 24, 1929, or Crowds gather in the Wall Street district of Manhattan in reaction to the heavy losses on the stock market on October 24, 1929, or "Black Thursday"

Newspaper reports about a banking crisis in Russiaused that expressionThey said the government actedbecause of fears that the crisis would cause a run on the banks.

When a run on the banks was startingthere was notmuch they could do,” said a banking expert.

Day trading” is a new expression about a system thatlets investors trade directly on an electronic marketsystem. The system is known as NASDAQshort for The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation. It was the first completely computerized stock market. It sells stocks of companiesnot listed on any stock exchangeMany high technology companies are listedon it. 

Day trading companies provide a desk and a computer system to an investorwho wants to tradeIndividuals must provide fifty thousand dollars or more to the trading company to pay for the stocks they buyThousands of otherinvestors do day trading from computers in their homes.

A trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in 2012. (FILE PHOTO)A trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in 2012. (FILE PHOTO)

day trader watches stock prices carefullyWhen hesees a stock rise in price, he uses the computer to buyshares of the stockIf the stock continues to rise inprice in the next few minutes, the day trader sells theshares quickly to make a small profitThen he looks foranother stock to buyIf a stock goes down instead ofup, he sells it and accepts the loss

The idea is to make a small profit many times duringthe dayDay traders may buy and sell stocks hundredsof times each day.

Many day traders lose all their money in a week or soOnly about thirtypercent succeed in earning enough from their efforts to continue day trading.

This VOA Special English programWords and Their Stories, was written byFrank Beardsley.  This is Rich Kleinfeldt.

Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

This Is America.Foods Important to Easter, Passover and the Spring


Пятница, 03 Апреля 2015 г. 03:58 + в цитатник
April 04, 2015 00:55 UTC

This Is America

Foods Important to Easter, Passover and the Spring

The Passover Seder plate, as shown in this March 8th, 2007 photo, is a special plate containing symbolic foods used by Jews during the Passover Seder. The items include (from top center): horseradish; a shank bone; a mixture of fruit, wine and nuts.
The Passover Seder plate, as shown in this March 8th, 2007 photo, is a special plate containing symbolic foods used by Jews during the Passover Seder. The items include (from top center): horseradish; a shank bone; a mixture of fruit, wine and nuts.


Foods Important to Easter, Passover and the Spring
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This weekend some Americans celebrate the Christian holiday of Easterwhile others will celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover.Easter is when Christians celebrate the life of Jesus and what they believe was his return from the dead. For most ChristiansEaster this year is on SundayApril 5.

Jews observe Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, this year from April 3-11.Passover celebrates the Jewsescape from slavery in Egypt. The Jewish holy book, the Torahtells about how Moses led the Jews to freedom. A special dinner, the sederbegins the celebration of Passover.

Matzo is a staple at all seders. The unleavened bread reminds those at the seder that their ancestors did not have time to let their bread rise before fleeing Egypt.Matzo is a staple at all seders. The unleavened bread reminds those at the seder that their ancestors did not have time to let their bread rise before fleeing Egypt.

Jewish families get together and eat foods that represent the Exodus story

One food is matzoh, a flat,crisp bread. It represents the hurry linked to the slavesescapeThey did not have time to let their bread rise before baking it.

Another special food on the seder table is marorbitter herbsThey represent the pain of slavery.

In Americamany children are told stories about the Easter Bunny. He is said to hide eggschocolates and other sweets, for children to find on Easter morning.

The Easter Bunny tradition probably developed from a German celebration of springGermans first settled in North America in the eighteenth centuryEgg sare an almost world wide symbol of fertility and renewal.

Easter Egg Roll at the White HouseEaster Egg Roll at the White House

Individual families often organize Easter egg hunts. Butegg hunts can also be public gatheringsEvery year, on the Monday after Easter, the U.S. president holds anevent called the White House Easter Egg Roll.

This is the 137th year the White House has held the event. The President and his wife invite hundreds of children to the White HouseThey join the children inhunting for eggsplaying games, and reading stories

Many Christians in America attend religious services on Easter Sunday.Oftenthese services take place at sunrise.

Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

Words and Their Stories.Don't Panic!


Воскресенье, 29 Марта 2015 г. 07:53 + в цитатник

Words and Their Stories

Don't Panic!

Actually ... this seems like a good time to panic. A bull rider from the U.S. gets thrown off the bull during the 101st Calgary Stampede rodeo in Calgary, Alberta, July 2013. (REUTERS/Todd Korol)
Actually ... this seems like a good time to panic. A bull rider from the U.S. gets thrown off the bull during the 101st Calgary Stampede rodeo in Calgary, Alberta, July 2013. (REUTERS/Todd Korol)
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Don't Panic!
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Now, the VOA Learning English program Words andTheir Stories.

Have you ever felt pure fear, a fear that makes you act in a way you normallywould not?

That is panicPanic is a great fear that makes otherwise normal people doabnormal things.

To hit the panic button means to panic suddenlyAnother commonexpression is widespread panic. It describes an event that causes panicamong large numbers of people. For example, “The spread of disease causedwidespread panic throughout Europe during The Middle Ages.”

The origin of the word panic comes from the Greek word “panikos.” Accordingto Greek mythPan was the god of flocks and shepherdsGreek legend saysthat Pan was half human and half goat. He lived in the woods and in the fields.His angry voice was so scary that it caused panic to anyone who was unluckyenough to be nearby.

According to one Greek mythPan fell in love with a beautiful nymph. A nymphis a spirit that takes the shape of young woman and lives in the mountains,forestsmeadows and waterPan tried to capture her, but she ran away. Thenymph hid in a river taking the form of a reed, a thickhollow grass that lives in the water.

The wind made a song as it blew across the hollow reeds.

Pan did not know which reed was the nymphSo, he took a handful and joinedthem together side-by-side and carried it with him to hear the music it played.

Today, we call this instrument a pan flute.

Of course, this is just the Greek storyPan flutes also have a long history inEuropeAsiaAfrica and the Americas.

Just like the pan flutepanic can be found everywhere.

Mental health experts treat people with panic disorders. The AmericanPsychological Association defines a panic attack as “a sudden surge ofoverwhelming, or extremefear that comes without warning and without anyobvious reason.”

The word panic also describes economic or financial disasters.

The most infamous financial panic in the U.S. was the stock market crash of 1929. Some people on Wall Street where stocks were traded were sopanicked that they jumped from their office windows.

Panic is also a great literary tool.

American writer, Jack LondonAmerican writer, Jack London

Jack London was an American writer who wrote “TheSea Wolf.” He left school at age 14 to become aseamanPublished in 1904, “The Sea Wolf” has apanicked ship-wreck scene that is partly based on Mr.London’s experience as a sailor in the Pacific Ocean.

Two ships crash together in the oceanWomenpassengers scream with panic as the ship goes downinto the freezing ocean waves. As one man findshimself adrift alone in the seaanother type of panictakes hold of him.

“I was alone. I could hear no calls or cries--only thesound of the wavesmade weirdly hollow andreverberant by the fog. A panic in a crowdwhichpartakes of a sort of community of interest, is not so terrible as a panic whenone is by oneself; and such a panic I now suffered. … I confess that amadness seized me, that I shrieked aloud as the women had shrieked, andbeat the water with my numb hands.”

Panic is a powerful tool in myth or literature but not so much in real lifeSo,next time you feel extreme fear taking hold of youcausing you to lose allreasonremember to remain calm. And don’t panic.

I’m Anna Matteo.

Christopher Jones Cruise read the passage from Jack London’s “The SeaWolf.”

Anna Matteo wrote this for VOA Learning EnglishMario Ritter was the editor.

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

Voice of America.Saudi-led Airstrikes in Yemen Aim to Stop Rebels


Суббота, 28 Марта 2015 г. 09:56 + в цитатник

In the News

Saudi-led Airstrikes in Yemen Aim to Stop Rebels

After the start of a Saudi-led airstrike campaign, Shiite rebels known as Houthis protest in Sana'a, March 26, 2015.
After the start of a Saudi-led airstrike campaign, Shiite rebels known as Houthis protest in Sana'a, March 26, 2015.


Saudi-led Airstrikes in Yemen Aim to Stop Rebels
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From VOA Learning English, this is In The News.

Yemen Foreign Minister Riyadh Yasin said the Houthirebels should weaken after two days of airstrikes from a coalition of Arab countriesled by Saudi Arabia.

The coalition of 10 countriesincluding five Gulf kingdoms, is trying to bringYemen’s internationally recognized government back to powerMilitaryofficials said the coalition airstrikes targeted the northern province of Saada,home of the Houthi rebelsOther targets included military bases in and aroundthe Yemen capital of Sana’a held by rebel forces.

Saudi officials agreed that the first phase of the bombing campaign wassuccessfulHowever, a Saudi defense ministry adviserAhmad Bin HassanAsirisaid a ground offensive might also be necessary.

Map of YemenMap of Yemen

Yemen has increasingly sunk into violence and disordersince a popular uprising removed President Ali AbdullahSaleh from power in 2012. The Houthis are now alliedwith MrSaleh and have advanced throughout thecountry.

Last September, the Houthi rebels had agreed to sharepower with President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi afterthey seized the capital, Sana’a. The latest round offighting started when the Houthis chased after Hadi who had fled to thesouthern city of Adan.

The United StatesBritainFrance and Japan closed their embassies inYemen last month because of security concerns. A statement by the U.S.State Department released last week said the U.S. government is temporarilymoving its workers from Yemen in coordination with the government there.

The Houthis are Shi’ite Muslims and are supported by Iran. A majority ofYemenishowever, are Sunni Muslims. The situation has become anotherpoint of sectarian conflict between Shi’ite and Sunni Muslims who haveopposed each other in several Mideast countries including Iraq.

Iran denies its role in supporting the Houthis. It also denounced the Saudi-ledoffensive in YemenIranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said onFriday the airstrikes should stop. He said the actions would only cost livesMr.Zarif called for dialogue and national reconciliation in Yemen. The conflict inYemen happens as Iran is negotiating with the U.S. on its nuclear program.

Rebel leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi also criticized Saudi Arabia and the UnitedStates. He accused the U.S. of providing intelligence support for the offensive.

MeanwhileYemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has fled the city ofAdan and is now in the Saudi capital RiyadhMrHadi is expected to attend ameeting of Arab leaders in the Egyptian town of Sharm el-Sheikh during theweekend.

And that is In the News from VOA Learning English.

I’m Bob Doughty.

This story is based on reports from Mike Richman in Washington and EdYeranian in CairoMario Ritter wrote it for VOA Learning EnglishHai Do was the editor.


Words in the News


phase - n. a part or step in a process : one part in a series of related eventsor actions

sectarian - adj. relating to religious or political sects and the differencesbetween them

reconciliation - n. the act of causing two people or groups to become friendlyagain after an argument or disagreement

dialogue - n. a discussion or series of discussions that two groups orcountries have in order to end a disagreement

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Voice of America.Investigators Listen to Final Words from Pilots in Plane Crash in France


Четверг, 26 Марта 2015 г. 08:13 + в цитатник

In the News

Investigators Listen to Final Words from Pilots in Plane Crash in France

A "black box" voice recorder from the German Airbus operated by Lufthansa's Germanwings budget Airbus A320 crash is seen in this photo released by the BEA, France's air accident investigative agency, March 25, 2015.


In the News 03-25-15
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French officials say they have gathered usable sound recording from the blackbox of the airplane that crashed in France Tuesday.

The black box is being examined in ParisInvestigators are listening to thepilots’ words in the final moments before the accident in the Alps. TheGermanwings Airbus was carrying 150 passengers and crew from Spain toGermany.

Earlier WednesdayFrench President Francois HollandeGerman ChancellorAngela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy visited a rescuebase near the crash site.

Afghan President Ghani addresses U.S. Congress

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani told U.S. lawmakers Wednesday that hiscountry owed a "profound debt" to the United States. He recognized the morethan 2,300 U.S. troops who died fighting in Afghanistan.

MrGhani spoke to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress. He said, "The peopleof Afghanistan recognize the bravery of your soldiers and the tremendoussacrifices that Americans have made to keep Afghanistan free.”

On TuesdayMrGhani held talks with President Barack ObamaFollowingthose talksMrObama announced he would not reduce troop numbers inAfghanistan this yearAbout 9,800 American service members are currently inAfghanistan.

Houthi militia in Yemen capture international airport

Houthi rebel forces in Yemen have captured control of an international airportin Aden. The Houthis are backed by allied army unitsReports from Aden saythe rebels appear close to capturing the southern port.  Forces defending theport are loyal to Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

MrHadi has been living in Aden since fleeing the Houthi-controlled capital ofSanaa last month. U.S. officials say he is at a secretsafe place in the city.

Italy arrests three men for IS recruiting

Police in Italy arrested three men Wednesday who they suspect of setting upterrorist recruitment network in ItalyInvestigators say the network recruitsIslamists to fight in Syria and Iraq.

Police say a 20-year-old Italian suspect faces charges of inciting terrorismover the InternetThey say the other two suspects are accused of activelyseeking recruits. The two men are from Albania.

The Italian suspect is believed to be the writer of a 64-page document that was popular on social media. The document praised the Islamic State militantmovement.


Words in the News


profound– adj. very great

allied– adj. joined in a relationship in which peoplegroupscountries etc.,agree to work together

recruit– v.  to find suitable people and get them to join a company, an organization, the armed forces, etc

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English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
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Words and Their Stories.Green Means Spring and Other Things


Воскресенье, 22 Марта 2015 г. 10:38 + в цитатник
March 22, 2015 07:32 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Green Means Spring and Other Things


A lush, green residential Garden in Charleston, South Carolina, pictured in 2014.
A lush, green residential Garden in Charleston, South Carolina, pictured in 2014.


Now, the VOA Special English programWords andTheir Stories.

Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves ontrees. It is also the color of most growing plants.

Sometimes, the word green means youngfresh and growingSometimes, itdescribes something that is not yet ripe or finished.

For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experiencewho is newto a situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or oxwhose horns had not yet developed. A century or so later, a greenhorn was asoldier who had not yet had any experience in battle. By the eighteenthcentury, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today - a person who is new in ajob.

About one hundred years agogreenhorn was a popular expression in theAmerican westOld-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrivedfrom one of the big cities back east. The greenhorn lacked the skills he wouldneed to live in the hardrough country.

Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a greenthumb. The expression comes from the early nineteen hundreds.

person with agreen thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plantsgrow quickly and wellYou might say that the woman next door has a greenthumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.

The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to thedevelopment of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants producedmuch larger crops. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work byagricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

Green is also the color used to describe the powerful emotionjealousy. Thegreen-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is anexpression used about four hundred years ago by British writerWilliam Shakespeare in his play "Othello."

It describes the unplesant feeling a person has when someone has somethinghe wants. A young man may suffer from the green-eyed monster if hisgirlfriend begins going out with someone else. Or, that green-eyed monstermay affect your friend if you get a pay raise and she does not.

In most places in the world, a green light is a signal to move ahead. A greenlight on a traffic signal means your car can continue on. In everyday speech, agreen light means approval to continue with a project. We want you to knowwe have a green light to continue this series next week.

This VOA Special English program, "Words and Their Stories," was written byMarilyn Christiano. I'm Warren Scheer.

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Живое Человеческое Общение

Words and Their Stories.'Beware the Ides of March'


Воскресенье, 15 Марта 2015 г. 00:08 + в цитатник
March 15, 2015 21:01 UTC

Words and Their Stories

'Beware the Ides of March'

Pictured here is a portrait of The Bard, painted in 1610. It is believed to be the only surviving picture of William Shakespeare painted in his lifetime. (FILE PHOTO)
Pictured here is a portrait of The Bard, painted in 1610. It is believed to be the only surviving picture of William Shakespeare painted in his lifetime. (FILE PHOTO)


Now, the VOA Learning English program Words and Their Stories.

People who believe in luck and bad luck -- that is to say,those considered superstitious – may think that somedays or events are unlucky.

In the United StatesFriday the 13 is known as an “unlucky” day by super

stitious peopleAnother famously unlucky day for some is March 15,also known as, “The Ides of March.”

The Ides of March is so unlucky that it is often spoken as a warning: “Beware the Ides of March.”

Firstwhat exactly is an “ides?” The Latin root of “ides,” a singular word,means “to divide.” So, the ides of any month falls in its middle. The Roman calendar set ides on the 15th in MarchMayJuly and October or on the 13th in the other months. The ides of a month usually falls on the first day of a full moon.

In Roman times, the Ides of March was known as a date for paying off debts. But this connection was quickly lost because of different timing between calendar months and changes in the moon’s appearance. The Ides of March was also a time people celebrated Mars, the god of war.

But why do some people still use the expression, "Beware of the Ides of March"? Why do they consider it an unlucky day?

March 15 was very unlucky for one man a very long time ago. On that date in the year 44 BC Julius Caesar was killed.

March 15 may not be unlucky for you but it was Julius Caeser.
March 15 may not be unlucky for you but it was Julius Caeser.

The British playwright William Shakespeare takes this incident from Roman history and freezes it forever in literature. In Act 1, Scene 2 of "Julius Caesar,”Shakespeare writes about a meeting between the dictator and a “sooth sayer,” someone who can predict the future.                  

Beware the Ides of March,” says the sooth sayer.

Caesar asks, “What man is that?”

And BrutusCaesar’s loyal friend answers, “A sooth sayer says to (bids you)beware the Ides of March.

Caesar does not listen to the warning. He should have. In Act IIIScene I,Shakespeare’s famous line seems to show that Caesar is asking for trouble.

Caesar says to the Sooth sayer, “The Ides of March are come.”

The Sooth sayer answers, “AyeCaesar, but not gone.”

Caesar’s friend Brutus will be among the attackers who kill him on the Ides of March.

When he sees that Brutus has turned against him, he says, “Eh tuBrutus?” This means “You tooBrutus?”

This expression is widely used in Western culture when someone is betrayedby a friend.

Director, writer, and cast member George Clooney, and cast member Ryan Gosling at the premiere of
Director, writer, and cast member George Clooney, and cast member Ryan Gosling at the premiere of "The Ides of March" which won for Best Adapted Screenplay. (AP PHOTO)

“The Ides of March” is also the name of a U.S. film made in 2011. George Clooney directed the film. He also stars in it as a promising presidential candidate.

While no one gets assassinated, “The Ides of March” is a film about a friend being disloyal to a friend in the world of politicsOften in politicsloyalty and friendship do not go hand-in-hand.

Julius Caesar learned this the hard way on the Ides of March.

I’m Anna Matteothanking Christopher Jones-Cruise for playing Julius Caesarand Jonathan Evans for playing Brutus.

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories

Words and Their Stories.Down to Earth


Суббота, 14 Марта 2015 г. 17:55 + в цитатник
March 14, 2015 14:52 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Down to Earth

My friend Jane is so
My friend Jane is so "down to earth"



Every week at this time, we tell about popular Americanwords and expressionsSome of these are very old.Some are newTogetherthey form the living speech of the American people.

Today we tell about the expression "down to earth."Down to earth means being open and honest. It is easyto deal with someone who is down to earth.

person who is down to earth is a pleasure to find. He or she accepts otherpeople as equals. A down to earth person is the opposite of someone whoacts important or proud.

Down to earth people could be important members of society. But they do notconsider themselves to be better than others who are less importantThey donot let their importance go to their headsSomeone who lets something go to his head feels he is better than others. He has big head.

person who is filled with his own importance and pride is said to have his nose in the air. Often the person who has a big head and his nose in the airhas no reason to feel better than others. He surely is the opposite of someonewho is down to earth.

Americans use another expression that is similar in some ways to down toearth. The expression is both feet on the ground. Someone with both feeton the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality. She has whatis called common sense. She may have dreams. But she does not allowthem to block her understanding of what is real.

The opposite kind of person is one who has his head in the clouds.Someone with his head in the clouds is a person whose mind is not on what is happening in real lifeSuch a person may be called a day dreamer.

Sometimes a person with his head in the clouds can be brought back toreality.  Sharp words from a teacher, for examplecan usually get a day dreaming student to put both feet on the ground.

The person who is down to earth usually has both feet on the ground. But the opposite is not always trueSomeone with both feet on the ground may not be as open and easy to deal with as someone who is down to earth.

When we have both our feet firmly on the ground, and when we are down to earth we do not have our noses in the air. We act honestly and openly toothersOur lives are like the ground below us -- solid and strong.

Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
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Voice of America.Growing Support in US for Campaign Against Islamic State


Суббота, 28 Февраля 2015 г. 09:48 + в цитатник
February 28, 2015 06:41 UTC

In the News

Growing Support in US for Campaign Against Islamic State

Islamic State militants ride in a Kurdish popular protection unit (YPG) vehicle captured during fighting in Tal Tamr, Hassakeh province, Syria.(AP Photo via militant social media account)
Islamic State militants ride in a Kurdish popular protection unit (YPG) vehicle captured during fighting in Tal Tamr, Hassakeh province, Syria.(AP Photo via militant social media account)


Growing Support in America for Campaign Against IS
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national survey finds that twice as many Americans approve than

disapprove of the U.S. military campaign against the so-called Islamic State.

The Pew Research Center in WashingtonDC published the survey.Researchers found that 63 percent of Americans support the campaign against the Islamic State, the group also known as ISIL or ISIS.

Carroll Doherty is Director of Political Research for the Pew Research Center. He says now nearly half of Americans are willing to consider sending ground 

forces to fight the Islamic State group.

Equally important you see growing support for the possible use of U.S.ground forces to deal with this threatForty-seven percent favor the use of ground troops now.”

MrDoherty says that number is up from 39 percent since last October.

“A significant shift and given that the public has long been wary of using U.S.ground forces in conflicts around 

 the world, 47 percent is a pretty size able share of the public supporting that view.”

But MrDoherty says support for ground troops could change if sending 

American soldiers becomes more of a real possibility.

U.S. government officials have not yet formally debated sending American 

ground troops to fight in Iraq and Syria.

There is a partisan, or politicaldivide on the issue as wellRepublicans are twice as likely as Democrats to support the use of ground troops to fight the Islamic State militantsSixty-seven percent of Republicans support using ground troops, but only 32 percent of Democrats do.  

Democrats are three times as likely as Republicans to say they are

 concerned that the U.S. will go too far in getting involved in the fightSome Americans are wary after years of fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

 “While there is a clear desire to stop this groupthere is also this nagging,lingering concern

 over yet another deeplong-term U.S. involvement in the region. And that concern is particularly felt by Democratsmore than Republicans.”

Researchers took the survey in February after Islamic State militants releasedvideos of horrific murder scenesThose videos show more than 20 EgyptianChristian men beheaded on the beach and a Jordanian pilot burned alive in acageEarlier videos show Islamic State militants beheading Western and

Japanese hostages.

MrDoherty says the survey shows  Americans know about these stories and are reacting to them.

Americans have been seeing a steady stream of just horrific acts by ISISyouknowbetween the beheadings and other atrocities. And you know, the news

reports about the growing power of this group. And the public is reacting to it and saying that, you knowmore needs to be done to stop ISIS.”

In February, the media reported that another Islamic State hostage, 26-year-old American Kayla Muellerdied in Syria. The public does not know how she diedPew researc hers found that most Americans still support the U.S.government policy of not paying for hostages held by terrorist groups.

James Comey is the director of the FBI. He says the U.S. government is following 150 people suspected of terrorist connections

 who traveled from the U.S. to Syria.

On February 25, authorities arrested three men in New York and Florida who,

they sayhave connections to Islamic militants. And in Minnesota, athreatened attack against the Mall of America has increased Americans’ fearsof another terrorist act on U.S. soil.

I’m Anne Ball.

Anne Ball wrote this story for Learning EnglishHai Do and Kelly J. Kelly were

the editors.


Words in This Story


survey – n. an activity in which many people are asked questions to gather information about what most people think or do; a poll

partisan – adj. strongly supporting one group or cause over another

wary – adj. not having complete trust in someone or something

horrific – adj. causing horror or shock


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80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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Words and Their Stories.Top Brass


Воскресенье, 22 Февраля 2015 г. 09:55 + в цитатник
February 22, 2015 06:53 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Top Brass

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, shakes hands with his generals in Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 28, 2014. The generals are the "top brasses" but Putin is the "big cheese" in Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, shakes hands with his generals in Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 28, 2014. The generals are the "top brasses" but Putin is the "big cheese" in Russia.
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Top Brass
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I'm Susan Clark with the Special English programWords and Their Stories.

The Italians have an old saying -- "Il dolce far niente." The words mean it is  sweet, or enjoyable, to do nothing.

On weekends and during holidaysmany of us enjoy doing nothing. But most of the time we have to work. And, to keep our jobs, we must work hardOur employer will not like it if we do nothing.

American workers often call their employers "bosses." The word boss comes from the Dutch word "baas," meaning master.

Sometimes company bosses are called the brassThey also are some times

called top brass, or brass hats.

Experts disagree about how these strange expressions started. But, they may have come from BritainLeaders of the 19th century British army wore pieces of metal called oak leaves on their hats. The metal brass has a color similar to that of goldSo a leader or commander came to be called a member of the brass. Or he might have been called a brass hat. Or even the top brass.

By the 1940s, the expression had spread beyond military leaders. It also included civilian officials.

newspaper in the American city of Philadelphia used the term in 1949. It called the most important police officials top brass.

Other expressions that mean boss or employer have nothing to do with brassor hatsOne of these is big cheese. A cheese is a solid food made from milk.

The expression probably started in America in the late 19th centurySome experts believe it comes from a word in the Uersian or urdu languages -- chiz. The meaning is "a thing." So the meaning of big cheese may be big thing.

Other experts say the word "cheese" in this expression was really an incorrect way of saying chief. The word "chiefmeans "leader." So the expression may mean big leader.

An employer usually does not object to being called boss. But most workers would not call their employers big cheeses, top brass or brass hats to their facesThese words are not really insulting. But neither do they show great respect.

Employers also have expressions to describe their workersOne of them thatdescribes a good worker is that he or she "works like a Trojan." This expression probably comes from the ancient writings of the Greek poet Homer. He wrote about the Trojans who lived in the city of Troy. He said Trojans worked very hard to protect their cityNow, the expression often is used to describe an employee who works hard for a company. A loyalhard-working employee is said to "work like a Trojan."

So be happy if your company's brass hats say you work like a TrojanThey 

may consider you valuable enough to increase your pay.

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USA.Americans Eating More 'Fast Casual,' Less Fast Food.


Воскресенье, 15 Февраля 2015 г. 10:14 + в цитатник
February 15, 2015 07:11 UTC


Americans Eating More 'Fast Casual,'

Less Fast Food.

A woman stands near a menu of a Shake Shack restaurant in the Manhattan borough of New York, August 15, 2014.  (REUTERS/Carlo Allegri )
A woman stands near a menu of a Shake Shack restaurant in the Manhattan borough of New York, August 15, 2014. (REUTERS/Carlo Allegri )


Americans Eating More 'Fast Casual,' Less Fast Food
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Plain Cheeseburger. Give me two of them."

That is Ted Mistretta ordering food in Washington D.C. before boarding a trainwith his daughter Kim. 

They were heading home to New York City. But, firstthey stopped at the Shake Shack restaurant to get a bite to eat.

Any fries? Anything to drink?  Are you dining in or to go? Go.”

Shake Shack is a new kind of restaurant becoming more popular in the U.S. The restaurants are not “fast food.” They are known as “fast casual.”

Observers say Americans want more choices and fresh food when choosingwhere 

and what to eat. This trend is one reason why the fast food restaurantMcDonald’s has struggled financially.

McDonald’s is one of the best-known restaurants in the U.S. and even aroundthe world. Their ads say “I’m lovin’ it.” But these days the company leaders areseeing numbers they probably do not like

In the last quarter of 2014, McDonald's net income dropped by about $300million. The January earnings report brought more bad news. Worldwide salesdropped for the eighth month in a row and even more than expected.

McDonald’s is working hard to get their customers back. In January, thecompany ran an advertisement during the Super Bowl. The football game is the most watched TV event every year in the U.S. McDonald's wanted toreach those viewers.

Specialist John O'Hara, wears Shake Shack promotional hat, sunglasses and vest as he works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Friday, Jan. 30, 2015.
Specialist John O'Hara, wears Shake Shack promotional hat, sunglasses and vest as he works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Friday, Jan. 30, 2015.

While McDonald's is struggling to get their customersback, Shake Shack, is doing well financially. The NewYork-based burger chain had a very successful IPO, orinitial public offering, of shares at the end of January. On its first day of trading, Shake Shack went from $21 a share to just under $46 a share.

Ted Mistretta wishes he had bought the stock that day. He explains why he likes Shake Shack:

“It’s a quality hamburger. It’s you know, they make itwell, great taste. It’s better than most. It’s certainly better than, it’s fast food, but not ‘fast food food.”

And, Mr. Mistretta added, he never goes to fast food restaurants.

Being part of the “fast casual trend has helped Shake Shack. Other fastcasual restaurants in the U.S. include Chipotle, and Panera.

Bonnie Riggs is a restaurant expert with NPD. She has followed Americansrestaurant habits for almost 30 years. She says one reason Americans likefast casual food is because it’s new.

They are creative, they are innovative, they are something different and welike to try new things.”

Ms. Riggs says Americans made 61 billion visits to restaurants last year.Three out of four visits were to fast food restaurants, like McDonald’s. “They’ve been holding on,” she says, but traffic has stayed at the same levelFast casual is still a small percentage of restaurant visits. She says it’s “growing by leaps and bounds,” because they meet consumers needs.

They know it’s being prepared while they wait, it’s fresh, uh, fresh ingredients,quality food, good tasting food at what they say are reasonable 

and affordableprices.”

Many Americans still like their fast food, Ms. Riggs says, they 

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In the News.Israeli Soldiers Killed in Exchange of Gunfire with Hezbollah


Четверг, 29 Января 2015 г. 09:29 + в цитатник
January 29, 2015 06:21 UTC


In the News

Israeli Soldiers Killed in Exchange of

Gunfire with Hezbollah

Hezbollah claimed responsibility for an attack on an Israeli military convoy near the village of Ghajar on Jan. 28, 2015. (REUTERS/Maruf Khatib)
Hezbollah claimed responsibility for an attack on an Israeli military convoy near the village of Ghajar on Jan. 28, 2015. (REUTERS/Maruf Khatib)


In the News 01-28-15
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Two Israeli soldiers and a United Nations peacekeeping soldier were killed Wednesday along the border between Israel 

and Lebanon. It was the biggest increase in fighting between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah since their war in 2006.

The United Nations called on both sides to show restraint to prevent more violence.

The U.N. peacekeeper was killed in southern Lebanon in an exchange of gunfire. It began with a Hezbollah rocket attack on Israeli military vehicles. The soldier was from Spain.

The Israeli military reported that, in addition to the dead, seven Israeli soldiers were wounded in the rocket attack.

Hezbollah suggested the attack was meant to answer an air strike in Syria. The strike killed six Hezbollah members and an Iranian general earlier this month. The militant group blames Israel for the raid.

Jordan to trade jailed suspected terrorist for hostage

A Jordanian official says his government is ready to trade a jailed terror suspect for a Jordanian pilot being held by Islamic State militants.

Information Minister Mohammad al-Momani made the announcement on state television Wednesday. He said if the pilot is released unharmed, Jordan will release an Iraqi woman, Sajida al-Rishawi. She was jailed for taking part in aterror attack 10 years ago in the Jordanian capital, Amman. Sixty people died in the attack.

The pilot was identified as Lieutenant Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh. The Jordan ianofficial did not talk about a second hostage, Japanese reporter Kenji Goto. The Islamic State has threatened to execute him. Japan’s government has asked for help from Jordan to win his release.                                                     

Afghan cabinet nominees rejected

Afghan lawmakers have rejected most of President Ashraf Ghani’s nominees for the new cabinet. In a vote Wednesday, the lower house of the Afghan parliament rejected 10 of his 19 choices for minister positions. Among them was the choice for defense minister, Sher Mohammad Karimi. He currently serves as chief of the Afghan army.

The Afghan lawmakers also voted in support of Rahmatullah Nabil to serve as director of the intelligence services.

New Greek government holds first meeting

New Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says he wants to reach a fair, “viableand mutually beneficial solution with his country’s international lenders. Mr.Tsipras 

spoke Wednesday during his first meeting with his new cabinet.

He said he wishes to avoid any destructive conflicts with Greece’s creditors. But he said his country would no longer blindly obey the demands of the European Union.

Mr. Tsipras said international efforts to fix Greece’s financial problems have led to a humanitarian crisis in his country. The government is seeking to remove some of its debt and ease cost-cutting measures. Internation allenders required the cuts in exchange for more than

 $300 billion in loans.

Freedom House says democratic ideals under threat

Freedom House says the likelihood of an international system built ondemocratic ideals is under greater threat now

 than at any time in the past 25years. The rights group said in a report Wednesday that the state of democracy in 2014 was, in its words, “exceptionally grim.” Freedom Houserated Syria at the bottom of the yearly report. The group said it recorded moredeclines, or decreases, than gains in democratic freedoms around the world.

Freedom House said the one exception is Tunisia. In 2014, Tunisia became the first Arab country to be classified as “free since Lebanon’s civil war 40 years ago.


This report was based on stories from VOA’s News Division. George Growwrote this newscast for VOA Learning English. Ashley Thompson was theeditor.


Words in the News

border - n. a dividing line between nations

war - n. fighting between nations, or groups in a nation, using weapons

exchange - n. an event in which people direct something at each other

militants - n. people active in trying to cause political change, often by the useof force or violence

blindly  adv. without thinking or questioning

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Business.Experts Decide Ethiopia Has Best Coffee


Понедельник, 26 Января 2015 г. 11:50 + в цитатник


Experts Decide Ethiopia Has Best Coffee

Ethiopia’s coffee has been ranked as the best in the world by an international group of experts on coffee.


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An international group of coffee experts has ratedEthiopia’s coffee as the best in the world. Coffee is atop export for the country. But at home, it is a source ofnational pride. Ethiopians feel good about their coffee, and enjoying a drink with friends is a longstandingtradition.

International coffee experts travel the world to find thebest tasting cup of coffee. 

They keep returning toEthiopia. Some people say the climate 

produces qualitybeans. Morton Wennersgarrd is a coffee importer.

You have different ancient varieties referred to asEthiopian heirdom. They are grown in places withperfect soil, perfect altitude, and micro climates that arereally suitable for coffee processing, such as drying andthings like that.”

Finding the best quality beans is often an issue of taste. The intense processis known as cupping -- tasting and comparing coffee from different roastedbeans, grading and then pricing them.

But before international experts come to taste, coffee beans are studied insmall coffee l

aboratories. Helen Assefa, a lab technician, describes theprocess.

When the coffee comes to the lab, we assess the coffee quality first byrecording the details. Then we weigh the moisture 

level and we screen thebeans for analysis. After that we grind the coffee beans and taste thesamples. At the end we check for defective beans.”

Mubarik Abaoli is a lab worker. He says the testing is a very difficult andlengthy process.

“We sort out the defects manually, by hand. And we sort out the defectaccording to the defect types. The types are immature, paste damage, foxy,black -- all has to be sorted out according to the severity of the defects.”

Ethiopia is making big profits on its coffee reputation with exports to morethan 120 countries. The country has an export revenue of more than $840million a year.

But not all the best coffee leaves Ethiopia. Forty percent of the coffee grown in the country stays there. It remains an important part of everyday life at work, athome and at ceremonies just to celebrate that special cup.

I’m Marsha James.                     

This report was based on a story from reporter Marthe van der Wolf in AddisAbaba. Marsha James wrote it for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.                                         _______________________________________________________________

Words in this Story


longstanding - adj., lasting or existing for a long time

analysis  n., a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what theydo, and how they are related to each other 

reputation  n., the common opinion that people have about someone orsomething; public image

Do you think your 

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Words and Their Stories.Let's Do Business!


Воскресенье, 25 Января 2015 г. 08:23 + в цитатник

Words and Their Stories

Let's Do Business!

Joe Belfiore, Microsoft corporate vice president, Operating Systems Group, showcases the new Photos app for Windows 10, Jan. 21, 2015. Microsoft was not a "big gun" in its early days. It "got a break" when IBM selected its operating system for personal computers and grew into a "blue chip" company. (Ron Wurzer/AP Images for Microsoft)
Joe Belfiore, Microsoft corporate vice president, Operating Systems Group, showcases the new Photos app for Windows 10, Jan. 21, 2015. Microsoft was not a "big gun" in its early days. It "got a break" when IBM selected its operating system for personal computers and grew into a "blue chip" company. (Ron Wurzer/AP Images for Microsoft)



Let's Do Business!
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Now, the VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories.

There are many special terms in the world of business

The following story is about a sweetheart deal which I made last week.  Imade the deal with a friend, and we both made a profit

I had started a small company several years ago.  I worked hard to make itsuccessful.  It was a sign-making business.  It was a small ccompay, not ablue chip company.  It was not known nationally for the quality of its signs.  Itdid not make millions of dollars in profits.  And it was private.  It was not apublic company with shares traded on the stock market.

Still, I worked hard building up my business. I did not work only a few hourseach day -- no banker’s hours for me.   Instead I spent many hours eachday, seven days a week, trying to grow the company.  I never cut corners ortried to save on expenses.  I made many cold calls.  I called on possiblebuyers from a list of people I had never seen.   Such calls were often hard sells.  I had to be very firm.

Sometimes I sold my signs at a loss.  I did not make money on my productWhen this happened, there were cut backs.  I had to use fewer supplies andreduce the number of workers.  But after several years, the company broke even Profits were equal to expenses.  And soon after, I began to gain ground.   My signs were selling very quickly They were selling like hotcakes

I was happy.  The company was moving forward and making real progress.  It was in the black, not in the red The company was making money, notlosing it.

My friend knew about my business.  He is a leader in the sign-making industry– a real big gun, if you know what I mean.   He offered to buy my companyMy friend wanted to take it public.  He wanted to sell shares in the companyto the general public

My friend believed it was best to strike while the iron is hot He wanted totake action at the best time possible and not wait.   He offered me a ball park estimate of the amount he would pay to buy my company.  But I knew hisuneducated guess was low My company was worth much more.  He askedhis bean-counter to crunch the numbers.  That is, he asked his accountantto take a close look at the finances of my company and decide how much it was worth. Then my friend increased his offer

My friend’s official offer was finally given to me in black and white.  It waswritten on paper and more than I ever dreamed.  I was finally able to get a break.  I made a huge profit on my company, and my friend also got a bang for the buck.  He got a successful business for the money he spent.    

This VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories, was written byJill Moss.  I’m Faith Lapidus.

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Voice of America.Obama Visit Aims to Increase US-India Partnership


Суббота, 24 Января 2015 г. 09:02 + в цитатник
January 24, 2015 05:51 UTC

In the News

Obama Visit Aims to Increase US-India Partnership

An employee ties threads on a kite, with portraits of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L) and U.S. President Barack Obama, ahead of Obama's visit, in Mumbai, Jan. 23, 2015.
An employee ties threads on a kite, with portraits of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L) and U.S. President Barack Obama, ahead of Obama's visit, in Mumbai, Jan. 23, 2015.


Obama Visit Aims to Increase US-India Partnership
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From VOA Learning English, this is In The News.                                

This weekend, President Barack Obama is set to make his second trip toIndia since taking office. The president will attend India’s Republic Daycelebrations on Monday. The event includes a military parade and a publicshowing of Indian weaponry. Experts say the parade may be symbolic of Mr.Obama’s 


The American leader is to meet with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.They are expected to discuss increasing 

defense and security ties betweenthe two countries.

Defense and trade cooperation between the two has been increasing in recentyears. In 2013, the United States overtook Russia as the largest armssupplier to India, which has spent billions of dollars to modernize

 its armedforces. India takes part in more joint military exercises with U.S. forces thanany

 other country.

Some observers say Mr. Modi wants to build an even stronger relationshipwith 

the United States. C. Raja Mohan works at the Observer ResearchFoundation in New Delhi. He expects the two sides to begin work on what hecalls “a genuine strategic partnership 

with far-reaching agreements.

You have now a government here in Delhi that is prepared to walk the fulldistance with the U.S., and the U.S., too, I think, has sensed the newopportunity in India.”

During Mr. Obama’s visit, Indian and U.S. officials are expected to re-statesupport for a defense cooperation agreement that ends this June. They havealso been working 

to finalize agreements that could lead to U.S. companiesproducing some military equipment in India.

The Indian government wants American companies to produce moreweapons at home 

under what are known as technology transfer agreements. But that would not be easy. The United States has many rules on limitingmovement of sensitive technology.

Bharat Karnad is a security expert at New Delhi’s Center for Policy Research. He does not expect major outcomes from Mr. Obama’s visit. He thinks Indiawill not be satisfied with what the U.S. offers on technology transfers ofmilitary equipment.

"As I see it, it is going to be more platitudes, more instruments being created,more committees being set up, but nothing really there on the ground, interms of both countries being satisfied with something substantive andhefty."

Experts say it will take time for the two countries to build trust in some areas. But they are moving closer because of security issues.    

Chintamani Mahapatra is with New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University. Hesays both sides are concerned about signs of a more aggressive China andpossible unrest in Afghanistan after withdrawal of Western troops.

Indians and Americans have been quarrelling over economic issues, IPR(intellectual property rights) issues, dumping issues, etc., etc., and, of course, on critical areas of foreign affairs, like Pakistan and Iran and China, the twocountries do not agree 100 percent. But in matters of defense and securitycooperation, there is hardly any dispute. The idea is to have a good, positivewin-win balance of power in Asia.”

During his first visit to India in 2010, President Obama told Indian lawmakersthat the relationship between the two countries will be the "defining partnershipof the 21st century." There is hope that this visit will re-energize thatpartnership.

And that’s In The News from VOA Learning English. I’m Bob Doughty.

VOA Correspondent Anjara Pasricha reported this story from New Delhi.Ashley Thompson wrote it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in this Story:

symbolic  adj. expressing or representing an idea or quality without usingwords

overtake  v. to move up to and past (someone or something that is in frontof you) by moving faster

strategic  adj. relating to a general plan that is created to achieve a goal inwar, politics, etc., usually over a long period of time

surveillance  n. the act of carefully watching someone or somethingespecially in order to prevent or detect a crime

platitude  n. a statement that expresses an idea that is not new

substantive  adj. important, real, or meaningful

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/News in English
English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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Voice of America.Saudi King Abdullah Dies


Пятница, 23 Января 2015 г. 09:46 + в цитатник
January 23, 2015 06:38 UTC

In the News

Saudi King Abdullah Dies

FILE photo of Saudi King Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz in 2010.
FILE photo of Saudi King Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz in 2010.


Saudi King Abdullah Dies
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King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has died. He was believed to be 90 years old. The leader had been in a hospital for several weeks for treatment of a lunginfection.

A Saudi statement early Friday said King Abdullah’s brother, Salman, hadbecome King.

King Abdullah had ruled Saudi Arabia as king since 2006. However,  he tookover many of those duties ten years earlier, after former King Fahd had astroke.

President Barack Obama expressed his personal condolences and thesympathies of the American people to the family of King Abdullah binAbdulaziz and to the people of Saudi Arabia.

Yemen's President Resigns

The Yemeni government says President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and hiscabinet have resigned. A Yemeni government spokesman announced themove on Thursday over

 social media.

United States State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the U.S. is stilltrying to confirm the report.

Yemeni Houthi Shi'ite rebels remain outside the house of Yemen's President in Sanaa, Yemen.Yemeni Houthi Shi'ite rebels remain outside the house of Yemen's President in Sanaa, Yemen.

Witnesses said Houthi rebels remained outside thepresident’s house in the capital city of Sana’a Thursday.

The Shi’ite Houthis and the government had reached adeal on Wednesday night that would 

give Houthis morerepresentation in the government.

Houthi rebels seized control of the capital inSeptember. Rebels took position outside thepresidential 

house on Wednesday, after fighting Yemenisecurity guards Tuesday.

Mr. Hadi’s government has been a close ally to the U.S. in the fight againstYemen’s powerful Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.


Deadly bus bombing in eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian authorities said Thursday an artillery shell hit a trolley bus in theeastern city of Donetsk, killing at least eight people.

Both Ukraine and Russia have blamed each other for theattack.                          

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said Russian terrorists

 todayagain committed a terrible act against humanity.”

Russia’s foreign minister called the bombing “a crime against humanity.” Healso asked for an independent investigation of the events.

A Ukrainian military spokesman denied government troop involvement in thebus attack. He said their closest position is too far away from Donetsk for itsartillery to reach the area.


US, Cuba discuss reopening embassies

The United States and Cuba held a second day of meetings

 Thursday inHavana. Today’s talks centered on plans to reopen 

embassies in each other’scapitals

Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs 

RobertaJacobson is leading the U.S. team. Representing Cuba is director of U.S.affairs Josefina Vidal.

On Wednesday the talks mostly centered on immigration. The delegatesdiscussed the U.S. policy that permits Cubans to stay in the United Statesonce they step foot on U.S. land. The Cuban government says the lawencourages Cubans to make dangerous boat trips to reach the U.S. state ofFlorida.

This week’s historic meetings are taking place one month after U.S. PresidentBarack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced the twocountries were prepared to re-establish formal diplomatic relations.  


Words in the News


witness  n. a person who sees something (such as a crime) happen

trolley  n. an electric vehicle that runs along the street on tracks

encourage  v. to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/News in English
English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

USA.Obama to Discuss Economy, Foreign Policy in State of the Union


Вторник, 20 Января 2015 г. 11:19 + в цитатник
January 20, 2015 08:05 UTC


Obama to Discuss Economy, Foreign

Policy in State of the Union

President Barack Obama arrives on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015.  (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
President Barack Obama arrives on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)


President Expected to Discuss Economy, Foreign Policy in State of the Union
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President Barack Obama is preparing to speak to theAmerican people on Tuesday. The leader has traveledaround the United States discussing issues he is likelyto include in the annual State of the Union. Theaddress is held before both houses of Congress andtelevised live for the nation.

Mr. Obama is expected to center the speech on hisadministration’s successes at home. The president’spopularity ratings have increased recently with U.S.economic improvements 

and lower unemployment.

However, experts say the recent terrorist attacks inParis and Americans concerns about 

threats fromextremists give

 him reason to discuss foreign policy aswell.

The attacks against the offices of Charlie Hebdo inParis have shown that there is still much

 to do in thefight against terrorism.

In 2014, Mr. Obama launched a bombing campaign and sent military advisorsto help train

 allied forces to fight Islamic State militants. But that battle, thepresident has said, will take years. President Obama is also expected todiscuss his effort for a deal to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.

Larry Korb served as Mr. Obama’s campaign foreign policy adviser. He saysthe president will see more of a reason to discuss domestic issues ratherthan international ones.

Among the foreign policy issues facing the administration are U.S. relationswith Russia. They have been at a low point because of Russia's involvementin Ukraine. However, Mr. Korb says it is unlikely the president will speak toomuch about the complex relationship. He says that is especially the case afterRussians assisted U.S. astronauts during an emergency on the Internationalspace station.

Mr. Obama is also expected to note his deal with China on climate change, and the deployment of U.S. troops to West Africa to help contain the Ebolavirus outbreak.

At home, falling unemployment and increasing manufacturing has been goodnews.

Some manufacturers are reporting improved business conditions. DrewGreenblatt is the Chief of Marlin Steel Wire Products in Baltimore. Thecompany uses American steel and robotic machinery to manufactureproducts for export.

 Drew Greenblatt says his company pays competitivewages, benefits and performance


Mr. Greenblatt says American businesses need more trade deals, a bettersystem of taxation and intellectual property protections to continue to grow.

President Obama noted American manufacturing gains while visiting a factoryin 

Tennessee earlier this month. Mr. Obama said the economy had added786,000 manufacturing 

jobs in the last 58 months. He also announced a newprogram to bring government, companies and colleges together

 to createmore high-technology jobs.

President Obama will give the State of the Union address on January 20th.

I’m Mario Ritter.

Luis Ramirez and Aru Pande reported thi

Words in This Story


annual  adj. happening once a year

address  n. a formal or official speech

benefits  n. extra things that a company or government pays for as part ofwhat a worker receives in return for the labor

incentives - n. extra pay or other things paid to a worker

intellectual property - n. property that is an idea, invention or process thatcomes from a person’s mind

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

USA.Fewer Than One in Three Young Americans Can Join Military


Воскресенье, 18 Января 2015 г. 10:00 + в цитатник


Fewer Than One in Three Young Americans Can Join Military

Army recruiters salute during the playing of the national anthem at the change of command ceremony for the Jackson, Miss., March 12, 2014.  (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
Army recruiters salute during the playing of the national anthem at the change of command ceremony for the Jackson, Miss., March 12, 2014. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

 The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have ended, and Congress has ordered the military to reduce troop levels. But the United States Army -- and other military services -- must continue to recruit new soldiers, and it is having trouble finding enough people who are qualified.

The Army tells VOA “changes in society have decreased the number of young people who are eligible to join.”

The U.S. Army plans to reduce its size from 508,000 soldiers to 450,000 by the year 2017. Most new soldiers leave the service after their first enlistment period 

of three or four years has ended. 

So the Army must still recruit between 70,000 and 90,000 young American severy year to reach its target troop level.

People who want to join the Army must be in good physical and mental condition. They must be between the ages of 17 and 34. They must have graduated from high school. They must not have used illegal drugs 

or have acriminal record. And they may have only small tattoos -- and none on their hands, face, neck or head.

U.S soldiers participate in a NATO exercise in Kosovo.U.S soldiers participate in a NATO exercise in Kosovo.

​The Department of Defense says 71 percent of young Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 would not be accepted into one of the nation’s military services if they volunteered. The Army believes that number will increase to 80 percent by 2020, mostly because of the expected rise in obesity levels.

The Army says about 28 percent of people who apply are rejected because they

 are over weight or have behavior problems. Others are not permitted to join because they have acriminal record or a history of drug abuse. Some are rejected because they are unable to meet the military’s 

academic requirements. One-quarter of the high school graduates who take the Army’s math and reading test fail it.

Beth Asch is a senior economist at the RAND Corporation, a research group. She studies military recruiting activities. She is surprised by the number of people who cannot meet the military’s standards.

“It does sound like, ‘Wow, that’s pretty amazing isn’t it?’ There are a lot of people who simply don’t qualify.”

Major General Allen Batschelet is the commander of the U.S. Army’s Recruiting Command. He spoke to the public radio program Here and Now in August about the Army’s recruiting difficulties. He says the main problem is young Americans poor physical fitness.

“The factors that we use to measure and evaluate people to join the Army increasingly they’re not able to meet those requirements. It’s very troubling, and the trends are not in the good direction -- especially in regards to fitness.Young people are showing up at our doors increasingly unfit

 or obese and it’s, it’s a real problem.”

In the 2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the National Institutes of Health found that one-third of all Americans can be considered obese. A group of retired senior military officers is warning that the country’s high obesity rate threatens national security and the military’s ability to win wars. D. Allen Youngman is a member of the group, which is called Mission:Readiness. He is a retired U.S. Army major general. He told VOA the problems of American society are affecting the country’s military.

 “…the same issues and the way they’re impacting America’s overall quality of life, competitiveness in a global economy and other things.”  

The retired senior officers are fighting larger social forces. For instance,schools do not always offer healthy food or require that students exercise.General Youngman says he knows changing people’s behavior is a difficult fight.

Human nature, you know, draws us toward sugar and fat and things like that. And if, and if we say it’s all about choice well then we have to live with those consequences. But if we, if we can provide more intelligent choicesthen, you know, young people are gonna respond.”    

The U.S. Army reflects the nature of the country’s youth. And many young Americans are simply too fat to fight. General Batschelet says he is worried the Army will soon be unable to reach its recruiting goals. He says the country’s current social trends may be creating a serious national security problem.

I’m Christopher Cruise.

Tomorrow, we will report on possible changes to the Army’s weight standards for cyber-warriors. Not everyone is happy the Army is considering such achange.

Christopher Cruise reported and wrote this story for VOA Learning English.Hai Do was the editor.


Words in This Story


qualified  adj. having the necessary skill, experience, or knowledge to do aparticular job or activity; having the qualifications to do something

eligible  adj. able to be chosen for something; able to do or receivesomething

enlistment period  n. a term of enlistment in the military (usually 3-4 yearsin the US military)

recruit  v. to find suitable people and get them to join a company, anorganization or the armed forces

tattoo  n. a picture or word that is permanently drawn on a person’s skin byusing a needle and ink

behavior problems  n. issues with the 

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

Words and Their Stories.Has Fate Brought Us Together?


Воскресенье, 18 Января 2015 г. 09:42 + в цитатник

Words and Their Stories

Has Fate Brought Us Together?

Australian billionaire Clive Palmer is planning to build Titanic II, scheduled to sail in 2016. The original Titanic met its fate hitting an iceberg. (Blue Star Line rendering)Australian billionaire Clive Palmer is planning to build Titanic II, scheduled to sail in 2016. The original Titanic met its fate hitting an
iceberg. (Blue Star Line rendering)




Is it fate that brings us together today?

No, not fate. It is simply time for Words and TheirStories.

Or maybe it is fate. Maybe just this morning you said tosomeone, “You know, I really wish VOA LearningEnglish would do a show on the word fate.’”  And herewe are. Now, that would be fate.

Fate is a word that can be hard to understand. Fate, to describe it simply,means that something is meant to be.

Fate is a word that has weight. It has power. When we say sealed one’s fatewe mean a person has done something that has guaranteed a certain endresult -- usually a bad one. Sometimes the result is even a fate worse than death, such as in this example:

A: He totally destroyed his business and now he’s going to jail. And for him,prison is a fate worse than death.

B: Well, if he would rather die than go to prison, he should not have stolen thatmoney from his investors. When he did that, he sealed his own fate.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary says fate is a “power that is believed tocontrol what happens in the future.” In fact, fate is so powerful that people arewarned not to tempt fate.

To tempt fate means to do something that involves a risk. Or, it means to betoo sure about something. That extreme confidence may cause somethingunpleasant to happen.

Here is a true story. While on vacation in Thailand I met a woman whotempted fate by swimming around a rocky coastline at night. We warned herthat she would not make it. And she didn’t. She floated in the ocean all night. Afishing boat rescued her the next morning. She was lucky. Her fate couldhave much different.

Fate can also change quickly and send your life in a direction you did not plan.When we say something is a twist of fate, we mean something strange orunexpected has happened. But more than that – the outcome was meant, orfated, to happen.

Newspaper report on the Titanic.Newspaper report on the Titanic.

When something goes wrong, we often say it was ill-fated, or doomed from the very start. For instance, theTitanic started its ill-fated journey with muchcelebration and excitement.

No one thought for a moment that its fate would be tolie at the bottom of the ocean. But by a terrible twist of fate, the great ship hit a huge block of ice in the oceanand quickly sank.

A twist of fate does not always mean something bad is meant to happen.Sometimes fate is romantic. Fate and love often go hand in hand. Manypeople trust fate when looking for their life partner, their soul mate. Othersmay use online dating services. This man trusted fate.

A: How did you meet your wife?

B: I met my wife completely by accident. She boarded the wrong airplane and was sitting in my seat. As soon as I saw her … I can’t explain it … I knew wewould be married one day.

A: Hmm. Was it an accident? Or a strange twist of fate?

B: I’ve never thought about it that way. Maybe I was destined to meet her allalong.

Fate may have served that couple well. But sometimes fate leaves a loverout in the cold.

I’m Anna Matteo.

Is there a time when the hand of fate changed the course of your life? Doshare … in the comments section!


Words in This Story


romantic  adj. relating to, or involving love between two people

destined  adj. certain to do or to be something

leave out in the cold  expression to leave someone in a bad position



Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

Words and Their Stories.Are You in the Homeland Generation?


Вторник, 13 Января 2015 г. 11:50 + в цитатник
January 13, 2015 08:44 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Are You in the Homeland Generation?

U.S. Department of Homeland Security was established after the terrorist attack on September 11.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security was established after the terrorist attack on September 11.


Words and Their Stories: Homeland
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The word homeland is getting new attention in theUnited States.

Soon after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, President George W.Bush appointed a director of the Office of Homeland Security in the WhiteHouse. The next year, the U.S. Congress approved a new executive-leveldepartment called the Department of Homeland Security. This departmenttook responsibility for parts of the country’s borders, transportation system,ports and other important structures.​

The dictionary tells us that a current definition of homeland refers to thecountry where someone was born or grew up, or a large area where a groupof people can live.

Historically, the Old English word hamland meant "enclosed pasture" — aprotected field for animals. The word homeland first appeared in ModernEnglish in the 1660s. It combined the nouns home” and “land.”​

But a deeper look at how the word homeland was used outside of the U.S.shows why some people are not comfortable with it. The government of SouthAfrica used the word homeland for areas it created for only African peoplesduring the period of apartheid. These homelands separated the Africansfrom white citizens.​

Friederike Eigler is a professor of German at Georgetown University. She saidthat in Germany in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, people used a similarword to homeland  heimat – to express intense national pride.

“It became more and more a political term because it was sort of meshed upwith ideas of the nation and nationalism. And then that kind of came to a headduring World War II. It became very much tied up very much with notions of the German race, and the nation, nationality or national socialism, and so in that sense it got very discredited as a  result in the postwar period.”

In the early 2000s, when the U.S. government created the Department ofHomeland Security, some objected to the name. Peggy Noonan writes for theWall Street Journal. She thought the Bush administration should change thename. She said homeland “isn’t really an American word.”​

James A. Bartlett blogs for The Ethical Spectacle. He thinks the problem is that the word homeland has to do with the idea of being a native. He quotesthe second Merriam Webster definition of homeland: "a state or area set asideto be a state for a people of a particular national, cultural, or racial origin."

Mr. Bartlett believes the word homeland does not describe the United Stateswell. The U.S. is a diverse country of immigrants. Are those immigrants alsoable to call the U.S. their homeland?​

Yet an increasing number of Americans seem to like the word. Some peopleare proposing it as the name for the group of people born between 2005 and 2030. For instance, many voters in a 2005 web poll wanted to call the groupthe “Homeland Generation.” The White House used the term in an October2014 report.

Professor Eigler at Georgetown University observed that today’s generation isgrowing up with the war on terror.

My sense is, the larger context again is, with that term, is the importance ofissues of national security in the context of the global war on terror and thatlarger context that is very much part of our contemporary life, and has been for quite some time. And of course, they grew up with that. It wasn’t somethingnew, but it was part of, or is part of their lives from the very beginning.”

Writer Anne Boysen even titled her book about today’s childrenHomelanders.” But she is not certain the term

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In the News UN: Big Increase in People Fleeing Conflict


Воскресенье, 11 Января 2015 г. 08:47 + в цитатник
January 11, 2015 05:43 UTC

In the News

UN: Big Increase in People Fleeing


A Syrian refugee girl stands behind a door at a makeshift settlement in the village of Ketermaya, south of Beirut January 8, 2015.  (REUTERS/Ali Hashisho)
A Syrian refugee girl stands behind a door at a makeshift settlement in the village of Ketermaya, south of Beirut January 8, 2015. (REUTERS/Ali Hashisho)


UN: Big Increase in People Fleeing Conflict
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The United Nations says conflicts forced many peoplefrom their homes 

during the first half of 2014. The U.N.refugee agency reported this week that 5.5 millionpeople were forcibly displaced during that six-monthperiod. The agency says these men, women andchildren added to the record 51.2 million people whowere displaced worldwide by the end of 2013. At thisrate, U.N. officials fear the number of people forciblydisplaced might set another 


Between January and June of 2014, 1.4 million peoplefled across international borders, becoming refugees. The rest -- more than 4 million people -- becamedisplaced within their own countries.

Adrian Edwards is a spokesman for UNHCR ­-- the U.N.refugee agency. He says that, for the first time, Syrianshave become the largest refugee population. Untilnow, 

Afghans were the single largest population.Afghans were the biggest group

 overseen by UNHCRfor more than 30 years.

Syria has really been the war that’s changedeverything -- almost 10 million refugees and internally-displaced people as of mid-2014. Those numbers arestill rising. One in every four refugees that UNHCR 

istoday dealing with is a Syrian. Syria is what happenswhen a war won’t be stopped and in that region aroundSyria, where so many refugees are, we're meanwhile seeing that asylum isbecoming massively stretched.” 

The new U.N. report says the world is facing a deadly mix of both new

 and oldconflicts. The report notes relatively new conflicts in places such as Syria, theCentral African Republic and South Sudan. It says this unrest is taking placeat the same time that old conflicts continue to displace individuals andfamilies.

The UNHCR says there are 2.7 million Afghan refugees worldwide. Theyrepresent the largest protracted 

refugee population under the U.N. agency’scare. The report lists the home countries of other big refugee populations.After Syria

 and Afghanistan, the largest numbers of refugees under theagency’s care come from Somalia,

 Sudan, South Sudan, the DemocraticRepublic of Congo, Myanmar -- also known as Burma -- and Iraq.

The UNHCR’s Adrian Edwards says poor countries and those close

 to areasof conflict have the hardest time dealing with refugees.

Relative to their population sizes, Jordan and Lebanon are hosting

 mostrefugees -- almost 1.8 million combined. The biggest economic burden thoughis being felt by other countries -- that’s Ethiopia and Pakistan, in particular,which relative to the size of their economies that have more refugees than anyother country. 

Major conflicts and displacement in places such as CentralAfrican Republic,

 South Sudan is also happening. That's in danger of beingforgotten by publics and by donors.” 

Adrian Edwards notes that African conflicts are not limited to African nationsalone. He says the humanitarian and economic effects for poor, neighboringcountries are huge.

He says some countries are sheltering hundreds of thousands of refugees,yet lack the money and supplies to care for them. He says they often fail toreceive the financial support they need from wealthy donor governments.

I'm Christopher Cruise.

Correspondent Lisa Schlein reported this story from Geneva. George Growwrote it for VOA Learning English. Mario Ritter edited it.


Words in This Story


refugee - n. a person who has been forced to flee because of unjusttreatment, danger or war

population  n. all the people in a place, city or country

individuals - n. single people; single members of a larger group

sheltering - v. protecting or giving protection to


Now it’s your turn to use these words in the news. In the comments section,write a sentence using one of these words and we will provide feedback onyour use of vocabulary and grammar.

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In the News.French Police Kill Gunmen to End Hostage Crisis


Суббота, 10 Января 2015 г. 09:41 + в цитатник
January 10, 2015 06:34 UTC

In the News

French Police Kill Gunmen to End

Hostage Crisis



French Police Kill Gunmen to End Hostage Crisis
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French officials say two armed suspects in the deadlyattack at a Paris newspaper have been killed. The twoare reported to have died during a police raid northeastof Paris. Officials say police rescued a hostage from the suspects during the raid.

Separately, police killed another gunman who washolding hostages at a kosher supermarket in Paris. But at least three died in that operation.

Explosions and gunfire sounded as police moved in both on the market and onDammartin-en-Goele, a town near Charles DeGaulle airport.

Chérif Kouachi, left, and Said Kouachi, right, are seen in images released by the Paris Préfecture de Police.Chérif Kouachi, left, and Said Kouachi, right, are seen in images released by the Paris Préfecture de Police.

French officials say brothers Cherif and Said Kouachiwere wanted in the attack earlier this week at theoffices of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Reports saythe two men had been hiding inside a warehouse in thetown. They came out and began firing as police movedtoward the building

In Paris, security forces raided the supermarket andkilled the gunman, who was holding hostages. Officialssay there had been “at least five hostages,” and thatthree were killed. But it was not clear who killed them or when.

A police official identified the suspected gunman in the store as 32-year-oldAmedy Coulabaly. He is believed to be the same man who shot and killed apolicewoman south of Paris on Thursday. French officials are seeking awoman who was said to be helping the suspect.

Police reports have linked Amedy Coulabaly to the Charlie Hebdo attack. TheKouaci brothers are suspected of killing 12 people there with high-poweredweapons.

Before the raid in Dammartin-en-Goele, French security forces said they werein contact with the brothers.

Massive manhunt

More than 88,000 police and security forces had been searching for the twomen. A third suspect in the Charlie Hebdo shootings, 18-year-old HamydMourad, surrendered to police on Wednesday. His connection to the gunmenremains unclear.

In the attack on Thursday, a policewoman was shot and killed whileresponding to a traffic accident.

"Right now, we have to do everything to ensure the protection of our citizens." That is what President Francois Holland told government officials at a meetingat France’s Interior Ministry. The Reuters news service reported hiscomments.

As a safety measure, police on Friday also ordered the closing of allbusinesses in the Jewish Marais neighborhood of central Paris. The area isabout a kilometer from the offices of Charlie Hedbo.

Radical Islamist Ties

Both Kouachi brothers reportedly had links to Islamic extremists. The NewYork Times newspaper reports that Said Kouachi received terrorist training inYemen in 2011. His brother Cherif once served prison time for his involvementwith suspected terrorists.

Hundreds of French nationals have gone to Iraq and Syria to join jihadistfighters.

Charlie Hebdo continues

Also Friday, the French newspaper Liberation made room for the survivingCharlie Hebdo journalists to prepare for 

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Health Report.Western Diet Bad for Human Health, Environment


Среда, 07 Января 2015 г. 11:03 + в цитатник
January 07, 2015 07:54 UTC

Health Report

Western Diet Bad for Human Health, Environment


A Chinese man takes a photo with Ronald McDonald at a McDonald's fast food restaurant in China's northern Liaoning province. (2011 File Photo)
A Chinese man takes a photo with Ronald McDonald at a McDonald's fast food restaurant in China's northern Liaoning province. (2011 File Photo)

Western Diet Bad for Human Health, Environment

Question image



Western Diet Bad for Human Health, Environment


From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.

The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for human health and for the environment. Those findings come from a new report in the journal Nature

There are ways to solve this diet-health-environment problem. But they will require a change in eating habits. And what we eat can be a product of culture, personal taste, price and ease.

David Tilman is a professor of ecology at the University of Minnesota. In the study, he examined information from 100 countries to identify what people ate and how diet affected health.

Mr. Tilman noted a movement beginning in the 1960s. He found that as nations industrialized, population increased and earnings rose. More people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet.

The Western diet is high in refined, or processed, sugar, fat, oil and meat. By eating these foods, people began to get fatter -- and sicker.

Too many calories and not enough exercise is not a healthy combination.Too many calories and not enough exercise is not a healthy combination.
Too many calories and not enough exercise is not a healthy combination.
Too many calories and not enough exercise is not a healthy combination.

“The excess, let us say, in the 15 richest nations of the world, right now is on the order of about 400 or 500 extra calories a day that are eaten beyond what people need, and that leads people to gain weight.”

David Tillman says overweight people are at greater risk for non-infectious diseases like diabetes, heart disease and some cancers

Diabetes is shooting to very high rates in the United States and across Europe. Heart disease is a major cause of mortality in the Western countries. Unfortunately when people become industrialized, if they adopt this Western diet, they are going to have these same health impacts, and in some cases if you are Asian, you have them more severely than even happens in the West.” 

China, he says, is an example where the number of diabetes cases has jumped.

“... from less than one percent to 10 percent of the population having diabetes as they began to industrialize over a 20-year period. And that has not leveled off yet. That is still going up. And that is happening all across the world, in Mexico, in Nigeria and so on, just nation after nation.”

A growing generation of Puerto Rican children struggle with weight gain. (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. April 2007)
A growing generation of Puerto Rican children struggle with weight gain. (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. April 2007)

And, a diet bad for human beings, it seems, is also bad for the environment. As the world’s population grows, experts say more forests and tropical areas will become farmland for crops or grasslands for grazingcattle. These areas will be needed to meet the increasing demand for food

“We are likely to have more greenhouse gas released in the future from agriculture because of this dietary shift than all the greenhouse gas that right now comes out of all the cars, and all of the airplanes, boats and ships, all forms of transportation. So our change in diet is likely to be worse for the world for climate warming than all the transportation sources we use right now.”

Mr. Tilman calls the link between diet, the environment and human health, “a trilemma.” This is a play on the worddilemma” -- a problem offering a difficult choice. He says one possible solution is leaving the Western diet behind.

I’m Anna Matteo.

VOA’s Rosanne Skirble reported this story from Washington, D.C. Anna Matteo wrote it for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in This Story

graze ­– v. (of cattle, sheep, etc...) eat grass in a field

dilemma n. a situation in which you have to make a difficult choice

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As It Is.In Boston Marathon Bombing Trial, a Search for Justice and Closure


Среда, 07 Января 2015 г. 10:26 + в цитатник
January 07, 2015 07:22 UTC

As It Is

In Boston Marathon Bombing Trial, a

Search for Justice and Closure

Undated photo of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Undated photo of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.


In Boston Marathon Bombing Trial, a Search for Justice and Closure
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A court in Boston, Massachusetts is making final preparations for the trial ofsuspected bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. He is accused of terrorism and othercrimes in connection with the deadly 

bombing at the Boston Marathon on April15, 2013. His older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was also suspected in theattack. He was killed in an exchange of gunfire with police four days later.

Court officials began questioning possible jurors on Monday. The juryselection process could take several weeks.

The Tsarnaevs are ethnic Chechens. The two brothers had lived with theirfamily near Boston for more than 10 years.

VOA reporters Fatima Tlisova and Mike Eckel investigated the lives

 ofDzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

I’m Caty Weaver. Today, Jonathan Evans and I tell you what the reportersfound.

Some recent history

Both young men were considered loving and peaceful by the people aroundthem. Just weeks before the bombing, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 

his wife anddaughter visited another Chechen family in New Hampshire. 

Madina and MusaKhadzhimuradov had fled Chechnya in the early 2000s.

They said that during the visit, Tamerlan seemed to enjoy playing with his


Musa Khadzhimuradov told VOA:

“We didn’t talk about war or religion, nothing. He was happy. Maybe he had adouble life or something, but he was playing with his child.”

But legal documents and reports from the Federal Bureau of Investigationsuggest that he was plotting something destructive.

At least twice before April 15, Tamerlan had visited a Manchester firing range,

where people train to shoot guns. On March 20, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev joined hisbrother at the firing range.

Tamerlan had also traveled to the New Hampshire town of Seabrook to buyfireworks and gather gunpowder.

 Investigators say he stopped at a storecalled Phantom Fireworks. They say he left with 48 mortars and 

almost fourkilograms of low explosive powder.

Store employee April Walton spoke to VOA about Tamerlan’s visit. She saidhe asked her for the loudest, most powerful fireworks they sold.

The Grand Jury indictment says that Tamerlan went online around April 5, and ordered electronic parts that could be used to make bombs. The partsarrived at the Tsarnaev’s apartment home by mail.


Strange behavior noted at local mosque

In recent years, some members of the Tsarnaev family had begun talkingabout their religious beliefs. The leader of the mosque they attended told VOA of two strange incidents during prayer services. Imam Fenni said that inNovember of 2012 Tamerlan Tsarnaev stood up and interrupted a guestspeaker. The speaker was talking about the importance of Muslims in Americaaccepting 

public holidays like Thanksgiving. Tamerlan angrily told thegathering that the speaker was wrong.

Imam Fenni said a similar incident took place in January of 2013. He saidTamerlan again angrily interrupted a guest speaker.

In January of 2012, Tamerlan had gone on a six-month-long trip to Russia’sNorth Caucasus area. He spent some of his time in Dagestan. The Russiannewspaper Novaya Gazeta reported that Tamerlan had been in contact withtwo wanted militants during the visit.

Novaya Gazeta reporter Irina Gordienko told VOA, “People in Dagestan toldme he dressed strangely, his behavior was unusual. He wasn’t veryknowledgeable about Islam.”

Back home in the United States, Tamerlan Tsarnaev held short-term jobs andtook a few college classes. He boxed for a while but his career in the sport didnot take off.

A close family friend said “He didn’t seem to know where he was going.”

The FBI questioned Tamerlan in 2011 at the request of Russian securityofficials. They had been watching his reported interactions with Chechenradical groups.

An FBI statement says the Russians reported that Tamerlan “was a followerof radical Islam.”


The youngest Tsarnaev

Friends and family say Dzhokhar Tsarnaev acted differently than his 

olderbrother. Dzhokar was seen as intelligent but quiet. Friends say he 

seemed tofollow Tamerlan’s lead.

Dzhokhar’s suspected involvement in the Boston Marathon bombing waseven more of a shock. Friends and people who know him say Dzhokharcaused

 no concern to neighbors, friends, school, or law enforcement beforeApril 15, 2013.

A family friend said Dzhokhar kept to himself, he was smart. He made hisown choices. He wasn’t the center of attention; he was always off to the side.”

In the months before the bombing, the Tsarnaev home was occupied only byTamerlan, his wife and their daughter. The parents of Tamerlan and Dzhokharwere both living in Russia. Dzohkhar

 was attending school at University ofMassachusetts in Dartmouth.


A few signs of trouble

Investigators say there were suggestions that Dzhokhar was exploring 

violentacts when he was a student at the University of Massachusetts. In the springof 2013, he reportedly downloaded to his computer several books anddocuments 

that supported radical Islamist ideas.

One was an article called: “How to Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom.”Pressure cookers were used in the Marathon bombing.

After his arrest, investigators entered Dzhokhar’s college dormitory room.They examined his computer and found a backpack containing fireworks that had been emptied of gunpowder.

The night of April 15, Dzhokhar sent a friend — the son of a Boston-areaChechen immigrant — a text message. It asked the friend if he was at themarathon and if he was OK.


A hunt for the suspects

On April

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As It Is.Congress, President Return to Washington


Вторник, 06 Января 2015 г. 09:26 + в цитатник
January 06, 2015 06:17 UTC


As It Is

Congress, President Return to


The sun rises over the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 5, 2015, as the 114th Congress prepares to open Tuesday. (AP Photo/J. Scott)
The sun rises over the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Jan. 5, 2015, as the 114th Congress prepares to open Tuesday. (AP Photo/J. Scott)


Congress, President Return to Washington
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The 114th Congress began meeting for the first time onMonday as President Barack Obama returned from his vacation in Hawaii.

The Republican Party now controls the United States Congress. Voterselected enough Republican candidates to give that party majorities in theHouse and Senate in elections last November. Political observers say the nexttwo years will be difficult for both President Obama, a Democrat, and hispolitical opponents.

Mr. Obama will have to defend his current policies from change. Republicansmust show that they can work with the president on issues that are importantto all Americans and to Republican voters.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN Sunday that a governmentdivided between a Republican Congress and a Democratic president can stillwork. He said voters want the government to make progress on importantissues.

Republicans oppose the president on health care, immigration andCuba

However, many Republican lawmakers want to weaken some of theprograms approved earlier in Mr. Obama’s presidency. They include theAffordable Care Act, which many call Obamacare. It requires most Americansto buy health insurance.

Many legislators also want to end the president’s new immigration policy. Thepolicy lets many people who entered the country illegally stay and possiblyseek U.S. citizenship. Republicans are also critical of the president’s recentdecision to open diplomatic relations with Cuba. For more than 50 years, theUnited States had sought to isolate the communist nation. Many Republicansdo not believe that policy should have changed.

Policy towards Ukraine, Islamic State and Iran also in dispute

Republican lawmakers are often quick to criticize Mr. Obama on his foreignpolicy. Senator Bob Corker will become the new chairman of the SenateForeign Relations Committee. He had this to say:

“I have no earthly idea how the administration plans to go about degrading anddestroying ISIS in Syria.”

Senator John McCain has also been critical of how Obama has dealt with theconflict in Ukraine. He said:

“This president (Obama) does not understand Vladimir Putin. He does notunderstand his ambitions, he does not understand that Vladimir Putin is an oldKGB colonel bent on restoration of the Russian Empire.”

International negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program are to restart in a week.Senator Corker and other Republicans have said lawmakers may supportstronger restrictions on Iran if the negotiations fail.

President Obama threatens vetoes

To his critics, President Obama has said he will use his veto power ifCongress tries to change his policies.

Other members of Congress have already looked ahead to the next election.Chuck Schumer is a Democratic Senator from New York. He had this to sayon CNN’s State of the Union program:

If we put together a strong economic message aimed at the middle class, notonly will it unify our party, but we can actually do really well in 2016.”

I’m Caty Weaver.

VOA Correspondent Michael Bowman reported this story from Washington. The Associated Press and Reuters news agencies provided additionalmaterials. Christopher Cruise wrote

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Health Report.Chocolate Improves Memory and Heart Health


Воскресенье, 04 Января 2015 г. 10:35 + в цитатник

Health Report

Chocolate Improves Memory and Heart


Flavanol, a naturally occurring antioxidants found in cocoa, reversed age-related memory decline in healthy older adults in a recent study. (Photo courtesy of Mars, Inc., the chocolate company who helped to fund the study.)
Flavanol, a naturally occurring antioxidants found in cocoa, reversed age-related memory decline in healthy older adults in a recent study. (Photo courtesy of Mars, Inc., the chocolate company who helped to fund the study.)


Chocolate Improves Memory and Heart Health
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From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.

Can eating a chocolate bar every day really preventage-related memory loss?


Can eating chocolate cake for breakfast, lunch anddinner be good for your heart?

Again, the answer is no.

That would be too good to be true.

But new research shows that large amounts offlavanols, substances found in cocoa, tea and somevegetables, may reverse age-related memory failure.Another study is looking to see if high levels of cocoaflavanols can help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

For those who have never seen inside a cocao seed ... this one's for you!For those who have never seen inside a cocao seed ... this one's for you!


Flavanols found in dark chocolate are known toincrease blood flow in the part of the brain that controlsmemory. They also help prevent heart disease bylowering blood pressure and “bad cholesterol.

A new study published online in Nature Neurosciencefound that cocoa flavanols reverse minor memory lossin older adults. A company that makes chocolatehelped to pay for the study.


Can chocolate improve memory?

Brain processes decrease as we age. By the time wereach our 50s and 60s we may have troubleremembering simple things such as the names of newpeople we meet or where we put our car keys.

Dr. Scott Small, Director of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at Columbia UniversityDr. Scott Small, Director of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at Columbia University

Dr. Scott Small is a professor of neurology atColumbia University in New York City. He is the leadwriter of a research paper describing the effects ofcocoa flavanols on brain activity.

The study involved 37 volunteers aged between 50 and 69. Researchers gave them a high-level flavanol drinkmade from cocoa beans or a low-level flavanol drink. For a period of three months, some subjects got 900milligrams of flavanol a day. The others got 10milligrams of flavanol each day.

Brain imaging and memory tests were given to eachstudy subject before and after the study. Dr. Small saysthat the subjects who had the high-level flavanol drinkshowed much improvement on memory tests.


Four-year study to dig deeper into healing powersof flavanol

The researchers warn that more work is neededbecause this study was performed on a small group.Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital inBoston, Massachusetts recently announced plans to dojust that.

Dr. JoAnn Manson, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public HealthDr. JoAnn Manson, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health

Dr. JoAnn Manson is the lead researcher of a four-yearstudy involving 18,000 adults. This study will useflavanol capsules.

“This capsule of cocoa flavanols will avoid having thecalories and the sugar and the saturated fat found inchocolate.”

The study subjects will be divided into two groups and will take two pills a day. The capsules will all look thesame. But, one group’s capsules will contain flavanols. The other group will take capsules made of an inactivesubstance, or placebo.

Dr. Manson says that a person would have to eat tentimes a normal amount to get the flavanols in just oneflavanol pill.

“The amount of chocolate that it would take in order tohave this amount of cocoa flavanols would be more than ten times the amountthat people would ordinarily eat.”

But Dr. Small says people should not necessarily start eating more chocolate. He says a person would have to eat a huge amount of chocolate to get thelevel of flavanol given to the test subjects. He also says many manufacturersremove the flavanols from their chocolate products.


Two heads are better than one ... especially when they are made of chocolate! These sculptures were part of the 2014 Brussels Chocolate Festival, not the study. But they are very cool!
Two heads are better than one ... especially when they are made of chocolate! These sculptures were part of the 2014 Brussels Chocolate Festival, not the study. But they are very cool!



Dr. Small says a cocoa-based flavanol extract may be developed in thefuture. He says that more studies are needed to see how much flavanol isgood for human health.  

I'm Anna Matteo.

Anna Matteo wrote this story for Learning English. It was based on reportsfrom VOA correspondents George Putic and Matthew Hilburn. Caty Weaverwas the editor.


Words in This Story

reverse  v. to cause (something, such as a process) to stop or return to anearlier state

cholesterol  n. a substance that is found in the bodies of people andanimals

neurology  n. the scientific study of the nervous system especially inrespect to its structure, functions, and abnormalities

capsule  n. a very small container that is filled with medicine and swallowedwhole

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The Year in Review.Top News Stories of 2014


Пятница, 02 Января 2015 г. 09:29 + в цитатник
January 02, 2015 06:22 UTC

The Year in Review

Top News Stories of 2014

In this Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2014 file photo, a man suffering from the Ebola virus lies on the floor outside a house in Port Loko Community, on the outskirts of Freetown, in Sierra Leone. (AP Photo/Michael Duff, File)
In this Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2014 file photo, a man suffering from the Ebola virus lies on the floor outside a house in Port Loko Community, on the outskirts of Freetown, in Sierra Leone. (AP Photo/Michael Duff, File)
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Spread of Ebola

The Ebola crisis began in the West African nations ofGuinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The World HealthOrganization reported that more than 20,000 peoplelikely have been infected. Thousands of children losttheir parents to the disease and millions more no longerattend school.

The virus gained worldwide notice when internationalhealthcare workers in West Africa became infected andreturned home for treatment. The spread of Ebola led toworldwide efforts to develop new vaccines. Theinternational community raised money and workers tocontain the epidemic. However, about 8,000 peoplehave died from Ebola so far and health officials expectmany more deaths.

Fear of flying

Jiang Hui, a relative of passengers on board the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 watches TV news about a missing AirAsia flight QZ8501, at his house in Beijing, China, Dec. 28, 2014.Jiang Hui, a relative of passengers on board the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 watches TV news about a missing AirAsia flight QZ8501, at his house in Beijing, China, Dec. 28, 2014.

In early March, Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappearedfrom radar. The plane carried 239 people. It was flyingfrom Beijing to Kuala Lumpur. Nine months later, theplane remains lost despite an extensive search from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean.

In July, Malaysia Airlines suffered another tragedy.  Amissile hit Flight 17 as it flew over Ukraine. All 298passengers and crew were killed in the attack andcrash that followed.

A few days later, a TransAsia Airways plane crashed in bad weather inTaiwan. Forty-eight people were killed. The next day, July 24, there wasanother deadly plane crash. An Air Algerie flight crashed in northern Mali killingall 116 people on the plane.

The year ended with the deadly crash of AirAsia Indonesia flight 8501 into theJava Sea. All 162 passengers and crew are believed to have been killed.

Conflict in Ukraine

Ukrainians gather in Kiev on Nov. 14, 2014 to mark the first anniversary of Euromaiden.Ukrainians gather in Kiev on Nov. 14, 2014 to mark the first anniversary of Euromaiden.

Pro-European activists in Ukraine made major gainsthis year with the ousting of the country’s pro-Russianleader Viktor Yanukovych and the election of currentPresident Petro Poroshenko. However, in late March,Russia annexed the Crimea area of eastern Ukraine. The U.S. and many European nations objected to themove. Separatist groups continue to fight Ukrainiangovernment forces in eastern Ukraine. Russia isproviding 

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Words and Their Stories.Happy New Year!


Воскресенье, 28 Декабря 2014 г. 09:48 + в цитатник
December 28, 2014 06:45 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve celebrations in Times Square in New York City
New Year's Eve celebrations in Times Square in New York City
  • Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!


Now, VOA Special English presents a special programfor New Year’s Eve.

That is a song millions of Americans will hear this NewYear’s Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne.” It is thetraditional music played during the New Year’scelebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem. Ittells about the need to remember old friends.

The words auld lang syne mean old long since.” Noone knows who wrote the poem first. However, a version by Scottish poetRobert Burns was published in 1796. The words and music we know todayfirst appeared in a songbook three years later.

The song is sung in the United States mainly on New Year’s Eve.

Here is Lou Rawls singing his version of it…

Another version is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet.

As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne,” I would like to wish all of ourradio friends a very Happy New Year.

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Words and Their Stories.I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas


Понедельник, 22 Декабря 2014 г. 17:33 + в цитатник
December 22, 2014 14:31 UTC

Words and Their Stories

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

A man walks past snow-covered Christmas decorations on apartments in Berea, Ohio, December 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Mark Duncan)
A man walks past snow-covered Christmas decorations on apartments in Berea, Ohio, December 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Mark Duncan)
  • I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

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This is Steve Ember with a VOA Special Englishholiday program.

Music fills the air. Colorful lights shine brightly inwindows. 

Children and adults open gifts from lovedones and friends. 

These are all Christmas traditions.

Another tradition is snow. Christmas in the northernpart of the world comes a few days after the start ofwinter. In many places, a blanket of clean white snowcovers the ground on Christmas Day. This is what ismeant by a “White Christmas.”

Of course, many places do not get snow at Christmas. In fact, they may bevery warm this time of year. 

People who like snow, but live where it is warm,can only dream of having a white Christmas.

American songwriter Irving Berlin captured these feelings 

in his song WhiteChristmas.” It is one of the most popular Christmas songs of all time. Theopening words explain why the singer is dreaming of a white Christmas. Mostpeople never hear these words, so they 

never really understand the truemeaning of the song. Here’s how it starts:

The sun is shining.
The grass is green.
The orange and palm trees sway.
I’ve never seen such a day in Beverly Hills, L.A.
But it’s December the 24th
And I’m longing to be up north.
Up north, where it is cold and snowy.
Not south, where it is warm and sunny.

Over the years, hundreds of singers and musicians have recorded

 WhiteChristmas.” But the version most people still know best was sung by BingCrosby.

Songwriter Irving Berlin was born in Russia in 1888. He did not celebrateChristmas as a religious holiday. He was Jewish.

But his song celebrates an idea of peace and happiness that anyone,

anywhere -- snowy or not -- can enjoy.

To all of you, best wishes this holiday season from all of us in VOA SpecialEnglish.

This is Steve Ember.

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In the News.US, Cuba Normalize Relations


Четверг, 18 Декабря 2014 г. 04:25 + в цитатник

In the News

US, Cuba Normalize Relations

President Barack Obama announces a major shift in U.S. relations with Cuba, in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, Dec. 17, 2014.
President Barack Obama announces a major shift in U.S. relations with Cuba, in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, Dec. 17, 2014.


In the News 12-17-14
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U.S. President Barack Obama announced a major change in U.S. relationswith Cuba. He acted after that country’s government released Alan Gross, anAmerican held in prison there for five years.

President Obama announced increased economic and travel ties between thecountries. The policy change ends more than 50 years of diplomatic isolationthat began in the Cold War.

"Isolation has not worked. It's time for a new approach," Mr. Obama said. "Ibelieve this contact will do more to empower the Cuban people."

President Raul Castro said, “The decision by President Barack Obamadeserves respect and recognition by our people.” He also called on the UnitedStates to end its economic blockade of Cuba.

Alan Gross spoke soon after his arrival in Washington, D.C. Wednesday.  Hethanked those who worked for his release and said he was happy to be home.

Cuba and the United States say they plan to work on an agreement to openembassies in each other's capitals.


India joins Pakistan in mourning

India observed a moment of silence Wednesday to remember the victims of the deadly Pakistani Taliban attack on a school in Pakistan, Tuesday. Theattack in Peshawar killed at least 132 students and nine staff.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi led Parliament and thousands ofstudents across India in two minutes of silence to mourn the dead.

Mr. Modi called the attack a “senseless act of unspeakable brutality.”


Sony Pictures cancels release of “The Interview

Sony Pictures said Wednesday it has canceled next week’s Christmas Dayrelease of “The Interview,” a humor film about a plot to kill North Korean leaderKim Jong Un. Officials acted after a group of computer hackers threatenedpossible audiences.

The hacker group calls itself the Guardians of Peace. It released a statementTuesday promising a "bitter fate" to those who see “The Interview.”

The statement warned people to stay away from theaters that show the film.

In the film, actors Seth Rogen and James Franco play the part of televisionreporters who the U.S. asks to kill Kim Jong Un.

North Korea has called the film an act of terrorism, and had called for Sony tocancel the film.


Words in the News

isolation  n. : the state of being in a place or situation that is separate fromothers

mourn  v. to feel or show great sadness because someone has died

hacker  n. a person who secretly gets access to a computer system inorder to get information or  cause damage

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As It Is.Objections Grow to China’s South China Sea Claims


Вторник, 16 Декабря 2014 г. 18:01 + в цитатник
December 16, 2014 14:47 UTC

As It Is

Objections Grow to China’s South China

Sea Claims

Vietnamese fishing boats last year in the disputed Spratly archipelago area of the South China Sea. (REUTERS/Quang Le)
Vietnamese fishing boats last year in the disputed Spratly archipelago area of the South China Sea. (REUTERS/Quang Le)


Objections Grow to China’s South China Sea Claims
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Monday, December 15, is the deadline for China toprovide an argument against a Philippines legal caseabout Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea. But China rejects the case before an international courtand refuses to answer. At the same time, objections toChina’s position are increasing.

The Philippines provided a 4,000-page paper ofsupporting materials for its case before the PermanentCourt of Arbitration. It questions the legal basis forChina’s so-called nine-dash line territorial claim. Thearea China claims covers about 80 percent of the sea. The legal paper also asks the court for guarantees onPhilippines territorial claim. The Philippines says itsclaim is part of its continental shelf and well within its 370-kilometer exclusive economic zone.

Last week, a Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesmansays that his government fully rejects China’s claimbefore the court. The claim was over a group of islandsin the South China Sea, the Paracel and the Spratly, and the surrounding waters.

The Philippine government praises Vietnam’s position. It says the position would be “helpful in terms ofpromoting the rule of law and in finding peaceful andnonviolent solutions to the South China Sea claims.”

But China’s Foreign Ministry urges Vietnam to respectChina's territorial independence and maritime rightsand interests.

Earlier, China released a paper to state its position in the dispute. The positionpaper claims that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea doesnot address territorial dispute.

China says its claims to the sea date back 2,000 years. It argues that it was the first to “discover, name and explore islands under dispute among China,Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam China also has saidrepeatedly that it has the right to ignore legal cases on issues related to seaborders.

A Philippine foreign affairs spokesman said this about China’s position, “Thearguments raised by China are not new anymore.  We know them and wehave answered those arguments in the memorial we submitted.”

Carl Thayer is an Asia security expert at the Australian Defense ForceAcademy. He says that China is making an appeal to the tribunal by releasingits position paper, although it is avoiding official court action.

“To a certain extent it will be welcome by some of the judges because at leastthey have, they now know, a little bit more about what China’s claiming.”

Mr. Thayer says the judges also will look at a study that the U.S. StateDepartment released several days before China’s position paper. The U.S.says it is neutral on territorial disputes. But, the study examined the basis forChina’s nine-dash line. The study found the claim has no basis in internationallaw.

Myron Nordquist is associate director at the Center for Oceans Law andPolicy at the University of Virginia.  He 

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English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
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Words and Their Stories.Is He Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle or Pelznickel?


Воскресенье, 14 Декабря 2014 г. 12:13 + в цитатник
December 14, 2014 09:05 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Is He Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Kris

Kringle or Pelznickel?

Santa Claus gestures toward first lady Michelle Obama, at Children's National Medical Center  in Washington
Santa Claus gestures toward first lady Michelle Obama, at Children's National Medical Center in Washington


Is His Name Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle or Pelznickel?
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Now, the VOA Special English program Words and Their Stories.

Santa Claus is someone who will remain in the hearts of children forever. He is the make-believe person who brings toys and other gifts to children atChristmas. To grown-ups, he is a special symbol of good will and selflessgiving.

Santa Claus also has some other names: Saint Nicholas, St. Nick, KrisKringle,


Two of his names -- Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas -- both come from theDutch who settled in New York long ago.

The Dutch believed Saint Nikolaas gave gifts to children. They honored 

thiskindly saint with a yearly festival on December 6th. The English-speakingpeople who lived nearby greatly enjoyed Dutch festivals. And they brought thesaint and the custom of giving gifts into their own celebration at Christmastime.

The Dutch version of Santa Claus, Sinterklaas, or Saint Nicholas, and his blackface helpers Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) arrive by steamboat in Hoorn, northwestern Netherlands, Nov. 16, 2013.The Dutch version of Santa Claus, Sinterklaas, or Saint Nicholas, and his blackface helpers Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) arrive by steamboat in Hoorn, northwestern Netherlands, Nov. 16, 2013.

The Dutch spoke the name Saint Nikolaas very fast. Itsounded like Sinterklaas.” And so, when the Englishsaid this word, it sounded like Santa Claus.

West of New York, in Pennsylvania, many Germanfarmers had also heard of Saint Nikolaas. But theycalled him Pelznickel. This word came from “pelz,”meaning fur, and “nickel” for Nicholas. And so, to theGermans of Pennsylvania, Saint Nicholas or Pelznickelwas a man dressed in fur who came once a year withgifts for good children.

Soon, people began to feel that the love and kindness Pelznickel broughtshould be part of a celebration honoring the Christkindl, as the Germanscalled the Christ child. After a time, this became Kris Kringle.” Later, KrisKringle became another name 

for Santa Claus himself.

People dressed as Father Frost, the named used locally for Santa Claus, and Snow Maiden greet passers-by during a New Year parade in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. (Reuters Image)People dressed as Father Frost, the named used locally for Santa Claus, and Snow Maiden greet passers-by during a New Year parade in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. (Reuters Image)

Whatever he is called, he is still the same short, fat,jolly old man with a long beard, wearing a red suit 

withwhite fur.

The picture of Santa Claus, as we see him, came fromThomas Nast. He was an American painter born inBavaria. He painted pictures for Christmas poems.Someone asked him to paint 

a picture of Santa Claus.

Nast remembered when he was a little boy in southernGermany. Every Christmas, a fat old man gave toysand cakes to the children. So, when Nast painted the picture, his Santa Clauslooked

 like the kindly old man of his childhood. And through the years, Nast’spainting has remained as the most popular picture Of Santa Claus.

Santa can be seen almost everywhere in large American cities during

 theChristmas season. Some stand on street corners asking for money 

to buyfood and gifts for the needy. Others are found in stores and shopping centers.

It is easy to find them by the long lines of childrenwaiting to tell Santa what they want for Christmas.

You have been listening to the VOA Special Englishprogram Words and Their Stories.

Maurice Joyce was your narrator.

I’m Shirley Griffith.

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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In the News.Ukraine Cancels Peace Talks Set for This Week


Четверг, 11 Декабря 2014 г. 11:19 + в цитатник
December 11, 2014 08:12 UTC

In the News

Ukraine Cancels Peace Talks Set for This


A man walks past a mortar impact site outside a damaged building in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Dec. 9, 2014.
A man walks past a mortar impact site outside a damaged building in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Dec. 9, 2014.


In the News 12-10-14
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The Ukrainian government has canceled talks about ending the conflict ineastern Ukraine. The talks had been planned for this Friday in Belarus.Ukrainian officials say pro-Russian separatists launched a series of attacksWednesday.

The Ukrainian military said separatists carried out 12 attacks using grenadelaunchers, anti-tank guided missiles, mortars, guns and a tank.

On Tuesday the two sides mostly suspended fighting. The so-called "Day ofSilence" was designed to push both sides to honor the ceasefire agreementreached in September.


Blasts hit market in Kano, Nigeria

Suicide attackers have killed at least four people at a market in Nigeria'ssecond-largest city, Kano.

A police spokesman told VOA that two females exploded bombs Wednesdayoutside the Kantin Kwari market.

Nigeria's Daily Trust newspaper reports that at least 12 other people wereinjured.


Activists Malala, Satyarthi accept Nobel Peace Prize

Pakistani education activist Malala Yousafzai and Indian child rights activistKailash Satyarthi made history Wednesday as they accepted this year's NobelPeace Prize at a ceremony in Oslo, Norway.

17-year-old Malala is the youngest Nobel laureate. Mr. Satyarthi is the firstIndian-born peace prize winner.

Malala, in accepting her award, said: This “is for the forgotten children whowant education."

Mr. Satyarthi, who has worked to end child slavery, said his goal is for everychild to be "free to be a child."

The two are sharing the award's $1.1 million prize.


Time Magazine honors Ebola health workers

Time magazine announced Wednesday it has chosen the health careworkers in the fight against Ebola as its “Person of the Year 2014.”

Time editor Nancy Gibbs wrote on the magazine’s website, “The rest of theworld can sleep at night because a group of men and women are willing tostand and fight.”

Other top choices for this year’s honor were the Ferguson, Missouri,protesters, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iraqi Kurdistan PresidentMassoud Barzani and Jack Ma, China’s richest man.

Time chose Pope Francis as last year's “Person of the Year.”


Words in the News

launch  v. to send or shoot (something, such as a rocket) into the air orwater or into outer space

silence  n. a lack of noise or sound

laureate  n. someone who has won an important prize or honor forachievement in an art or science

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

Words and Their Stories.Salt Is More Than a Four-Letter Word


Понедельник, 08 Декабря 2014 г. 18:16 + в цитатник
December 08, 2014 15:12 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Salt Is More Than a Four-Letter Word

India is the world's third largest salt producing country in the world. Here, a worker walks through a mountain of salt near the southern Indian city of Chennai in April 2014.
India is the world's third largest salt producing country in the world. Here, a worker walks through a mountain of salt near the southern Indian city of Chennai in April 2014.


On today’s Words and Their Stories we talk about acommon word, a small word, but a word that iscompletely necessary for human life. In fact, withoutthis simple, everyday material, all humans would die.

Scientists know it as sodium chloride. We know it assalt.

You may think, salt is just a simple cooking element we shake on our food for a little extra taste. But salt is much more than that.

Without salt our muscles would not move. Our nervous systems would notoperate. 

Our hearts would not beat. Salt means life.

But do not think rubbing salt in a wound will help. Doing that would be painfuland not heal the wound. To rub salt in a wound is an idiom that means topurposefully make a bad situation worse.

Early humans got the salt they needed to stay alive from the animals theykilled. But advances in agriculture led to a diet low in salt. So, humans neededto find others sources.

Those who lived near the ocean or other natural sources for salt were lucky.

Those who did not had to trade for salt. In fact, people used salt as a methodof payment in many parts of the ancient world. The word salary comes from the word salt.”

Salt also played an important part in population movement and worldexploration. 

Explorers understood that if they could keep food fresh, they couldtravel longer 

distances. So they used salt to preserve food and explored theworld.

Salt meant movement.

Salt also changed the way nations fought. With preserved food on ships,nations 

could sail to distant lands … and then attack them.

Salt meant power.

Salt was so important that, according to food historians, it was traded pound-for-pound for gold. Today, people still use the expressions to be worth one’s salt or worth one’s weight in salt. The expressions describe a person whois useful, a person of value.

A person might also be called salt of the earth. That description means he or she is dependable and trustworthy. The phrase comes from the ChristianBible. Jesus called his loyal group of followers -- or disciples -- the salt of the earth.

Actors re-act "The Last Supper" as part of Easter festivities in the Czech Republic city of Ceska Lipa. (April 2014)
Actors re-act "The Last Supper" as part of Easter festivities in the Czech Republic city of Ceska Lipa. (April 2014)

But one of these disciples was not so loyal. The disciple Judas betrayedJesus. In his famous painting “The Last Supper,” Leonardo da Vinci showsJudas spilling 

a bowl of salt. Spilled salt is a sign of bad luck and trouble. Andtrouble is exactly what Judas gave Jesus.

Even today, some people throw salt over one shoulder if they spill it. Theybelieve throwing 

salt behind them scares any devil that has been followingthem -- or at least blinds it for a second while they run away.

But these stories about bad luck should be taken with a grain of salt. Inother words, listen to a story or an explanation with suspicion and distrust.

But you don’t have to take the information you find on VOA Learning Englishwith a grain of salt. We do our research.

And this research led to some interesting facts about salt in other cultures andreligions.

In 2200 BC, the Chinese emperor Xia Yu created one of the first known taxes. He taxed salt. And Egyptians preserved dead bodies with salt, creatingmummies.

This mummy is Ahmose Meyret Amon, an Egyptian princess who was between 40 and 45 years when she died. She lived about 1580–1550 BCE and was found near modern day Luxor. (The Lancet)
This mummy is Ahmose Meyret Amon, an Egyptian princess who was between 40 and 45 years when she died. She lived about 1580–1550 BCE and was found near modern day Luxor. (The Lancet)

The Catholic Church uses salt in many of its rituals. Buddhists use salt toprevent evil. In Japan, the Shinto religion uses salt to clean an area of evil. In the U.S. Southwest, the Pueblo people worship the Salt Mother.

And in 1933, the Dalai Lama was buried sitting up in a bed of salt. Today inIndia, salt is still a symbol of good luck.

What about your culture? Do you have any idioms or expressions about salt? In the comments section, share a story of salt from your culture.

I’m Jonathan Evans.

And I’m Anna Matteo.

Join us again for another Words and Their Stories, where we take a deeperlook 

at words in American English.

This short video on the history of salt is part of a longer documentary produced by the History Channel.

Anna Matteo wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Kelly Jean Kelly was the editor.

Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

As It Is.Observers Say Ukraine’s Problems Are Also Russia’s


Суббота, 06 Декабря 2014 г. 09:58 + в цитатник
December 06, 2014 06:54 UTC

As It Is

Observers Say Ukraine’s Problems Are Also Russia’s

People take part in a rally in central Kyiv, Ukraine, Nov. 21, 2014. Ukrainians marked the first anniversary of Ukrainian pro-European Union (EU) mass protests which caused a change in the country's leadership and brought Ukraine closer to the EU. (REUTERS/Gleb Garanich)
People take part in a rally in central Kyiv, Ukraine, Nov. 21, 2014. Ukrainians marked the first anniversary of Ukrainian pro-European Union (EU) mass protests which caused a change in the country's leadership and brought Ukraine closer to the EU. (REUTERS/Gleb Garanich)


Observers Say Ukraine’s Problems Are Also Russia’s
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The pro-European revolution in Ukraine was one of the big stories this year. Ukraine replaced its pro-Russia president with leaders interested in reaching out to the rest of Europe. But a short time later, Ukraine lostcontrol of the Crimean peninsula to Russia. And theRussian government continues to support pro-Russiarebels in Ukraine’s east.                            

Many people are worried the country will remain weakor conditions will 

worsen in the weeks to come. Somepolitical observers say the Russian actions are athreat to both Russia and Ukraine.

The leaders of Ukraine recently marked the anniversaryof the country’s Euromaidan revolution not withcelebration, but as a serious event. One year haspassed since the start of protests that led to the ousterof President Viktor Yanukovych. Family members ofprotesters

 killed in the clashes have yet to see justice. And thousands of people have died in fighting with pro-Russian rebels in theeast.                                                                     

The fighting has been a major concern for Ukraine’s new leaders. YuriYakymenko is with the 

Razumkov Center in the capital, Kyiv.

He says that, “For the first time in the independent history of Ukraine, we are in a state of war against the biggest aggressor … we can even say adversary. We should call it like it is.”                           

But most Ukrainians say the sacrifice for a European future is worth it.Valentina Bilan was among the protesters in Kyiv.

She says, “We’ve elected a parliament. Let’s hope that it will work. Everythingwill be fine in time. We will remember my words. I went through the OrangeRevolution. The scariest thing after revolution is that people should not bedisappointed.”

The fighting has also moved attention away from economic and 

politicalreforms in Ukraine and Russia. Conditions in both countries are 

getting worse.

Yuri Pivovarov is with Russia’s Academy of Sciences. He says the decision ofPresident Vladimir Putin to expand into Ukraine is a threat to Russia’sdemocratic successes. He says the war in Ukraine is also a war in Russia. InRussia, says Mr. Pivovarov, the whole government is warring against peoplewho oppose Russia’s 

policies or have a different opinion.                          

Dmitri Trenin is director of the Carnegie Moscow Center. He says there appears to be little interest in a much-needed compromise between Russia and Ukraine.

Particularly in the West, because any compromise at this point will be seen as a concession to Putin. And this is totally unacceptable. But if that’s the case, then the only exit out of it should be the collapse of the regime here. And since this is how it is more or less read in the Kremlin, this raises the stakes enormously high for Russia.”

Ukraine’s leaders will have a lot of work in the months ahead. They will seek to deal with a Russia that is becoming more powerful. At the same time, they will have to reform the corrupt political culture that led to the Euromaidan revolution.                                         

I’m Bob Doughty.                          

This report was based on a story from VOA correspondent Daniel Schearf. George Grow wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Kelly Jean Kelly was the editor.


Words in This Story

revolution- n.a violent protest; fighting for a change in the way people live or work

control- v.to direct to have power over

observers- n.people who see and watch someone or something

protests- n.demonstrations

Now it’s your turn to use these Words in this Story. In the comments section, write a sentence using one of these words and we will provide feedback on your use of vocabulary and grammar.





Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

Words and Their Stories.How to Be a Good Egg and the Salt of the Earth


Среда, 03 Декабря 2014 г. 17:42 + в цитатник
December 03, 2014 14:40 UTC

Words and Their Stories

How to Be a Good Egg and the Salt of the Earth

food 3
food 3

Now, the VOA Learning English program Words andTheir Stories.

We present more expressions about food. They are from Elenir Scardueli, a listener in Brazil.

My mother always told us “there is no use crying overspilled milk.” That means you should not get angrywhen something bad happens and cannot be changed.

People said my mother was “a good egg.” She wouldalways help anyone in need.

We never had to “walk on eggshells around her -- wedid not have to be careful about what we said or didbecause she never got angry at us.

She also told us “you have to break some eggs to makean omelet.” This means you have to do what isnecessary to move forward.

My mother believed you are what you eat” -- a gooddiet is important for good health. She would always giveus nutritious food. She liked serving us meat andpotatoes for dinner. “Meat and potatoes can also meanthe most important part of something. It describessomeone who likes simple things.

Here is another expression about meat: “one man’smeat is another man’s poison.” In other words, oneperson might like something very much while anotherperson might hate

 the same thing.


My father was also a good and honest person. Peoplesaid he was “the salt of the earth.” He would neverpour salt on a wound” -- or make someone feel worseabout something that was already a painful experience.

However, sometimes he told us a story that seemedbigger than life. So we had to “take it with a grain of salt” -- that is, we could not believe everything he told us.

My husband has a good job. He makes enough moneyto support our family. So we say “he brings home thebacon.”

He can cut the mustard” -- or do what is expected ofhim at work.

It is easy to find my husband in a crowd. He standsalmost two meters tall. He is “a tall drink of water.”

I take the train to work. It is not a pleasant ride becausethe train can be full of people. It is so crowded that we are “packed like sardines” -- just like small fish in a can.

My supervisor at work is sometimes “out to lunch.” She is out of touch and does not always know what is goingon in our office. Yet she is right about one thing: “thereis no such thing as a free lunch” -- something mayappear to be free of charge, but there may be a hiddencost.

When we fail to see problems at work, my supervisor tells us to “wake up andsmell the coffee” -- we need to pay more attention and fix the problem.

I once made a big mistake at the office and felt foolish. I had “egg on my face.”

Over the weekend, my friend invited me to watch afootball game on television. But I do not like football. It is “not my cup of tea.”

We hope this program has given you food for thought” -- that is, something to think about.

​This program was written by Shelley Gollust. I’m Faith Lapidus.

You can find more Words and Their Stories at our websitevoaspecialenglish.com


Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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Words and Their Stories.Dressed to Kill


Среда, 03 Декабря 2014 г. 17:30 + в цитатник
December 03, 2014 14:28 UTC

Words and Their Stories

Dressed to Kill

Models present creations by Belgian designer Raf Simons as part of his Haute Couture Fall Winter 2013/2014 fashion collection for French fashion house Christian Dior in Paris July 1, 2013.  REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes  (FRANCE - Tags: FASHION) - RTX118U6
Models present creations by Belgian designer Raf Simons as part of his Haute Couture Fall Winter 2013/2014 fashion collection for French fashion house Christian Dior in Paris July 1, 2013. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes (FRANCE - Tags: FASHION) - RTX118U6

Now, the VOA Special English program, Words andTheir Stories.

Have you ever considered all the English expressionsthat include words about clothes? Let’s see if I canname a few off the cuff -- or without any preparation.
People wear pants to cover the lower part of theirbodies. We sometimes say that people who arerestless or nervous have ants in their pants. 
They mightalso fly by the seat of their pants. They use their naturalsense to do something instead of their 
learnedknowledge. Sometimes, people may get caught withtheir pants down. 
They are found doing something theyshould not be doing. And, in every family, one person takes control.Sometimes a wife tells her husband what to do. 
Then we say she wears thepants in the family.

Pants usually have pockets to hold things. Money that is likely to be spentquickly can burn a hole in your pocket. Sometimes you need a belt to hold 
upyour pants. If you have less money than usual, you may have to tighten yourbelt.
 You may have to live on less money and spend your money carefully. Butonce you have succeeded in budgeting your money, you will have that skillunder
 your belt.

I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much. Ireally take my hat off to them. Yet, when it comes to my own money, I spend it at the drop of a hat -- immediately, without waiting. And sadly, you cannot pullmoney out of a hat. You cannot get money by inventing or imagining it.

Boots are a heavy or strong kind of shoes. People who are too big for theirboots think they are
 more important than they really are. I dislike such people. Ireally do. You can bet your boots on that. Yet, truly important people are hardto replace. Rarely can you fill their shoes 
or replace them with someoneequally effective.
My father is an important person. He runs a big company. He wears a suit andtie and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms. Some people who do notknow him well think he is too firm and severe. They think he is a real stuffedshirt. But I know that my father wears his heart on his sleeve. He shows hisfeelings openly. And, he knows how to keep his shirt on. He stays calm andnever gets angry or too excited.
Also, my father has never lost his shirt in a business deal. He is too smart tolose all or most of his money. This is because my father rolls up his sleevesand prepares to work hard. He often has a special plan or answer to aproblem that he can use if he needs it. He is like a person who does magictricks. We say he has a card up his sleeve.

This VOA Special English program Words and Their Stories
Рубрики:  English on the Forum/Voice of America.Words and Their Stories
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

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