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english-easy.Levels of language proficiency

, 22 2014 . 17:16 +

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Levels of language proficiency
There are several levels of proficiency in a foreign language. Very often, these levels indicate in the summary. Write a "basic" knowledge or "know fluently", "own to perfection."
In contrast to the above classification, there is a more precise classification of levels of language proficiency. You probably have heard about such concepts as Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate and so on, but - not all and not always explain the meaning of these mysterious words. Let's try to understand. And So:
Beginner - this is the first, the initial level. Command of the language at this level should be able to tell in a foreign language about yourself and learn everyday communication.
Elementary - this level can be called a basic or elementary. People should be able to read fluently foreign text, and, thus, to avoid mistakes in the pronunciation of words. He also needs to know the basic grammatical structures.
Pre-intermediate. At this level of knowledge of foreign languages should quickly capture the meaning of the text by ear.
Intermediate. In the exam TOEFL - 400-550. At this level, a person must be able to competently communicate on everyday topics. He must know all the forms of verbs, vocabulary should be deep. A person with this level may correspond and communicate with foreigners, conduct business conference.
Upper-intermediate. In the exam TOEFL - 550-600. Speak the language at this level, people can discuss any topic completely. He can listen to foreign radio or watch foreign TV shows, and will understand what is at stake. A relatively high level of foreign language.
Advanced. The test TOEFL - 600-650. This is the highest level. It person should be able to talk about anything in a foreign language. Foreign language becomes almost native.
And what level of language skills do you have?

Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar99.php#ixzz3MItO2v9U

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www.english-easy ,How to learn quickly and competently to speak English?

, 17 2014 . 11:02 +


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How to learn quickly and competently to speak English?
There is a common myth that the large vocabulary will have been studied, the faster and easier it will be able to communicate in a foreign language. Practice shows that this is not true. On the contrary, in the early stages of language learning, memorization too many foreign words only will confuse and take a lot of time spent in vain.
It is proved that for an ordinary everyday conversation requires only a small number of words. Which is the amount depends on the individual. In order to determine how many words you need, do a little experiment. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns. Each column are titled as follows:
• verbs
• nouns
• adjectives.
Then write down all the words that first come to mind in the appropriate columns. Contact for 5 minutes without stopping. In the end, you get the vocabulary that you need in everyday life, not the one that you impose "smart" book. In the end, you will just translate all the words you have written in English (with a dictionary) and memorize. The effectiveness of this method is that you do not have to memorize what you are unlikely to ever be used in everyday conversation. Clog your brain that you are not useful, at least in the short term, it makes no sense.
Of course, the ideal way to develop a live conversation would be direct communication with native speakers, at worst with the person who owns it to perfection. However, this is often not possible. But even if you are very lucky, and you will find yourself in the language environment, to your dismay, from the fact that you do not understand the meaning of a single word, not the end. Furthermore in your head will not come even the most basic phrases! But do not despair! This is normal!
Your brain must undergo a period of adaptation and learn from all this unintelligible gundosyaschey and nasal mass sounds distinguish between words. In this regard, it may be useful record of the English language, especially live situational dialogues. They not only help your brain to get used to the foreign language, but also will be a great help in memorizing useful phrases by ear.
Considering the continued employment of a business person, it is important to be able to quickly master the basic skills of English speech, without delving deeply into the grammatical background. However, it is important to remember that the basic knowledge of grammar is still required for the formation of organic and natural speech. Therefore, do not neglect the brief but useful overview of the main grammatical rules to prevent the appearance of fine on your mind, but rough for a native speaker errors.

Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar228.php



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www.english-easy .What prevents us well to learn ...

, 13 2014 . 18:28 +

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What prevents us well to learn ...
It is obvious that for each person important task is to determine the conditions under which it would operate more efficiently.
Remember the parable of how citizen Ruban tree with a blunt ax. So, this process, as you know, lasted a little longer than if it was used a sharp ax. Passer-by noticed that the woodcutter was very tired from a rather long felling a tree, but the latter did not even think to fall. Then a passerby asked ax. After the inspection, he said Woodman: "Hey guy, but this is your very blunt ax! Imprison him! So you cut down a tree much faster!"
What woodcutter replied, "I do not have time to sharpen the ax, as I still need to cut down ten trees"
Precisely in order to not be like this character, and it is necessary, as has been said, to identify some of the factors of effective work, or in other words "pre-sharpen your ax," so as not to waste time.
Also, it is important to find your own way of learning that will be most effective for you, as normal for one person may be the fact that for the other - is absolutely unacceptable.
For example: I to something quickly learn, you need to be in almost complete silence, but I know several people who teach something, accompanied by a rather loud music ...
The following list - a generalization of the most common problems that arise during training. Some may be familiar to you, and some - not. In any case, here are the recommendations to correct them.
Education with friends
Explanation: If you are learning something, being in a group of more than three people, often, this process is accompanied with jokes, jokes, and so different. D. Because of this, can significantly degrade the quality of teaching (since you will be distracted by the object of activity )
Possible Solution: Find yourself only one friend who will just focus on getting knowledge (if you prefer to group training). Otherwise - say "no" when someone offers you learn together.
A lot of music
Explanation: The Sound and music can affect the brain's ability to absorb new information. They can also distract you from the material you are studying. The exception to this rule - a situation where what you learn is the words of the song you're listening to.
Possible Solution: If you like to listen to music while studying, get a certain type of music without words (usually - the classics) that you like to be, and do not change it. If a piece of music that you listen to, there are no words, in this case, it will be easier to focus on the words you are reading.
. Lack of comfort
Explanation: If you have an uncomfortable chair, a table, a chair, you are hot or cold, and so on. D. - Then you can not normally learn what you want.
Possible Solution: Try to other places, as long as you find most convenient for themselves. This can be a library, your room, back yard (if you live in a private house) and others. Find what suits you and stay there until you learn what's going.
Work in bed
Explanation: Although it is quite convenient, you may want to sleep instead of learning something.
Possible Solution: Sit down at the table instead of a bed. Do not teach anything in bed late at night, because you want to sleep.
Performing multiple actions simultaneously
Explanation: Many are able to do multiple things. This can be effective when it comes to for example, work at home. However, when it comes to learning, you can not absorb as much of the material as if it were focused on one task.
Possible Solution: When you want to learn something important, stop for a while to do something else.
Education in transport
Explanation: Many read in trams, taxis, buses, when sent to work or school. In such circumstances, it is best to repeat something, but did not actively teach.
Possible Solution: Use the time, which is held in the transport for repetition, reminders, review, rehearsals and so. D. Do not use this time to get new information.

Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar2.php

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Subscribe.Ru. #252

, 11 2014 . 11:53 +

A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter. "What are you doing?" she asked.
"Hunting flies," he responded.
"Oh... Killed any?" she asked.
"Yep, three males, two females," he replied.
Intrigued, she asked, "How can you tell?"
He responded, "Three were on a beer can, two were on the phone".

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www.english-easy .5 useful expressions to complain in English politely - Advance English lesson

, 10 2014 . 10:08 +

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www.english-easy .Window on Britain. 2-1

, 09 2014 . 20:49 +



Window on Britain. 2-1





Welcome to Window on Britain 2. 
In this programme we're going to look at some important areas of British life.
We're going to find out what the British do on holiday; what kinds of animals are common in Britain; what people watch and read; and what they do in their free time. 
We're also going to look at the environment, health, and law and order.




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www.english-easy . Window on Britain. 1-35

, 09 2014 . 20:06 +













































Window on Britain. 1-35

What can you do when the shops and museums are closed? 
Well, there are restaurants, discos, pubs and clubs.
London has over one hundred and thirty cinemas and more than sixty theatres.
The first performance of this play, ‘The Mousetrap' by Agatha Christie, was in I952. 
And yes, at this London theatre they are still performing the same play. 
It’s a world record.
But London isn’t all rush, rush, rush.




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There are some wonderful parks - like Hyde Park, Regent’s Park and St
James’s Park - where you can walk, jog, have a picnic, or just relax and get away from the noise.
So you see, there’s lots to do in London. 
You can always have a good time. 
Dr Johnson, a famous English writer, once said, "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”
Well, I’m not tired of London.

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www.english-easy.Movies c subtitles and English learning

, 09 2014 . 18:26 +

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Movies c subtitles and English learning
Looking through the exciting new film, not everyone thinks that viewing can also bring many benefits. For example, through the story, you can learn the sights of the city in which the action takes place, some words from the language that was originally filmed etc.
Besides conventional films - duplicated or translated into Russian with the background muted accompaniment in the original language, there are also so-called movies with subtitles, which are films in the original language or in Russian films, the show is accompanied by an English or Russian text at the bottom screen. Such films has long been successfully used in the study of English.
Hearing the conversation of actors in the film with subtitles, it is sometimes quite difficult to make out some words and phrases, as it is very rhythmic. Words coalesce into an incredibly fast phrases and the human ear is often not able to immediately adapt to the new language. It was at this moment, to help the viewer come subtitles. Thanks to them, we can understand not only individual words but whole meaning dialogues.
To learning English by watching movies with subtitles not become commonplace (exactly the same, which for many is watching television), you need a variety of genres of films viewed.
Learning English described method has several advantages. One of them is the fact that in most films the actors are talking to on the present spoken language. That is - viewing a film student will be familiar with it "living" language, not adapted phrase book.
Another advantage - it's interesting to view the films, which serves as a stimulus to language learning. That is - in contrast to other sources of information, fun to watch movies a lot of people. Movies with subtitles are just the fact that combines "with pleasure."
There are a few guidelines to follow that can make watching a movie more efficient in terms of English language teaching:
1. The first - when you first view it is necessary to try to make sense of dialogue and not to pay attention to some details. Deal with unintelligible phrases and words better during subsequent viewings - it will be possible to stop the movie at each unintelligible phrase and translate it with a dictionary.
2. Secondly, the - again, when you have several times watching movies, you can try to repeat aloud the words and phrases after actors. This exercise will not only contribute to the development of correct pronunciation, but turnovers and memorization of words.
3. Third - you need to watch movies on a regular basis (as, indeed, any other action related to training).
One of the benefits of learning English through films with subtitles - this is what you get used to automatically understand the English language (if necessary, looking at the title). Therefore, when you begin to view any reel in English without subtitles - you'll understand it faster than if it is done without such preparation.
As you know - on the Internet, you can find an incredible array of new films, which translated into Russian one is going, and so, the more they sell in our markets. Learn English, you can buy any movie without translation and translate it yourself when viewing. In addition, at independent translation of foreign films, you can find lots of important details, or to prevent missed translators in translating norms of censorship.
Watching movies with subtitles, you will not only learn a lot of new words, but also learn to give them emotional color, characteristic of the speech of foreigners. However, we should not forget that the quality of your spoken English will depend entirely on you. The more serious you are inquisitive and will approach the matter, the more you will achieve a positive effect.

Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar11.php

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www.english-easy .Why "now" to learn the language easier than "once"?

, 09 2014 . 16:58 +

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Why "now" to learn the language easier than "once"?
In the former Soviet Union, the teaching of foreign languages, especially English, as the most common, based on the fact that after fifteen years of studying people could read and write with a dictionary, but in no way could talk. This was done specifically to Soviet citizens could not hear on the radio "Voice accursed." But today things have changed, and spoken English as the language of international communication has become a must.
We have to admit that the English language is required for many today and for many reasons. First of all, English is published practically all technical literature and not just her. In medicine, biology, geography and English became the main language of the published scientific journals respective profiles. In addition, virtually all of the instructions are written in the same language. And because we want it or not, and have to learn English.
As already mentioned, the study of English in school and college was conducted improperly and not for the procedure. Rather than teach pupils and students to speak correctly in English, to communicate with foreigners, teachers were forced to cram grammar which gave nothing without practice, without live communication. And it turned out that after fifteen years of teaching English language remained the same impregnable fortress, as at the beginning of training. On the same principle based and all English textbooks, memorizing grammar rules instead of live conversation and socializing with people. Those few who could teach English in private, by immersion in the atmosphere of the language, possessed him fairly quickly and at a good level.
With the beginning of perestroika in the former USSR and the language began booming. People were not only go to other countries for permanent residence, but also significantly more likely and easier to travel abroad on various occasions. Everywhere were set up special centers for the study of English clubs, groups. It should be recognized that not all these formations were of good quality, but minimal knowledge they still gave. Thus, for a short period of time, English became one of the subjects of the business. Techniques have been developed for the early study, designed for different levels of language acquisition. Of course, not all of them were successful, but many techniques have yielded results.
The most interesting and promising, this technique was recognized when the English language was studied by the method of communication between the game itself. This technique is based on the same principle as that of language learning children. Children learn English, and any other easily, effortlessly, without expending much effort. Many centers, schools, groups began to operate in the same manner, and very successfully. Now adults can learn English quickly and effectively enough. At the same time, game language teaching methods, combined with the ability to dive into the language, gives very good results. Experts say that so learned English, firmly embedded in the consciousness of people, helping them to quickly learn the language in an unfamiliar environment and communicate almost freely.
Thus, we can say that the system of teaching English has evolved from ineffective in modern society "nerazgovornoy" shape to a more acceptable "conversational" view. And in the choice of particular courses, techniques or training materials should take account of their historical context: whether they are oriented on the modern "age of progress," or are recycled remnants of the past. And simply put, you need to choose something, and then you will be able to speak in English.

Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar235.php

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www.english-easy Teacher of English at home. How to choose?.

, 09 2014 . 16:43 +

Teacher of English at home. How to choose?

Success consists of your desire and a good teacher.

Why for a full study of the English language alone is not enough strong desire? Professionals in the field of language teaching answer this question because that foreign language is not only reading and translation, it is also conducting a full conversation, as they say now, in real time, and not with the dictionary. That is, you must not only know all the rules and structures for constructing sentences and phrases, but also to be able to recite it to the phonetics and in combination with the meaning, which made from native speakers.

Private English teachers are needed not only to the disciples knew all the rules of grammar and had a large vocabulary. The real challenge that faces the educator is to teach you to intuitively understand this strange language to us. This is the level of free conversation, when to voice their thoughts do not need to frantically to remember the rules.

Teacher of English at home as opposed to those who lead group sessions, can afford to speed up or slow down the pace of the study of a topic. It is up to the student, understand - Secure - went further, if you have questions, then stay at this place more.

For success in English is certainly a success for the rest.

Today's life is that the English language - is the key to your career and personal growth. In order to be sure of your level of English, you must make sure that the selected teacher has all the necessary knowledge. English Teacher at home should have a relevant academic degree (philological or pedagogical). To many educators imposed more stringent requirements, for example, requires a certificate of various internships and seminars in English-speaking countries. Thus, you can deliberately sift the formation of teachers who hold only the "old" methods (eg, continuous memorizing dialogues) and have not "refreshed" its vocabulary.

Those private English language teachers who, after a rigorous selection process will work with you, do not waste your time in vain. Training will be conducted not only for the benefit, but would not torment for you. In the arsenal of such teachers all the modern techniques used the complete set of multimedia training materials, so you do not have to get bored.


Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar229.php#ixzz3IZvOHbmh

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www.english-easy.How to stop being afraid to speak English?

, 23 2014 . 21:58 +



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How to stop being afraid to speak English?
The only way to overcome the fear of speaking in a foreign language - to start talking to him.
Yes, say you need as much as possible and as often as possible, no matter how complex the requirement for you may seem. Only in this way you will be able to overcome this a "language barrier" and conversation.
In this regard, there are many examples from other areas - the same Carnegie before becoming a great orator, a clock made ​​speeches before the cows in the barn.
Another example - a single traveler (can not remember his name) in the course of his travels to different countries, studied languages ​​in passing the inhabitants of those countries.
The process of learning was that he was trying to speak their language without knowing absolutely no rules of pronunciation or grammar - he said, as it turned out - it always gets better.
Of course, at first, his level of ability to communicate in any language was low, however, he constantly improved his speech, taught new words, etc. What has all this he did not stop to chat with the media.
You can immediately be thought that he had the opportunity to communicate with native, as he - a traveler, but you have no such possibility, because you do not so often go abroad (if not check out).
But, in order to "talk" does not necessarily have to go abroad.
To start, though, would try to communicate with the tutor - just be forewarned your teacher what you want it "talk", and not to teach grammar (unless of course you wish to do that).
Soon be ready to make mistakes - if you want to learn to speak quickly - it is necessary to find a compromise between speed and error free.
That is - either you choose the option, in which you'll be twenty minutes of silent, choosing the right words and trying to account for all the grammar rules, in this case - the likelihood is high that you say everything is absolutely correct.
Either you choose the option that will seek to speak at a reasonable rate, but with some errors.
In my opinion, it is better to choose option number 2 (especially given the fact that studies with repititorom paid depending on the length).
Your teacher will correct you, you will ask again its how you say a particular word - but you'll really say!
Of course, it's all right, if you have at least some knowledge of grammar and at-least minimum vocabulary (I would not advise to do so, as a traveler, which I mentioned above - when he spoke without knowing the rules or words ).
When you "talk" communicating with "our" man (in the sense of - for which Russian is the mother tongue) - you can begin to communicate with the living aliens.
In every large city there are special clubs to communicate with foreigners in English. Also - you can ask for the opportunity to talk to a foreigner from your teacher - it will likely be able to help you in this matter. In addition, one of the most convenient ways to communicate with foreigners is, of course, Skype.
It is clear that you do not need to specifically look for someone who knows where to hang out with him - a search for "friends in communication" there are special sites. For example, one such site is the site
Among other features, on this site you can search for those "friends" who are willing to talk on Skype (for more details about this program can be found at
To find these friends, you need to take advantage of the search box, which has a lot of parameters, for example - you can choose the country and language of the interlocutor that a person learns and which he owns.
In general - it does not matter with whom, and how you will communicate - the most important thing that you need to understand - is that the only way to stop being afraid to speak a foreign language - to speak it.

Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar32.php

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www.english-easy.How to learn to understand the English language?

, 20 2014 . 21:07 +


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How to learn to understand the English language?

Development of the ability to understand spoken English - is one of the biggest challenges for those who are learning English.

The difficulty is that there are no clear rules, such as in grammar.

One of the biggest obstacles for those who study English, is "mental stupor." While listening, the man suddenly notices that he did not understand much of what was said. Because of this, some convince themselves that they are not able to have hearing English sufficiently.

Improve the ability to understand spoken English can the realization that a lack of understanding - this is normal. It all depends on the ability to listen, which is developed to varying degrees in different people.

Another important point, which is directly related to the development of the ability to understand the English language - it's what you need to listen to audio as often as possible, but short periods.

Can result in the following analogy: Imagine that you want to lose weight and decide to go jogging.

On the first day you sobiraetets run 6 miles. Unless you are no longer involved in sports - you are unlikely to run through the 6 kilometers. If you are still forced myself to run this distance, ignoring the well-being - is fairly high probability that the next day you do not go out for a run at all.

In order to develop the stamina (or reduce the weight), it is necessary to begin to run short distances. Gradually increasing the distance, you ensure that you can not just run a distance of 6 km, but a marathon.

The same applies to the development of the ability to understand spoken English. Use the same gradual approach to listening to radio, audio books, audio lectures, etc. Listen not for 2 hours, and short periods - from 5 to 10 minutes.

Follow these short listening 4-5 times a week - even if you still do not understand that - 5-10 minutes - the minimum required investment.

To make this approach work, you should not expect to improve their ability to understand spoken English in a very short time. The brain is able to do amazing things if given at this time. you have to have patience to see the result. If you continue to do such a short listening for two to three months, your ability to understand spoken English will improve markedly.

If you have already started to regularly listen to the English language and you displeased that you do not understand a lot - here are some tips that will be useful for you:

accept the fact that you do not need to understand all

do not translate what you hear into Russian

seek to understand the basic idea that listening, do not focus on the individual parts.

It is necessary to say a few words about why it is important not to translate what you hear.

If you transfer in mind that heard from a friend (if you are talking with someone, and not listening to a record) - this leads to a barrier between you and another person, because you spend time trying to translate the words you do not understand, and at this time you are not listening to what you say (you can not tell the other person: "Wait, do not tell me until I translate what you say").

That is why, to a mental translation is not become a habit, you must try to understand Heard without taking it even when you are listening to an audio recording.

Another important point - most people repeat what they said - not in the same words, and restating the same idea in other words, so even if you missed something (when dealing with a real person), - very often from further monologue person can understand what was discussed earlier.

Finally - a few useful tips related to the development of the ability to understand the English language:

It is necessary to listen to the record that you are interested in
Probably the biggest advantage of using the Internet to develop the ability to understand speech in a foreign language is that you can choose what you want to hear and how much time you want to do it. Besides - if you will listen to what you wondering - the likelihood is high that you listening to the recording, fill up your vocabulary a lot more words than if you listen to audio that you are not very interesting.

While listening to a recording or during communication in English, pay attention to keywords.
For example - if you are in the Russian language will hear the words: "too late", "work", "accent", it is easy to guess that explains that someone was late for work and received a reprimand. Similarly, in the English language - to set certain keywords, you can find out what was going on, even if you do not understand the other words.

Pay attention to the context
If you hear an unfamiliar word, from the context it is often possible to understand what it means. Examples, I think, do not need to lead.

Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar31.php

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www.english-easy .Ex Poser.

, 20 2014 . 14:01 +


What will happen when David tries out Boffin's lie detector at school? Sometimes, the truth can be a little too close for comfort.




Ex Poser

by Paul Jennings


There are two rich kids in our form. Sandra Morris and Ben Fox. They are both snobs. They think they are too good for the rest of us. Their parents have big cars and big houses. Both of them are quiet. They keep to themselves. I guess they don't want to mix with the ruffians like me.
Ben Fox always wears expensive gym shoes and the latest fashions. He thinks he is good-looking with his blue eyes and blond hair. He is a real poser.
Sandra Morris is the same. And she knows it. Blue eyes and blonde hair too. Skin like silk. Why do some kids get the best of everything?
Me, I landed pimples. I've used everything I can on them. But still they bud and grow and burst. Just when you don't want them to. It's not fair.
Anyway, today I have the chance to even things up. Boffin is bringing along his latest invention – a lie detector. Sandra Morris is the victim. She agreed to try it out because everyone knows that she would never tell a lie. What she doesn't know is that Boffin and I are going to ask her some very embarrassing questions.
Boffin is a brain. His inventions always work. He is smarter than the teachers. Everyone knows that. And now he has brought along his latest effort. A lie detector.
He tapes two wires to Sandra's arm. 'It doesn't hurt,' he says. 'But it is deadly accurate.' He switches on the machine and a little needle swings into the middle of the dial. 'Here's a trial question,' he says. 'Are you a girl?'
Sandra nods.
'You have to say yes or no,' he says. 'Yes,' replies Sandra. The needle swings over to TRUTH. Maybe this thing really works. Boffin gives a big grin.
'This time tell a lie,' says Boffin. 'Are you a girl?' he asks again.
Sandra smiles with that lovely smile of hers. 'No,' she says. A little laugh goes up but then all the kids in the room gasp. The needle points to LIE. This lie detector is a terrific invention!
'OK,' says Boffin. 'You only have seven questions, David. The batteries will go flat after another seven questions.' He sits down behind his machine and twiddles the knobs.
This is going to be fun. I am going to find out a little bit about Sandra Morris and Ben Fox. It's going to be very interesting. Very interesting indeed.
I ask my first question. 'Have you ever kissed Ben Fox?'
Sandra goes red. Ben Fox goes red. I have got them this time. I am sure they have something going between them. I will expose them.
'No,' says Sandra. Everyone cranes their neck to see what the lie detector says. The needle points to TRUTH.
This is not what I expected. And I only have six questions left. I can't let her off the hook. I am going to expose them both.
'Have you ever held his hand?'
Again she says, 'No.' And the needle says TRUTH. I am starting to feel guilty. Why am I doing this?
I try another tack. 'Are you in love?' I ask.
A red flush starts to crawl up her neck. I am feeling really mean now. Fox is blushing like a sunset.
‘Yes,' she says. The needle points to TRUTH.
I shouldn't have let the kids talk me into doing this. I decide to put Sandra and Ben out of their agony. I won't actually name him. I'll spare her that. 'Is he in this room?' I say.
She looks at the red Ben Fox. 'Yes,' she says. The needle points to TRUTH.
'Has he got blue eyes?' I ask.
'No,' she says.
'Brown?' I say.
'No,' she says again.
I don't know what to say next. I look at each kid in the class very carefully. Ben Fox has blue eyes. I was sure that she loved him.
'This thing doesn't work,' I say to Boffin. 'I can't see one kid who doesn't have either blue eyes or brown eyes.'
'We can,' says Boffin. They are all looking at me.
I can feel my face turning red now. I wish I could sink through the floor but I get on with my last question. 'Is he an idiot?' I ask.
Sandra is very embarrassed. 'Yes,' she says in a voice that is softer than a whisper. 'And he has green eyes.'

© Paul Jennings
Reprinted with the kind permission of the publishers Penguin Books (Australia)

This story was selected as part of the BritLit project. To find out more about BritLit visit our TeachingEnglish site.

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www.english-easy .Chain Reaction

, 20 2014 . 13:50 +


Would you like to go on a cruise? This short story is set on a cruise ship and has a very funny ending.




Chain Reaction

by Louise Cooper

Everyone was enjoying the cruise. The weather was warm and sunny, the sea was calm, and the passengers hadn't complained about anything, which was unusual. Even the chief engineer wasn't bad-tempered, which was very unusual.

Until, one morning, the ship suddenly stopped.

'What's going on?' roared the captain from the bridge. The jolt had spilled his morning coffee all over his uniform.

'Don't know, sir!' the third mate shouted back. 'But I think we've snagged our propeller on something!'

The chief engineer hastily shut down the engines (which did make him bad-tempered), and the trouble was investigated. The propeller was snagged, all right. An enormous chain was wrapped around it, and if the engineer had not acted so quickly the blades would have been mashed beyond repair.

'What idiot left a thundering great chain drifting around in the sea?' the captain growled.

'Don't know, sir,' the third mate said again, gloomily. 'But it's going to take some clearing.'

The captain sighed and looked around. It could have been worse, he supposed. The sea was dotted with small islands fringed by white beaches on which waves broke gently. The sun shone from a cloudless sky. If the purser organised a few deck games, then with any luck the crew could free the propeller before the passengers started grumbling.

They set to work, and by lunchtime they had untangled the propeller. But the captain was curious. The freed chain disappeared down into the sea, with no end in sight. Who on earth had put it there, and why? He wanted to find out, and another hour wouldn’t hurt.

'Haul it in,' he ordered the second mate (the third mate was off duty by now). 'Let's find out if it's attached to anything. If it isn't, I'll complain to the local coastguards—it's a hazard to shipping!'

The crew started to heave the chain aboard. It came easily enough, but there was a lot of it. Half an hour passed, and they were still hauling. Then suddenly the chain became harder to winch in.

'I think we're nearly there, sir!' the second mate panted.

The captain did not reply. He was staring at the nearest island. Strange… the beach looked much bigger than before. And the low cliffs weren't low any more, but seemed to have grown.'Sir!' bawled the second mate. 'Come and look at this!' The captain hurried to the winch. The crew had reached the end of the chain. Attached to it, bumping and clanging against the ship's side as it was heaved up, was a circular object about five metres across. The captain frowned. It reminded him of something. In fact he had a thing just like it, though much, much smaller, in the bath in his private cabin. It was…

A plug

He looked at the islands again. The beaches were getting bigger. The cliffs were getting higher. As if the sea level was dropping…

'Oops…' said the captain.

This story was selected as part of the BritLit project. To find out more about BritLit visit our TeachingEnglish site.        

- See more at: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now...-reaction#sthash.ajA9zxBZ.dpuf

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www.english-easy.The practice of English language on the Internet

, 20 2014 . 11:27 +

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English - just

Alphabet | Audiouroki | Tutorials | Grammar | Lyrics | Talking Dictionary | Translator | Topeka | Phrasebook

The practice of English language on the Internet

Can be quite a long time to fill up your vocabulary, learn the rules of the use of articles, acquainted with the system time of the English language, memorizing dozens of everyday phrases - but it will all be a waste of time if you are in the end, do not begin to apply this knowledge in practice.

Most likely you will agree that one of the most important stages of learning are just practical training, as it turns out in the course of communication, how successful or that your actions towards learning English.

Despite the fact that many people understand the important role of practice in learning English, they do not do this for the simple reason that they do not know how, where and with whom to do it.

Online there are many different opportunities for practical training in the English language. In this article I will talk about the most, in my opinion, interesting ones.

If you already have installed and configured ICQ Messenger, the next paragraph you read is not required. If not, then go to the address http://www.qip.ru/, to download the program QIP.

QIP - one of the most stable and comfortable ICQ-client. After installation, you must select the "New Account" and complete all of the instructions of the program. If there has been anything supernatural, then a couple of minutes on your computer will already be fully set up and ready for dialogue "ICQ".

Before you begin your search for foreign victims to talk, I will give you some tips.

Firstly - it is necessary to more fully and interesting opportunities to fill in the questionnaire in English. In connection with the advertising spam, it plays almost a key role in the decision of your potential interlocutor - to start communication with you or not.

Second - best buddies, choose from some close mentality and position us to countries like - Poland (it was full of English-speaking interlocutors), Czech Republic, Romania. Also fairly easy to find a pen pal from Asian countries. In my experience, that people from Western Europe meet and go to the contact is much more sluggish. You can spend a lot of time and effort to find, as long as you someone replies.

On the Internet there are many sites for places pen pals - pen-pal friends. I want to tell you about a very good resource that has some pretty significant advantages over the others: http://www.cyberfriends.com/ - kiberdruzey site.

What is so interesting to this site? Here you will have no shortage of communication - for example, sometimes users ICQ.

Initially, you will be asked to register, - where the same without her. So, while I finished filling out a registration form on my virtual box came two letters from those who want to communicate.

My check-in takes place during one of the actions of bringing democracy to the Middle East United States of America, and I added my profile quite peaceful playful fetish - "I hate the USA".

I did it all night, then calmly went to sleep - in the morning to check their email on this site, was able to observe there about fifty letters from Americans to the question relating to this fad - "Why, I do not love their country?".

I had to explain that this phrase does not refer in any way to the people of this country, and focused on the actions of their government's foreign policy. So I bought a several friends with whom I correspond to this day.

The site is very good classification system power mixer. For your every action you get points. For example, for the creation of new forum site creators give 25 points for a new post in the topic already created - 10, and for the message to another user of the resource you become the owner of only one point. All of these points are summarized, and users are classified in the overall ranking of the site.

Source: http://www.english-easy.info/articles/ar30.php

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