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1.английский язык.2. полиглотство.3. живое человеч


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www.esl-lab.com. A University Degree


Пятница, 16 Мая 2014 г. 11:31 + в цитатник



A University Degree


A University Degree




II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]


[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]


Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?

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Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

www.esl-lab.com .A Free Cell Phone!


Пятница, 16 Мая 2014 г. 14:50 + в цитатник




A Free Cell Phone!


A Free Cell Phone!




II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]


[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]

Читать далее...
Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

www.esl-lab.com .Enjoying the Zoo


Суббота, 17 Мая 2014 г. 13:38 + в цитатник





Enjoying the Zoo


II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]


[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]


Father: Mikey. Time for bed [Why?] Why? It's getting dark out. Well, do you want to talk before you go to bed? [Yeah] Uh, what do you want to talk about?

Boy: Um, the zoo.

Father: The zoo? Oh, that was so fun when we went to the zoo. What did you like best about the zoo?

Boy: Um, the porcupines.

Читать далее...
Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

http://www.esl-lab.com/General Listening Quizzes


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 11:36 + в цитатник



General Listening Quizzes
[ Listen to Everyday Conversations with Adult and Children's Voices ]

Answering Machine
A Day at School
Apartments for Rent
Bookstore Shopping
Camping Under the Stars
Christmas is Coming!
Clothing Styles
Business Communications
College Life
Daily Schedule
DVD Movie Rentals
Eye Glasses for You
A Fun Day
Family Activities
Family Relationships
First Date
Getting Around Tokyo
Good Old Blues
Hamburger Restaurant
Happy Birthday!
Heavenly Pies Restaurant
Holiday Traditions
Homestay in the USA
Hotel Reservations
Immigration and Customs
Lost in the Crowd
Meeting Singles
Nice to Meet You
Party Invitations
Party Time!
Phone Message
Picnic Preparations
Private Language Tutor
Reading Time
Rental Shop (Version B)
Shopping for the Day
Sightseeing in Town
Snack Time
So, what's the matter?
Social Media Web Sites
Spending Money
Tell me about yourself
Train Tickets
Travel Arrangements
Travel on Sky Airlines
What a Busy Day!
Where are you from?
A Student Credit Card
A Healthy Lifestyle
A Hiking Family
A Story to Remember
Airline Safety
Back to School Supplies
Baking Cookies
Breakfast Recipes
Budget Hotel Rooms
Bus Trip
Car Rental
Career Search
College Majors
College Roommates
College Scholarships
College Textbooks
Computer Sales
Dinner Time
Driver's License
Emergency Call
Exercise Program
English Language Center
Great Apartment Living
Grocery Shopping
Haven't We Met Before?
Japanese Public Bath
Just a Haircut, Please!
Leisure Activities
Medical Advice
New York Travel
Our Family Roots
Personal Security
Pizza Delivery
Radio Advertising
Running Shoes
Saturday's Chores
Show Times
Smart Phones
Snacks and Candy
Street Market
Taxi Ride (Medium)
Traffic Ticket
TV Guide
Vacation Plans
Weekly Activities
World Cup Soccer
World of Computers

72-Hour Emergency Kit
A Free Cell Phone!
A Great Car Deal
A University Degree
ABCs of Money Matters
Adsense: Making Money
Alcoholics Anonymous
Cancer Treatment
Car Accident
Car Repairs
Dating Woes
Divorce Lawyers
Driving Road Test
Enjoying the Zoo
Easy Pet Care
Flower Shop
First Mountain Bank
Friday Night Mishaps
Friendly Dental Care
Funerals: Expressing Condolences
Furniture Store Ad
Gardening Show
Home Repairs
Home Security
Hotel Check-In
Housing Complaints
Hunting Trip
It's a Home Run!
Job Hunting
Landscaping Secrets
Movie Review
Personal Problems
Professional Babysitting
Refinancing Mortgage Loans
Rental Shop (Version A)
School Report
Security Systems
Store Returns
Summer Camp
Taxi Ride (Difficult)
The Ideal Woman
Towing Service
Trivia Game Show
Utah Travel Ad
Video Game Systems
Wedding Anniversary
Where's the movie theater?

Basic Listening Quizzes
[ Short Listening Activities for Beginning and Intermediate Students ]
Calendars and Dates
Conversation Starters
Directions Around Town (1)
Names: Meeting People
Shopping and Prices
Telling Time
Clothing and Fashion
Directions Around Town (2)
Family Relationships
Shopping Center
Bus Travel
Directions Around Town (3)
ESL Programs
Job Hunting - Quiz 1
Job Hunting - Quiz 2
Travel and Numbers


Listening Quizzes for Academic Purposes
[ Prepare for TOEFL/TOEIC Tests with These Lectures, Interviews, and Conversations ]
Arches National Park
Business Meeting
ESL Program Meeting
First Day of Class
Internet Access
Saving the Earth
The Four Seasons
Taped Library Tour
Tour of Kyoto, Japan
Airport Announcement
Bamboo Artifacts
Battle at the Front
Dream Team X
Exotic Animal Kingdom
Friday's Weather Forecast
I Love Trees
Lawsuit Settlement
News Report
Space Radio Theater
The Christmas Gift
The Japanese Economy
Very Difficult
A Greener World
A Rare Solar Eclipse
A Visitor from Space
Campaign Speech
Cosmetic Surgery
Learning Languages
Our Aging Society
Raising Successful Children
Traffic Report
Travel Log
World News Stories


20-Minute ESL Vocabulary Lessons
[ Click HERE to build your vocabulary and pronunciation of key vocabulary ]
Airplane Travel
Beauty Salons
Best Dating Ideas!
Car Rental
Renting Apartments
Restaurant Guide
Computers and the Internet
Education: Online Degrees
Train Travel
Dating and Marriage
Dental Care
Hotel Reservations
Movies and DVD Rentals
Renting Apartments

>>>>>>>>> MORE


Language Learning and Life Tips
[ Listen HERE to More Language and Life-skill Tips with Discussion Questions ]
iPod and MP3 Players
Student Health Insurance
Web Conferencing
Finding Friends on the Internet
Airplane Travel
Student Credit Cards
Free Email Accounts
Accent Reduction
Online University Degrees
Renting Apartments
Free Email Accounts
Voice and Text Chat
Online Movie Rentals



Long Conversations with RealVideo
[ Watch and Learn with these Interviews and Conversations ]
My Family Roots
Interview with Steve Ryan
Lecture on Culture Shock
Student Living
Guidelines for Investing
Gardening Secrets
Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

www.esl-lab.com. Answering Machine


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 11:44 + в цитатник



II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the phone message again by pressing the Play button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



[Phone ringing . . .]

Bill: Hey, this is Bill. I'm sorry I'm not in. Just leave a message.


Hey Bill. This is Hank. I'm just calling to let you know that I'll be a little late to the game tomorrow night. I have to work a few extra hours to finish a report. I should wrap things up sometime between seven and eight though. Oh, then I'm planning on dropping by Lisa's house for about an hour since she's been sick recently. And, uh, one more thing. I'll swing by my house to pick up some food for the game. See you then.




Key Vocabulary [Top]

Listen to the key vocabulary and sample sentences:

  • wrap up (phrasal verb): to finish
    - We need to wrap up this project by the end of the day.


  • drop by (phrasal verb): to visit
    - Please drop by my place on your way home from work.


  • swing by (phrasal verb): drop by, stop by
    - I need to swing by the store and pick up some food for dinner.
Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

www.esl-lab.com .A Student Credit Card


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 12:18 + в цитатник


A Student Credit Card



Listening Exercises

Student credit cards are becoming popular. Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Man: Hi, Sis. I just came over to drop off the DVDs you wanted, and . . . Hey, wow!? Where did you get all of this stuff?

Woman: I bought it. So, what do you think of my new entertainment center? And the widescreen TV . . .

Man: Bought it?

Woman: . . . and my new DVD player. Here, let me show you my stereo. You can really rock the house with this one.

Man: But where did you get the dough to buy all this? You didn't borrow money from mom and dad again, did you?

Woman: Of course not. I got it with this!

Man: This? Let me see that . . . Have you been using Dad's credit card again?

Woman: No, silly. It's mine. It's student credit card.

Man: A student credit card? How in the world did you get one of these?

Woman: I got an application in the mail.

Man: Well, why did you get one in the first place?

Woman: Listen. Times are changing, and having a credit card helps you build a credit rating, control spending, and even buy things that you can't pay with cash . . . like the plane ticket I got recently.

Man: What plane ticket?

Woman: Oh yeah, my roommate and I are going to Hawaii over the school break, and course, I needed some new clothes for that so . . .

Man: I don't want to hear it. How does having a student credit card control spending? It sounds you've spent yourself in a hole. Anyway, student credit cards just lead to impulse spending . . . as I can see here. And the interest rates of student credit cards are usually sky-high, and if you miss a payment, the rates, well, just jump!

Woman: Ah. The credit card has a credit limit . . .

Man: . . . of $20,000?

Woman: No, no quite that high. Anyway, . . .

Man: I've heard enough.

Woman: Did I tell you we now get digital cable with over 100 channels? Oh, and here's your birthday present. A new MP3 player . . .

Man: Yeah. Oh, don't tell me. Charged on the credit card. Listen. Hey, I don't think having a student credit card is a bad idea, but this is ridiculous. And how in the world are you going to pay off your credit card bill?

Woman: Um, with my birthday money? It's coming up in a week.

Man: Hey, let's sit down and talk about how you're going to pay things back, and maybe we can come up with a budget that will help you get out of this mess. That's the least I can do.




Key Vocabulary [Top]

Listen to the key vocabulary and sample sentences:


  • stuff (noun): miscellaneous items
    - His room is filled with stuff he bought on his credit card.


  • dough (noun): informal for money
    - He didn't have enough dough to buy the TV, so he borrowed money from his brother.


  • in the world: used to emphasize something you say
    - Why in the world would you buy an expensive TV if you didn't have enough money?


  • rating (noun): a measure to show how good something is
    - You should look over the ratings for MP3 players before you buy one.


  • over (preposition): during
    - You shouldn't travel over the weekend because the weather is expected to be terrible.


  • spend yourself in a hole (idiom): spend too much that leads to heavy debt
    - Some people spend themselves in a hole because they can't control their shopping habits.


  • impulse (noun): a sudden desire
    - You can let your impulses to buy stuff get in the way of good common sense and judgement.


  • sky-high (adjective): very expensive
    - Prices for houses in this area are sky-high, so I'm going to look for an apartment for the time being.


  • ridiculous (adjective): absurd, silly, without good reason
    - Spending more money than you earn is ridiculous and can lead you to major financial problems.


  • pay back (phrasal verb): return money you owe
    - Could you lend me $20 if I pay you back by the end of the week.



Vocabulary Activities [Top]

Now, do these exercises to review the vocabulary. Then, return back to the Post-Listening Exercise to use the vocabulary in real conversations. <<< [Why do these?]

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
Живое Человеческое Общение

www.esl-lab.com .72-Hour Emergency Kit


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 13:23 + в цитатник



72-Hour Emergency Kit



II. Listening Exercises
Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Lisa: Hi, Tim. So, are you doing some last-minute shopping before the weekend?

Tim: Well, actually, I'm looking for supplies to put together 72-hour kits for each member of my family.

Lisa: [A] 72-hour kit? What's that?

Tim: Basically, a 72-hour kit contains emergency supplies you would need to sustain yourself for three days in case of an emergency, like an earthquake.

Lisa: An earthquake?! We haven't had an earthquake in years.

Tim: Well, you never know; you have to be prepared. Hey, if earthquakes don't get you, it could be a flood, hurricane, snowstorm, power outage, fire, alien attack. [Alien attack!] Well, you never know. Think of any situation in which you might find yourself without the basic necessities of life, including shelter, food, and water, for over a period of time.

Lisa: Hum. So, what do you keep in a 42-hour, um, . . . I mean 72-kit?

Tim: Well, you should have enough food and water to last you three days, and you might want to pack a basic water filter or water purification tablets in case your only water source turns out to be a murky pool of bug-infested water. [Ugh!]

Hey, sometimes you don't have a choice, and as for food, you should keep it simple: food that requires no preparation and that doesn't spoil. And no canned goods because they are often too heavy and bulky. [Okay, that makes sense.] And unless you have a can opener or the can has a pull-tab lid, you'll have to use a rock or something to open them. [Ah, instant mashed green beens.] Yeah, and oh, energy bars, beef jerky, and a mix of nuts, raisins, and chocolate are possibilities.

Lisa: Huh, the food might be nasty, but I guess you could survive . . . barely.

Tim: Well, the food doesn't have to taste bad; just select things that are easy to prepare, and you might want to include some basic comfort foods like a couple of candy bars. Then, you have to decide on the type of shelter you might need.

Lisa: A hotel sounds nice.

Tim: Yeah, but that's really not an option. The reality is that you might have to evacuate to a shelter, possibly with hundreds or thousands of other people.

Lisa: That doesn't sound very fun . . . everyone packed together like sardines in a can. Unsanitary conditions. Disease.

Tim: Ah, now you're sounding paranoid, but if a shelter isn't available, you might be completely on your own, so I always pack an emergency sleeping bag or small, lightweight tent in the event that I have to survive on the street or in a park.

Lisa: Wow.

Tim: And among other things, you should pack a flashlight, portable radio, extra batteries, a small first-aid kit, personal items like a toothbrush or toothpaste . . . Having a change of clothing is also important.

Lisa: What about money? I have a credit card.

Tim: Right. Like that's going to help when the power is out. You'd better be prepared with coins and cash, and having small bills is a must.

Lisa: So, what do you do to communicate with other family members in case you get separated?

Tim: Oh, in that case? I always pack two-way radios to communicate with the group. You can never depend on cell phones. [Okay.] Plus, you should decide on a meeting point in case your family gets separated.

Lisa: Well, that sounds like a detailed plan, definitely.

Tim: Oh, that's not all. You never know what weather conditions you might encounter, so packing a rain poncho, a jacket, and something to start a fire with could be very useful.

Lisa: Like Matches?

Tim: Matches? (If) You drop those in a puddle of water, you're toast. You need to pack at least three forms of fire starter: a magnifying glass, a high-quality lighter, and waterproof matches.

Lisa: Wow. I never thought about those either. So, what do you do if you have small kids? They'd probably go stir-crazy under such conditions.

Tim: You're exactly right, so a little extra preparation for them is needed. If you have to evacuate to a shelter to wait out a disaster, kids soon will be bored out of their minds, so you have to pack small card games, paper, or something like pencils or crayons to draw with.

Lisa: You know, preparing a 72-hour kit makes perfect sense . . .

Tim: Yeah, but most people thinking about it after it is too late.





Key Vocabulary [Top]
  • sustain (verb): keep yourself alive
    - You need a lot of water to sustain yourself in the hot desert sun.


  • flood (noun): a large amount of water that covers an area that is generally dry
    - We lost a lot of our possessions in last week's flood.


  • power outage (noun): a period of time when you do not have electrical power
    - The power outrage lasted over 10 hours, and we had to use flashlights and candles to see in the dark.


  • shelter (noun): a structure used for protection from weather or danger
    - After the hurricane, many residents fled to shelters because their homes had been destroyed by wind and water.


  • pack (verb): fill or put things into a container like a suitcase or box
    - Hurry and pack your suitcase. We need to leave in 15 minutes.


  • purification (noun): the process of removing dirty parts from something (also a verb purify)
    - You really need to purify the water from the stream because it probably contains bacteria.


  • murky (adjective): dark and dirty that is difficult to see through
    - The water that comes out of the kitchen faucet is really murky due to the fact that the city is working on some of the water lines in this area.


  • spoil (verb): go bad or decay so you cannot eat or drink something any longer
    - The food in the refrigerator started to spoil after the power had been off for two days.


  • bulky (adjective): something difficult to carry because of its size
    - Your backpack is too bulky to carry easily in case of an emergency; you should remove some of the items and then repack it.


  • nasty (adjective): having a bad smell, taste, or appearance
    - The food looked so nasty that I couldn't bring myself to try it.


  • evacuate (verb): move from an unsafe place to safety
    - In case of fire, the school will evacuate all of its students to a safer location.


  • be packed together like sardines (idiom): be crowded together in a small place
    - The emergency shelter was only designed to accommodate 100 evacuees, but because all other shelters were overcrowded, this shelter accepted everyone who came, and the people were packed together like sardines for two days.


  • unsanitary (adjective): very dirty and unhealthy
    - The unsanitary conditions at the refugee camp were terrible, and nothing could be done until additional aid arrived.


  • poncho (noun): a light coat made a one piece of material to protect you from wind and rain
    - I always carry a poncho in my backpack when I hike in case it starts to rain suddenly.


  • be toast (noun, slang): be in a desperate or very difficult situation
    - If you don't have supplies during a severe emergency, you're toast, and no one will there to help you.


  • stir-crazy (adjective): very nervous or anxious
    - Many of the people at the shelter have been there for a week, and they are beginning to feel stir-crazy because they have nothing to do, and they don't know their futures.


  • wait out (phrasal verb): wait until something unpleasant finishes or passes
    - We should just wait out the storm before we attempt to cross the river.


  • be bored out of your mind (idiom): very bored
    - The students were bored out of their minds during the lecture on ancient religious practices.



Vocabulary Activities [Top]
Now, do these exercises to review the vocabulary. Then, return back to the Post-Listening Exercise to use the vocabulary in real conversations.
Рубрики:  Живое Человеческое Общение/Переводы .Humor.Смех.Сатира.
English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

www.esl-lab.com .A Day at School


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 13:54 + в цитатник


A Day at School



II. Listening Exercises


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Randall: Hello. Today I'm interviewing Joshua on his experiences going to a Japanese school. Now Joshua, what time do you go to school?

Joshua: Eight O'clock.

Randall: Eight O'clock. And do you go by yourself, or on a school bus?

Joshua: No, I have a group that goes with me.

Randall: So you go with a group?

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Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

www.esl-lab.com.A Healthy Lifestyle


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 14:08 + в цитатник


A Healthy Lifestyle



II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Man: Honey, the basketball game is about to start. And could you bring some chips and a bowl of ice cream? And . . . uh . . . a slice of pizza from the fridge.

Woman: Anything else?

Man:Nope, that's all for now. Hey, hon, you know, they're organizing a company basketball team, and I'm thinking about joining. What do you think?

Woman: Humph

Man: "Humph" What do you mean "Humph." I was the star player in high school.

Woman: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don't want you having a heart attack running up and down the court.

Man:So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I'm not that out of shape.

Читать далее...
Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

www.esl-lab.com .A Free Cell Phone!


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 14:23 + в цитатник


A Free Cell Phone!



II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Daughter: Dad. You love me, don't you?

Father: Of course, I do. Why do you ask . . . Ah, what's on your mind?

Daughter: Well, I saw this great offer for a free cell phone here in the newspaper, and . . .

Father: Free? Nothing's ever free.

Daughter: Well, the phone is free . . . after a $50 mail-in rebate.

Father: Ah, so that's the catch. And why do you need a cell phone anyway?

Daughter: Dad. All my friends have one, and I can use it to call you in case the car breaks down.

Читать далее...
Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

www.esl-lab.com .Apartments for Rent


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 14:57 + в цитатник



Apartments for Rent



II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]




Roger: Hello.

Ann: Hello Roger? This is Ann.

Roger: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's your new apartment working out?

Ann: Well, that's what I'm calling about. You see, I've decided to look for a new place.

Roger: Oh, what's the problem with your place now? I thought you liked the apartment.

Ann: Oh, I do, but it's a little far from campus, and the commute is just killing me. Do you think you could help? I thought you might know more about the housing situation near the school.

Читать далее...
Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

www.esl-lab.com .A Hiking Family


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 15:36 + в цитатник


A Hiking Family



II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



My name's Randall Davis, and I'm originally from the state of Indiana in the United States. When I was 19 years old, I moved to Venezuela in South America, and later returned to the United States, where I attended Brigham Young University in the 1980s. I majored in Spanish education and TESOL, or teaching English as a second language. After graduating from college, my wife and I moved to Japan where we lived for eight years. Now, I work back in the States in Utah.

However, my greatest interests are my family. Years ago, I wanted to make something of myself in my profession . . . you know . . . get ahead in life. However, I realized that the most important things in life lived within the walls of my own home, and today, I try to put them first. My kids wouldn't remember me for the work I did outside of the home; they would only recall the moments we spent together.

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Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

www.esl-lab.com .Used Cars.A Great Car Deal


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 16:20 + в цитатник


Used Cars
A Great Car Deal



Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Option: Play Window Media ]



Car Salesman: Oh. Hi there. A beauty, isn't she?

Woman: Well . . .

Car Salesman: Do you want to take her a test ride?

Woman: Well . . . Um. How old is it?

Car Salesman: Well, it's only three years old?

Woman: And what's the mileage?

Car Salesman: Uh, let me check. Oh yes. 75,000 miles.

Woman: 75,000 miles? That's quite a bit for a car that's only three years old.

Car Salesman: Well, once you're in the driver's seat, you'll fall in love with her. Get in.

Читать далее...
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80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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www.esl-lab.com .Bookstore Shopping


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 16:35 + в цитатник


Bookstore Shopping



Listening Exercises

Watch the video and read along with the conversation.




Father: Son, what are you . . .

Son: Dad, Dad?

Father:Son. What are you doing here down at the beach? I thought you said you were going to buy some things for school?

Son: Well, Uh, Dad. I DID buy some things.

Father: Well, what did you buy? What do you have in your backpack?

Son: Well, let's see. I have three notebooks, five pencils, an eraser, and oh yeah . . . .

Father: Wait! Two smart phones?

Son: Well, uh . . .

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www.esl-lab.com .A Story to Remember


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 16:41 + в цитатник


A Story to Remember



II. Listening Exercises

1. Instructions: Listen to the conversation again by pressing the play button and read along with the audio. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]




Police Officer: Hello. 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking.

Man: Help. Yeah, uh, it was wild, I mean really bizarre.

Police Officer: Calm down sir! Now, what do you want to report?

Man: Well, I'd like to report a UFO sighting.

Police Officer: A what?

Man: What do you mean "what?" An unidentified flying object!

Police Officer: Wait, tell me exactly what you saw.

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www.esl-lab.com .A University Degree


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 17:00 + в цитатник


A University Degree



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?

Father: Yahoo!

Daughter: No, Dad . . . seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll save on food, hot water, and gas while I am gone.

Father: Of course I will . . . no, uh, well, I'll miss you, of course. No, honestly, I'll miss and worry about you, and you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. You know, getting a university degree is a real accomplishment.

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www.esl-lab.com .Camping under the Stars


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 17:10 + в цитатник


Camping under the Stars



II. Listening Exercises

1. Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Paul: Sara, I've been looking forward to our yearly campout for three weeks. [Me too] It's going to be a wonderful day for hiking tomorrow. The great outdoors. Camping under the stars . This is the life.

Sara: Yeah, but Paul, I'm a little bit worried about the weather though. The weatherman said it was going to rain later tonight.

Paul: Ah. nonsense. Nothing can spoil our adventure. Those weather reports are never right.

Sara: And it said there was a chance of high winds.

Paul: Ah. Don't worry.


Sara: Paul. Paul. Did you remember to bring our raincoats just in case, like I told you?

[light rain]

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www.esl-lab.com .Airline Security


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 17:19 + в цитатник


Airline Security



Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Option: Play Window Media ]




Security: Excuse me. Do you have any keys or money in your pockets?

Passenger: No. No. I think I've taken everything out.

Security: Okay. Go ahead and walk through the body scanner.

Passenger: Will I feel anything?

Security: No sir. Just walk through and keep your hands in the air.

Passenger: Okay, huh?

[ Security alarm goes off . . . ]

Security: We need to do some additional screening. Sorry, sir. Please come this way. [What? Did I . . . Did you find something?] Relax sir. Okay? I'm going to open your carry-on bag. As I'm going through it, please do not try to touch it. [Okay.] Let's see now. Hmmm. First of all, sir, you can't take any liquids like this bottled water past this point.

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www.esl-lab.com .Money Matters


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 17:39 + в цитатник


Money Matters



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Ron: Uh, could I borrow a few bucks until payday? I'm a little strapped for cash.

Nancy: Uh, yeah, I guess, but I'm pinching pennies myself, and you still owe me $20 from last week. And mom and your friend Ron said you borrowed money from them this past week. [Oh, yeah.] How ARE things going anyway?

Ron: Well, not very well. To be honest, I'm really in the hole, and I can't seem to make ends meet these days.

Nancy: What do you mean? I thought you landed a great job recently, so you must be loaded.

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www.esl-lab.com .Christmas is Coming!


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 17:54 + в цитатник


Christmas is Coming!



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Man: Well, Christmas is almost here. So, what do you want from Santa this year?

Micky: A toy car and walkie-talkies.

Man: Really? Well, and what about you, Emily? What do you want for Christmas?

Emily: If I can't have a Barbie radio, um, I would have some fragile dolls. And if I can't have some fragile dolls, it doesn't really matter what I get.

Man: Wow. Well, I'm excited, and Santa is coming. And how is Santa going to get inside the house, Micky?

Micky: Um, go down the chimney . . .

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www.esl-lab.com .Back to School Supplies


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 18:05 + в цитатник


Back to School Supplies



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Girl: Dad, I need a few supplies for school, and I was wondering if . . . .

Dad: Yeah. There are a couple of pencils and an eraser in the kitchen drawer, I think.

Girl: Dad, I'm in eight grade now, and I need REAL supplies for my demanding classes.

Dad: Oh, so you need a ruler too?

Girl: Dad, I need some high-tech tech stuff like a calculator, a Palm Pilot, and a laptop computer.

Dad: Uh. I didn't have any of that when I was in middle school, and I did just fine.

Girl: Yeah, and they weren't any cars either, WERE there. [Hey] And things are just more progressive now.

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www.esl-lab.com .Adsense: Making Money Online


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 18:14 + в цитатник


Adsense: Making Money Online



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Welcome to today's news segment, highlighting business opportunities on the Internet. One such opportunity is a program called Adsense from the major search engine, Google. Basically, Adsense is a simple and easy way for Website owners to place discreet ads on their sites as a means of earning income. You simply insert certain lines of code and then receive a certain percentage of resulting revenue.

What is so nice about this program is that it is very simple and straightforward to implement and maintain. Here are some points you should keep in mind.


  • First, the program is free to join.
  • Next, you only have to add a snippet of code to each page to display the ads.
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www.esl-lab.com .Clothing Styles


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 18:33 + в цитатник


Clothing Styles



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Ashley: Hey, Jake. Are you ready for your trip?

Jake: Well, not really. I still have to buy some clothes.

Ashley: Well, what's the weather like where you're going?

Jake: Well, uh, it's really hot in the summer, so I'm going to buy some shorts, sandals, and a few t-shirts.

Ashley: What about the rest of the year?

Jake: People say that the fall can still be warm until November, so I'm going to buy some jeans and a few casual shirts.

Ashley: Will you need any warm clothes for the winter?

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www.esl-lab.com .Baking Cookies.Dad's Cooking Show


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 18:40 + в цитатник


Baking Cookies
Dad's Cooking Show



II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Chef Randall: Well, hello everyone, and welcome to today's show. And joining me today is my daughter, Ashley, who has had to endure my cooking experiments over the years.

Are we ready, Ashley? [Ready to eat.] No, let's wait for a few minutes. We'll get to that. But as you know, my faithful listeners, I starting cooking and baking almost 30 years ago when my grandmother taught me in her humble kitchen. In fact, she taught almost me everything I know, and I've never attended cooking classes [You should have . . .] Wait, wait, wait . . . I know my daughter's going to mention to you faithful listeners that recently as I was helping the kids prepare for our kitchen for chicken meal, I forgot to take the chicken out of the oven, burned the bird to a crisp, and we ended up ordering pizza for dinner.

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www.esl-lab.com .Alcoholics Anonymous


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 18:47 + в цитатник


Alcoholics Anonymous



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Option: Windows Media Player ]



Dave's Sister: Hey, Dave. Can we talk for a minute?

Dave: Sure about what? I'm kind of busy, but yeah . . .

Dave's Sister: Well, . . . .um, well, I'm not sure what to say, but um . . .

Dave: Come on. come on.

Dave's Sister: Well, . . .

Dave: What is it? I've never known my sister to be at a loss for words.

Dave's Sister: Well, you know Dave. I've got to be honest. I'm getting really, really concerned about your drinking.

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www.esl-lab.com .Business Communications


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 19:18 + в цитатник


Business Communications



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Secretary: Hello, Ultimate Computers. May I help you?

Caller: Yes, this is Jack Kordell from Hunter's Office Supplies. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please?

Secretary: I'm sorry, but she's not in right now.

Caller: Okay, do you know when she'll be back?

Secretary: Uh, yes, she should be here later on this afternoon maybe about 4:30. May I take a message?

Caller: Yes. Ms. Strong sent me a brochure detailing your newest line of laptop computers with a description of other software products, but there wasn't any information about after-sales service.

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www.esl-lab.com .


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 19:23 + в цитатник


Breakfast Recipes
And a Small Surprise!



II. Listening Exercises

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[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Daughter: Dad, Dad. What's for breakfast?

Dad: [Dad mumbles something] Daughter: Dad? [What?]

Daughter: What's for breakfast?

Dad: Uh, there's a banana on the kitchen counter. Enjoy.

Daughter: Dad, that banana's all bruised, and it looks like the cat took a bite out of it last night . . . Dad. Wake up.

Dad: Okay. Uh, there's some cereal in the cupboard. Help yourself.

Daughter: But there's no milk.

Dad: Well, just mix up some powered milk.

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www.esl-lab.com .Cancer Treatment


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 19:29 + в цитатник


Cancer Treatment



II. Listening Exercises

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[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



I once had a friend that was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the news that he might only live up to six months was a great shock to him, his family, and his friends. However, in spite of the dire prognosis, he was initially determined to look into all available treatments that might cure or extend his life. I think that when you find yourself in such situations, you tend to look up every possible avenue for hope of preserving your life.

As the months progressed and his health grew worse, I noticed an unexpected change in attitude that came over him. He had also been a jovial person with an upbeat personality, but rather (than) give in to discouragement and self-pity, he took comfort his faith in God and humanity. His conversations focused on others rather than himself, and he spoke of the afterlife as something he was prepared for, believing that his deceased ancestors, including his mother and father, were there waiting for him.

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www.esl-lab.com .College Life


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 19:40 + в цитатник


College Life



Listening Exercises

Instructions: Listen to the conversation again by pressing the play button and read along with the audio. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Long time, no see!

Dave: Hi Maria. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd drop by.

Maria: Come on in. [Thanks.] Take a seat. Would you like anything to drink? I have Sprite or orange juice.

Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been?

Maria: Oh, not bad. And you?

Dave: Oh, I'm doing okay, but school has been really hectic these days, and I haven't had time to relax.

Maria: By the way, what's your major anyway?

Dave: Hotel management.

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www.esl-lab.com .Budget Hotel Rooms


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 19:45 + в цитатник


Budget Hotel Rooms



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Man: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight, and I just want to check in.

Hotel Clerk: Sure. What's your name?

Man: Uh. Mike Adams.

Hotel Clerk: Okay. Let me check here. Um. Here's your key to open your door. You're in room 360. Just walk down this hall [Okay.], and you'll see the elevators on your right.

Man: Oh, okay, and what time is the restaurant open for breakfast?

Hotel Clerk: It serves breakfast from 6:30-10 a.m.

Man: Oh, okay. And, uh, where's the exercise room? I'd like to, you know, run a couple of miles before going to bed tonight.

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www.esl-lab.com .Budget Hotel Rooms


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 19:58 + в цитатник


Budget Hotel Rooms



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Man: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight, and I just want to check in.

Hotel Clerk: Sure. What's your name?

Man: Uh. Mike Adams.

Hotel Clerk: Okay. Let me check here. Um. Here's your key to open your door. You're in room 360. Just walk down this hall [Okay.], and you'll see the elevators on your right.

Man: Oh, okay, and what time is the restaurant open for breakfast?

Hotel Clerk: It serves breakfast from 6:30-10 a.m.

Man: Oh, okay. And, uh, where's the exercise room? I'd like to, you know, run a couple of miles before going to bed tonight.

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www.esl-lab.com .Budget Hotel Rooms


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 20:03 + в цитатник


Budget Hotel Rooms



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Man: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight, and I just want to check in.

Hotel Clerk: Sure. What's your name?

Man: Uh. Mike Adams.

Hotel Clerk: Okay. Let me check here. Um. Here's your key to open your door. You're in room 360. Just walk down this hall [Okay.], and you'll see the elevators on your right.

Man: Oh, okay, and what time is the restaurant open for breakfast?

Hotel Clerk: It serves breakfast from 6:30-10 a.m.

Man: Oh, okay. And, uh, where's the exercise room? I'd like to, you know, run a couple of miles before going to bed tonight.

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www.esl-lab.com .Car Accident


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 20:18 + в цитатник


Car Accident



II. Listening Exercises

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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Man: Honey. Do you know what time Katie will be home?

Woman: Uh, she should be here any minute. She took the car to pick up something from the store.

Man: Okay, I was just a little worried that . . . Man, what was that? Oh, no. The car! She drove over the mailbox and hit a tree in the front yard. Ah, the car!

Woman: Well, just don't stand there blabbing all day. Let's go out and see if Katie's okay.

Man: Ah, my car.

Woman: Honey, are you okay?

Daughter: Oh, mom. I'm so sorry. I can't believe this is happening.

Man: Oh, my car!

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www.esl-lab.com .Daily Schedule


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 20:30 + в цитатник


Daily Schedule



II. Listening Exercises

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[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Woman: So, what's your usual day like? You always seem so busy.

Man: Well, I usually get up around 5:00 a.m. and work on the computer until 6:00 a.m.

Woman: Why do you get up so early?

Man: Well, I have to leave home at twenty to seven (6:40 a.m.) so I can catch a bus at 7:00 o'clock . It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house.

Woman: And what time do you get to work?

Man: Uh, my bus takes about an hour to get there, but it stops right in front of my office.

Woman: That's nice. And what time do you get off work?

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www.esl-lab.com .Bus Trip


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 20:35 + в цитатник


Bus Trip



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[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Option: Play Window Media ]




Woman: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

Man: It is now. Take a seat.

Woman: Thanks. I had been waiting for over two hours for the bus to come.

Man: Yeah. The bus broke down about 50 miles back. Actually, the bus driver lost control of the bus when he split hot chocolate on himself, and then as he tried to regain control of the bus, he hit a rock and the bus blew a tire.

Woman: Uh. Are you sure this bus in safe?

Man: I'm not sure if it's safe, but you can't beat the price of the trip.

Woman: So, where are you from?

Man: To tell the truth, I really don't know.

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www.esl-lab.com .Car Repairs


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 20:41 + в цитатник


Car Repairs



II. Listening Exercises

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[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Mechanic: What can we do for you today?

Car Owner: Uh, hi. Yes, I'm having a problem with my car, and it doesn't seem to run right. I mean every time I start it up, the engine runs for a minute or so, sputters like it isn't getting enough gas, and then dies.

Mechanic: Hmmm. Okay. Let's open the hood, and let's take a look . . . Okay, start her up.

[Engine starting . . .]

Okay, Okay. Shut her off. Hmmm. [So . . .] Let me look at the book here . . . [It] sounds like a possible fuel line, a dirty carburetor, bad alternator, or even a weak battery.

Car Owner: So, which one is it?

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www.esl-lab.com .DVD Movie Rentals


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 20:48 + в цитатник


DVD Movie Rentals



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[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Man: Hey, Kathy. I'm thinking about renting a movie for tonight's party, and I want to know what kind of movies you like.

Woman: Okay. What kind of movies do you have in mind?

Man: Well, what about action movies?

Woman: Ah, I don't really like action movies. Too much violence.

Man: Okay, do you like comedies?

Woman: Now, I do enjoy comedies.

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www.esl-lab.com .Car Rental


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 22:05 + в цитатник


Car Rental



II. Listening Exercises

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[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Rental Car Agent: Hi. How can I help you?

Customer: Yeah. I'd like to rent a mid-size car for three days.

Rental Car Agent: Okay. Let me check to see if we have one available. Hmmm. It's doesn't look like we do. We have a couple of economy, compact, and full-size cars available, or a nice minivan.

Customer: Well, what is the main difference between these cars?

Agent: The main difference is size. The economy car is the smallest, and it seats fewer passengers and can hold less luggage. [Okay.] How many people are with you?

Customer: Just me and my son.

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Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

www.esl-lab.com Dating Woes.


Вторник, 03 Июня 2014 г. 22:13 + в цитатник


Dating Woes



II. Listening Exercises

Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Greg: Hey, sorry, I can't come to the phone now. Just leave a message . . .


Dave: Greg, greg. Where in the world are you? Hey, man. I'm in hot water, and it's all your fault! I thought you said Cindy was single and available!! Man, were you wrong!! You should have told me that your sis had just broken up with a seven-foot gorilla named Butch. I mean the guy is huge, and he caught me dropping her at her place, and he nearly strangled me before I could get in my car. And the guy's dog. You might have warned me about his vicious beast dog. The thing nearly ripped off my arm.

Читать далее...
Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
Живое Человеческое Общение

www.esl-lab.com .Eyeglasses for You


Среда, 04 Июня 2014 г. 05:07 + в цитатник


Eyeglasses for You


Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.


[ What are these different audio choices? ]
[ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ]



Male Voice:

"Hello and thank you for calling American Vision, this area's finest store in eyeglasses for you and your family. Our store hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. We're open Saturdays until six. Closed on Sundays.

Please visit our store on Saturday for an additional 20% off on our already low prices on all brands of eyewear. And remember: eye exams are free."



Key Vocabulary [Top]
  • finest (adjective): excellent, high quality
    - These are the finest glasses I have ever seen.


  • additional (adjective): extra, added
    - Buy now and receive an additional two dollars off the regular price.



Vocabulary Activities [Top]

Now, do these exercises to review the vocabulary. Then, return back to the Post-Listening Exercise to use the vocabulary in real conversations.

Рубрики:  English on the Forum/www.esl-lab.com
80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80

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