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15:30 22.09.2017
Ôîòîãðàôèé: 7

 -Ïîèñê ïî äíåâíèêó

Ïîèñê ñîîáùåíèé â Furman_Ed

 -Ïîäïèñêà ïî e-mail



1.àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê.2. ïîëèãëîòñòâî.3. æèâîå ÷åëîâå÷


Ñòàòèñòèêà LiveInternet.ru: ïîêàçàíî êîëè÷åñòâî õèòîâ è ïîñåòèòåëåé
Ñîçäàí: 05.12.2010
Çàïèñåé: 9309
Êîììåíòàðèåâ: 670
Íàïèñàíî: 10835


Ïîíåäåëüíèê, 19 Ìàðòà 2018 ã. 18:58 + â öèòàòíèê

Äíåâíèê Èëüìå



Sunday, March 18, 2018 09:06 + in the quote book 

1.Another amazing story on the kindness of the Internet, which deserves admiration of man's courage and ingenuity, and then also thanks to the predator.

Inhuman gratitude gratitude, animals, salvation, tiger, man

Primorsky Krai. 2008 year. Village. Winter. Approaching two in the morning. 

2.A local paramedic wakes up from a strange noise outside the window, but as the noise quickly subsides, the paramedic decides not to bother and continues to sleep on.

3.In the morning, a sweet dream leaves him and our hero rushes into the yard (for morning, even for paramedics, does not start with coffee), but reaching the door, the paramedic understands that opening it is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. The door is something that is outside.Repeated attempts, too, were not crowned with success. Completely desperate to go out through the door and not burning with the desire to empty the bladder in a bucket, the paramedic takes the only right decision - climbs out the window. But, being on the street, the hero of this story, decides to first check that there is a door, and only then run to the toilet. But this decision was fundamentally wrong. 

3.The fact is that on a winter morning in the dark, the paramedic could not see the tracks of a fairly large beast on the snow, with which the entire yard was strewn. The tiger (a huge male) lying on the porch, right under the door, looked at the medical assistant with a cold but at the same time non-aggressive look. 

4.Quickly assessing the situation, the paramedic realized that he would not be able to run back to the window with all his will ... For about ten minutes, new acquaintances studied each other, the toilet was no longer desirable to the toilet - this need disappeared by itself as soon as the views a tiger and a man met. 

5.Apparently the tiger realized that the person facing it does not represent a threat and went on rapprochement. Have you ever felt how your heart breaks and falls into your pants? But the medical assistant is very well experienced! 

6.After all, pulling himself together, our hero suddenly sees a tattoo on the neck of the tiger - a "gift" of Chinese poachers. Such traps the Chinese put on reindeer and other living creatures, but sometimes a tiger can get caught and, tearing away, will get such a "collar". The wire had already penetrated deep enough into the skin of the beast, and numerous suppurations appeared. It's in what desperation should be a wild animal to seek help from a person? One way or another, the paramedic understood everything and for two weeks the tiger lived in his barn, received treatment and meat. The locals very much helped with this. 

7.There were almost no casualties. All the procedures for treating the wound tiger carried with enviable patience and never showed any aggression. Two weeks after the meeting, the tiger left. As well as it appeared - at night. After a while the paramedic again could not open the door. Coming out, like last time, through the window, he saw tiger tracks in the courtyard, and on the porch lay deer carcass ...

Inhuman gratitude gratitude, animals, salvation, tiger, man

A source: https://fishki.net/2475060-nechelovecheskaja-blagodarnosty.html  © Fishki.net

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Àíîíèì   îáðàòèòüñÿ ïî èìåíè Ïîíåäåëüíèê, 19 Ìàðòà 2018 ã. 19:51 (ññûëêà)
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