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Суббота, 03 Февраля 2018 г. 18:48 + в цитатник


What comes to your mind at the word "porridge"? Oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina or millet ... We have compiled a list of "unpopular" cereals from A to Z, which can be used to diversify the domestic assortment of cereals.

Kasha - a dish, known since childhood. She was fed by our mothers and grandmothers. Now in her favor, we are trying to convince our children. But constantly there is rice, mango or oatmeal even bothers us ourselves. Fortunately, modern store shelves contain a much larger range of groats than in our childhood.And we just forgot about some cereals. We restore this gap together.

 14 useful groats, of which not everyone knows


Amaranth (shoritsa) is an annual plant, the seeds of which are used as cereals. It was banned in the 16th century, since it was used for magical purposes. In the seventies of last century, his revival occurred due to the valuable nutritional properties that he is endowed with. Amaranth is now used in agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industries.


 14 useful groats, of which not everyone knows


Useful properties: Seeds contain a high amount of protein, lysine and other amino acids. In addition, they contain iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which are important elements in the diet of pregnant women and diets, in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. In the seeds there is also a squalene substance, which stops the aging process. 

Method of preparation: Amaranth seeds are rather tough, so they cook about 20-25 minutes. One glass of cereal requires 2.5 - 3 cups of water. During cooking it is required to stir the porridge periodically so that it absorbs water better. It will be good both as a salty garnish, and as a sweet porridge. Also, the grains of this plant can unfold completely from the unexpected side and turn into fast food, namely into the popcorn. However, flour from the
is dense, so cook it better with the addition of other types of flour, so that the products are obtained by air.



Useful porridge!  14 cereals, of which few people know


Arnovka (arnautka, gornovka) - cereals consisting of ground spring wheat yellow-transparent color. There is small and coarse grinding. Exactly it is not known where the name of the cereal originated. However, it is assumed that this came from the Albanian people arnautThere is also a special type of Turkish troops with this name. And in Kursk province this word was used as a brane, which meant - a monster, a bassurman, a brutal man.

Useful properties: Like all porridges, it contains all the many useful vitamins, minerals, amino acids and unsaturated fats. Thanks to them, it is possible to strengthen immunity, improve the activity of the brain and the cardiovascular system. To everything, like all cereals from whole grains of wheat, it allows you to slow down the aging process and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Method of preparation: Groats are roughly cooked for about 30 minutes.Because of its rather "severe temper", you should first rinse the rump, and only then cook. The ratio of porridge and water should be 1: 4. Grind grain should be cooked in a ratio of 1 cup of cereals and 2 water (milk). From small grains it is also possible to make cutlets, casseroles and other pastries. From it it is possible to cook both salty dishes, and sweet.



Useful porridge!  14 cereals, of which few people know


Bulgur - groats from processed with boiled water, dried and steamed firm wheat.After steaming, the wheat grains are dried in the sun, after which they are peeled and crushed. It is steaming with drying that gives a unique taste and aroma to the future dish from this groats.

According to approximate and unspecified data, it has been prepared for 4000 years. Now it is especially popular in countries with a rich culinary past: Armenia, India, Middle Eastern countries and all countries of the Mediterranean. However, in Russia it is also not completely forgotten. And in recent years, even gets quite a lot of popularity among lovers of cereals.

Useful properties: The most nutritious value has a whole-grain brown bulgur, from which the upper layer, which is rich in microelements, is practically not removed. Bulgur is saturated with vitamins, especially vitamins of group B, K, E, beta-carotene, trace elements (phosphorus, iron, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium, calcium). Croup also contains unsaturated fatty acids, saccharides, fly ash and fiber. Regular use of bulgur favorably affects the state of the nervous system, for which the B vitamins are the most important and, perhaps, the main "food". A large number of mineral salts contribute to the restoration of metabolism, makes the skin and hair more "alive". The complexion acquires a healthy shade, the hair becomes more shiny and grows well.

Refers to cereals that are easily absorbed by the body and perfectly digested, without making the condition worse.

Method of preparation: It can serve as an exquisite side dish, one of the ingredients for pilau, salads and soups. There is also bulgur fine grind. Here you can make a great variety of useful cutlets and cakes from it. Brewed about 20 minutes. If you want to cook crumbly porridge, then you must first dunk for a short time to shorten the cooking time, and that the gluten is properly opened, otherwise bulgur will turn into a mess.

According to legend, in one of the campaigns, Suvorov was informed that there was nothing to feed the troops. There was only a little bit of different types of cereals. Then, the great commander, without a long thought, ordered all the porridges to mix together. Since then, the porridge, consisting of several groats, is usually called "Suvorovskaya". Thus, Suvorov was able to contribute to the development of Russian cuisine.

And it's not surprising that such a mixture of cereals has become to many people's liking. Not only is it unusual in taste, but also in chemical composition, it is of great benefit than single-piece.


Kamut is a distant ancestor of wheat, which in Egypt was called khorasan, which translates as "the soul of the earth." Several of its grains were found in the late 40s of the last century during excavations in Egypt, after which it was again cultivated.According to their size, the grains of ancient wheat exceed the current variant by two or three times. It also has an expressive nutty taste.


 14 useful groats, of which not everyone knows


Useful properties: It is possible that due to its size, the grains contain much more useful substances such as zinc, magnesium, proteins, amino acids, mineral salts, lipids and vitamin E than modern wheat varieties.

Ways of preparation: Grain and garnishes with vegetables and mushrooms are prepared from the seeds of the tile. If they are left to soak in the water at night, cooking will take only 10 minutes. From the flour of wild wheat bake bread, as well as pasta. From the grains it is also good to bake air flakes or crackers.


Kinoa (quinoa, quinoa) is an annual plant growing on the slopes of the Andes. It is considered a pseudo-grain culture. However, for the civilization of the Incas, it served as one of three food sources. They worshiped him for so much that they considered it a "golden grain".


 14 useful groats, of which not everyone knows


Useful properties: Kinoa is considered one of the richest, for our body, source of proteins, which are very similar in composition to animal proteins. Especially this quality is valuable for people who abandoned animal food.

By the composition of amino acids, which are about 20 types, the grains are very similar to milk. In addition to protein, the carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals and B vitamins are also present in the cereal. Also, the film is rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus, which is not inferior in number to the fish.

Method of preparation: Very often the film replaces rice or buckwheat. It is also good not only as a side dish, but also as the main ingredient for warm salads and soups. By the way, the movie is brewed in the same way as many other porridges.It is advisable to rinse the groats before cooking. Then it is only necessary to pour it into a saucepan and pour water with a ratio of 1 cup of grain to 2 cups of water.Cook for 15-20 minutes. Then you can safely serve on the table.



Useful porridge!  14 cereals, of which few people know


Cucumber - consists of ground corn kernels. Porridge from this cereal is valuable in that, even with heat treatment, it retains all its useful properties. It is recommended for people susceptible to allergies, since it is considered to be a low-allergenic product.

Useful properties: Corn is known for its detoxification properties: it helps to remove various harmful substances, radionuclides and toxins from the body. It also contains many vitamins of group B, E, A, PP, trace elements - silicon, iron and many others. And 80% of unsaturated fatty acids can be attributed to those products that regulate the level of cholesterol. Nutritionists recommend using corn porridge several times a week to get all the valuable substances that it possesses.

Method of preparation: Cooking corn porridge is very simple, like most cereals in water or milk: 1 cup of cereals and 2 cups of water (milk). If we talk about corn flour, then most often make casseroles, as well as hominy or Italian polenta. Also from the flour are light and delicious pancakes of yellow color.




Couscous - belong to the category of wheat cereals. Initially the porridge was prepared from millet. It is now customary to cook it from semolina, obtained from durum wheat. For the first time, it was mentioned in the culinary book of the 13th century. It is believed that for the first time it began to be eaten by nomadic people - Berbers. For a time, she enjoyed success only in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, then she fell in love with the whole world.


 14 useful groats, of which not everyone knows


Useful properties: In the croup there is a high concentration of copper, which prevents premature graying, and also helps to strengthen the hair as a whole. In addition, copper is very important for increasing our hemoglobin level and is indispensable in case of joint problems. Vitamin B5, which is also present in the porridge, saves from insomnia and overwork. Also, this croup is desirable for use by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Perfectly suits those who want to lose those extra pounds.

Method of preparation: The best option for cooking couscous is for a couple, as the porridge does not boil and will retain the vitamins of group B. If there is no steamer, then it does not matter. You can just brew porridge, fill it with hot water and leave for a while under the lid. Cooking is strictly contraindicated. But it is easy to use for cooking useful casseroles and baking.


Polba is a special kind of wheat, whose grains have high nutritional value. Grain is bigger than wheat. They are also well protected against pests, unfavorable external influences by a layer of rigid inedible film (chaff). It is because of this layer of grain is very resistant to radioactive radiation and all kinds of pollution.


 14 useful groats, of which not everyone knows


If you believe the data of archaeological research, the flock was cultivated already in the fifth millennium BC. And the ancient Romans, who considered the poultry a valuable cereal, used its grain and bread from its flour in its ritual ceremonies.

Useful properties: Polba far surpasses wheat in terms of vegetable protein, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, iron and B vitamins. And the mucopolysaccharides contained in it help our immunity grow and develop.

The constant presence of this porridge in the diet will contribute to strengthening immunity, normalizing blood sugar levels, improving the performance of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, digestive and reproductive systems.

Ways of preparation: In Italy, polbu is widely used for cooking risotto, and in the US and Germany all kinds of sauces and desserts are prepared from its flour. In Russia I most often use pancake as porridge.

If you cook porridge according to the old tradition, then first 1 glass of grains should be soaked for 5-6 hours in a mixture of 0.5 cup curdled milk and 1 glass of cold water. Then rinse the croup and put in a pan, in which pre-pour 0.5 cups of water and 0.5 cup of milk. Mix everything and place it on low heat until all the liquid has boiled.

But if you cook from polba not porridge, and friable garnish, you need to wash it several times and pour water (3-3.5 cups). Cook it on a slow fire for 30-40 minutes, as the grains are tough and require careful cooking.

The most common dish of Russian cuisine is porridge. She always acted as a symbol of health and a subject of religious veneration in Russia. Previously, they cooked porridge on weekdays and on holidays. It always had its place of honor not only on a simple peasant table, but also on the royal table.

Earlier the porridge had even its own feast - the Day of Akulina-buckwheat (June 26). A week before the holiday, or a week after it, it was customary to sow buckwheat. And on Akulina they cooked "worldly porridge", tables were taken out to the street and it was served that porridge of pilgrims and beggars.



Useful porridge!  14 cereals, of which few people know


Wheat or wheat groats are produced from whole wheat grains. Happens from the grains of whole and large crushing. The first option contains a large storehouse of useful substances. Our ancestors knew about this, who wrote stories about it and said that it is impossible to spoil the porridge with oil. However, in our time it is not popular: some have forgotten about it, others simply do not know about its "abilities".

Useful properties: It contains vitamins such as A, C, B6, B 12, E and PP. Thanks to this complex, you can improve your eyesight, make your hair radiant, your skin smooth, and your nails strong. To all, it contains vitamins of group B, which reduce muscle fatigue and stimulates the immune system.

Method of preparation: If we talk about the whole-wheat variant of wheat porridge, it is better to use it as a side dish or milk porridge for breakfast. A well-washed cereal is cooked for 20 minutes, after which it is desirable to give it another "30 minutes" in the oven. But from chopped grains, it is best to make bits, casseroles and pies.


Teff (dwarf millet, Teff Abyssinian) - the cereal culture "living" in Northeast Africa for more than 5000 years. In Ethiopia, this millet is the main food

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80th Anniversary/ Google translate . Polyglot 80
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