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US ambassador Tefft was disappointed with Moscow's response sanctions...

Пятница, 28 Июля 2017 г. 16:19 + в цитатник

We took the dacha away: US ambassador Tefft was disappointed with Moscow's response sanctions

Alexander Bovdunov
In response to the approval by the US Senate of a new draft law on anti-Russian sanctions, Moscow took action against American diplomats. Since August 1, the US embassy will lose access to the dacha in Silver Bor and warehouses on Dorognaya Street in Moscow. In addition, by September 1, Washington will have to reduce the number of employees in the embassy and consulates almost 600 people. US Ambassador to Russia John Tefft has already expressed "his deep disappointment and protest" in connection with the measures taken by the Russian authorities.
 US Ambassador Tefft "disappointed" with Moscow's response sanctions "
  • AFP 
  • © Win McNamee

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that in response to US sanctions, it introduces restrictive measures against US representation in our country. Since September 1, 2017, the United States should reduce the number of all employees working in the embassy in Moscow, as well as general consulates in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok to 455 people. Exactly the same number of Russian diplomats and technical specialists work in the US.

Almost 600 American diplomats and consular officers will be forced to leave our country. In addition, since August 1, the US embassy is prohibited from using warehouses on Road Street in Moscow and a dacha in Serebryany Bor.Russia also reserves the right and "to other measures that may affect the interests of the United States."

The American side has already reacted to the measures introduced by Russia. "We received an official notification from the Russian government. US Ambassador to Russia John Tefft expressed deep disappointment and categorical objection. We sent this notice to Washington for consideration, "the US Embassy stated.

According to Alexei Pushkov, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Information Policy, the measures taken by the Russian side included, among other things, a response to the actions of the Barack Obama administration, which sent several diplomats from the United States. At the same time, he stressed that the new US authorities had a chance to rectify the situation, but they decided to take the path of escalating confrontation by adopting new anti-Russian sanctions.

"As for Trump, it seems that he does not have much choice. If he vetoes, it will be bypassed by Congress, which will become for him a political defeat and humiliation. Therefore, he has two options: either he will sign the law, or he will reject this law and propose to take more stringent sanctions, "RT Pushkov said.

In this regard, Moscow considers it inexpedient to postpone the response sanctions for an even longer period, said the chairman of the Council of the Council on Information Policy.

He also noted that Washington's actions arouse dissatisfaction with Brussels, which until recently almost completely adhered to the American course in foreign policy.

"For Europeans, it is quite obvious that the new law on sanctions is directed not only against Russia, but also against the interests of the European Union. With the help of this law, the Americans want to destroy the Nord Stream-2, and instead of the gas that should come from Russia and in which Germany, Austria, Holland, France and others are very interested, to deliver their liquefied gas at a price at least twice , Than Russian, "- said Pushkov.

At the same time, the politician suggested that the EU would not tolerate such "unilateral demonstrative egoism" of the US, as its economic interests are affected.

With Pushkov agrees and Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Ryabkov. In a conversation with RT, he also noted that the US authorities had enough time to cancel the decisions taken by the administration of the previous President Barack Obama. 

"Therefore, measures have been taken right now, which, in fact, represent a response to the unlawful, unlawful actions of the Obama administration," Ryabkov said. 

He also noted that Russia "can not tolerate Russophobic bacchanalia on the Capitol Hill, which was expressed in the adoption of an unprecedentedly far-reaching document (a new bill on anti-Russian sanctions - RT ) in both chambers."

Aggressive message


The decision of the Russian authorities followed after the US Senate approved a bill on new anti-Russian sanctions. At the same time, US senators - both Republicans and Democrats - were unanimously unanimous. 98 out of 100 representatives of the upper house of parliament voted "yes".

The proponents of strengthening the sanctions adhered to harsh rhetoric.

Arizona Senator John McCain, known for his anti-Russian stance, said ahead of the vote: "The United States of America must send a stern message to Vladimir Putin and any other aggressor that we will not tolerate attacks on our democracy."

  • Reuters

Another famous hawk and friend of McCain, Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham after the vote expressed the hope that the bill will soon be signed by the president.

"I hope that this bill will soon become law," the senator wrote on his Twitter page. "This is a serious message to the brutal thug in Russia, the religious Nazis in Iran and the crazy dictator in North Korea."

The new package of sanctions measures reduces the maximum time limits for financing Russian credit institutions, prohibits the supply of equipment and technologies for drilling rigs operating in the Arctic and the offshore, and also imposes restrictions on the activities of companies associated with the implementation of Russian pipeline projects.The bill also prohibits the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions to the president without the consent of the Congress.

The document has already been sharply criticized by representatives of Russia and the European Union, as well as individual EU countries such as France and Germany. Fears of Europeans cause the possibility of imposing sanctions against their companies, cooperating with Russia in the oil and gas industry.

Treaty with Corker


McCain and Graham were the initiators of the inclusion of anti-Russian sanctions in the bill, which originally had to expand restrictive measures against Iran. This idea was supported by other Republicans in the Senate and representatives of the opposition Democratic Party. Last month, the Senate had already voted for the bill, but then it only included sanctions against Iran and Russia. Later, the House of Representatives decided to add a package of sanctions against North Korea. Because of this discussion of the bill was delayed.

Measures against the DPRK caused a dispute between the House of Representatives and the Senate on the eve of the voting of the Senate. After voting in the House of Representatives on July 25 it became known that the head of the Committee on International Affairs of the Upper House of the American Parliament, Republican Senator from the State of Tennessee, Bob Corker, insisted on tightening the part of the bill that concerned North Korea. He suggested adding a ban to the president for lifting sanctions against the DPRK without the consent of the Congress, that is, a measure that was already spelled out in the part concerning Russia.

  • Reuters

There was a danger that in the Senate the voting on the bill will be postponed until September - in August, members of the upper house begin parliamentary holidays. However, on Wednesday, July 26, the leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives reached an agreement: the Senate put the bill to vote in exchange for the lower house's commitment to strengthen sanctions against the DPRK in the future by a separate law.

Two loneliness


Against the adoption of sanctions voted only two members of the upper house of Congress - Republican Rand Paul, representing the state of Kentucky, and independent Senator Bernie Sanders - rival Hillary Clinton in the preliminary election of the Democratic Party during the presidential race in 2016. 

During the Senate's first vote on this bill, Sanders said he did not oppose the anti-Russian sanctions, but the Iranian part of the bill arouses his fears. 

"I strongly support the sanctions against Russia included in this bill," ... ... I voted for sanctions against Iran in the past, "Sanders said then. "But I believe that these new sanctions could jeopardize the very important nuclear agreement signed by the United States, their partners and Iran in 2015."

Rand Paul also questioned the justification for imposing sanctions.

  • Reuters

"Everyone in the world who has this opportunity spies, everyone interferes in elections, both East and West," Paul said.

For signature to the president


The last word in the approval of the bill on sanctions for the president of the United States. Theoretically, Trump can reject it. However, the vote in the congress and the Senate, where the project received broad support, demonstrates that even if Trump protested, Congress will overcome its veto, the Washington Post notes.

On the eve of voting in the Senate, White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci said that the president is likely to sign the document. However, he did not rule out that Trump will try to veto sanctions, but only to tighten them.

  • Reuters

"He can decide to veto sanctions and be tougher to the Russians than the congress," CNN's Scaramucci said. "He can sign sanctions as they are, or can veto sanctions and negotiate a tougher deal (against Congress - RT ) against the Russians."

As stated in a conversation with RT director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and PFUR PFUR Nikita Danyuk, Trump tries to maneuver.

"In this case, I'm sure it's nothing more than rhetoric," Danyuk said.

According to him, the state of affairs, when the congress seizes the initiative in foreign policy and imposes its will on the head of state, is unpleasant for Trump, but so far he can not resist the pressure and therefore has to portray a good face in a bad game.

  • Globallookpress.com 
  • © Chris Kleponis

"It is not worth illusions that Trump will veto the bill," the expert says, "because any positive step toward our state will beat Trump's positions within the American establishment."

The president may try to delay the approval of the bill, notes Danuk, but, ultimately, Trump will have to sign.

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The US House of Representatives adopted an overwhelming majority of the bill on tightening sanctions against Russia, ...

According to political analyst Alexander Asafov, the American leader can try to justify the refusal to sign the document with the reluctance to quarrel with Europeans who are unhappy with the bill in its current version and categorically against applying it against European companies.

"This is Trump's only way to confront his enemies in the Senate and Congress and make some constructive," Asafov said in an interview with RT. "In any other case, when trying to veto this document, the pressure on Trump will intensify, and the word" impeachment "will grow more distinct and clearer in the air.

The consequences of signing the bill by the US president, according to Danyuk, can have the most negative consequences.

"First and foremost, this will indicate that Trump lost in the internal struggle, and, of course, this will negatively affect the Russian-American relations, which after the meeting of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on the margins of the G20 summit would seem to have entered a constructive course ", The expert stressed.

Optimal answer


At the same time, experts are confident that, despite the introduction of new sanctions, Russia will not give up trying to find common ground with the United States.

"There is a certain space for cooperation. Everything will depend on our reaction, on what strategy we will take, "Danyuk said.

At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about a possible response to US sanctions on July 27.

  • Kremlin.ru

"We, as you know, behave very restrained, patiently, but at some point will have to answer. It is impossible to endure endlessly some rudeness towards our country, "the Russian leader said at a joint news conference with the Finnish president on July 27.

At the same time, the Russian president did not rule out cooperation with the US in the future. 

"Whatever happened in the near future, in the future we must strategically enter certain elements of cooperation, agreements," Putin said.

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"It's impossible to endure endless rudeness": Putin about a possible response to new US sanctions
Moscow will respond to new US sanctions only after the final version of the bill appears. This was stated ...

According to Danyuk, the expulsion of diplomats and symmetrical measures in respect of American diplomatic capacity is the best option for an answer to American sanctions. Too stringent measures will be beneficial to the anti-Russian consensus that has developed in the United States

"We can, of course, prohibit the importation of US titanium for Boeing, uranium for nuclear power plants, take measures that will affect their economy, but this is exactly what Congress expects from us," the political scientist explained.

The expert did not rule out that perhaps during the meeting between Putin and Trump in Hamburg on July 7, the American leader warned the Russian president about the draft bill and that he can not reject him. At the same time, Danyuk noted that, despite the introduction of retaliatory measures, Vladimir Putin "will not stop considering Donald Trump as his partner and negotiator."

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