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: 01.09.2010
: 10969



, 04 2020 . 08:42 +





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"Mona Lisa (Gioconda)", Leonardo da Vinc,i 1500-er

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"Wedding in Cana of Galilee", Paolo Veronese, 1563,

"Portrait of Madame Récamier", Jacques-Louis David, 1800

"Rural concert", Giorgione, 1509

"Bathing Diana", Francois Boucher, 1742

"Dark-haired odalisque", Francois Boucher, 1745

"Roger rescues Angelica", Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1819

"Algerian women", Eugene Delacroix, 1834

"Large odalisque", Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1814

"The coronation of Napoleon in Notre Dame Cathedal on 2 December 1804",

Jacques-Louis David, 1807

"A young woman receives gifts from Venus and the three graces", Sandro Botticelli, 1484

"Bathing Diana", Antoine Watteau, 1715

"Entombment", Titian Vecelli 1520

"Korez und Kalliroia", Jean Honore Fragonard, 1765

(namenlos), Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1654

"The Lady in Blue", Camille Corot, 1874

"Schöner Ferronier (Portrait eines Unbekannten)", Leonardo da Vinci, 1490-er


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"Turkish baths", Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1862

"The Lacemaker", Jan Vermeer, 1670

"The Gypsy Gir",l Frans Hals, 1630

"Self-portrait with Holly (self Portrait with a Thistle)", Albrecht Durer, 1493

"Beauty Nani. Portrait of a venetian woman", Paolo Veronese, 1560

"Portrait Of Frederic Chopin", Eugene Delacroix, 1838

"Bacchus (St. John the Baptist in the wilderness)", Leonardo da Vinci, 1515

"Balcony", Edouard Manet, 1869

"Head of a bearded baby", Albrecht Durer, 1527

"Seated bather (bather of Valpincon)", Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1808

"The Education Of Marie De Medici", Peter Paul Rubens, 1622

"Portrait of count Baldassare Castiglione", Raphael Santi, 1515

"Portrait of Madame Riviere, nee Marie Francoise Biben Blo de Beauregard", Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1806

"Portrait of Marie Anne eléonore de Grave", Jean Honore Fragonard, 1770-er


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