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 - e-mail



: 29.06.2010
: 11788
: 1195
: 14665



, 30 2011 . 13:35 +
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 (367x282, 104Kb)

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"A Rat In Tom's House Might Eat Tom's Ice Cream" (" ") - "arithmetic" ("").

, "geography" (""): "George Elliot's Old Grandfather Rode a Pig Home Yesterday" (" "). , , .. .

- "".

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( "" - 3,1416).

: " - "" , " ( 3.14159265358).


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: " () , ()" (3,1415926536).

, "" (3,14159265358979323846) :


I wish I could determine pi
Eureka cried the great inventor
Christmas pudding
Christmas pie
Is the problem's very center.

( - 3.141592653589):

See I have a rhyme assisting
My feeble brain, its tasks offtimes resisting.

Update: :

"May I have a large container of coffee?" (" ?")

"How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics" (" , , , ")


Now I even I would celebrate
In rhymes unapt the great
Immortal Syracusan rivaled nevermore,
Who in his wondrous lore,
Passed on before,
Left men his guidance
How to circles mensurate.


Que j'aime faire apprendre un nombre utile aux sages!
Immortel Archim'ede, sublime ing`enieur,
Qui de ton jugement peut sonder la valeur?
Pour moi ton probl'eme eut de pareils avantages. ( , !)


15- (e = 2,718281828459045...): (2,7) + ( 1828) + ( - 45, 90, 45).

( ): "Tu aideras a rappeler ta quantite a beaucoup de docteurs amis".

: "To express e, remember to memorize a sentence to simplify this".

" - , " - , .

" " - ( ).

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, , - , , , , , , . , : " ?"

, :

(, , , ).

, , , , : .

, , , ,

(ABCDEFGH), : " , - -".


, , , : In fourteen hundred ninety-two Colimbus sailed the ocean blue ( 1492 ).

"See, see, my Putee" (", , ") CCMPUTTEE, : Calliope (), Clio (), Melpomene (), Polyhymnia (), Urania (), Thalia (), Terpsichore (), Erato () Euterpe ().

"Der persische Pilger des Thales soll bis China Klettern" ( , . ) : , , , , , .

", , - , " - , -, - (, , , , , , , , , , , ).

- : On Old Olympia's Towering Top A Finn and German Vault And Hop ( ), : olfactory, optic, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, auditory, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal.

, "" ( - - ).

: .


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