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 - e-mail



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: 15.06.2010
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: (60), (5), (2), (91), (158), (96), (170), (128), (14), . , (61), (9), (326), (664), (177), (178), (144), (605), (34), . (125), (63), (241), (43), (148), (58), (336), (1856), (430), (154), (465), (117), (54), (616), (50), (179), (14), , (94), (11), (2376), (202), (245), (57), (169), (56)

, 06 2017 . 19:33 +
Nik2003 [ + !]

. .  

image (700x525, 154Kb)



12 ,

, 30 2017 . 09:31 +
__ [ + !]

12 ,

, , . ?

, . , . .

. , , , . — .   




, 07 2017 . 23:19 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]


5640974_0UD4UIq4aTo (604x380, 85Kb)



1. Extremes meet —  
2. East or West home is best — ,  
3. Better late than never — ,  
4. All’s well that ends well — ,  
5. Out of sight out of mind — ,  
6. As fit as a fiddle ,  
7. No sweet without sweat ,  
8. A penny saved is a penny gained — ,  
9. By one’s father’s side ,  
10. Just a joke  

11. Have a heart! !, ! 
12. A good beginning makes a good ending  
13. Too good to be true , / ,  
14. Who knew, who is who — « » 
15. New lords new laws -…. 
16. Honesty is the best policy —  
17. A light purse is a heavy curse ,  
18. It’s like putting a saddle on a cow  
19. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ,  
20. I dare swear  

21. As snug as a bug in a rug ,  
22. Look who’s talking! , ! 
23. There is no rose without thorn  
24. If there is a will, there is a way  
25. There is no place like home ,  
26. There is no smoke without fire  
27. Lovely weather for ducks! ! 
28. There is a black sleep in every flock —  
29. But … There is always but… … -, … 
30. There are spots even on the sun  

31. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow 
32. There is no royal road to learning  
33. There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip /  
34. While there is life, there is hope [] –  
35. There is no flying from fate  
36. There is a small choice in rotten apples 
37. If there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun ,  
38. There is no so faithful friend, as a good book ,  
39. No buts! ! 
40. No new – is a good new —  

41. Tastes differ  
42. Where there is a will there is a way — / ,  
43. One man’s meat is another man’s poison ,  
44. Pull your finger out / to make more effort 
45. Turn over a new leaf , , ,  
46. Break a leg / good luck !  
47. Rome wasn’t built in a day  
48. The early bird catches the worm 
49. Practice makes perfect 
50. Start from scratch  

51. All in the same boat -. 
52. You can count it on your fingers 
53. Twist the knife in the wound 
54. Put that in your pine and smoke it 
55. But there is no flying from fate 
56. A dog is a manger –  
57. Well begun is half done /  
58. A lame duck  
59. It’s never too late to learn 
60. True love has no happy end, true love – has no end at all 

61. No man can serve two masters 
62. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today 
63. You can’t judge a man’s character by his looks 
64. A man can do no more than he can  
65. You can’t have it both ways ,  
66. Put one’s money where one’s mouth is  
67. If you can’t beat them, join them ,  
68. One cannot be in two places at once  
69. The leopard cannot change his spots  
70. You can’t sell the cow and drink the milk  

71. You can’t eat your cake and have it  
72. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs ,  
73. Man can’t live by bread alone  
74. One can’t make a silk purse if a sow’s ear  
75. He that can’t obey cannot command ,  
76. You can’t get blood from a stone  
77. Pigs to you ! ! 
78. Nothing is stolen without hands  
79. Men may meet but mountains never . —  
80. The evil would may be cured but not the evil name  

81. What may be done at any time is done at no time 
82. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart 
83. A bird may be known by its song  
84. Nothing is so certain as the unexpected ,  
85. As well be hanged (hung) for a sheep as for a lamb ,  
86. Every man has a fool in his sleeve  
87. Men leap over where the hedge is lowest 
88. No man is born wise or learned  
89. He knows all the answers.  
90. They that think they know everything, know nothing 
, , ,  

91. Wit once bought is worth twice taught ,  
92. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink 
93. Learning is the eye of the mind ,  
94. He know most who speaks least ,  
95. Money makes the mare go  
96. Money can’t buy you love  
97. The love of money is the root of all evil  
98. Money doesn’t grow on trees  
99. One swallow does not make a summer  
100. Make hay while the sun shines , ; ,



, 14 2017 . 16:40 +
LediLana [ + !]


? , ? , . ? -? «».

3925311__1_ (700x314, 338Kb)





, 28 2017 . 11:24 +
_ [ + !]




heart ['h:t]
large intestine / colon
liver ['liv]
pancreas ['pkris]
small intestines [in'testins]
spinal chord
stomach ['stmk]
urinal bladder

eye ['a]
eyebrow / brow [bra]
eyelid / lid
eyelash / lash
forehead ['frd] (BrE) / [for'hed] (AmE)
hair ,
nape, back of the head
tongue ['t]
tooth (. .: teeth ) ()

breast ( )
chest ( )
navel ['nevl] / belly button ,

arm ( )
hand ()
finger ()
thumb ['m]
index finger
middle finger
ring finger
little finger ,
knuckle ['nkl]

ankle ['kl]
calf ['k:f] ( : calves) ()
hip , ( )
foot (. .: feet ) , ( )
knee ['ni
leg ( )
thigh ['a] ( )
toe ['tu]
big toe
little toe
shin / shank

blood ['bld]
nerve [nv]
vein [ven]
vessel ()
JjTWNAe3axw (600x363, 53Kb)


, 12 2017 . 08:41 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

5640974_3k2sCMn8_g0 (386x400, 27Kb)

Amber -  
Aqua -  
Aquamarine -  
Azure -  
Beige -  
Black - ׸ 
Blue -  
Bronze -  
Brown -  
Chocolate -  
Copper -  
Crimson -  
Emerald -  
Gold, Golden -  
Green -  
Grey, Gray -  
Indigo -  
Khaki -  
Lemon -  
Light green -  
Lilac -  
Mazarine - - 
Olive -  
Orange -  
Peach -  
Pink -  
Purple, Magenta -  
Red -  
Sand -  
Scarlet -  
Sienna -  
Silver, Silvery -  
Snow-white/ niveous -  
Turquoise -  
Violet, Purple -  
White -  
Yellow -



15 !

, 04 2016 . 17:24 +
vdomarvik [ + !]

. 15 ! . .

. 15 ! . 1.

! . 2.




, 22 2016 . 09:25 +
11111 [ + !]


1 (530x700, 320Kb)



, 21 2016 . 11:32 +
gyord-pro-ladies [ + !]

    ,     — , ,    , .




, 16 2016 . 22:23 +
shapo4ka90 [ + !]


KT4zSKoF5HM (604x528, 252Kb)

  ororo.tv - . 800 , 1500 . . 
  . : , . , ( ). , ( touch ).


7 / 7 best stories -

, 24 2016 . 01:40 +
kukunchik [ + !]

7 / 7 best stories - /

5979143_400_1_ (400x400, 63Kb)

, , , .


, 22 2016 . 18:23 +
gyord-pro-ladies [ + !]

4425087_427888_english (700x542, 282Kb)

 —  .  , , . ,       , .




77 ! , !

, 20 2016 . 09:15 +
TatiRoss [ + !]

77 ! , !

? .
" " . .



- 2-4

, 12 2016 . 17:22 +
11111 [ + !]

- 2-4

1 (526x700, 300Kb)



. 3.200-300 -

, 08 2016 . 08:13 +
Yarusya [ + !]

. 3.200-300 -

- 3
200 ,




, 03 2016 . 07:20 +



13 ,

, 28 2015 . 08:58 +
__ [ + !]

13 ,

13 ,

, . : Skype c , - .  — . -   Look At Me , , , , .






13   <br /><br />
 ,    .  2.fbvkpn



« , „“ : „“ , , , . , , . , , « » .





, 28 2015 . 08:48 +
Nik2003 [ + !]






, 13 2015 . 10:25 +
Schamada [ + !]

!/ .

1Y99bByNRuJm (168x36, 1Kb) kK2bu5IZfFT5 (168x36, 1Kb) ywftHAbx7Agz (168x36, 2Kb) AdxFk4z4IT7U (168x36, 1Kb) CdrLvMfZTE1g (168x36, 2Kb) IqPMwwDuMNNo (168x36, 1Kb) OUmMmWY6GH4i (168x36, 1Kb) wK1lX4rel0B5 (168x36, 1Kb) WvLauti7PSZV (168x36, 1Kb) T6CAdmow2nD2 (168x36, 1Kb) sqV2M9OqQmzU (168x36, 1Kb) oWTbBr8b3vWq (168x36, 1Kb) Zj367e63dA2A (168x36, 1Kb) Unbenannt (700x164, 25Kb)
, ? ! .
, , ? 2-3 , !
, - . . , - , . , . , .
12 : , , , , , . , . . . , .
EyNNAD1dIr2I (260x50, 13Kb)

 : [4] 3 2 1