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: 16.01.2010
: 1398


, 12 2014 . 22:46 +

3891856_Drawn_wallpapers_Tourists_011081_ (700x437, 153Kb)Can I help you? — ?

I’d like to check in. — .
I have a reservation. — .
Your room is ready. — .
Is it possible to see the room? — ?
Yes, I’ll take it. — , .
What time is checkout? — ?

Where is the nearest bus stop? — ?
Where can I find the subway / underground? — ?
How can I get to … ? — …?
How far is it? — ?
How long does it take to get there? — ?
Which bus go to …? — …?

When does the next bus leave? — ?
Where is the tourist information center? — ?
How much does a ticket cost? — ?
I need a guide who speaks Russian. — , -.

Where do we meet? — ?
Can you take a photo of us? — ?
Is there a discount for students? — ?
May I use the toilet? — ?
Where is the currency exchange? — ?
What is worth visiting? — ?
Do you have a map of the city? — ?
Is this seat free? — ?
Don’t push —
When are you coming back? — ?
In 20 min. — 20

May I see your passport / visa? — , / .
What’s the purpose of your visit? — ?
Please open your bags. — , .
Do you have any items to declare? — , ?
Delay on the flight is due to adverse weather conditions. — .
Flight is boarding. — .
You have to fill in this … — …
- landing card —
- immigration form —
- customs declaration form — .


   , 13 2014 . 10:00 ()
! )))
: [1] []


: ( )
