
- - (0)

- - ...

- (0)

, ( Ctrl...

- (0)

))   ...

- (0)

- (0)

- , Genicap ...


  •     - - . : Internet Explorer 6, Fire Fox 1.5, Opera 9.5, Safari 3.1.1 JavaScript.
  •      ^_^ Html-. ,
  • - - - -
  •    : -



: 65 (1)

 - -


01:32 20.03.2010
: 4
14:50 20.12.2009
: 1
19:37 19.12.2009
: 5





 - e-mail




: 23.11.2009
: 7621
: 13539
: 73221



: (9), (1), (7), (20), (35), (80), (149), (7), (969), (5), (44), , (214), (3), (48), (63), (0), (6), (31), (131), ,(50), (3), (4), (13), (105), .(130), (173), (176), (50), (12), (37), (18), (38), (97), (63), paint (2), HTML (20), adobe illustrator(5), 3d max(1)

Sothink SWF Easy ()

, 03 2012 . 12:00 +
daf53 [ + !]

Sothink SWF Easy ()

, Sothink SWF Easy. - ..., " ".

. 400300, 24. " ". " " "". -.

3719215_20120202_173707 (650x494, 82Kb)


3719215_20120201_194746_1_ (650x507, 81Kb)

"Shift" . , "" .

3719215_20120201_194746 (650x486, 73Kb)

, . PNG. .

3719215_20120201_195040 (650x486, 71Kb)

, 2-3 .

3719215_20120201_195658 (650x486, 70Kb)

. ( ). , "" " ".

3719215_20120201_200029 (650x486, 85Kb)

" "/""/ "". "" 80 ( ,   ). , .

, - . . ""().


3719215_20120201_201928 (650x486, 87Kb)

3719215_20120201_230019 (650x486, 77Kb)

, .

3719215_20120201_231122 (650x338, 87Kb)



. . PNG. . , .   300 px. ,  : "" / "".

3719215_20120202_000301 (649x471, 50Kb)

, " " - -( - , ). , - . 49 ( , ). . " " / "" / "". . " " / "" / "". " " / "" / "". 

3719215_20120202_223235 (698x141, 33Kb)

, "" 250 . . "" "", "" "".   . . , 80. 2 . 3 , 160 .

, .



                        . Art Waver .                                                                                                                                                                                            



, . -! !

! .








Sothink SWFQuicker

, 31 2012 . 13:14 +
novprospekt [ + !]

Sothink SWFQuicker

, (), ActionScript.

( ) Dynamic Text - , .
, , , . , . , , . , !
" "
 flash   novprospekt


1 - . flash.
2 - .
9 - . 1.
10 - . 2.
11 - Sothink SWFQuicker


1 - , .
2 - .
14 - . 1.
15 - . 2.
16 - Sothink SWFQuicker


Sothink SWF Easy ( )

, 30 2012 . 01:06 +
daf53 [ + !]

Sothink SWF Easy ( )

"" Sothink SWF Easy. . , .

.   "" / "" .

3719215_20120128_205240 (650x486, 95Kb)

3719215_20120130_170735 (650x486, 74Kb)

3719215_20120130_171413 (649x485, 74Kb)

" "/ "" /"". . . 

3719215_20120130_171849 (650x485, 86Kb)

" "/ ""/ ""(). 2 : . () 2 . , . , , "" 6 ( , ) "". . 7 ( 6 + ). . .

3719215_20120130_174057 (650x486, 89Kb)

. ""   . , .

3719215_20120130_174217 (650x486, 75Kb)

, .

3719215_20120130_174438 (650x486, 75Kb)

"" . . .

3719215_20120130_181813 (650x302, 78Kb)

. , .

, . . . 10 .

3719215_20120130_182628 (650x351, 81Kb)

. "" /" " "SWF" .


! . ("" / "" ) : 

3719215_20120130_213843 (650x486, 71Kb)


3719215_20120130_214039 (597x439, 9Kb)

, : .

3719215_20120130_214534 (657x465, 18Kb)

( )

3719215_20120130_214931 (600x417, 12Kb)

3719215_20120130_215224 (596x454, 14Kb)


,   ! !

! ! !






, 31 2011 . 11:53 +
Cadmii [ + !]



  1. Macromedia Flash

  2. , :



("" )

, 30 2011 . 20:23 +
Cadmii [ + !]

("" )

 : ("" )
31.05.11 14:47

«» . GIF-. .

", , ". - - , , . , , GIF.

Photoshop – Adobe - , .

, - , . , .

Photoshop - File > Import > Video Frames to Layers – . . . «», . , . , , , .

, , .

. , , . . .

. , , .

, . , , . , , .

, File > Save for Web & Devices. , GIF. , . , , GIF. , Save.



? Cadmii


, 30 2011 . 19:28 +
Cadmii [ + !]

! . … (). .



, . . . Pointer Options ( , , ). , Slow. , - ? . , .



(Display pointer trails). Long. ? ! - . ! , . , Show loation of pointer. . Ctrl , .



. . Wheel. , – . , 80. . ! ! , , Buttons () Buttons configurations. ! , ( ). . .

? Cadmii

" ":
1 - ,,!
2 -
35 -
36 -
37 -



, 30 2011 . 19:13 +
Cadmii [ + !]



Action Script :http://www.flasher.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=93300
- ( ) fla. 

-, .

1. fla . File > New (Ctrl+N)

2. swf 550400px / fp 12

3. () :

var objectList:Array = new Array();

for (var i:Number = 0; i<10; i++) {
 var mc:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("circle_mc"+i, i);
 mc._x = Math.random()*550;
 mc._y = Math.random()*400;
 mc.k = Math.random()*0.1+0.02;
onEnterFrame = function () {
 for (var i:Number = 0; i
  var mc:MovieClip = objectList[i];
  mc._x += (_xmouse-mc._x)*mc.k;
  mc._y += (_ymouse-mc._y)*mc.k;
 for (var i:Number = 0; i
  var mc1:MovieClip = objectList[i];
  var r1:Number = mc1._width*0.5;
  for (var j:Number = 0; j
  var mc2:MovieClip = objectList[j];
  var r2:Number = mc1._width*0.5;
  var dx:Number = mc1._x-mc2._x;
  var dy:Number = mc1._y-mc2._y;
  var len:Number = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
  if (mc1 != mc2 && len
  mc1._x += 0.5*(r1len)*dx/len;
  mc1._y += 0.5*(r1len)*dy/len;
  mc2._x -= 0.5*(r1len)*dx/len;
  mc2._y -= 0.5*(r1len)*dy/len;
function drawCircle(target_mc:MovieClip, radius:Number, fillColor:Number, fillAlpha:Number):Void {
 var x:Number = radius;
 var y:Number = radius;
 with (target_mc) {


MovieClip(), , Instace Name Action Script.

. 7-8 , , !

: http://flash-tehnologi.do.am/publ/5-1-0-13 >>>

? Cadmii


swf html? ( html Flash'a)

, 30 2011 . 19:04 +
Cadmii [ + !]

swf html? ( html Flash'a)

, (swf).

CS4 (Flash Player 9, Action Script 2.0). fla , , , ( 1 2).


File > Publish Settings... (Ctrl+Shift+F12). 3 swf, html, js. ( ).

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=koi8-r" />
<script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script>
<script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>

<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<!--url's used in the movie-->
<!--text used in the movie-->
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
<script language="javascript">
 if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
  alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
 } else {
  'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0',

  'width', '500',
  'height', '400',

  'src', '16',
  'quality', 'high',
  'pluginspage', 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer',
  'align', 'middle',
  'play', 'true',
  'loop', 'true',
  'scale', 'showall',
  'wmode', 'window',
  'devicefont', 'false',
  'id', '16',
  'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
  'name', '16',

  'menu', 'true',
  'allowFullScreen', 'false',
  'movie', '16',
  'salign', ''
  ); //end AC code
 <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0"
width="500" height="400" id="16" align="middle">

 <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />


 <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />

<param name="movie" value="16.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> <embed src="16.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="500" height="400" name="16" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />


(width="500" height="400") (width="100%" height="100%"). , ! ( ) 
, , ? ! ( )
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" style="margin:auto">
Opera Internet Explorer ( , , , ), ? . 800 400, . !!!

. , ... ? , ( )
<param name="menu" value="false" /> , true false
'menu', 'false',

. swf, , ( )
, ( ) :
<param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>
('wmode', 'window',) ('wmode','transparent',)
. , !
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=koi8-r" />
<script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script>
<script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" style="margin:auto">
<!--url's used in the movie-->
<!--text used in the movie-->
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
<script language="javascript">
 if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
  alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
 } else {
  'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0',

  'width', '100%',
  'height', '100%',

  'src', '16',
  'quality', 'high',
  'pluginspage', 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer',
  'align', 'middle',
  'play', 'true',
  'loop', 'true',
  'scale', 'showall',

  'devicefont', 'false',
  'id', '16',
  'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
  'name', '16',

  'menu', 'false',
  'allowFullScreen', 'false',
  'movie', '16',
  'salign', ''
  ); //end AC code
 <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0"
width="100%" height="100%" id="16" align="middle">
 <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
 <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
<param name="menu" value="false" />
  <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>

 <param name="movie" value="16.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> <embed src="16.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%" height="100%" name="16" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />

flash .


, , ,
1 -
2 -
16 - " "
17 -
18 - swf html? ( html Flash'a)


- .

, 30 2011 . 17:04 +
Cadmii [ + !]

- .

Macromedia Flash Professional 8


, , . Motion Tween Class , , MotionTween, . , .

, , .

ActionScript 1 2 , 620x420px, framerate 30, , . Map () . , .




Macromedia Flash Professional 8

, 30 2011 . 17:01 +
Cadmii [ + !]

Macromedia Flash Professional 8

, . ActionScript, . - , , . ? , . , .


. 300x200 .

. «» :



 : 8 7 6 [5] 4 3 2 1