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Английский язык для всех

Четверг, 09 Октября 2014 г. 23:22 + в цитатник
Цитата сообщения OlgaVladimir Английский язык для всех

Where? - Где? Куда?
Why? - Почему? Зачем?
How? - Как?
Whom? - Кого? Кому?
When? - Когда?
Which? - Который?
Who? - Кто?
Whose? - Чей?
What? - Что? Какой?
What has happened? - Что случилось?
What do you want? - Что Вы хотите?
Who do you want? - Кого Вам нужно?
Who are you looking for? - Кого Вы ищете?
Who can I ask? - Кого я могу спросить?
Where can I find him? - Где я могу его найти?
Who told you that? - Кто Вам это сказал?
What's happened? - Что случилось?
What do you mean? - Что Вы имеете в виду?
What's the matter? - В чем дело?
Don't you like it? - Вам это не нравится?
Could you do me a favor? - Не могли бы Вы оказать мне услугу?
Can you tell me? - Не скажете мне...?
May I have your pen? - Не дадите мне Вашу ручку?
May I have a cigarette, please? - У Вас не найдется сигареты?
Do you smoke? - Вы курите?
May I trouble you for a light? - Разрешите прикурить?
Do you mind if I smoke? - Вы не против, если я закурю?
Would you, please, keep an eye on my baggage? - Вы не посмотрите за моим багажом?
Allow me to help you? - Разрешите помочь Вам?


Word Order in English Sentences.

English sentences are divided into statements, questions, commands, and exclamatory sentences. Word order in different types of sentences has certain peculiarities.
▶ Statements (Declarative sentences)
Statements (declarative sentences) are the most common type of sentences. A standard statement uses the basic word order pattern, i.e., SUBJECT + PREDICATE (+ object + adverbial modifier). Adverbial modifiers are placed at the end of the sentence after the object (or after the verb if there is no object). Attributes (adjectives, numerals) are placed before their nouns, and attributes in the form of nouns with prepositions are placed after their nouns.
▷ Example:
Bob writes short stories for children.
▶ Questions (Interrogative sentences)
▶ General questions
Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier).
▷ Example:
Have you seen this film?
▶ Special questions
Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier).
▷ Example:
Where does she live?
▶ Alternative questions
The same word order as general questions.
▷ Example:
Does he live in US or Canada?
▶ Tag questions
Tag questions consist of two parts. The first part has the same word order as statements, and the second part is a short general question (the tag).
▷ Example:
She lives here, doesn't she?
▶ Commands (Imperative sentences)
Commands have the same word order as statements, but the subject (you) is usually omitted.
▷ Example:
Listen to me.
▶ Exclamatory sentences
Exclamatory sentences have the same word order as statements (i.e., the subject is before the predicate).
▷ Example:
What a beautiful song!
Word Order in English Sentences.

English sentences are divided into statements, questions, commands, and exclamatory sentences. Word order in different types of sentences has certain peculiarities.
▶ Statements (Declarative sentences)
Statements (declarative sentences) are the most common type of sentences. A standard statement uses the basic word order pattern, i.e., SUBJECT + PREDICATE (+ object + adverbial modifier). Adverbial modifiers are placed at the end of the sentence after the object (or after the verb if there is no object). Attributes (adjectives, numerals) are placed before their nouns, and attributes in the form of nouns with prepositions are placed after their nouns.
▷ Example:
Bob writes short stories for children.
▶ Questions (Interrogative sentences)
▶ General questions
Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier).
▷ Example:
Have you seen this film?
▶ Special questions
Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier).
▷ Example:
Where does she live?
▶ Alternative questions
The same word order as general questions.
▷ Example:
Does he live in US or Canada?
▶ Tag questions
Tag questions consist of two parts. The first part has the same word order as statements, and the second part is a short general question (the tag).
▷ Example:
She lives here, doesn't she?
▶ Commands (Imperative sentences)
Commands have the same word order as statements, but the subject (you) is usually omitted.
▷ Example:
Listen to me.
▶ Exclamatory sentences
Exclamatory sentences have the same word order as statements (i.e., the subject is before the predicate).
▷ Example:
What a beautiful song!
Рубрики:  Английский язык
уроки. советы

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