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sa189 (288x433, 99Kb)



Dante Gabriel Rossetti




          1849 « , », -, 1835 .
, « », . , .

 2 (400x281, 30Kb)

    , .
       « , » , PRB, . , 105 .    " " - , .

           : "" . 1847 "" 1849 .

             1849 " " (Free Exhibition or Free Institution, Hide Park Corner).



    , ... ( ) 1849 . , . . .

                 The first official shows of painting inscribed P.R.B. – whose meaning had not been revealed to the public – took place in London in 1849. Rossetti exhibited The Girlhood of Mary Virgin at Free Exhibition at Hyde Park Corner, also showing it at the Royal Academy with Millais’ Isabella and Hunt’s Rienzi.
The Girlhood of Mary Virgin was Rossetti’s first large-scale painting. Drawing on medieval religious painting, he deployed a complex iconography.




Model: Christina Rossetti (Mary Virgin) (540x688, 132Kb)

Model: Mrs. Gabriele Rossetti (St. Anne)
Model: Old Williams (A family dependent. He sat for St. Joachim.)
Repainting: Summer, 1848
Repainting the head of the angel.
Repainting: December, 1864
Retouching and reframing.

. 1848-1849.
The Girlhood of Mary Virgin. 1849.

  1848 , .

        P.R.B. R.  nude stardies were made? , , , .  . . , 1849 . 60- , . .

- , - , .

    (, , , , ) ( - , - , - , - ). .

    , , : , , . ( ) . ; .

“On the original frame Rossetti had inscribed his sonnet explaining the symbolism [Sonnet I], while a second sonnet [i.e., Sonnet II] . . . was printed in the catalogue of the Free Exhibition.

The picture was reframed in 1864 when DGR was repainting parts of it. He changed “what had been a frame with curved top corners to a rectangular design of the type he had evolved with Madox Brown earlier that decade. The picture was therefore originally more archaic in appearance” DGR then had the two sonnets inscribed next to each other on the frame below the painting.

, ,  , , .   , , .
       : – , . - , ? .
, .

      Models were his mother and sister. Its Rossetti’s first large-scale painting. The complex iconography he explained in a sonnet inscribed on the frame and in another one in the catalog;
‘These are symbols. On that close of red
I’ the centre, is the Tri-point – perfect each
Except the second of its points, to teach
That Christ is not yet born.’

     Floral symbols: the lily is the symbol of purity, the palm and the thorn prefigure the seven joys and sorrows of the Virgin.

          (For a Picture)                                         ( )

This is that blessed Mary, pre-elect                      

God's Virgin. Gone is a great while since she        . ,

Dwelt thus in Nazareth of Galilee.                         ,

Her kin she cherished with dwvout respect,          , , :

Her gifts were simpleness of intellect,                   - ;

And supreme patience. From her mother's knee   , ,

Faithful and hopeful; wise in charity;                         

Strong in grave peace; in duty circumspect.         .


So held she through her girlhood; as it were         ,

An angel-watered lily, that near God                     ,

Grows and is quiet. Till one dawn, at home          , ,

She woke in her white bed, and had no fear          -

At all, - yet wept till sunshine, and felt awed:        , ,

Because the fulness of the time was come.           - .


  • These are the symbols. On that cloth of red
  • I' the centre, is the Tripoint,—perfect each
  • Except the second of its points, to teach
  • That Christ is not yet born. The books (whose head
  • Is golden Charity, as Paul hath said)
  • Those virtues are wherein the soul is rich:
  • Therefore on them the lily standeth, which
  • Is Innocence, being interpreted.
  • The seven-thorned briar and the palm seven-leaved
  • Are her great sorrows and her great reward.
  • Until the time be full, the Holy One
  • Abides without. She soon shall have achieved
  • Her perfect purity: yea, God the Lord
  • Shall soon vouchsafe His Son to be her Son.
  •       , . , .



  • Major Calder Campbell

    1849 (circa)

s279 (300x390, 44Kb)

  1849 , 1850 .

       "" .

s75 (300x167, 16Kb)s75e.surtees.repro (300x378, 29Kb)


     1855   1853- Alex. Munro    Paolo and Francesca.

  preview_1960-p29 (336x425, 13Kb)  

Paolo and Francesca

By Alexander Munro


      1850 ( 1849 , )  Walter Deverell, Cranborn Street , , . .

   ‘“Hist!”, Said Kate the Queen.’

1849 (circa)


sa57.m (300x211, 15Kb)s49b (267x448, 8Kb)s49a (279x448, 21Kb)


      1849 ? , . , , ׸ "׸ ..." Feste  Twelfth Night by Deverell. 

N02063_10 (336x425, 37Kb)

N02063_10 -  (336x407, 17Kb)

















Taurello's First Sight of Fortune 1849 .       

Brown ink on paper, drawn about , 22.9 x 27.9cm, Tate. Bequeathed by HF Stephens 1932


s39 (300x301, 29Kb)

                   "" , . (), . , . . , . - "" .

                         The subject of the drawing is from Browning's poem 'Sordello', set during the wars of the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. Taurello, left, when newly arrived at court, was asked in jest by the King to rule instead of him. The King invested him with the silk glove of his wife, who is seen taking off her glove. The details of medieval costume and townscape show Rossetti's admiration of the Flemish artists Van Eyck and Memling.

The angular gestures, unsettling facial expressions and abrupt perspective are characteristics of the early phase of the Pre-Raphaelite style. These qualities emulated the 'primitive' qualities of early Italian and Flemish art.

    1850 ( 1849 , )  Walter Deverell, Cranborn Street , , . .

The Salutation of Beatrice (sketch of Dante) 1849-1859 (circa)


s116g (300x486, 35Kb)s116b (300x393, 27Kb)

The Salutation of Beatrice (design) 1849-1850

Date on Image: Left: 1849; Right: 1850

Inscription written below left compartment reads: ‘E cui saluta fa tremar lo core.’ Inscription below right compartment reads: ‘Guardami ben; ben son, ben son Beatrice.’ Inscription over the head of Love reads: ‘9 Guigno, 1290.’ Above reads: ‘Ita n'e Beatrice in alto ciel.’ Inscription beneath the feet reads: ‘Ed ha lasciato Amor meco dolente.’ Title beneath reads: ‘ IL SALUTO DI BEATRICE ’.

s116a (300x204, 17Kb)


The Boat of Love (composition sketch, four figures)

Alternately titled: The Barque of Love 1850 (circa)s239g.surtees.repro (300x202, 14Kb)

Borgia (study)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

1850 (circa)

s48a.surtees.repro (290x500, 24Kb)On verso is a pencil sketch of a naked female figure, facing forward, with her head turned to the left and hands raised to her mouth. 


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