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, 27 2023 . 13:49 +


op126 (300x391, 18Kb)



Dante Gabriel Rossetti

William Holman Hunt




s60 (300x425, 35Kb)

    1850-x . . . . 1853. , " ". , , .



Carlisle Wall

Alternately titled: The Lovers



Monogram and date are inscribed on the wall to the right with the inscription “Carlisle 1853”. 


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    Found 1853.

s64e (300x459, 21Kb) (304x460, 11Kb)


1853 -57 . .


Found (study for the man and woman together) 

1853 (circa)

    , 1854-59 , . 1855 , , .



sa659.del (342x336, 16Kb)

(study for calf)


s64o (300x338, 27Kb)

sa934.s64 (300x326, 15Kb)



Found (study for head of woman)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

1853 - 1857 (circa)



Found (early design)



s64b (300x333, 38Kb)The following New Testament quotation is traced faintly on the headstone: “There is joy— the Angels— one Sinner—” [There is rejoicing among The angels of God over One sinner repenting -- Luke 15:10]

Found Cornforth sat for the figure of the woman.

1854 WMR sat for the figure of the farmer in the early stages.

Madox Brown also sat for the farmer. Fairfax Murray suggests that Burne-Jones and Dunn added finishing touches to the painting following DGR's death. Murray beleives that Burne-Jones added the wall (which DGR had intended as a picket fence) while Dunn washed in the sky. Marillier believes that Burne-Jones did the sky and that Dunn might have painted the bridge, the riverbank, and the cowslip in the farmer's hat.s64.wsfa (300x338, 33Kb)


(For a picture)

"There is a budding morrow in midnight": -

So sang our Keats, our English nightingale.

And here, as lamps across the bridge turn pale

In London's smokeless resurrection-light,

Dark breakes to dawn. But o'er the deadly blight

Of love deflowered and sorrow of none avail

hich makes this man gasp and this woman quail,

Can day from darkness ever again take flight?


Ah! gave not these two hearts their mutual pledge,

Under one mantle sheltered 'neath the hedge

In gloaming courtship? And O God! to-day

He only knows he holds her; - but what part

Can life now take? She cries in her locked heart, -

"Leave me - I do not know you - so away!:



love deflowered - - , , .


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 (560x700, 99Kb)

. 1854-81.

FOUND. 91,4*80cm
Delaware Art Museum - Delaware, USA

                      "" , . , ( !) . " ", - .
               Found the only contemporary theme treated by that painter. The model was Fanny Cornforth, a prostitute and his mistress.
In Rossetti's paintings, Fanny Cornforth appears as a fleshy redhead, in contrast to his more ethereal treatments of his other models, Jane Morris and Elizabeth Siddal.

       «» (1854-81), . , « » .
   « … … , , ». ( 1855) , Blackfriars Bridge – ׸ . , , « » (1851-1862). -.

             , : « , ! !» ( ). «», .
, , 1840-, , 1870-. , 1862 . . ( ).


             ‘She cries in her locked heart, -“Leave me - I do not know you – go away!’
Rossetti from the poem ‘Found’, that was inspired by the painting of the same name, which was never completed.
Rossetti, who was passionately interested in the poetry of the Italian Renaissance and particularly the works of Dante, began writing at the very outset of his artistic career, in the late 1840s, though his first collection of Poems was not published until 1870. The reason of the lapse in time was because Rossetti had put the manuscripts of his poems in Elizabeth Siddal’s coffin on her premature death in 1862. They were only exhumed seven years later.


  (700x465, 53Kb)

            First Anniversary 1853

42*61 cm




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