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: 27.08.2009
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, 17 2020 . 22:52 +


s44b.surtees.repro (288x500, 34Kb)


      ,   'union of strange and puissant physical loveliness with depth and remoteness of gaze' , , . . , .
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s44b (278x500, 21Kb)

Ecce Ancilla Domini!

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

1849 (circa)

Medium: pencil on blue paper 1849 (circa)

Dimensions: 6 5/8 x 3 13/16 in.
Note: On the reverse of this sheet is a preliminary sketch for The Return of Tibullus to Delia.

Current Location: Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery

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Study of the figure of the Virgin for "Ecce Ancilla Domini!"  

Can you imagine the Virgin, or Christina Rossetti, like this?


 (332x460, 13Kb)  , . 1852. ( , ).

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Kneeling with her Companions 1852 (circa)

s691a (300x365, 27Kb)


Venus Verticordia

Dante Gabriel Rossetti


s173 (300x354, 32Kb)



       DGR thought to do this painting early in 1874, when he wrote to his brother about this pastel version he had finished. Surtees describes the picture, now in a private collection, as a “Half-length figure of a female nude turned slightly to the right. She holds a crystal globe in her right hand and her left hand is raised to her shoulder;

s237 (300x467, 23Kb)


Forced Music

s247 (300x418, 31Kb)


The Spirit of the Rainbow


s245.m (300x485, 26Kb)

s234 (300x419, 33Kb)

Ligeia Siren 1873




Ligeia Siren 1873 

The female model (name unknown) was found for DGR by Mr. Dunn.

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