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apocryph celtic-metal death-metal deathcore grindcore. kalmah viking-metal


: 25.04.2009
: 1565



, 07 2009 . 20:34 +
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, 07 2009 . 20:31 +
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, 07 2009 . 20:27 +
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, 07 2009 . 20:26 +
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, 07 2009 . 20:24 +
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, 07 2009 . 20:22 +
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, 07 2009 . 20:12 +
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, 21 2009 . 15:25 +
aradisePlace - , , .


, 17 2009 . 14:16 +
On Friday the Yen decreased its level against both the dollar and the euro, as market traders came to a conclusion that the worst recession in the global economy is coming to an end, which increased traders appetites for more risky assets.

The euro and dollars from Australia were in favor today, pushing backwards other currencies, like the American dollar and the yen. Australian dollar is one of the predictable risk-sensitive currencies, the rate of which is rapidly increasing every time when risk aversion stops. It was caused by the economic data reveled by the Federal Reserve of the US, showing possible slow down of the world recession and indicating optimism among consumers and companies.

Yen falls as market optimism continues



, 10 2009 . 13:12 +
, Kogan , ? , .


, 28 2009 . 14:19 +


, 22 2009 . 17:10 +


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