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: 16.10.2007
: 5730
: 32884
: 47784


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, 13 2016 . 16:08 +

Franz Maria Ingenmey (German, 1830-1878) The Admired Artist. 1871 .

Lauritz Vilhelm Pacht (Danish, 1843-1912) Tidlig formiddag fra skäralid i skaan. 1882 .

Peder Severin Krøyer (Danish, 1851-1909) Painter on Skagen Beach, New Moon.

José Vital Branco Malhoa (Portuguese, 1855-1933) Os colegas. 1905.

José Vital Branco Malhoa (Portuguese, 1855-1933) Dois artistas Pintando à Beira-Mar. 1918 .

Willem Bastiaan Tholen (Dutch, 1860-1931) The Painter Gabriël working in a Boat.

Théo van Rysselberghe (Belgian, 1862-1926) Armand Heins aan het schilderen in open lucht. 1881 . Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent

André-Charles Coppier (French, 1866-1948) Portrait du peintre Henri Harpignies 1903

Peter Marius Hansen (Danish, 1868-1928) Bonden og maleren 1911 Faaborg Museum.

Paul Albert Laurens (French, 1870-1934) L'artiste et sa famille. 1923 .

Wacław Borowski (Polish, 1885-1954) Sielanka.

Kosta Hakman (Bosnian, 1899-1961) Artist in Nature. 1938 .

Maurice Brianchon (French, 1899-1979) Réunion de personnages dans un jardin. 1932 . Bagnols-sur-Cèze, musée Albert-André

Ernest Duez (French, 1843-1896) Ulysse Butin (French, 1838-1883), peintre. Musée d'Orsay, Paris

Gustave Caillebotte (French, 1848-1894) The Painter under his Parasol. 1878 .

François Brunery (Italian, 1849-1903) L'Eglise en danger.

Georges Daoud Corm (Lebanon, 1896-1971) Peintre dans la Nature.

Bayar G. (Gombojavin, 1943-1992) Lovely homeland. 1994 .

James S. Brohan (Irish, born 1952) Self-Portrait of Artist at Work.

S. Togs-Oyun (Mongolian) Portrait of artist. 1989 . Tsagaandarium Art Museum

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Emerald2   , 14 2016 . 08:11 ()
-   , 14 2016 . 13:30 ()
   , 14 2016 . 14:11 ()
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   , 14 2016 . 14:13 ()
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_   , 15 2016 . 18:41 ()
, . François Brunery .
   , 16 2016 . 00:05 ()
, ( ) . "Up a tree" - , . , , - .
, .
   , 18 2016 . 00:39 ()
, ! () .
   , 19 2016 . 02:24 ()
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