
: 04.08.2007
: 5638
: 773
: 7313



: (4), (Yiddish Lessons)(52), (2099), (628), (621), (3589), .(2510), Humor..(1718), Becoming a Vegetarian(480), 1969-1978 ع20 (74), 70- 10 (190)

Ruth Goren -Yaakov(Israel) ( )

, 22 2010 . 13:36 +



Alina Semukha(USA) Eric Hoffer in 1968 on Jews and Israel (prescient)-( )

, 20 2010 . 09:36 +

Search Results

  1. Eric Hoffer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Eric Hoffer (July 25, 1902 – May 21, 1983) was an American social writer and philosopher. He produced ten books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Hoffer - Cached - Similar
  2. The Eric Hoffer Resource

/Alina Semukha(USA)


Willy G.(Germany) ( ))

, 15 2010 . 09:37 +


13.08.2009 19:23 | 34 | , ,  



4 2009 “-” “ ” , . , , .

/Willy G.(Germany) ..


Willy G.(Germany)- - - ( )

, 13 2010 . 18:53 +
( -)


Speech Geert Wilders, Tel Aviv, December 5 2010 PDF Print E-mail
zondag, 05 december 2010


Shalom chaveriem,
Let me start by saying that it is with great sadness that I share your grief over the deaths of more than 40 brave Israelis who lost their lives - many while trying to save others in the great fire near Haifa. My country, the Netherlands, is amongst other countries helping to put down this fire, which is threatening the lives and property of thousands of your compatriots. I offer my heartfelt condolences to the families of those who perished. My thoughts are with them. Israel is an immense source of inspiration for me. When I came to your country for the first time as a teenager, I lived here for a year.
/Willy G.(Germany) ..


Alina Semukha(USA) - ""( )

, 11 2010 . 19:08 +
: >


( )
Missed a genius ...


The history of the twentieth century would have been different, if one person took time at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts.
/Alina Semukha(USA)


From Yosef Litos (Israel) -( )

, 10 2010 . 17:30 +

10.10.2003 00:53

29 1947 .

: , , , ? , , , , ?

/Yosef Litos (Israel)



, 10 2010 . 10:31 +
, !
, , - .
, ))
, - , , , ,
  , , , - . 



Tatasoz - ( )

, 04 2010 . 00:22 +
_ [ + !]

, .

« . — 21 . , (, , ), », — .

, «» .

— -76, , -200. -26, 15 . « , , — -. 2006-2008 , », — .

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. 43 . , , . 17 , ,

/ ()



Tatasoz - . ( )

, 04 2010 . 16:52 +
_ [ + !]


«--» .

- WikiLeaks, . , . , .

.. «--»

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()



Tatasoz - ( )

, 02 2010 . 22:11 +
_ [ + !]



– ?


, 02 2010 . 20:40 () : 7 / 11
, ? ? ! , . , . . — ! .
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()



Willy G.(Germany) 3-21( )

, 02 2010 . 21:35 +

« (,) 3.»

 0 22   0 0


   (,)  3.    (,)  3.

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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/Willy G.(Germany) ..


Willy G.(Germany) (,) 1.

, 02 2010 . 21:30 +

« (,) 1.»



   (,) 1.    (,) 1.

, : - ?
: ; , .
, : , ; . .

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/Willy G.(Germany) ..
70- 10

Alina Semukha(USA)- - ( )

, 29 2010 . 17:07 +

- - , !

- - , .
, .


, -

, 2010

- ,
, 1927

/Alina Semukha(USA)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Ruth-Gor (Beer-Sheva)-Haym Salomon (ca. 1740 - 1785)

, 28 2010 . 10:43 +


סיפור מן ההיסטוריה שלא מזיק לדעת אותו...
לפני זמן מה הוקם לוח זיכרון בבית הכנסת היהודי באקדמיה הצבאית היוקרתית
של ארה"ב, בווסט-פוינט - לזכרו של אחד בשם: " חיים סלומון ".
בימי חייו, וזאת בתקופת הכרזת העצמאות של ארה"ב בשנת 1776, היה האיש הזה
היועץ הכספי ועוזרו הראשי לעניינים כלכליים של ג'ורג' וושינגטון, שהיה
הנשיא הראשון ומפקד הצבא הקונטיננטאלי של ארה"ב החדשה.

בימים הקרים של החורף של שנת 1777 חיילי צבא ארה"ב קפאו מקור מחוסר ביגוד
מתאים ורעבו מחוסר מזון. חיים סלומון גייס את הקהילה היהודית בארה"ב שכבר
מנתה אז כמה אלפי משפחות ושלח קריאה ליהודי אירופה לבוא ולעזור בתרומות
כספיות למדינה החדשה. פעולתו הייתה כה מוצלחת שגו'רג' וושינגטון עצמו מצא
לנכון לציין שאלמלא פעולתו של חיים סלומון 'פני ההיסטוריה היו בודאי
שונים, משום שצבא ארה"ב – לא היה מחזיק מעמד במלחמתו נגד הבריטים ויתר
אויביה של ארה"ב, שלא רצו בקיומה'.

לזכרו של חיים סלומון ועזרת העם היהודי להקמתה של הרפובליקה של ארה"ב
במלחמת העצמאות שלה - ציווה וושינגטון להנציח את פועלם בדרך מיוחדת.
אם תיקחו לידכם את השטר של 1 דולר ותתבוננו בצידו האחורי בימינו של השטר,
תראו שהכוכבים מעל ראשו של הנשר המצויר על גבי השטר הם כוכבים בני שש
קצוות דהיינו: כוכבי "מגן-דוד". זאת ועוד, אם תסבבו את הנשר במהופך כלפי
מטה תראו שבבסיסו של הנשר נמצאת קונפיגורציה של מנורת שבעת הקנים שהיא
סמל ליהדות.
שני סמלים אלה הוכנסו לתמידות בדיוקנו של המטבע הבסיסי לפי הוראתו
המפורשת של וושינגטון, שאמר:

'שהעם האמריקאי לעולם לא ישכח את העזרה שהושיטו בני העם היהודי ברגעים החשובים ביותר של תקומת ארצות הברית של אמריקה'.

[ ... את הסיפור הזה שלח לי מארה"ב ידיד, סא"ל-מיל בחיל ההנדסה של ארה"ב,
שהוא מראשי הועד הציבורי שהקים ומטפח את בית-הכנסת היהודי בווסט-פוינט.
אני מפיץ אותו בבחינת "המביא דברים בשם אומרם.

שמישהו יטרח ויזכיר זאת לאובמה




: >

A story from history not to hurt to know it ...
Some time ago a memorial tablet was established Jewish synagogue in the prestigious military academy
U.S., West - Point - in memory of one called: "Living Solomon."
During his lifetime, and during the U.S. Declaration of Independence in 1776, this man was
Financial Advisor Economic Affairs chief assistant of George Washington, who was
First president and commander of the U.S. Continental Army new.

The cold days of winter of 1777 froze the U.S. military troops lack Apparel Source
Hungry for lack of food.
Haim Solomon enlisted the American Jewish community already
There were so few of thousands of families and sent a call for European Jews to come and help with donations
New state money.
Operation was so successful were wrong, Reginald Washington himself found
Fit to note that without the action of life Solomon of history were certainly
Different because the U.S. military - was holding up its war against British and other
America's enemies, who did not want existence.

In memory of Chaim Solomon helping Jewish people to the establishment of the Republic of America
Its independence war - ordered Washington to commemorate their special way.
If you take next to you the bill of $ 1 you look at the back side of the bill today,
Look at the stars above the eagle's head painted on the bill are the stars of six
Ends ie: stars "Star - David."
Moreover, if Atasabbu the eagle reverse the
Look down at the base of the Eagle is the configuration of the seven-branched candelabrum that
Symbol of Judaism.
These two symbols were the portrait of constant currency by teaching basic
Washington's explicit, saying:

'American people would never forget for assisting the Jewish people the most important moments of the revival of the United States of America.

This story a friend sent me from the USA, Lt. Col. - res U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
He heads the public committee established by fostering the house - the Jewish synagogue in the West - Point.
I distribute it as "bringing things called saying.

Anyone bother to mention it to Obama


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Ruth-Gor (Beer-Sheva)-Haym Salomon (ca. 1740 - 1785)

, 28 2010 . 10:37 +

Haym Salomon (ca. 1740 - 1785)

Medal by Paul Vincze (1973), Haym Salomon, Patriot.
by Bob Blythe

Image: Haym SalomonSalomon (sometimes written as Solomon and Solomons in period documents) was a Polish-born Jewish immigrant to America who played an important role in financing the Revolution. When the war began, Salomon was operating as a financial broker in New York City. He seems to have been drawn early to the Patriot side and was arrested by the British as a spy in 1776. He was pardoned and used by the British as an interpreter with their German troops. Salomon, however, continued to help prisoners of the British escape and encouraged German soldiers to desert. Arrested again in 1778, he was sentenced to death, but managed to escape to the rebel capital of Philadelphia, where he resumed his career as a broker and dealer in securities. He soon became broker to the French consul and paymaster to French troops in America.

Salomon arrived in Philadelphia as the Continental Congress was struggling to raise money to support the war. Congress had no powers of direct taxation and had to rely on requests for money directed to the states, which were mostly refused. The government had no choice but to borrow money and was ultimately bailed out only by loans from the French and Dutch governments. Government finances were in a chaotic state in 1781 when Congress appointed former Congressman Robert Morris superintendent of finances. Morris established the Bank of North America and proceeded to finance the Yorktown campaign of Washington and Rochambeau. Morris relied on public-spirited financiers like Salomon to subscribe to the bank, find purchasers for government bills of exchange, and lend their own money to the government.

From 1781 on, Salomon brokered bills of exchange for the American government and extended interest-free personal loans to members of Congress, including James Madison. Salomon married Rachel Franks in 1777 and had four children with her. He was an influential member of Philadelphia’s Mikveh Israel congregation, founded in 1740. He helped lead the fight to overturn restrictive Pennsylvania laws barring non-Christians from holding public office. Like many elite citizens of Philadelphia, he owned at least one slave, a man named Joe, who ran away in 1780. Possibly as a result of his purchases of government debt, Salomon died penniless in 1785. His descendants in the nineteenth century attempted to obtain compensation from Congress, but were unsuccessful. The extent of Salomon’s claim on the government cannot be determined, because the documentation disappeared long ago.

In 1941, the George Washington-Robert Morris-Haym Salomon Memorial was erected along Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago. The bronze and stone memorial was conceived by sculptor Lorado Taft and finished by his student, Leonard Crunelle. Although Salomon’s role in financing the Revolution has at times been exaggerated, his willingness to take financial risks for the Patriot cause helped establish the new nation.

1975 U.S. stamp honoring Haym Salomon

To learn more:

Laurens R. Schwartz, Jews and the American Revolution: Haym Salomon and Others (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 1987).

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



- ( )

, 25 2010 . 12:51 +
  • « », — . ...
    ru.wikipedia.org/.../_ -   -
  •  -  . . .
  • |

    , , .
    www.krugosvet.ru/.../SAUDOVSKAYA_ARAVIYA.html -   -
  • : ...

    4 2010 ... , –
    civs.ru/blog/society/143.html -  

  • Vesti.kz
  • - Travel.Ru: - : ...

    : , , .
    archive.travel.ru/saudi_arabia/ -   -
  • , 2011, ...

    2010-2011 ! , , ...
    www.poedem.ru -   -
  • -- | | :

    29 2008 ... , 18 . ...
    news.bbc.co.uk/hi/.../2516967.stm -   -
  • . . .

    - , , , . . .
    www.arabia-travel.ru/ -   -
  • -

    27 2009 ... – . - . ...
    ve.free-travels.ru/articles/item.php?... -   -
  • , ...

    TURIZM.RU - .
    www.turizm.ru/saudi_arabia/ -   -
  • |

    , , , , , ...
    www.otpusk.com/ref/sa/ -   -
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)




, 25 2010 . 12:17 +


: >


: >

العاهل السعودي يمر لأخيه

 توقيت المحيط الهادي
The Saudi monarch passes to his brother
تاريخ النشر : 24 نوفمبر 2010 07:24
Posted: 24 Nov 2010 07:24 AM PST

في حين يعالج الأميرة الإمارة في إسرائيل ،
 وصلت في المملكة العربية السعودية
الملك عبدالله بن عبد العزيز في الولايات المتحدة ،
 حيث سيتلقى العلاج من انزلاق غضروفي
.While the emirate's princess being treated in Israel,
 Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz arrived in the U.S.,
where he will receive treatment of a herniated disc.
 الملك 86 عاما) سلم السلطة الى شقيقه
ولي العهد الأمير سلطان بن خالد عبد العزيز
 (85 سنة الأخيرة ، للحظة ، وانه لا يملك الصحة).
86-year-old king handed over power to his brother,
 Crown Prince Khaled Sultan bin Abd al-Aziz
(the last 85 years, for a moment, and he does not possess health).
 مصادر عربية أن يكتب في واقع الأمر سيتم التعامل مع الملك عبد الله ليس من قبل فتق ،
 ولكن من ناحية أخرى ، وهو مرض رهيب جدا (هناك عدة إصدارات).
Arab sources write that in fact the King Abdullah will be treated not by a hernia,
 but on the other hand, a very terrible disease (there are several versions).
 بشكل عام ، المملكة العربية السعودية ، وعلى طول الوقت مع الولايات المتحدة
 للتحضير لتغيير الحرس في الرياض.
In general, Saudi Arabia, and along with U.S.
 time to prepare for the changing of the guard in Riyadh.
 من المرغوب فيه لملء الفراغ على الفور ،
 والمنظمات الشيعية في الدوائر الجنوبية والوهابية في
 Nazhde الانتظار لا انتظر لحظة مجده وعظمته.
It is desirable to fill the void immediately,
 as Shiite organizations in southern and Wahhabi circles
 in Nazhde wait-not wait for his moment of glory
 ومع ذلك ، فإن الأميركيين سيغيب بالكاد في المملكة العربية السعودية
 (على عكس غزة وأفغانستان والعراق ، .
However, the Americans hardly will miss in Saudi Arabia
(unlike Gaza, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.).
وما إلى ذلك) ، وتعطل في امدادات النفط.
 الآن يمكننا تخمين الوحيد الذي من ولي العهد (عدة مئات) ستسقط الكثير
 على الرغم من أن معدلات يخلص.
And a disruption in oil supplies.
 Now we can only guess which of Crown Prince (several hundred) will fall lots.
Although rates concludes.


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Ruth Goren-Yaakov(Israel)The Wedding Gown That Made History( )

, 23 2010 . 23:10 +
The Wedding Gown That Made History
Helen Zegerman Schwimmer
Posted Dec 31 2008
The Wedding Gown That Made History  , Helen Zegerman Schwimmer

     Lilly Friedman doesn't remember the last name of the woman who designed and sewed the wedding gown she wore when she walked down the aisle over 60 years ago.  But the grandmother of seven does recall that when she first told her fiancé Ludwig that she had always dreamed of being married in a white gown he realized he had his work cut out for him. 

 For the tall, lanky 21-year-old who had survived hunger, disease and torture this was a different kind of challenge.  How was he ever going to find such a dress in the Bergen Belsen Displaced Person's camp where they felt grateful for the clothes on their backs?
   Fate would intervene in the guise of a former German pilot who walked into the food distribution center where Ludwig worked, eager to make a trade for his worthless parachute.  In exchange for two pounds of coffee beans and a couple of packs of cigarettes Lilly would have her wedding gown.
   For two weeks Miriam the seamstress worked under the curious eyes of her fellow DPs, carefully fashioning the six parachute panels into a simple, long sleeved gown with a rolled collar and a fitted waist that tied in the back with a bow. When the dress was completed she sewed the leftover material into a matching shirt for the groom.
   A white wedding gown may have seemed like a frivolous request in the surreal environment of the camps, but for Lilly the dress symbolized the innocent, normal life she and her family had once led before the world descended into madness.  Lilly and her siblings were raised in a Torah observant home in the small town of Zarica, Czechoslovakia where her father was a melamed, respected and well liked by the young yeshiva students he taught in nearby Irsheva. 

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Tatasoz - ( )

, 21 2010 . 23:53 +
_ [ + !]

, . " D-IX" 1944 . , , 18 20 . . "" , . , " ". 90 , , " ", .


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()



Ed Zisman (Israel) ( )

, 21 2010 . 21:56 +

Article by " .", posted at AntiFashyst.narod.ru



— —
 Russians and non-Russian —  division —  Jews
, .
On the expanses of the former USSR there are several villages whose inhabitants can really surprise the unprepared visitor.
. (, , "").
Absolutely Russian in appearance the men and women observe Saturday and other Jewish customs. In this case they truely consider themselves to be Jews [evreiami] (or as they they say: "iavreiami").[more]
, . ( ) . . , . "" , , . 20 000 "". , .
The first news about this very strange sect, or community, appeared at the end of the eighteenth century. Sectarians (mostly peasants) do not worship icons. They practice circumcision. They believe in one God, but not the Trinity. The communities literally "surfaced" in Voronezh, Tambov, Tula and Saratov provinces. At the beginning of the nineteenth century in Russia there were more than 20,000 "Jews", or Subbotniks, as they are also called.
, . , . , " , " . : .
Scientists, still now debate what happened at that time. Some think that the stimulus of the origin of Subbotniks was the translation of the Old Testament into the Russian language. Then peasants for the first time could read both about one God and about the "land of milk and honey" which will be obtained by those believed in Him. They wanted to get this land [of milk and honey], so the agrarian [land] question in the Russian Empire was always a problem.
, , .
Others assume that they were influenced by merchant-Jews who did business in that area.
, .
The third group says that Sabbatarianism came from the Protestant anti-trinititarian teachings [doctrine].
, , . . .
After the Tsar saw such trouble he decided to convert Subbotniks to Orthodoxy. First the priests tried to convince them. When this did not work, they used physical force.  --------- translation in-progress
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Tataros - ( )

, 20 2010 . 15:30 +
_ [ + !]

19 1711 — 15 1765

 (679x445, 190Kb)
19 . , . , 9 . . – , . 1731 , , ...

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— XVIII . : « », « » « », .

. 1986.

: /
: , , .

. -, , ; (1745), (1763).

1755 , 1940 . . - , , , . . . . , .

XVIII , , , , , , . . .

(4) 15 1765 -. - .


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()



Tataros - ( )

, 20 2010 . 13:50 +
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, , 15 , - . , , . , , . ! . , , , .

. , , . « . ?» . , , . , . ! , - , , ?


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()
70- 10



TIYA(-) ( )

, 19 2010 . 18:51 +
TIYA [ + !]



1991 , , , . , , , , .

, - .

1942 . , , () 22 , . , , , .

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Tataros - ( )

, 18 2010 . 22:26 +






  7 2010

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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
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Tataros - - ( )

, 18 2010 . 21:33 +
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America: The Grim Truth

By Lance Freeman

April 08, 2010 "Information Clearing House" --  Americans, I have some bad news for you:

You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin.

If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia, you’d be rioting in the streets calling for a better life. In fact, the average Australian or Singaporean taxi driver has a much better standard of living than the typical American white-collar worker.

I know this because I am an American, and I escaped from the prison you call home.

I have lived all around the world, in wealthy countries and poor ones, and there is only one country I would never consider living in again: The United States of America. The mere thought of it fills me with dread.


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()



Willy G.(Germany) "" ( )

, 17 2010 . 08:58 +


- .

  " ",

: 16 2010 ., 12:24
: 16 2010 ., 14:59

        -  ,
   ,      " ",     70 .
     ,   ,     - ,   .          “  ”

- , , .


, . , , . , , , . : , , "" . =

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/Willy G.(Germany) ..



Willy G.(Germany) ! ( )

, 17 2010 . 08:37 +

«, , …» (. 16:20)

: , , ,  ..


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/Willy G.(Germany) ..



Tatasoz- !( )

, 16 2010 . 17:46 +
_ [ + !]

() (1807, —1887) — , .


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()



Alina Semukha(USA) - ( )

, 16 2010 . 09:09 +



«» . ...

... «» - . , . , , – « ».

, . , .
/Alina Semukha(USA)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Metargem72 -akhbarna- -

, 14 2010 . 15:32 +





: >

 نظم مركز تل السبع

 الجماهيري يوم الخميس

الماضي مهرجان بيئة محلي

بعنوان 'معًا للحفاظ على الأودية'،

 برعاية وزارة حماية البيئة

ومجلس تل السبع المحليّ،

متزامنًا مع حملة نظافة

في البلدة ستستمر على مدار شهر .

   وجاء مهرجان يوم الخميس

تتويجًا لجهود الطلاب على مدار ثلاث أسابيع

متواصلة في أربع مدارس 

في البلدة هي أبو بكر 'ب'،

والرسالة، والبيان، وجبران.

  هذا، وشملت نشاطات المهرجان ثلاث محطات:

 Centre Tel seven public last Thursday,

 a local festival environment entitled 'together to maintain the valleys',

sponsored by the Ministry of Environmental Protection

and the Council of Tel Sheva local,

concurrent with the clean-up campaign in the town will continue throughout the month.

The Festival on Thursday,

 the culmination of the efforts of students over three consecutive weeks

in four schools in the town was Abu Bakr, 'b', and the message,

and the statement, and Gibran.

This, and the activities of the festival included three stations:

المحطة الأولى ورشات عمل في المدارس  :

The first leg and workshops in schools:


  في هذه المرحلة أقيمت

ورشات عمل للطلاب في المدارس الأربع.

وقد حصلت مدرسة جبران على المرتبة الأولى

في فعاليات توعية التلاميذ،

حيث قام طلاب بفعاليات توعية لطلاب أصغر

منهم وربط عمليات التدوير

بالتراث وموسم الزيتون .

  أما مدرسة أبو بكر ب فكانت الأكثر

إنتاجًا واستخدامًا للنفايات في عمليات التدوير،

 وصنعت العديد من اللوازم المدرسية

ووسائل الإيضاح المختلفة .

  وكانت مدرسة الرسالة الأكثر إبداعًا

 في ابتكار محطات بيئية مختلفة منها محطة لإطعام

 العصافير من بقايا وجبات الطلاب المدرسية

وربط  البيئة مع موسم الحج.

 At this stage and held workshops for students in four schools.

Gibran school has obtained the first position in the activities of awareness of students,

 where students effectively targeted outreach to students

 and to link them smaller recycling heritage and the olive harvest.

The school of Abu Bakr was the most productive and widely used in waste recycling,

 and built many of the school supplies and various aids.

The school was the message the most creative

in devising different environmental stations,

 including station to feed the birds from the remains of meals,

 school students and to link the environment with the pilgrimage season.

المحطة الثانية في المهرجان

   بدأ المهرجان بانطلاق مسيرة دراجات هوائية حول البلدة،

 برعاية رئيس المجلس المحلي موسى أبو عصا وموسى

 الأعسم والأستاذ أسامة وتد والأخ طومان أبو رقيق

ومعلمين من المدارس المشتركة.

وتحدث رئيس المجلس المحلي

للطلاب أن الحفاظ على البيئة من أولويات المجلس

 مع قلة الموارد الموجودة، مؤكدًا على حملة النظافة

في البلدة التي تستمر على مدار شهر

حتى يكتمل تنظيف الأودية من كل النفايات.

 هذا، واستمع لطلاب خلال مسيرتهم لشرحٍ عن

وادي الخليل وتاريخه وعن تلوث المياه فيه

 وعن آفة إلقاء النفايات في الأودية.

The second leg of the festival

The festival began the process of launching bikes around the town,

sponsored by the local council head Moussa Abu Musa and stick Aloasm and Mr. Osama wedge

and brother Abu Touman thin and teachers from participating schools.

The President of the local council for students to preserve the environment

 of the Council's priorities with the lack of existing resources,

 emphasizing the cleanliness campaign in the town,

which continues throughout the month to complete cleanup of all waste valleys.

 This, and listened to the students during their march to explain from the valley of Hebron

and its history and the pollution of water in it and the scourge of the dumping of waste in the valleys


المحطة الثالثة في المهرجان

  وكانت المحطة الأخيرة من المهرجان عبارة عن احتفال

 في القاعة الرياضية اشترك فيها مئات الطلاب من المدارس

 وحضرها جمهور من الشخصيات الاعتبارية والتربوية.

والشخصيات المهمة في البلدة .

The third leg of the festival

The last leg of the festival is a celebration at the sports hall

 in which hundreds of students from schools

and attended by an audience of legal persons and educational.

And the important figures in the town.


  موسى الأعسم مركّز مشروع 'تل السبع خضراء' افتتح

الحفل بكلمة شرح فيها للحضور عن المشروع

 وأن العمل الجماهيري المكثف كفيل بتحويل البلدة

إلى خضراء في السنوات القريبة وأن هدا حلم ليس ببعيد.

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Tatasoz - 14.11.10- ( )

, 14 2010 . 08:10 +
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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
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Metargem72- Angels do not play this HAARP ( )

, 11 2010 . 12:12 +

The Military's Pandora's Box

by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning

This article was prepared to provide a summary of the contents of a book written in 1995 which describes an entirely new class of weapons. The weapons and their effects are described in the following pages. The United States Navy and Air Force have joined with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based "Star Wars" weapon system located in the remote bush country of Alaska.

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



- ( )

, 11 2010 . 11:30 +
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. HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). .

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
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Metargem72- "" ( )

, 10 2010 . 09:19 +




() 22 1945.


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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
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, 10 2010 . 08:17 +
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8 1945 - . - , . . , «Unthinkable» («»).


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, 09 2010 . 02:40 +
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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
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, 09 2010 . 02:19 +
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«, : , , ?» — -
5,5 2011—2013 55 . . « ». , - , , , «», .


/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
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, 09 2010 . 08:48 +
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-, , , , (Albert Kahn) – , .
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, …

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()



Alina Semukha(USA)-"! !"

, 08 2010 . 19:01 +


Yury Luchinsky /



5 , 9:49
Originally posted by [info]storyofgrubas at
1941 . . . . , , . , , .
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1943 .
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/Alina Semukha(USA)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Metargem72-CBC - The Putin System - Documentary PART 1 of 9.avi

, 07 2010 . 12:52 +
CBC - The Putin System - Documentary PART 1 of 9.avi

: -

, , - .

" . … . , . . ", – .

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Alina Semukha(USA) -South Africf needs your help( ) )

, 07 2010 . 12:25 +


White South African Farmers Considering Resettlement to Former Soviet Georgia
Report; Posted on: 2010-10-26 14:57:22 [ Printer friendly / Instant flyer ]
Maybe next time--if there is a next time--they won't vote for their own destruction again.

On October 9, 2010 Georgian TV news program aired a detailed report about plans for the resettlement of white farmers of South Africa to Georgia. This program has become in fact an official announcement about the project.

In addition to interviews with the Boers and reportage from South Africa, the program shows Boers visiting Georgia and the signing in late August 2010 of a memorandum of cooperation between the Georgian government and the Organization of
the farmers of South Africa, uniting 41,000 Afrikaner families, approx. 150 thousand people.

Plans are not only real but are already under implementation.

Speaking on Georgian TV, the representative of white farmers said that the South African government is forcing white farmers give away 30% of their land to the blacks. But black farmers do not produce anything and do not want to produce.

And so, Georgia made an offer to the white farmers. Minister of Diaspora Affairs of Georgia and the South African farmers' organization have signed a memorandum at the end of August 2010. It's main point is to offer Transvaal farmers to move and transfer their agricultural businesses to Georgia.

Minister for Diaspora Affairs says that Georgia is ready to receive all the white farmers of South Africa - 41,000 families (about 150 thousand people), give them land for free and simplify obtaining all the necessary documents.

It is assumed that, like at home, the Boers in Georgia will be engaged in wine production and animal husbandry. The first farmer from South Africa, William De Klerk had already received Georgian citizenship.

"The idea of the Georgian government to bring the farmers here is very good. They can contribute a lot to Georgia. The situation in South Africa is getting worse every day. If Georgia will guarantee the personal safety of Boer farmers and their property, then this initiative will have great success "- says De Klerk.

The head of the organization of Transvaal farmers: "Every farmer must decide whether or not he will go to Georgia. Here (in South Africa) our main problem is the security. Since the black majority came to the government, more than 3000 farmers have been murdered. Often even the police takes part in the attacks. We do not know if we will have any land left. We have great experience and we are well known on the international market. "

Just six weeks after the signing of the memorandum, in early October, the delegation of Transvaal farmers arrived in Georgia. The delegation inspected in detail the proposed land and met with officials, acquainted with the general situation in Georgia. The Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili personally told them about the situation in the country and demonstrated the effectiveness of the Georgian police. Farmers received personal number plates as a gift from the minister and got issued Georgian international driving licenses in 10 minutes. In South Africa, this process takes 3 months. The Boers also had a rugby match with a team of Georgian officials, but special attention was paid to the viticulture - in fact the main occupation of the farmers, along with livestock, is wine making, they produce the world famous South African wines. The Boers took part in rtveli (traditional grape harvest) in Kakheti and learned about Saperavi - a unique Georgian red wine grape of late maturing, from which famous wine of the same name is made. The delegation recorded in detail the entire trip, video footage will be shown to all members of farmers' associations (41 thousand families) in South Africa, who will see and hear what their representatives saw Georgia.

And here's a video from a SA news channel



White South African Farmers Considering Resettlement to Former Soviet Georgia


A murdered White South African farmer

On October 9, 2010 Georgian TV news program aired a detailed report about plans for the resettlement of white farmers of South Africa to Georgia. This program has become in fact an official announcement about the project. In addition to interviews with the Boers and reportage from South Africa, the program shows Boers visiting Georgia and the signing in late August 2010 of a memorandum of cooperation between the Georgian government and the Organization of the farmers of South Africa, uniting 41,000 Afrikaner families, approx. 150 thousand people. Plans are not only real but are already under implementation. http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=9431

/Alina Semukha(USA)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



() -7.10.10 - !( , )

, 07 2010 . 08:58 +
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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/ ()
Becoming a Vegetarian




Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion) , ?

, 05 2010 . 14:55 +

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, 04 2010 .

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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion). . .

, 05 2010 . 13:07 +


. 10- . 31 . , . . , .. . . . , - , , . , . , ... .

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
1969-1978 ع20



TIYA(-) -

, 03 2010 . 19:21 +
TIYA [ + !]

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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
1969-1978 ع20



Pannat ()- ( )

, 02 2010 . 18:11 +


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, 02 2010 .
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. , «» ,  .  . , ... , « ! !». Déjà vu + .



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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
70- 10



Galia Sh.(Israel) ( )

, 02 2010 . 08:24 +
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Willy G.(Germany).

, 28 2010 . 22:39 +

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/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/Willy G.(Germany) ..



Pannat -Curiosità sul Vaticano.

, 27 2010 . 09:20 +

Pannat   ?

, 27 2010 . 09:34
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, 27 2010 .
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́ (. Status Civitatis Vaticanæ, . Stato della Città del Vaticano) — - ( ) , . Mons Vaticanus, vaticinia — « ». — , - . , . — , .

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Curiosità sul Vaticano

Mercoledì, 27 Ottobre 2010 08:30

Curiosità sul Vaticano

Città del Vaticano (in latino Status Civitatis Vaticanæ, Italiano Stato della Città del Vaticano.) - Mini-stato-enclave (il paese più piccolo del mondo) nel territorio di Roma, completamente indipendente da Italia. Lo Stato ha ricevuto il suo nome dal nome della collina Mons Vaticanus, dal latino vaticinia - divinazione posto «. Lo stato del Vaticano, nel diritto internazionale - il sostegno al territorio sovrano della Santa Sede, la residenza del leader spirituale più alta della Chiesa Cattolica Romana. La sovranità della Città del Vaticano non è indipendente, e deriva dalla sovranità della Santa Sede.
Città del Vaticano - solo la posizione del trono del Papa, la corte pontificia e il suo staff.

Le rappresentanze diplomatiche di Stati esteri accreditati presso la Santa Sede, e non al Vaticano città-stato.
Ambasciate straniere e missioni accreditate presso la Santa Sede, a causa del piccolo territorio della Città del Vaticano, con sede a Roma, in modo che, per esempio, nella capitale d'Italia può essere la sua ambasciata.
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



() -47

, 26 2010 . 20:22 +
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-47 . ("Bloomberg Businessweek", )

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-47, , , : , , , -. (C.J. Chivers) , .

/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
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