
: 04.08.2007
: 5638
: 773
: 7313


Yosef Litos (Israel).

: ()(111), Willy G.(Germany) ..(456), Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)(3436), Alina Semukha(USA)(438)

: (4), (Yiddish Lessons)(52), (2099), (628), (621), (3589), .(2510), Humor..(1718), History..(449), Becoming a Vegetarian(480), 1969-1978 ع20 (74), 70- 10 (190)

From Yosef Litos (Israel) -( )

, 10 2010 . 17:30 +

10.10.2003 00:53

29 1947 .

: , , , ? , , , , ?

/Yosef Litos (Israel)


From Yosef Litos (Israel) -. - ( )

, 07 2010 . 19:14 +

Times 73-74

« , , , , , , ...» «» .

/Yosef Litos (Israel)


Yosef Litos (Israel) -FIDDLER - Yiddish Song - by Misha Marmar( )

, 21 2010 . 00:10 +
-- [ + !]

FIDDLER - Yiddish Song - by Misha Marmar




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« .



(. 7.02.1947 .) – , (), . , , . . « » . 1970- , 1987 -, . 15 «». 1989 « », 1994 , « », « » . « », «» (), «» ( , ), . «, », , . 2004 « », . -.





/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)

(Yiddish Lessons)


Yosef Litos (Israel)

, 15 2010 . 08:14 +

, Yosef Litos (Israel) .

72 . ...

 (699x525, 75Kb)

 (600x398, 37Kb)

/Yosef Litos (Israel)


Yosef Litos (Israel) Barack Hussein Obama !( )

, 25 2010 . 16:56 +


According to the precepts of Obama's father, under the leadership of Obama, the son

Published: October 22, 2010
According to the precepts of Obama's father, under the leadership of Obama, the son

Almost two years of executive power in our country is headed Barack Hussein Obama. During this time he received dozens of solutions that defy reasonable explanation. Here are just some of them.

1.In early February 2009, barely crossed the threshold of the White House, Obama ordered away from the Oval Office a bust of Winston Churchill British sculptor Sir Jacob Epstein.British Prime Minister Gordon Brown gave the bust to the United States shortly after the September 11, 2001 as a sign of the inviolability of the US-British friendship. By order of Obama's bust of Churchill has been sent to the British Embassy in Washington. What prompted him to do it?

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Yosef Litos (Israel)-10 ( )

, 25 2010 . 16:31 +

Marina Kisser

? 10

1. . , , , , « ». : « ».

2. . , . . 56 . 

3. . , , , . , , « ». . 

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
Becoming a Vegetarian


Yosef Litos (Israel) Back to Elements of Motivation (

, 25 2010 . 16:05 +
Back to Elements of Motivation

Seven Rules of Motivation

#1 Set a major goal, but follow a path. The path has mini goals that go in many directions. When you learn to succeed at mini goals, you will be motivated to challenge grand goals.
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Yosef Litos (Israel) ,Metargem72- ( )

, 12 2010 . 13:58 +
?  , !


  21 , . ...

  , .
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Yosef L .,Metargem72- . ( )

, 25 2010 . 14:35 +




: bulochnikov

 " , . , : , . , . . , . 

: . , , .

. . .


/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Martina25 ( )

, 21 2010 . 14:42 +
Martina25 [ + !]


. , , : , -, - . ? : "-" . , , . .
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



() " ( )

, 19 2010 . 21:53 +
-- [ + !]

" "




. 8-9 , , , , , , . , – , – . , , . «», , « », -.

, , , . – … ? , ?
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)




, 17 2010 . 13:07 +

Beautiful Architecture!


גמר חתימה טובה.

וצום קל לצמים.


... ,


... ...

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- ,


Yom Kippur


September 17-18, 2010

Passing Phrase - www.learnhebrew.org.il

Gmar Chatimah Tova


Passing Phrase - www.learnhebrew.org.il

Gmar Chatimah Tova

Literally: A good final sealing
Idiomatically: May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for Good

"Gmar" comes from the root word that means to finish. Although it's not biblical, it appears quite a bit in the Talmud (Avot 2:16 Yevamot 12:6). Chatimah is also talmudic and can mean a signature or a sealing (Pessachim 104). The word "chotemet" or stamp (the ink kind, not the postal kind) is a derivative of "chatimah." Of course "tova" means good. The days of repentance are divided into two parts: The first the inscribing begins on Rosh Hashana and finishes Yom Kippur when the final "sealing" (chatima) of our fate takes place. Many sages give us a second chance - an extra 12 days until a really final sealing on Hoshana Rabba (the 7th day of Sukkot).

That is why many people finish their correspondence during this time of year by writing or saying Ktivah V'chatima Tova - "may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year." On or right before Yom Kippur, people modify that and wish "Gmar Chatima Tova." Technically you can say it means 'may your finished sealing be good' - which would be fine if you are redoing your apartment, but for the rest of us may you all have a healthy peaceful and fulfilling year.


/Alina Semukha(USA)
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .-Metargem72 -. .

, 14 2010 . 19:31 +

. .

. . . .


 (699x465, 304Kb)

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Metargem72 - 12.9.2010- ...( )

, 12 2010 . 18:37 +
Novik L.(Eilat)
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חוף הנודיסטים ברומניה

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  Galia Sh. 


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Novik L.(Eilat)
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@ 2010-06-28 23:00:00

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: , 07/18/2010 - 1:52pm


Jewish.ru 7 .. ( ..) « ».
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: « …» (..34-114).

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Yosef L .,Metargem72- Bedgeheimen Mystery Clip ( )

, 11 2010 . 10:04 +

  • bedgeheimen

    40 . - 10 2009

    Bedgeheimen van Dana Winner
    1 . - 21 2007
  • Resolved Question

    Show me another »

    In the video Bedgeheimen.wmv How was it done?

    A Friend sent me a video of an illusion or magic act. This is the link to view it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jooUFlYCOaU
    How in the world did he do it. It is just amazing.
    • 2 months ago

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    The audience is fully aware of the trick. In the moment he picks the clock, there is a cut in the video. From this moment on, the woman is already under the sheets and the man's body is behind hers, probably his lower half is already out of the bed.

    When he lays down again, just before the tricky part is done, you can see by the volume below the sheets there is something odd. Then he covers his own head and slides his body to the other side of the bed, by the feet of the audience. it's just a matter of training the timing that he goes down and she comes up still holding the sheets giving him cover and time to hide. The floor under the bed is not real. it's painted to seem like a floor, so he can hide there safely and not be seen behind the bed. After all is clear, she pulls the sheet to reveal he is not in the bed any longer.
    • 2 months ago
    • .. , .

  • -
    . , . , , , .

    , , - . , . , , , . . , , . , .

  • Watch Video bedgeheimen YouTube at blinkx

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .-Metargem72 - Eggs and Health ( )

, 10 2010 . 10:38 +

Yosef L .   .  72    Eggs and Health .   Metargem72   .  , , , . . Metargem72 , , . Metargem72   .   . 


  • 10 Health Benefits of Eggs

    10 Health Benefits of Eggs

    Filed under Eggs, Health Benefits | Comments (30)


    Health Benefits of Eggs

    Some of you may have eaten eggs over the Easter weekend so I thought I'd post ten health benefits of eggs (and it doesn't count if they were chocolate eggs!)

    1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.

    2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.

    3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.

    4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks.

    5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

    6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat.

    7. New research shows that, contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies have shown that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person's lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research suggests that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol.

    8. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.

    9. Eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.

    10. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
Becoming a Vegetarian



Yosef L .(Beer-Sheva) - !

, 30 2010 . 13:44 +
מישהו טרח ועשה והתוצאה לפניכם   
  ! , , . , , . ., , , .

 (699x464, 215Kb)


. , - , . 72 .



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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L . ,Metargem72- ( )

, 15 2010 . 05:52 +




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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Yosef L .,Metargem72-.: ,

, 15 2010 . 05:46 +

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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .-Metargem72-

, 14 2010 . 10:58 +



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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .-Metargem72 -

, 14 2010 . 10:33 +

: ,

« » , 1918 . , , XIX . « ». . , . - .

, 1917 , - ( ). 1918 . , . , .

Hava Nagila 


הבה נגילה
הבה נגילה
הבה נגילה ונשמחה

( )

הבה נרננה
הבה נרננה
הבה נרננה ונשמחה

( )

, ! !עורו, עורו אחים , , !
עורו אחים בלב שמח

( )

, ! !עורו אחים, עורו אחים , , , !
בלב שמח
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .,Metargem72-Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero(?????????)

, 09 2010 . 12:16 +

Part II



Crowd estimates ranged from 5,000 (NYPD) to 10,000. The crowd overflowed the police barrier enclosures that ran the full length of two city blocks.

This photo shows the enclosure in front of the stage at the intersection of Liberty and Church Streets.

The second enclosure ran the length of the next block and can be seen on the other side of the traffic lights.

Thousands of additional participants filled the treed area of Zuccotti Park .

Robert Spencer is the co-founder with Pamela Geller  of STOP ISLAMIZATION OF AMERICA, which sponsored the rally.  Mr. Spencer is the author of indispensable educational books on Islam and head of the influential web site Jihadwatch.



Edited by nmaureen 2010-07-24 1:54 PM

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Metargem72- Alina Semukha .

, 17 2010 . 13:34 +




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1938 . , . , : . 32 , , , .

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, , . . , 1930–1940- , 1990- 2000- . .



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, , . , , . , . . – .

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/Alina Semukha(USA)
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Metargem72- ..

, 16 2010 . 20:38 +

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: >
In the courtroom:
-Defendant, why you shot at the victim?
"He sleeps with my wife!
"And you wanted to kill people just for the fact that you have with him the same tastes?
: >

, הנאשם, מדוע אתה ירו לעבר הקורבן?
"הוא שוכב עם אשתי!
"ואתה רוצה להרוג אנשים רק בגלל העובדה שיש לך עם אותו טעם אותו?

: >
אין די קאָרטרום:
-דיפענדאַנט, וואָס איר שאָס אין די קאָרבן?
"ער איז אלנגעשלאפן מיט מיין פרוי!
"און איר געוואלט צו טייטן מען נאָר פֿאַר די פאַקט אַז איר האָט מיט אים דער זעלביקער טייסץ?
: >
في قاعة المحكمة :
المدعى عليه ، لماذا اطلقوا النار على الضحية؟
واضاف "انه ينام مع زوجتي!
واضاف "وأردت قتل الناس لمجرد أن لديك معه الأذواق نفسه؟
 (675x515, 235Kb)
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .(Beer-Sheva)- -

, 02 2010 . 11:39 +

, , 86.400 ( ). ? . ? , .

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 (700x525, 220Kb)
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .

, 24 2010 . 16:12 +
: >
His wife returned home earlier than usual and found her husband in bed
with a very attractive young lady.
And I was so shocked by what he saw that first cry,
and then yelled at her husband:
-Oh, you ungrateful pig! How dare you do this to me,
faithful wife and mother of your children! All, I'm leaving!
And immediately require razvoda.
My husband listened to her and said:
"Wait a minute, darling, and I'll tell you what happened.
-Okay, come on, get it sorted, just keep in mind, this is the last
I'm ready to hear from you.
Encouraged by the opportunity to,
husband began apologetic speech:
My dear, well, I'm going to get into the car to go home,
And this young woman asked me to ride it.
She looked so helpless and miserable,
I'm sorry for her and put her in the car. By the way, I drew
attention to what she was thin, dirty and poorly dressed.
Besides, she said, three days ate nothing.
Out of compassion I brought her to us, and drink hot chocolate,
from which you refused on the grounds that a sweet get fat.
And this poor girl had drunk all at one gulp.
It was dirty, and no wonder that I suggested she take a bath.
While she washed, I saw that her clothes in the hole and threw
it in the trash. Then I thought, what would it wear,
and gave her a fashionable pair of jeans that you do not put on four years
referring to the fact that they'll be too tight. Also gave her underwear
which gave you on our wedding anniversary, and which
You refused to be referring to my bad taste.
Even I found for her sexy blouse, a Christmas gift
my sister to you, and you purposely did not wear it just to annoy her.
Finally, I gave this woman a pair of your shoes that you bought
in the expensive boutiques and never wore, because serving someone
were exactly.
The husband took a deep breath and continued:
The woman was so grateful to me for understanding and concern that
when I accompanied her to the door, she turned to me with tears
eyes and asked:
"Tell me, please, and you have something more than not enjoy
your wife?

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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L . .. ...

, 24 2010 . 15:51 +

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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L.(Beer-Sheva)-15

, 21 2010 . 18:57 +


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15. . , — . , , .

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L.(Beer-Sheva)-""

, 21 2010 . 18:33 +

"", - "" . , , , . - , , , . "" . , -"".


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 (700x525, 373Kb)
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Yosef L.(Beer-Sheva)- !

, 21 2010 . 17:48 +
Yosef L.(Beer-Sheva) , .
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72 ...,
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 More secrets about women ( nice.....)



   , ,

נשים הן גברים חכמים יותר, משום שהם יודעים פחות מבין יותר

נשים חכמות מגברים,הן יודעות פחות ,אבל

מבינות יותר 

אישה יפה חן בעיניו של אדם  

 המכוער - נשים

אישה יפה

שמחת עין של גבר

 ואישה לא יפה

עין של אישה



 נשים צריכות להתקרב עם ....,

חיבה טוב עם חורפן או צובל

  2 ...

- ...


, , :))

אישה לעולם לא נדע את האמת!

 ראשית, יש להם זיכרון של הנערה,

 ולאחר מכן סודות של נשים, סנילי אז:))

, , ...זה יהיה


 אנשים רעים לא חושבים על נשים, הנפש שלהם, חושב, חושב


.נשים נוצרו כדי לתת לנו שמחה - ולנסות פשוט


 לוותר על מתנה כזו.
, ...גיל הנשים מתרחשת כאשר הטלוויזיה הופכת יותר מעניין אותה במראה
. .הפוך אישה מאושרת היא קלה מאוד. רק
, .הכה את העין כמו נשים שמעולם לא ינטוש אותנו בצוואר
, .כל אישה חייבת להיות בגדר תעלומה, כמו גם הפקודה otgadka.

- !על טעם של נשים לא להתווכח - הם משלמים
- , , - .ליידי - אשה, כדי ליצור תנאים שבהם גבר רק דבר אחד - להיות ג 'נטלמן.
- .הסכום של אורך הרגל ואת אורך החצאית - בערך אותו הדבר עבור כל הנשים
- , ? - . .- זה נכון שיש נשים חיות יותר מגברים? - לא כולם. רק אלמנות
, אין אישה שלא יכולתי לשכנע את עצמי כדי לגרום להם

- . אישה

 אושר הוא לא יותר מדי ולא צריך - רק כמה דברים. ובכל יום חדש.
- , , .האשה - זה כמו בספר פתוח בשפה הסינית, כמו כל דבר אותו ניתן לראות ולקרוא, אבל שום דבר לא ברור.

- - , , - …הנשים - הם כמו צ 'בורשקה - חמה, רכה, אוהבת את האוזניים ואת החיים לחיות במין תנין
, .אין נשים שמנות, אך חלק מהנשים מחוסר צמיחה המשקל שלהם.
, , .כסף לא לקלקל את הגברים, כל עוד ישנן נשים אשר צילם את הנזק.

, .אלוהים ברא את האשה לאחר מכן כי הוא לא רוצה להקשיב לעצה בעת יצירת האדם
, , .אישה מעוררת אדם הראשון, מוקף מכן, וקטף מכן
, .המוח הוא נתן אשה להסתיר את אופיו.

: , .דרמה נשים: לפני שאתה יודע איך להפסיק להסתכל עליך.
, – !כדי לתת הנאה אישה במיטה, להשאיר אותה לבד - לתת לו לישון עם זה


.    -  . ..  .

. האשה היה קל יותר להתפשט בניגוד לרצונה, מאשר לשים על בקשתה



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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .(Beer-Sheva)- -

, 17 2010 . 16:06 +

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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



Yosef L .(Beer-Sheva)- 1913

, 15 2010 . 17:58 +
: >


פורסם בעיתון היהודי "זריחה" בסנט פטרסבורג 1913/02/20

עבור האנושות
אתה נותן כוח לרוץ ימים.

ארץ פלסטין -
את המולדת
שם קדימה,
אם אתה יהודי.

בכל מקום אתה מסתכל -
יהודים מסביב
ממהר כל
שם במהירות.

שדות היהודית, מטעים ושדות -
כזה היה הקרקע יהיה שלך

בעודו מסתובב, מגיע סביב עצמו -
בואו רטט מספיק אנטישמים.

די בתים עבור אחרים שבנית
בנה ביתך של המדינה ישראל.

היהודים לעזוב את רוסיה רחוץ
לאן אתה לא הוכה.
יש שם לא מחפשים את האשמה עליך,
לאן את הידיים יש צורך.

במדבר העבודה בלום היהודי
במשך כל הדורות - פעם.
אל תחכו פוגרום את התמונה הנוראה -
קח את היהודים, לבוא פלסטין!

מה לעשות - תוכל לפתור את עצמו.
אתה על ההר כדי לבנות מחדש את בית המקדש.
כאן, כמו בימים ההם, אנשים נאספים
והם יהיו לשבח את השלום ואת החופש

אני לא אצטרך לחזור אחורה-
קח את - מהנילוס עד הפרת.

אל תחכו - לא יעזור אלוהים,
אם אתה יכול לעזור לעצמך לא.
למען הדורות הבאים -
קח מהירה פלסטין, היהודים! 





  "" 20.02.1913




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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef>Alon & Co

, 26 2010 . 14:04 +
Yosef>Alon & Co
25 32
, " ".
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L.(Israel)-13 cases that a woman should do in her life:

, 26 2010 . 11:19 +








 13 , :

   1. , , , .

   2. , - 5-10 .

  3. .

  4. .

   5. , : " ! ?!"

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   7. 3 .

   8. -, .

  9. , - !

     10. .

  11. .

  12. .



 13 cases that a woman should do in her  life: 

Lose her  phone, wallet, car keys, plane ticket. 

To lose control over herself, for some 5-10 minutes. 

Yield to the momentary weakness. 

To accomplish the biggest mistake in life. 

Furiously to get the money, saying: "You bastard!" Who do you take me for? " 

Remember that unique solvability of the button on the camera, which should push at shooting. 

Lose weight by 3 kg. 

Carefully examine and evaluate her husband's cell phone again, who this Oleg. 

Wait, that at least someone at least once in this house, wash the dishes without prompting! 

Wash her passport. 

For once, normally to rest from all of this. 

To live in the hospital. 

Open the eyes   of her girlfriends



/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L . (Beer-Sheva)Why the " SH" is so important in YIDDISH ?

, 20 2010 . 13:08 +

 Why the " SH" is so important in YIDDISH ?

·         SH MOK

·         SH LEPER

·         SH NORER

·         SH LIMAZL

·         SH LUMIEL

·         SH VANTZ

·         SH VITZER

·         SH MENDRIK


·         SH TIPN ARAIN

·         SH TEIN UN HOISN

·         SH TARK VI A FERD

·         SH TARK VI AIZN





·         SH VARTZE IORN


·         SH TIK FLEISH

·         SH TIK DREK

·         FOILE SHTIK




·         SH EIGUETZ

·         SH KUTZEM

·         SH TARBT AVEK

·         And the most impotant , stays in a happy place: The Sh ikse.


 (372x480, 26Kb)
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)



, 18 2010 . 20:02 +
  1. , —

    ( ; 16 1920, — 13 1998, ) — . ...
/Yosef Litos (Israel)


Yosef L (Beer-Sheva)- Congratulation !!!

, 13 2010 . 11:45 +

 Dereh psalim 4-2010 (651x699, 62 Kb)


, ,   .
Dear Edward!
I join the many and sincere congratulations and wish you good health, happiness, and the demand for your creativity.
Kiss and hug. Joseph
ליב עדוואַרד!
איך פאַרבינדן די פילע, און מיין אָפנהאַרציק מאַזל - טאָוו און ווינטשן איר גוט געזונט, גליק און די פאָדערונג פֿאַר דיין שעפֿערישקייט.
קושן און האַלדזן. יוסף
Dear Edward!
I เข้าร่วมแสดงความยินดีมากและจริงใจและขอให้คุณสุขภาพดีความสุขและความต้องการความคิดสร้างสรรค์ของคุณ


/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .(Israel)- http://tradukka.com

, 12 2010 . 17:36 +




האתר מתרגם בזמן ההקלדה.


כתבו בחלון השמאלי והאתר יתרגם לכם בו זמנית בחלון הימיני. 

פשוט מעולה !!!

Translation in real time
,! 72.
Hello, Joseph, this is your most important message for the Forum Metargem72.
העלא, יוסף! "אַז ס דיין מערסט וויכטיק אָנזאָג פֿאַר די פאָרום מעטאַרגעמ72.
مرحبا ، جوزيف! "هذا هو الرسالة الأكثر أهمية بالنسبة للMetargem72 المنتدى.
, ! 72.
Tere, Joosep! "See on teie kõige olulisem sõnum Foorum Metargem72.
Bonjour, Joseph! "C'est votre message le plus important pour la Metargem72 Forum.
Hallo, Joseph! "Das ist Ihre wichtigste Botschaft für das Forum Metargem72.
הלו, ג 'וזף! "זה המסר החשוב ביותר שלך Metargem72 הפורום.
Ciao, Giuseppe! "Questo è il messaggio più importante per la Metargem72 Forum.
Sveiki, Joseph! "Tai jūsų svarbiausių pranešimų dėl forumo Metargem72.
Bună ziua, Iosif "Asta! Mesajul dvs. cele mai importante pentru Metargem72 forumului.
Hola, José! "Ese es su mensaje más importante para el Metargem72 Foro.
, ! 72.




 (700x525, 373Kb)

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L.(Beer-Sheva)- "" ..

, 28 2010 . 18:58 +

"" ,
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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L.(Beer-Sheva)-How Grapefruit and Its Juice React with Certain Medications

, 28 2010 . 18:05 +


The health benefits of grapefruit are
too many to be overlooked.
Its albedo contains many anti-cancer
agents that help fight a host of diseases.


Citrus paradisi (Grapefruit, pink).


File:Citrus paradisi (Grapefruit, pink).jpg


The grapefruit is a large orange-like fruit that belongs to the citrus family.  It is a somewhat "new" addition to the family, deriving from a natural cross-breeding between orange and pomelo, thus its size.

The diameter of a grapefruit, depending on its variety, can range between four and six inches.  Its albedo (the white matter under the skin) is about a quarter to half an inch thick.  The fruit's skin looks like that of an orange, but its flesh comes in white, pink or red. 

It is called a grapefruit simply because it grows in clusters, like grapes.  The taste of a grapefruit can be bitter and sour but it has so many health benefits.


Nutritional Benefits

Grapefruit doesn't only contain vitamin C which is commonly known to be protective against cold or flu.  It is not just one nutrient that helps prevent a certain disease, but rather the combination of several ingredients in it that does the trick.  This is the kind of nutritional power that we can find only in the way God makes our natural food.

This juicy fruit contains citric acid, natural sugars, essential oils like limonene, pinene and citral.  It has high amounts of vitamin C, and smaller amounts of vitamin A, B complex, E and K. 

In the mineral department, larger amounts of calcium, folic acid, phosphorus, and potassium are found.  The nutritive phytonutrients of this voluptuous fruit¾liminoids, flavonoids, lycopene and glucarates¾help fight cancer and various diseases.

To top


Health Benefits

When eating or juicing grapefruit, peel off the skin but leave as much of the albedo intact as possible as it contains the highest amount of valuable bioflavonoids and other anti-cancer agents.

Acidity:  Although grapefruit has a sub-acid taste, its juice actually has an alkaline reaction after digestion.  This has a profound effect in the treatment of acidity in the digestive system that causes a host of other health problems.

Atherosclerosis:  Pectin in this fruit has been found to be effective in reducing the accumulation of arterial deposits, and the vitamin C helps to strengthen and maintain the elasticity of arteries.

Breast cancer:  In another study, the bioflavonoids found in grapefruit was discovered to even halt cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer patients, by ridding the body of excess estrogen.

Common cold:  A common cold is usually your body telling you that you are overworked.  A regular drink of grapefruit during a stressful period gives your immune system the boost needed to prevent it coming on.

Cholesterol: A certain compound found in grapefruit helps reduce the excessive production of cholesterol from the liver.

Diabetes:  A diabetic can safely eat a grapefruit.  In fact, more consumption of this fruit will help reduce the starches and sweets in the system.  If you have a tendency towards diabetes, consume more grapefruit juice to prevent it.

Digestive disorder:  This juice helps to promote digestion by increasing the flow of gastric juices.  Eat the fruit together with its albedo and pith for their extra fiber that aids bowel movements.

Fatigue:  At the end of a long and tiring day, drink a glass of grapefruit juice with lemon juice in equal parts with a little honey, to dispel all fatigue and tiredness.

Fever:  Besides drinking plenty of fluids, also drink grapefruit juice to reduce fever.

Insomnia:  A drink of grapefruit juice before bedtime, helps to promote sleep and alleviates insomnia.

Pregnant woman:  The bioflavonoids and vitamin C help to reduce water retention and swelling of the legs during pregnancy.

Sore throat: Drinking a freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice helps relieve sore throats and soothes coughs.

Stomach and pancreatic cancer:  The anti-cancer agents in grapefruit (especially in the albedo) are particularly protective against these cancers in the digestive system. 

Weight-loss:  This fruit has a fat-burning enzyme and can help to absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body. It is widely consumed by people who are trying to lose weight. If you don't fall under the category of people mentioned below (look at "Caution" colum), then take a glass of grapefruit juice twice a day and eat normally.

To top


Consumption Tips

Choose grapefruits like how you would oranges¾firm and springy to the touch.  If you can, choose the pink and red variety which are slightly sweeter.

Keep grapefruits at room temperature before juicing to get the most out of it.  To prepare, quarter the fruit and peel off the skin.

If you find the grapefruit juice too bitter or sour, mix with a little honey or with juices of other sweeter fruits.



Grapefruit contains high levels of flavonoid naringin that will reject synthetic man-made drugs. This is beneficial for our human cells because it helps to recognize alien compounds which should not be in our body, therefore, are treated as toxins.

The presence of grapefruits may halt the metabolism of these drugs, leaving the drugs in your body thus creating the risk of toxic poisoning. Doctors may tell you that grapefruit is the cause of the toxicity, but in fact, it is really the drugs that is causing the toxicity.

If you are not under medication, grapefruit juice can do a world of good. However, despite all its goodness, always remember to take only in moderation.  Excessive consumption of any citrus juices can leach calcium from the body system, causing decay of the bones and teeth.

Return to Healing Foods page

The New Grapefruit Diet Review

The old 'miracle' grapefruit diet has been dismissed as a fad. But eating grapefruit as part of a healthy, balanced diet can give your weight loss a boost.


Eat Grapefruit and Lose up to 10lb!

The Effects of Grapefruit and its Juice on Certain Drugs Text

Certain drugs can cause serious or occasionally life-threatening effects if consumed in combination with grapefruit or its juice.

Consuming grapefruit or its juice (fresh or frozen) can increase, or less commonly decrease, the effects of some drugs. There are several substances in grapefruit that interfere with the way your body handles certain drugs.

These effects are known to be caused by the combination of grapefruit and its juice with certain drugs and health products used in the treatment of medical conditions, including, but not limited to:

  • Angina
  • Anxiety
  • Cancer
  • Convulsions
  • Depression
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Gastrointestinal reflux
  • High blood pressure
  • High lipid (cholesterol) levels
  • Infections
  • Irregular heart rhythms
  • Organ graft rejections
  • Psychotic problems

Sour oranges, such as Seville, or their juice, may have an effect similar to grapefruit juice. Most other citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, citrons, naturally sweet oranges and tangerines are not thought to have this effect. However, tangellos, a hybrid of grapefruit, may also interfere with drugs.

How Grapefruit and Its Juice React with Certain Medications
There are substances in grapefruit that can interfere with the way your body absorbs and breaks down (metabolizes) certain drugs. This interference allows a higher amount of the drug than usual to circulate in your bloodstream, which can occasionally result in serious or life-threatening adverse reactions.

As little as one glass of grapefruit juice (8 oz. or 250 mL) can cause an increased blood drug level and the effects can last for three days or more. Therefore, even if you drink the juice in the morning and do not take your medication until bedtime, the level of the drug in your blood could still be affected.

The effects vary from one person to another, from one drug to another, and from one grapefruit juice preparation to another. This results in an unpredictable increase in blood drug level, which in some cases can cause serious effects.

Minimizing Your Risk
Take the following precautions to minimize the risk of adverse effects when consuming grapefruit or its juice:

  • If you are taking medication for any of the conditions listed above, DO NOT drink grapefruit juice or eat grapefruit in any form until you have talked to your doctor and your pharmacist about the potential for an adverse reaction.
  • Avoid taking any drug with grapefruit juice until you have talked to your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Read the labels on foods and natural health products to make sure they do not contain grapefruit or its juice, or Seville oranges.
  • Always report any adverse drug reaction to your doctor or pharmacist immediately.


/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L.(Israel) ,,, ,,

, 21 2010 . 14:00 +

Yosef L.(Israel) , .

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! ,                          

: >
What we spend life! At ...

What we spend life! The petty quarrels
On the stupid words, empty talk,
In the bustle of grievances, the anger, again and again.
What we spend life ...
And be used to LOVE!

Burn to ashes all life on an empty something-
At the tedious business, unnecessary worries ...
For the sake of society inventing masks ...
What we spend a life!
And ought to smooch!
 We disperse the gloomy life of boredom,
On the "image" and "prestige" useless science
On lying and boasting, to Money for the service.
What we spend life? ...
A must have for friendship

 Where, then all the rush, something produces.
Something is looking for all-and more to lose;
All kopim-gold, silver rags, and ...
What we spend a life!
He should  on Welcome!

Excited, cry, suffer for trifles;
With seriously funny veshchichki choose.
But how many have guessed - all choose the wrong.
What we spend life ...
And have used to dream!

We are afraid of joy, we are afraid to believe in fairy tales,
We are afraid and dreams, and tenderness, and affection;
We are afraid to love, so do not grieve after ...
What we spend life?
And you just live!

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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .(Israel) MyZeidi

, 27 2010 . 22:31 +
/Yosef Litos (Israel)


Yosef L.(Israel)Cleopatra VII - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

, 21 2010 . 19:37 +
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L.(Israel)-

, 21 2010 . 19:30 +
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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .

, 20 2010 . 09:54 +

rom: Yosef Litus
Subject: -





( - (AKA NSM88)

- ,


We are the political party for every patriotic American.


We co-operate and work with many like minded white nationalist groups and many others


 which are either National Socialist or at least, racially aware of our European heritage.


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The NSM, America's National Socialist Party, is the largest and most active National Socialist party in America.

NSM - ,

- .

The NSM's core beliefs include: defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, and reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation and promotion of white separation.

NSM : , , , , , .

The National Socialist Movement was founded in 1974 and saw membership surge under the leadership of the charismatic Jeff Schoep.

- 1974 Schoep.


 Jeff Schoep has worked to implement a new direction for the Party which includes focusing on truly an American National Socialist Movement which will give Americans the choice of electing a Party to power which will take the best of both the Socialism and the Capitalism in order to create system that will stop the decay while bringing innovation, prosperity and security to our American Patriots!  The current system is flawed as we currently have a system that works to dismantle the work that the other Party in previous power has established and the cycle goes around and around wasting billions of tax payer monies and brings progress to a virtual halt as the two major parties in power today spend all of their time bickering rather then agreeing to disagree when need be and putting country first!

Schoep , - , , , , , ! , , , !

In following our Family Values policies, Membership is open to non-Semitic heterosexuals' of European Descent. If you really care for your heritage and for the future of your family, race and nation, fill out a Membership Application today. JOIN.NSM88.ORG Family Values , - ' . , , . JOIN.NSM88. ORG

If you are under the age of 18 please have your parents read about the Party Viking Youth Movement. 18 , , .

Are you Ready to stand up and fight for your family, race and nation?  If not you, then who?  If not now, then when? , ? , ? , ?

Join Us Today! !

Destiny is not a matter of chance

/Yosef Litos (Israel)


From Yosef L .(Israel) -

, 30 2010 . 13:20 +

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   ?!— ! . i.
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/Yosef Litos (Israel)



Yosef L .(Israel)-Feng shui.-/ 72 - !!!!!

, 12 2010 . 13:45 +
  1. Feng shui - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

     - [ ]
    The term feng shui literally translates as "wind-water" in English. This is a cultural shorthand taken from the following passage of the Zangshu (Book of ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feng_shui -   
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Yosef L .((Israel)- - ..

, 12 2010 . 13:21 +


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– , , , -, – . , , .

/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


Metargem72 .2010. .

, 04 2010 . 12:42 +


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/Alina Semukha(USA)
/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)
/Willy G.(Germany) ..
Becoming a Vegetarian




Yosef L.(Israel)-

, 31 2009 . 14:40 +

13-30. 2010 11   .

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/Yosef Litos (Israel)
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


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