
: 04.08.2007
: 5638
: 773
: 7313


Tsafy B.(Beer-Sheva) - !

, 11 2010 . 11:08 +

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 s18361611 50-100 . , , , 2 . . , .



 Dianne Dengel

-. 1 1939, , -. ", ", , 1949.

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Whenever you feel like doing something, but do not have the time ... , , -, ... take a notepad and write it down! ! Save this notepad away... ... this will be "100 things to do after I retire" list. "100 , " . Many times we forget to record our desires, and so end up forgetting them. , . Don't let it happen to you! !

  • Pursue your passions : Paint sunsets, sculpt , sing, learn Tai-chi, buy a telescope and explore the skies. : , , , -, .
  • 3 3
    Read books on your interests, expore hitherto unexplored genres like Science Fiction or Romantic . , expore , . Read on different topics like Gardening or Politics. , .
    4 4
    Travel to those oft-desired places , which you used to dream about . , , . Have you tasted the chocolate of Switzerland, drunk the wine of Burgundy, and undulated at the nature-based health resorts in India? , , ? Have you fished at Florida? ?

  • 5 5
    Experience Nature : Walk leafy paths , watch the moon, feel the wind on your face. : , , . Meditate on the sun-soaked grass. .
  • 6 6
    If you follow a religion : Devote your time to it, proselytize others and spread your religion. : , .
  • 7 7
    Have fun with you little ones : Your grandchildren will be your afterlife to you after retirement- you'll live through them. : , , . It is worth taking out some of your valuable time for playing with them, watching them grow, helping them learn. , , , .
  • 8 8
    Take proper health care : Some of your time may be spent at the cardiologist or the podiatrist, depending on how healthy you are. : , , . Look after yourself. .
  • 9 9
    Join special groups meant for your age group : You'll find many people there passing through similar experiences. : , . If you have problems they will provide you with support, and guidance. , .
  • 10 10
    Subscribe to a magazine for the elderly : Such magazine exist and are targeted at you. : . Take advantage of them. .
  • 11 11
    Clear up the slate : It is best to resolve any misunderstandings, or resentmens that might exist in others. : - , resentmens, . You don't want to die being misunderstood. , .
  • 12 12
    Write an autobiography : With your long years of experience, you will surely have a lot to share which will be immensely helpful to others. : , , , , . Even if you feel you have nothing to share, just start writing one, and you'll be surprised at how freely the words will flow. , , , , .
/Metargem72 (Rishon Le Zion)


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