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: 06.11.2006
: 23288


Amadeus. .

, 11 2008 . 20:46 +

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, 1787 ( , ).
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, Geroma, .
Renee Fleming and Dmitri Hvorostovsky sing 'La ci darem la mano' from Act I of Mozart's Don Giovanni.




BatashN   , 11 2008 . 21:06 ()
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   , , 11 2008 . 21:06 ()
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The Ressurected commentatore recites the following :
"Don Giovanni, a cenar teco m'invitasti e son venuto" - Don Giovanni, you summoned me to dine with you and, so, here I have come.
Giovanni replies back : "Non l'avrei gia mai creduto, ma faro quel che potro: Liporello un' altra cena fa che subito si porti" - I could have never believed it, but i will do my best : Liporello, prepare another meal and bring it here fast.
Liporello replies :"Ah padron, siam tutti morti" - Oh, Master, we dead
Commentatore then goes on to say : "Ferma' un po: Non si pasce di cibo mortale chi si pasce di cibo celeste! Altre cure piu gravi di queste, altr brama quaggiu mi guido"
-Stop it there, for somebody who nourishes on heavenly food needs not the earthly one. Another cause more important than this, another logging has lead my path down here.

Blissfully ignorant of his future fate, Giovanni repents not, though Comentatore tries to convince him so.
A Masterpiece !
Geroma   , 11 2008 . 21:17 ()
   , 11 2008 . 21:20 ()
BatashN, .
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   , 11 2008 . 21:23 ()
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Geroma   , 11 2008 . 21:47 ()
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BatashN   , 11 2008 . 23:01 ()
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   , 24 2008 . 20:24 ()

... Daimler Benz!

2009 Mercedes-Benz G- G55 AMG 507 .. : 388 .. 530 . SUV , . Mercedes-Benz G-Class 2009 1 2008 .
Daimler Benz
Mercedes Benz CLS
. DaimlerChrysler Mercedes-Benz Ocean Drive. S600, , 2011 . , 5,5- V12 510 .. ( ), S-: "" 382- 5,5- V8, 525-, 6,2- V8 AMG 604- V12.
, Ocean Drive , Lincoln Continental, 1967 . , Chrysler 300, .
   , 24 2008 . 20:29 ()
ZipperPipper, , . , - . .
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