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04:14 14.09.2011
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: 02.04.2006
: 5642


uriah heep

( 349 )

rock-n-roll . - - - -- -

, 24 2011 . 02:43 +

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, 22 2011 . 00:24 +

 (675x699, 173Kb)
, . Ken Hensley, . , , ! , . : http://ru-news.ru/docs/ken_hensli-did_you_know.mp3 ( ): http://vkontakte.ru/audio.php?id=111697179
. - .

() -: Uriah Heep (: «Thank you Father Sergyi! God bless»), , («»), («»), -: NCA, ( « »), ( Narva-Bike), (-), (Ivan Prussoff - Kaliningrad in Rock), ( « »), -, « », «», «», .

, Uriah Heep, , , , . Ken Hensley :


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. 5 , . , , , , , .

, ! !

«Did You Know» , , , :

«Did you know that Jesus died for you?
Did you know He paid a price for you?
Do you know that every one will meet Him in the end?
Do you know that He really loves you and He wants to be your friend?..»

- .

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, 07 2010 . 00:03 +

,  . ! , "Uriah Heep": , . , , ( . , . - http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/1031496/post107618111/). , !

 « ! » –  

() . «Uriah Heep» , , « », «», - .  

«Uriah Heep», ,

« ! , , . , , ! , – , … , ! 

, , . , ».

  «» . , . « – » -  – « ». – «» – : « ! !» 


Dear Father Sergiy, I was very happy to receive your note and your greetings and I return them to you and yours with all of my heart.This season of faith is special and I agree completely with your characterization of it as the Feast of Feasts, fit for The King of Kings! The sadness of Friday washed away by the joy of Sunday are always reminders to me of how blessed I am to know The Saviour and how He has become the single most important thing in my life ..... actually He IS my life! 

I am happy we can keep in contact and I look forward to breaking bread with you again sometime. God bless and keep you all in His perfect and infinite peace, Ken

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, 15 2009 . 11:53 +
(!) .. " " :) http://www.ken-hensley.com/

, . , -, .

"After this we went back to the hotel to collect our luggage and set off for Father Sergij's church. Father Sergij is a big fan and he and a lot of his fellow priests and co-workers were waiting for us when we got there. Among them, there were many fans of Uriah Heep and my music and of western rock in general and it seems they had depended a lot on pirate radio and bootleg cassettes during the years when this music was forbidden.

By now I have heard many stories about this repression and they are all quite fascinating. Compelling, frightening and, now, victorious.

We sat down to a huge table of food prepared by the sisters in the convent attached to the church and then began a series of wonderful conversations, during which it struck me how much they knew about and loved rock music and how unlikely a meeting like this would be in so many churches where rock music is condemned as an instrument of the devil, which of course is quite ridiculous.

IF HE IS ALLOWED TO, the devil uses anyone and anything for his destructive purposes, even the people who condemn rock music! (!)

After many photos and much too soon, the time came for us to begin the journey to Lake Seliger.

I had enjoyed this moment very much and look forward to the day when I can come back to this place and to these wonderful people. And I am very thankful to Marina who did a great job and had to work so hard translating that she didnt have a chance to eat anything!"
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, 09 2009 . 03:04 +
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, 02 2009 . 04:32 +

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. .: " 2009", ? ?
..: , . . . . . .

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..: . ?
.: : , , ....!

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- :) :)

, 02 2009 . 04:25 +
ru-news.ru/art_desc.php?aid=3720 , "Uriah Heep", ()

31 2009 ., . , , , , . ( ), (, , , ).

, , ( "") , "", !


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, , " ", " , , ""... 70-, Uriah Heep"

, " , , ", .

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, 02 2009 . 04:19 +
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- 2009 - , . , - . , . , - , , ... - . - , , , .

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- . _ 22- 01.30 (- ) . .


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, 10 2009 . 16:28 +
 (250x183, 11Kb)
, 11 . .

- XX . , - 70-. - . The Gods The Rolling Stones , - Uriah Heep, , . ( 70 80 .) : , July Morning, Lady In Black, Look At Yourself, Easy Livin, Rain, Circle Of Hands, Sweet Freedom, Wonderworld.

Uriah Heep 80-, . , - Uriah Heep, . 11 CDK . , , , , , .

.: http://www.fontanka.ru/2009/04/07/018/

: Uriah Heep ,

July Morning Easy Livin, , --. , Uriah Heep , 63 , . 12 . .

- , ? - , ?

- - , Live Fire. , , . ! 15-18 . , , , , .

- , . ?

- , , , .. , , . , , .

- ?

- . , , ( ), , , . , .

- Uriah Heep , ?

- , , , - ? . , , , , , ! , - , , .
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, 28 2009 . 00:16 +
 (522x698, 128Kb)
, , .

() URIAH HEEP. , - Wake the sleeper - ., . . URIAH HEEP ., . . URIAH HEEP - ., July morning - - , , .

. , -, , , .

. : - URIAH HEEP ? :)

, "-"

 (699x523, 136Kb)

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, 24 2009 . 04:10 +
, ! "URIAH HEEP" Mick Box! , - , , , " "! :) :

Hello Father Sergiy and Youry (George),
Thank you for your email and taking the time to get in touch with us. Unfortunately we have no Moscow dates in the tour book for 2009 yet but when we do we will sure to get in touch.
I will take this opportunity to wish you both the happiest New Year ever.
Kindest Regards,
Mick Box

: http://www.pravda.ru/culture/music/modern/31-10-2008/290076-uriah%20heep-0
: http://uriaheep.ru/index/0-37/
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