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Создан: 15.10.2007
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Anything can happen if your heart whispers: "I belive..."

Unending love

Четверг, 06 Октября 2011 г. 01:38 + в цитатник
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times…
In life after life, in age after age, forever.
My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,
In life after life, in age after age, forever.

Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, it’s age old pain,
It’s ancient tale of being apart or together.
As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you emerge,
Clad in the light of a pole-star, piercing the darkness of time.
You become an image of what is remembered forever.

You and I have floated here on the stream that brings from the fount.
At the heart of time, love of one for another.
We have played along side millions of lovers,
Shared in the same shy sweetness of meeting,
the distressful tears of farewell,
Old love but in shapes that renew and renew forever.

Today it is heaped at your feet, it has found its end in you
The love of all man’s days both past and forever:
Universal joy, universal sorrow, universal life.
The memories of all loves merging with this one love of ours -
And the songs of every poet past and forever.

~Rabindranath Tagore
boy-girl-kiss-love-Favim.com-137202_thumb (240x200, 68Kb)


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n boys like that still exist ...

Пятница, 29 Октября 2010 г. 01:10 + в цитатник
"the second i close my eyes is the second i instantly see your face. i also find my self longing for more, shutting my eyes tighter but the day dreams arent good enough. imagination cant take your place. and to say that i'm missing you baby, is to tell only a little fragment of the truth. i'm missing you like crazy. i feel incomplete without you, without your touch, without you sweet smell. there no way to deny i'm dying inside. i got nothing left to loose but i'm taking day by day. pretending i'm doing ok when i find it hard to breathe without you by my side. i virtually have to grasp for air everything the thoughts of you being far away from me hits me. have you ever imagined what the sky would be without the sun. what the world will be without life. you cant even begin to imagin cos thats how i feel right now. baby i miss you beyond WORDS!"

... my choco bear is a living proof of that.


Пятница, 15 Октября 2010 г. 23:15 + в цитатник
i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed off! how come when people work they don't get anything out of it! pay your job pledge, pay for books, pay for other international students to come and than live on $28 per month, are you fucking kidding me!
u.s. gov. bitch system! fuck you unequal equality rights! fucking stupid bitch! hate this place, hate this miserable life!

am i asking for too much?

Вторник, 12 Октября 2010 г. 09:17 + в цитатник
even sweet dark chocolate cannot satisfy me. i tried and i'll try again with him. as a bonus: kc trips almost every weekend, shopping w/o cashing, drinking w/o limit, dancing, parting and "that" too!
i cannot believe i switch to dark chocolate!
but no blames for new experience.

Strawberry Swing

Четверг, 07 Октября 2010 г. 00:55 + в цитатник
 (500x575, 41Kb)
well it didn't last long.
sorry for your incapability of making friends, not my fault thou.

new story:
ones upon a time... she was a devil in a flash, he was her angel. no matter what she did, he would always be there for her. but evil could not exist without punishment, so he had to kill her. but it was not the end, it was just a new beginning. because she loved him and because their love was as pure as it can be, she was reborn as a human. because he loved her, he gave up his wings and became human too. and that's when the story continues...


weapons on!

Пятница, 10 Сентября 2010 г. 08:09 + в цитатник
strawberry tea with milk chocolate and your huge bright smile)
don't play this game w me, i'll win it anyway.
my orange bear, u can be shy, impulsive and romantic at the same time. i simple cannot read u ...yet...but i'm a good student)
p.s. it is good when your liabilities = your assets!

now it all bout: will i or will i not!

Вторник, 07 Сентября 2010 г. 03:18 + в цитатник
is it going to be a date or just hanging out? "good question", i should say to let my mind 3 extra seconds to make a decision. nathan -nathan what am i going to do with u?... or just be with u...
 (128x171, 4Kb)

"i like the way it hurts"

Воскресенье, 29 Августа 2010 г. 22:34 + в цитатник
my existence feels comfortable now. i still have 'hellot' to do but this is more like home duties even thou they are not. opportunity, empowering, respect and service are pieces of my crest for this year.
P.S. and it doesn't matter if i have glitters all over me)

my little happy news

Понедельник, 09 Августа 2010 г. 01:12 + в цитатник
it is so super wonderful day and actually so super gorgeous weekend!
i just noticed that little happy events happen all around me during this weekend) b-days, babies, boys, lols and so on) i can even say that Minsk is sort of a city of new beginnings and accomplishments.
be like that forever, amen!

Без заголовка

Пятница, 06 Августа 2010 г. 00:48 + в цитатник


Четверг, 05 Августа 2010 г. 23:57 + в цитатник
i have my own big-big secret!
u r too much for me. tell me if i'm wrong, but i feel that u r still trying. why? there is no future for us. i'll be gone in couple weeks, and i don't believe in distant relationships. i just wish that u can remember and forget me at the same time) silly me)

Без заголовка

Среда, 04 Августа 2010 г. 22:38 + в цитатник
why i cannot tell what you feel? shouldn't it be simple? well... maybe it is even good cuz if i know the "truth" i might frisk out) yeah, it's me, completely unpredictable person with many excuses. i cannot justify my behavior in any way but i know that it doesn't matter for u and it drives me crazy.
seems like it is "something between us" but maybe i'm wrong.

Без заголовка

Воскресенье, 18 Июля 2010 г. 01:03 + в цитатник
I need some action here, please! i'm bored without drama and unexpected events. believe me, i'll get them soon, i can feel it with my hurting spine!) the saddest thing is that summer is almost over, time is running so fast that i kinda nervous about it)

Say my name- by Within Temptation and buttermilk don't often come together but now it feels
very good.
P.S. by the way, Narnia without translation is much much much much better!

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