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Ñòàòèñòèêà LiveInternet.ru: ïîêàçàíî êîëè÷åñòâî õèòîâ è ïîñåòèòåëåé
Ñîçäàí: 15.01.2008
Íàïèñàíî: 53

never alone 2 ( 6 )

Ñóááîòà, 02 Ôåâðàëÿ 2008 ã. 20:24 + â öèòàòíèê
Night Owl Pt.1

“ Hey man, you look a little low…”

Mike turned his head towards his best friend and lowered his eyes as the bartender passed him another drink. “ Low? I’m in fucking hell.” He muttered wearily while gulping down the mug of beer.

Chester sat down beside him and ordered a drink while the plasma screens all around the bar played music from MTV. “ Trouble at home?” he asked with concern.

“ More or less.” Mike replied and cleared his throat as the bartender passed him another drink.

Chester took a long chug of his beer and eyed Mike curiously. “ Trouble with Laura?”

Mike frowned and stared down at the mahogany bar, watching the fizz from his beer drip onto the surface. “ Nah, she’s cool. Doctors say she’s going to be fine…”

“ Then what’s the problem?” Chester asked with confusion, wondering why Mike looked so glum all of a sudden.

“ I’m being forced to have another kid.”

Chester raised his eyes in surprise and coughed out a short laugh…of course Mike found absolutely nothing funny about this situation and gave him a cold glare. Sensing Mike’s frustration and anger, Chester choked back his laugh and cleared his throat loudly.

“ Hmm…that’s interesting…” he muttered with a nod.

Mike rolled his eyes and stared at one of the plasma screens…watching yet another news caster talking…but this time the news she was giving was all to familiar to his ears. She spoke about his own family…about his sick daughter and how she had made a complete recovery then went on to talk about Linkin Park’s new album coming out.

Mike growled inwardly and shook his head. “ Fucking MTV and their fucking stories about private fucking lives. I wish they’d all just get lost and leave me the fuck alone…”

Chester furrowed his brow and leaned forward against the bar, watching Mike’s dark eyes become angry…and red. “ You know…you swear a lot more when you’re drunk…”

“ I’m not drunk.” Mike protested sternly while taking another swig of beer. Chester gave a soft chuckle and nodded a little, not sure if he wanted to argue with Mike while he was drunk.

Last time he did that, he ended up being thrown in the dumpster behind the Shore Club in Miami. Mike wasn’t exactly a happy drunk at times…but then there were times when he was giggly and far too tipsy for any man’s own good and would stumble around laughing like crazy until he passed out.

Chester silently prayed that Mike would turn into his ‘good’ drunk mood. “ So…you don’t want a baby?” he asked.

Mike’s jaw tightened and he looked up through his lashes in anger. “ What the fuck do you think? Do you really think that I’m going to actually go through with this? I don’t want a fucking baby…I’m happy with Laura. And besides, knowing about her the first time scared the hell out of me and she was even old enough to wipe her own ass.” He muttered while flailing his arms in a drunken rage.

Chester grinned wildly while trying not to laugh his head off at his best friend flailing his arms. He kind of reminded him of a duck. “ Mike calm down…it’s not that bad-.”

“ –Who the fuck do you think you are? Einstein?” he interrupted.

Chester watched as Mike downed the remaining mug of beer and ordered another one. So that’s…three and counting…of course he didn’t know how many he had actually had before he arrived. So…he could have already had five beers.

“ Mike, I am telling you from a father’s point of view. I had to go through all that baby shit with Draven and I survived. Trust me man…you’ll be okay. Besides, you have Anna and you have Laura. It’s not like you’ll be doing this alone.”

Mike stared at him wearily while considering what he was telling him. In a way, he was right…but there was still the whole problem of being away on tour…leaving them along with the little demon.

“ I just…I-I can’t Chaz…what about the band?” he asked with worry.

Chester gave him a warm smile and patted him on the back for encouragement. “ The band can wait. The fans however…they might bite your head off if they found out that we might be holding off the new album for a year.”

Mike lowered his eyes and gulped down more alcohol all the while eyeing Chester intently. “ Why don’t you do it?” he muttered into his mug.

Chester raised a brow and breathed out in shock. “ What, like get Anna pregnant?”

“ Yeah, t-then I won’t have to do it…” Mike replied weakly.

Obviously he had had too much alcohol for tonight and it was screwing up his brain. “ Uh…Mike…she’s YOUR wife…not mine.” He explained calmly.

“ So what? I’m pretty sure she won’t care if you do this for me…”

“ Mike…trust me…she’ll care.” Chester chuckled and shook his head.

Mike growled to himself and dropped the mug onto the bar while leaning forward, putting his hand against his forehead. “ I can’t d-do this…” Mike slurred.

“ Is Laura home tonight?”

“ No…she’s at T-Tiffany’s fucking house…something about a w-welcome back from the hospital sleepover thing…” he replied.

Chester nodded with acknowledgment and moved his face closer to Mike’s…then whispered in his ear. “ It’s you…and Anna…alone…all night. Think of the amazing possibilities.”

Mike’s ears perked at this tiny little message and he sat up. He blinked quickly and thought about what Chester had said. The good thing about Mike being drunk was that he was easily manipulated…and of course Chester was going to do everything in his power to get Mike and Anna in bed before the end of the night.

“ A-all night?” he stuttered.

Chester smiled and nodded slowly, encouraging Mike ever so discreetly. “ Would you REALLY pass up an entire night of amazing pleasure?”

Mike’s eyes seemed to flutter ever so softly at the mention of the last word. “ N-no…” he replied quietly while shaking his head.

“ Then what are you waiting for man? Go!” Chester laughed with more encouragement.

“ B-but…how the fuck am I supposed to g-get home? I’m fucking wasted…” he stated with worry.

Chester stood up and pulled his keys from his pocket, jingling them in front of Mike’s reddening face. “ I’m not drunk…guess who can drive?”

“ Fucking genius.” Mike breathed, following Chester out the door.


Anna looked up from her book and frowned as she heard the front door slam. She looked at the clock and it flashed: 11:30.

Mike’s a little early…he said he’d be home by one.

She put the book on the night stand and pull off the sheets, then stood up and walked towards the door. Just as she opened it, she felt something push her back against the wall and she was suddenly attacked with heated kisses. The panic she had felt only moments ago was replaced with confusion and shock.

Mike took his face away from her lips and breathed heavily against her skin. She stared at him with an arched brow and felt his hands roaming her body slowly. “ M-Mike…what the hell-.”

“ –Shh…” he whispered while stroking his finger across her red lips. Anna frowned as she could smell the alcohol on his breath.

Great…he’s drunk…perfect…not.

“ Mike…get off-.”

“ –I am…” he breathed.

Anna stared at him with interest and gave a small nod. “ I’m sure you are…don’t you think that maybe you should like…go to sleep or something. I mean…you’re kind of drunk and you probably don’t know what the hell you’re doing and if you find out what you have been doing in the morning, you’re going to be pissed.” She explained.

He gave a small chuckle and began kissing her neck continuously…never once letting her go. Anna swallowed hard as she felt him press up against her…and he was pretty stiff…well…his body wasn’t.

“ Um…Mike? Are you okay?” she asked nervously.

He breathed into her ear and kissed it lightly before replying.

“ Bed…now…”

Anna’s eyes lowered at his husky voice…and now she couldn’t help but obey…

Night Owl Pt.2
~~ Okay...I know this is going to suck big time...so...hopefully you won't try to track me down and kick my ass...enjoy! :)~~

Anna felt Mike push her down onto the bed, feeling the white comforter bubble around her. He stared down at her with a drunken gaze and pulled off his shirt. She eyed him intently as he lowered himself onto the bed and gripped her night gown tightly...and of course she knew exactly what he was going to do with it. He leaned his head down and placed a few heated kisses upon her lips and then suddenly a rip echoed throughout the room, sending the tattered gown fluttering to the floor.

Anna stared up at him with surprise, wondering where he had suddenly gotten the urge to rip off her clothes from...well its not like she was complaining or anything. Before she could even react, he ran his hands down her stomach and began kissing her hard and passionately...so much it was causing her cheeks to feel heated and red. She had no idea whether it was just Mike or the alcohol that was making him so hungry for this...but she didn't really care at the moment. She was slowly being taken in by his drunken kisses and roaming hands, causing her to give a small moan.

This only encouraged him further, leaning his body deeper onto her until all she could feel was his heated body and throbbing impatience below. With all the indulging passion between them, they hadn't even realized that they were now unclothed and rolling around the comforter...two bodies mingled as one, filling the room with moans and groans. Anna dug her fingers through Mike's hair as he deepened the kiss, roaming her mouth rapidly yet fondly with each moment, causing them both to blush profusely.

Anna gripped Mike's back tightly, pushing him downwards so that they were even closer, making him groan out at the sudden contact below. Anna pulled away from the kiss and stared into his dark eyes full of lust mixed with an incomprehensible daze in which he felt dizzy and aroused all at the same time. As he watched her eyes intently, he didn't notice her hand slowly moving its way around his golden abs and down towards his heated arousal. She watched his eyes flutter heavily as she began to rub the throbbing member, enticing him further into a hypnotic and instinctual need for pleasure.

Mike moaned out heavily and deeply, feeling the sound vibrating through his chest and escaping his dry throat. Anna's breathing began to become heavier and faster as Mike's eyes slowly rolled into the back of his head, feeling an intense tingling of pleasure throughout his body. Not only did his heart rate quicken but so did his breathing as Anna continued to pleasure him slowly and agonizingly...almost taunting him to continue. She watched the perspiration dotting his brow, making his tanned skin shine deliciously under the moonlight. It wasn't long before she gave into her own human instincts and let go of his member, forcing him to do to her what she so desperately needed in this moment. Mike groaned out at the loss but soon felt his lips taken by hers once again, feeling her massaging his tongue hungrily, silently pleading for him to make his move. And so, he grabbed her wrists and pushed her deeper into the bed, attacking her neck with light nips and bites all the while growling heavily into her slick skin.

Through all the kisses, nips and bites, Anna hadn't even noticed the growing pleasure within her until it suddenly caused a shiver to run up her spine. Mike thrusted into her gently yet forcefully, eliciting a deep moan to escape her throat, followed by a sharp gasp of pleasure. Mike swallowed hard and shuddered while feeling her clench around his length tightly then slowly relaxed as he thrusted out. Each thrust in was caught by her tightness, almost pulling him deeper within her and causing him to grunt feverishly for more of the same feeling. Anna dug her nails into his back and dragged them up and down as he road her faster and faster. She opened her eyes briefly and stared at his tightly clenched eyes, that deep frown and slightly parted lips. Anyone looking at his face in this moment would probably assume that he was experiencing a vast amount of pain considering how deeply contorted his frown was becoming but this was in fact the exact opposite. He was experiencing so much pleasure, his face could only express one image to show what he was feeling.

Anna suddenly arched her head back and let her eyes close as her mouth hung open in awe. " Jesus..." She breathed, feeling an intense pleasure suddenly ripple it's way throughout her system. Her heart rate sped up as well as her breathing...and all because Mike had finally struck the spot that drove her wild. More and more, harder and harder he struck that spot deep within her, eliciting long and deep moans...followed by short gasps and heavy groans. He felt her nails digging into him harder as he sped up the pace, feeling his own pleasure increasing with each thrust. But, he wouldn't allow her to be sent over the egde just yet...he had another card up his sleeve. Just as Anna began to feel the trembling and tightening of her muscles, Mike slowed to a more steady pace while missing her spot completely on purpose, thrusting around it softly. Anna arched her back instinctively while Mike forced himself to keep the slow pace going, making this all extremely enjoyable yet agonizing at the same time.

Anna's eyes rolled into the back of her head as Mike slowly began thrusting back towards her spot, hitting it at a different angle each time...then sped up gradually, hearing her breaths become fast and heavy. He gripped the sheets around her tightly and lowered his head, moaning out various obscenities while speeding up faster and faster, harder and harder until their heavy panting quickly melded into short gasps and cries. Anna scratched at Mike's skin, pulling him closer and closer so that he pounded into her heavily and as hard as he could. Mike could no longer steady himself at one pace and was forced by nature to ride her as hard and as fast as possible until he could barely breathe...which of course was hightening the experience even further.

The room was now filled with muffled cries of pleasure and the heavy banging of the headboard against the wall. The sweat rolled down Mike's throbbing neck as he cried out heavily with a sharp gasp, feeling Anna's muscles's beginning to tighten around his hard member. He knew she was coming close...hell he knew HE was coming close, feeling the familiar feeling tugging at the pit of his stomach, making him grunt louder and louder.

" Fuck..."

" M-Mike...God..."

Their incoherent mutterings were cut short as an intense feeling of pleasure hit them both at the same time, causing them both to cry out loudly. Anna could no longer hold back the tightening feeling within her and felt her body jolt upwards, followed by a loud scream as Mike hit her spot the same time she was sent over the edge. Mike's eyes clenched tightly as did the muscles in his body, feeling Anna pulling the pleasure out of him. With a long and very loud cry, Mike came hard and violently, shuddering through the intensity the orgasm and falling onto her heated, sweat soaked body.

Mike rolled off of Anna gently and fell onto the damp sheets, feeling her roll onto her side beside him. For countless minutes, they just lay there together, panting heavily while trying to get rid of the trembling feeling of what had just happened. Anna stroked Mike's heated cheeks softly and leaned her forehead against his, feeling his perspiration cooling her brow. Mike swallowed hard and wrapped his arms around her, snuggling his body closer to hers while breathing rather shakily against her reddening cheeks. Anna soon felt sleepiness coursing throughout her system while finally regaining her breath...and was surprised when she heard Mike's soft voice echoing through her coming dreams.
" I love you..."
~~ *ducks for flying tomatoes*...Hehe...yeah i didn't think it was very good...sooooo surprise coming soon...obviously....thankees for reading, and please review and tell me if u think this sucked lmao...peace :)~~
Surprise Surprise
~~ And so i have promised a surprise...even though its not really a surprise...anyways, enjoy!!:)~~

Mike gave a great yawn and stretched painfully while entering the kitchen. He barely remembered what had happened last night but somehow he felt strangely refreshed…refreshed and hung over.

His last memories were of Chester talking to him at the bar about something then running upstairs to the bedroom. Man, I must have been so wasted.

He poured himself a cup of steaming coffee and checked his watch, noticing it flashing: 10:30. Anna’s not out of bed yet?

Just as he took a sip of his coffee, he couldn’t help but grin at the young girl walking up the stairs from her bedroom. She rubbed her eyes wearily and yawned, padding into the kitchen to sit down at the centre island.

“ Hey sleepy head, when did you get back from Tiffany’s?” he asked and gulped down a bit of the streaming drink.

She blinked away her fatigue and peered into his glowing eyes. “ 9:00…” She stopped with an arched brow and couldn’t help but notice how red Mike’s eyes were…which was weird because he looked totally awake and cheerful.

“ Are you okay?” she asked curiously.

Mike raised a brow of interest and looked around, searching for his answer. “ Uh…yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“ Your eyes look really red.” She muttered deciding suddenly to grab a bowl of cereal. Mike watched her as she carefully reached into the cupboard for a bowl.

“ It’s called a HANG OVER…what the hell do you kids learn in school?” he asked with a frown.

“ That would explain why when I came home this morning you were still in bed…but it doesn’t explain why you look so awake and cheerful. Did you take Prozac instead of Advil?” she asked while handing him her bowl full of cereal then grabbed the milk from the fridge.

“ I had a good sleep…is that a crime?” he asked and watched her pour the milk into the bowl.

“ That all?” she asked quietly and grabbed her bowl away from him, sitting herself down at the centre island again.

Mike swirled the coffee around in his mug and stared at her with suspicious eyes. What the hell did she mean by that? “ Yeah that’s all.”

“ So you just got drunk last night…for no reason, came home and fell asleep.” She explained with squinted eyes in thought.

“ Actually I had a reason for getting drunk…and you know what? I didn’t even realize that I was getting drunk.”

“ So what’s the reason?” she asked and took a bite of cereal.

Mike set his coffee cup down on the island and crossed his arms. “ I was upset…about having a baby.” He explained simply.

“ Did you get drunk when you found out about me?” she laughed.

Mike lowered his eyes and leaned his palms against the island. “ No but I almost left. I was actually beyond upset when I found about you and I didn’t intend to stay in the state.” He muttered with reluctant admittance.

Laura raised her eyes and nodded slowly while swallowing the cereal. “ Ouch…hate me that much huh?”

Mike frowned and walked towards her slowly. “ Come here.” He ordered.

Laura stared at him with confusion and slowly stood up. Mike wrapped his arms around her and stared into her deep eyes with a small smile. “ I’ve never hated you…I was just scared because I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But even though I haven’t known you that long, I still consider you my little girl and I love you with all my heart.” he explained in a warm tone.

Laura blinked slowly, letting his words sink into her mind. She then gave a small nod and sighed inwardly. “ Smooth dad…real smooth.”

“ I thought so.” He laughed and squeezed her tightly in a hug.

Laura smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before letting go of him and returning to her cereal. Mike looked up as he heard the toilet flushing from upstairs.

“ Your mom is finally awake…” he muttered.

Laura chewed down her cereal and swallowed with a nod. “ Did she have a good sleep too?”

“ I don’t know…maybe.” He replied.

Laura rolled her eyes and shook her head. Sometimes he was so oblivious…because she knew that something must have happened between them last night. First, you have Mike drunk…and Anna wanting a baby…and therefore manipulation ensues. Mike grabbed his coffee and drank it down thankfully as Laura munched on her cereal in silence.

Flush…that’s the second time that morning. Laura squinted her eyes in thought as she wondered why her mother had flushed the toilet again…perhaps she was sick. Her cheeks paled at that sudden thought. Oh yeah…she was sick…just not THAT kind of sick.

Mike placed his mug in the sink and glanced at Laura who had suddenly stopped eating. “ Something wrong?”

Laura looked up from her bowl slowly and stared at him for a long moment. Just as she was about to answer…the toilet flushed again. She gave a heavy sigh and watched Mike’s gaze darken.

“ What?” he asked with confusion.

“ Never mind…”

“ Good morning all…” Anna entered the kitchen slowly with a small smile and walked over to the coffee pot, filling a mug with the steaming substance.

“ Hey Anna…sleep in long enough?” Mike asked with an arched brow.

She took a sip of the coffee and nodded a little. “ Yeah I think so.”

Laura smiled and shook her head, holding back a laugh. “ Mom, you look absolutely glowing today.” She exclaimed happily.

Anna lowered her eyes and glanced at Mike nervously…taking a deep breath when he didn’t acknowledge the comment. “ Thanks…I think…” she replied shakily.

Mike looked at her and frowned a little, thinking she sounded a little nervous. “ You okay?” he asked with sudden concern.

Anna stared at him with wide eyes and cleared her throat giving a slow nod. “ Couldn’t be better.”

“ Then why do you look so nervous? Wait…are you feeling okay because I heard the toilet flushing like three times this morning.” He explained.

Anna stared at him silently for several moments, then swallowed hard. “ Uh…I feel fine…really…no need for concern.” She laughed shakily and walked towards Laura so that she didn’t have to be near Mike.

He raised a brow and crossed his arms…then his eyes slowly darkened in thought. Anna for sure thought she was a goner… that perhaps he had figured everything out.

“ Did I throw up on you last night or something?” he asked.

She sighed inwardly with relief and lowered her head. So he remembered being drunk…what else did he remember? “ N-no…no Mike you didn’t throw up on me…” she replied.

“ Thank God, I thought I did something completely stupid last night and now we’re all awkward about it.” He explained with a soft chuckle.

Laura glanced at her mother with a small smirk and Anna frowned at her. “ No Michael, everything is fine.”

“ Wait…” He stated in a low tone and walked towards her.

“ What?” she asked, watching a frown grow across his brow.

“ Something is very wrong here…”

“ W-what do you mean?” she asked nervously.

Mike eyed her intently and crossed his arms. “ You called me Michael. You only call me Michael when something is wrong…so what is it Anna? What did I do?” he demanded.

Her heart dropped in her chest and she lowered her eyes with worry. She really did NOT want to tell him what happened last night. “ Uh…actually it’s more of what WE did…”

Laura smiled and shook her head while finishing her cereal.

“ We? What do you mean? What did we do?” he asked with sudden confusion.

Anna let out the breath she had been holding and ran a hand through her hair. “ Last night…you were drunk…you came home at around 11:30 and let me tell you, you were pretty wasted.” She chuckled shakily.

“ Okay, I know THAT. Now what did we-.” He stopped suddenly and looked down in thought. Laura turned around to face them, knowing instantly that this was gonna get good. Suddenly, a smile twitched against his lips and he laughed softly under his breath.

Anna raised a brow and glanced at Laura with confusion, receiving the same look from her daughter.

“ Wow…” he muttered in awe.

They both waited for him to jump back into reality but obviously that wasn’t going to happen soon. “ Mike…finish your sentence.” Anna ordered sternly.

“ Last night was…wow…” he chuckled.

Laura cringed and cleared her throat, not sure if she wanted to hear the end of this story. “ Fuck…that was so fucking amazing-.”

“ –Child in the room. Child in the ROOM!” Laura shouted before he could finish his sentence.

He glanced at her and lowered his eyes apologetically. “ Sorry…”

“ Do you remember now?” Anna asked intently.

“ Yeah…Jesus…wow-.”

“ –Don’t start.” Laura warned shakily.

“ Oh grow up, its human nature.” He retorted.

“ And I don’t want to hear about it…can we move past this please?” she demanded, staring at her mother with pleading eyes.

“ I don’t see why you find this so disgusting. You’re going to end up doing it sometime in your life anyway.” Mike explained with a frown.

Laura moved her eyes slowly towards him and glared. “ I don’t want to hear about it coming from you thank you very much.”

“ Yeah tell that to me when you get your next boyfriend.”

“ You are going to be regretting you ever said any of this to me once I get pregnant at the age of sixteen.” She explained with crossed arms.

Mike’s eyes grew wider and he gasped out sharply. “ Okay, no dates for you…ever.”

“ You can’t do that!”

“ Guess you spoke too soon huh?”

“ I’m pregnant.”

Mike’s heart froze as did his voice. Those two words echoed in his brain like a chainsaw. He felt himself grow pale as he turned his head slowly towards the quiet voice beside him. Anna stared at him with a permanent blush and bit her bottom lip nervously.

“ Say again?”

“ I’m pregnant.” She breathed quickly.

Laura watched Mike’s eyes darken and his hands ball up into shaky fists. He closed his eyes and cocked his head a little, attempting to convince himself that he didn’t just hear what he heard.

“ Y-you’re…you’re what?” he demanded and opened his eyes.

“ Are we honestly going to have this conversation again? Yes, I’m pregnant, yes you’re the father, and yes you were drunk and caused this.” Anna explained with a small frown.

“ You’re kidding right?”

She gave a heavy sigh and shook her head before replying. “ I’m not kidding Michael. This time I’m telling you the truth.”

“ B-but maybe it’s just a mistake…”

“ Its not. Morning sickness never lies…” she replied quietly.

Mike swallowed hard and blinked at her with helpless eyes, beginning to feel his legs buckling beneath him. “ P-pregnant…”

“ Laura, could you get your father a chair please?” Anna asked quickly.

Laura stood up and grabbed a chair, placing it behind Mike just in time for him to collapse into it. Anna bent down in front of him and grabbed his shaking hands within her own, watching his eyes staring blankly into the floor. Obviously, he was in a state of shock.

“ Mike, its okay…just breathe.” Anna stated with a soothing voice.

“ P-pregnant…”

She watched him swallow hard and could feel his hands becoming shakier as he kept thinking about what all this meant. “ Look, I know it’s quite a shock and you’re probably pissed-.”

“ –Pissed? No. Scared? Hell yes.” He replied, slowly finding his way back to forming sentences.

“ You’re not pissed?” Laura asked with surprise.

He stared down at the floor and took a deep and shaky breath. “ Anybody else feel like they’re about to throw up?” he muttered.

Anna rubbed his hands gently and lowered her eyes. “ Mike, you were drunk-.”

“ –I was drunk the last time too…wait…were you drunk last night?” he asked.

“ No…”

“ So you manipulated me into getting in bed with you?” he demanded with disgust.

“ Mike, its not like it sounds-.”

“ –How could it not be? I was under the influence. You could have said no.”

Anna lowered her eyes apologetically and gave a heavy sigh. “ I’m sorry Mike…but I didn’t want to say no. Besides, you made it extremely difficult to say no. I’ve never seen you so…so…so vigorous.”

Laura frowned and growled under her breath. “ Thanks mom…like I really needed to know that.”

“ Could everybody please shut the fuck up and let me think?” Mike demanded angrily.

The room fell silent as Mike was left alone with his own thoughts and feelings.

A baby…just perfect. My band is on the verge of releasing a new album and she has to get fucking pregnant. Why can’t I just shoot myself in the head? What the hell was wrong with me last night? How could I have done such a thing? Wait…I spoke to Chester when I got drunk…that bastard! He talked me into it…I swear to God I’ll kill him for this.

Mike looked up from the floor and stared into Anna’s dark blue eyes, wishing she wasn’t giving him that ‘I’m sorry but I really wanted this’ look.

I could leave…yeah, right out the front door, no questions asked. Except the problem with that would be Anna begging me to stay, pleading for my presence. Oh, and then there’s Laura…perfect little Laura…always wanting and needing me to be here. Wait, why am I mad at her? She didn’t do anything. Okay, anyway, I’m pissed…I know I said I wasn’t, but now that I’ve put some thought into this…I am so pissed! Ah, Chester is so going to be dead! I’ll fire his ass so fast he won’t be able to say ‘I’ve become so numb’.

A low glare began to form on his brow, which worried Anna even further because she knew he was going to do something stupid like dart out the door like a bat out of hell.

I can’t have a baby…its impossible. There’s diapers and feeding and burping and cleaning and oh my God why am I rhyming? Okay, well it’s pretty obvious since I’m an Emcee but honestly...I feel so fucked up. Why is this happening! What if I can’t be here for the little thing? What if I accidentally drop it on its head or put it into the oven instead of the turkey? Okay, now I am freaking out big time. I’m going to end up fucking this up! I’m a terrible father and it’s not even born yet.

Mike looked away from Anna and stared up at Laura who was sitting on the high stool.

Look at those big brown eyes…so innocent and so full of life and to believe I almost lost her. I can’t believe this…I love her unconditionally yet I wasn’t there when she was born or when she was growing up. How did that happen? Is the love a parent has for their child stronger than anything?

Laura raised a brow and stared at him while he was deep in thought. She began to wonder why he was staring at her…why he was STILL staring at her. “ Dad, stop it, you’re scaring me.” She muttered quietly.

“ Sorry…I’m just…God, I don’t know about this. Something tells me I’m going to fuck this up so bad…” he whimpered helplessly and lowered his head.

Anna sighed heavily and lifted his chin up with her fingers. “ Michael, look at me…”

He raised his eyes to meet hers and frowned uneasily.

“ What makes you think you are going to fuck this up? You are a good person and an even better father…just ask Laura.”

Mike looked up at her and she rolled her eyes.

“ Thanks again Mom, put me on the spot. Okay look, dad you are the…uh…um…the…ugh, I’ll just come out and say it. You’re the best dad I could have ever possibly had and I don’t regret being your daughter for a minute because I love you so much and if you don’t accept this child I will kick your ass into next week.” She explained quickly.

Mike raised his eyes and nodded a little. “ Well said…”

“ The point is, this baby needs a father and you are so perfect for that. Trust me, once the baby wraps its hand around your finger for the first time…you will know how right it is. Mike…your maternal instinct will kick in so fast and so much that the fear you had before will just melt away and all you will be left with his love and happiness. I promise…just don’t turn your back on this because I know you will love this baby with all your heart.” Anna explained with a small smile.

Mike lowered his eyes and stared down in thought one more time before replying.

Okay so maybe having a little baby around wouldn’t be so bad? I mean, its small…I can handle small…I used to be a baby…it shouldn’t be so hard to take care of one. Besides, I have Anna and I have Laura and God forbid I need any more help I have Chester. I was so scared about losing one life…now I’ve managed to create another one. Great…my eyes are starting to sting…leave it to you Mike to start welling up over something like this.

Anna gave a small smile and watched Mike blinked out a small tear. “ Are you okay?” she asked softly.

He looked up from the floor and gave a weak smile, letting out a small breath. “ Yeah I’m fine…”

“ Are you crying?” Laura demanded and bent down beside her mother, staring into his eyes curiously.

He gave a short chuckle and wiped the tear away from his cheek. “ What can I say? I’m soft…”

“ Aw, Mikey’s crying! This is so adorable!” Anna squealed and wrapped her arms around him.

“ These are tears of happiness right?” she asked quickly just to make sure.

“ Yeah…” he laughed and felt her squeeze him even tighter.

“ I can’t wait to see you change a diaper.” Laura snickered and shook her head.

Mike lowered his eyes and ruffled his hand through her hair, messing it up, causing her to glare. “ Gee guess what? You’re helping.”

“ Am not.”

“ Are too.”

“ Am NOT!’

“ Are TOO!”

Anna rolled her eyes and stood up, watching them fight over something completely ridiculous. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched Mike grab Laura in a suffocating hug and hearing her squeal with giggles.

He may be immature…but he’s so perfect…

~~wootness...anyways, two more chapters coming soon and then it will be the end...noooooo...hehe...hope you enjoyed this chappie and thanx again guys for the awesome reviews!! I love coming on this site and seeing so many positive words. They really encourage me to write more. THANKS AGAIN!!!!:)~~
Ðóáðèêè:  never alone 2


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